Fairy King Dad

Chapter 543: Princess of the Ancient City (1/2)

"It's her mentality."

Lolo looked at the playground in the distance. There were more than a dozen people who seemed to be punished to run in circles. Lolo said slowly:

"But if you look into it, her mentality when she was a child is related to her family. Ah Han, most of the people who went to kindergarten with me were children from wealthy families. They often received better education. I don't understand why Shanshan's family taught her very well, while An Yilan's family always reminded her of those things that made her cautious?"

"People are different." Ouyang Han said seriously: "We can't understand the psychology of some crazy people, right?"

"That's right, people are different."

Lolo retracted his gaze and smiled slightly: "There is a saying that if you are completely different, don't mix them. It makes sense. There is also a saying that if you are not from the same family, you can't enter the same door. I think we are quite suitable to be friends."

"I think so too."

Ouyang Han's eyes lit up: "Lolo, you just held her collar, it was very handsome, I like it."

"Haha, what if this happens to you?" Lolo asked with a smile.

"I won't do that. I won't say anything and just leave. I won't pay attention to her and eat something to relieve my worries." Ouyang Han smiled innocently.

Luo Luo asked again: "When you are angry, you won't lose your temper?"

"Then it depends on whether you are really angry or a little angry." Ouyang Han thought about it: "When you are a little angry, you can eat and not think about it, because if you get angry, it will be very troublesome. I am lazy, so I have a good temper. I can't do it when I am really angry. I am really angry and I get really angry."

"Then you are lazy and greedy." Luo Luo laughed.

"Hey, maybe you haven't grown up yet. In the past, you just stretched out your hand for clothes and opened your mouth for food." Ouyang Han smiled and said: "Lolo, we have something in common, we have princess syndrome and we are destined to be princesses."

"I don't have princess syndrome."

Lolo retorted.

"Yes, you do, you do." Ouyang Han repeated: "You are a princess, I am also a princess, so we became good friends so quickly."

"Oh, then which princess are you?" Luo Luo asked casually.


Ouyang Han was stunned: "Well, can I not say it first?"

"Okay, then don't say it."

Lolo said with a smile: "Go to the house next to me and sit for a while. I'll call and ask about the whereabouts of dinner later."

On the way back, Luo Luo made a call.

"Aunt Yun Qian, are my parents practicing?"

"Are they practicing? Well, then, I want to trouble you with something. I met a new friend and I promised her to treat me to dinner... Steamed lamb, steamed deer tail, roast duck, roast chicken, roast goose, braised pork, braised duck, sauce chicken, bacon, pine flower tripe, dried meat, sausage, assorted Su plate, smoked chicken tripe, steamed eight-treasure pig..."

A call was made.

Dishes flashed through Yun Qian's mind.

'Wow, this is a tongue twister according to the recipe? '

Yun Qian didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

What kind of friend did her little princess make?

Ordering food is so unique.

Yun Qian stood up, walked out of the room, found Li Cheng, and said:

"Mr. Li, I need some top-quality ingredients, which will be delivered to the little princess's Villa No. 1 in an hour."

After explaining the ingredients.

Yun Qian didn't need to worry about it.

Whether it was the Princess's Mansion or the Heavenly King Palace, Li Cheng had always been responsible for the issue of ingredients.

Li Cheng came to Kyoto in advance, and he didn't just buy a villa.

He acquired sixteen high-end restaurants with different styles in Kyoto.

The ingredients for the restaurant are provided by the planting areas of the Heavenly King Palace and the Princess's Mansion.

Private planes are sent twice a day, morning and evening.

The ingredients are provided to everyone first, because everyone often practices and doesn't have to eat every day, so the ingredients that are not used on weekdays are provided to some member guests in the restaurant.

Even so, the member meals of the sixteen restaurants are still hard to find.

After all, there are still too few examples of using precious land to grow fruits and vegetables.

"Is your home here?"

In front of the gate of Villa No. 1.

After seeing the scale, Ouyang Han opened her mouth and said in surprise:

"Lolo, you are super rich in your hometown?"

"Of course."

Lolo laughed and said, "Didn't I say it? I am a real princess, and my father used to be a pure prince."

"So awesome."

Ouyang Han laughed innocently.

Enter the villa.

"It's so beautiful."

"The modern villa is so beautiful."

"When I go back, I will ask my father to build one for me."

"I like modern architecture."

"Wow, the computer room is so big, so cool, I like playing games, but I don't have money, so I can only play twice a week."

Ouyang Han was amazed after seeing the situation.

This is the first time she has seen such a luxurious villa.

Seeing Ouyang Han like this, Luo Luo couldn't help laughing:

"Look at you, a master of spiritual cultivation, but you are in such a mess, Ah Han, you are too lazy."

"I'm not lazy." Ouyang Han retorted: "I get up at five o'clock every day to pick up paper shells, and I pick them up until six o'clock in the afternoon. I can pick up paper shells worth 500 yuan a day, and I can earn more than 10,000 yuan a month. No one in the same industry is better than me."


Lolo couldn't help laughing: "Ah Han, you are so cute."

"Hey? Luoluo, you can't look down on the industry of picking up paper shells." Ouyang Han said seriously.

"No, no."

Luoluo smiled and said: "I just think you are cute."

"It's okay."

Ouyang Han smiled shyly, and she asked again: "If I have time in the future, can I come to your house to play computer games?"

"Of course."

Luoluo nodded and said: "You are welcome at any time. Look, this is my house. How boring would it be for me to live alone? If you are fine, just come and play with me."

"That's so kind of you."

Ouyang Han laughed naively.

"Let's eat some fruit."

Luoluo took out half a table of fruits from the fresh-keeping room.

Grapes, apples, bananas, cherries and more.


"This fruit is delicious, much better than what I ate a few days ago."

Ouyang Han is truly a foodie.

He kept eating without stopping, concentrating on eating.

Ouyang Han can earn tens of thousands of yuan a month by picking up paper shells.

But the money is barely enough.

The place where Ouyang Han lives is just a small hotel, and he occasionally goes to an Internet cafe to play.

"I'm almost full."

After finishing a lot of fruit, Ouyang Han patted his belly with a satisfied look.

Lean back in your chair.

After a while.

Li Cheng called Luo Luo's number.

"Mr. Li is here. We are in the villa. You can just come in."

Luo Luo said with a smile.

Soon, Li Cheng knocked on the door, put on his shoe covers, walked in, and said with a smile:


While talking, Li Cheng also observed Ouyang Han carefully.

The eldest lady’s new friend.

Li Cheng nodded slightly and said hello.


Ouyang Han waved his hand.

After saying hello.

Li Cheng returned to the door.

There were more than a dozen men outside the door, all holding large zip-keeping bags in their hands.

The group of people put on shoe covers and sent the ingredients to the kitchen one after another.

After they left, Yun Qian arrived.

"Miss Yun, the ingredients are ready." Li Cheng said.


Yun Qian smiled slightly, walked into the villa, looked at Luo Luo and said with a smile:

"Miss, what time will you have dinner this afternoon?"


Luoluo pondered for a moment: "Six o'clock."


Yun Qian smiled.

"Thank you, Aunt Yunqian." Luoluo laughed playfully.

"This is what I should do."

Yun Qian burst into laughter.

She went to the kitchen and started preparing various ingredients.

There are many dishes, and to make exquisite food, the preparation process is indispensable.

Ouyang Han looked around the whole time.

"very nice."

She couldn't help but sigh.

I haven't experienced the princess-like life for a long time.

It's so difficult to be alone outside...

Fortunately, I met Luoluo and I was finally able to eat the top delicacies here.

"How much does this meal cost?"

Ouyang Han asked subconsciously.

"I don't know." Luo Luo shook his head.

"Just ask, I want to know." Ouyang Han said shyly.

"Aunt Yunqian."

Luoluo shouted simply: "How much did our dinner cost?"

"Nineteen dishes, the price of the ingredients is about three hundred thousand."

Yun Qian thought for a moment and said, "If it were the dishes I cooked, this dinner would be worth over a million."

As Yun Qian is the top chef today, the value of the delicious dishes she cooks cannot be calculated by the price of the ingredients.

"One, one million?"

Ouyang Han's eyes were obviously trembling, and she said guiltily: "It's so expensive... too expensive... I have to pick up paper boxes that are nearly a hundred months old. Normally I can afford this meal without eating or drinking. One hundred months is... eight and a half years! My God, it’s so luxurious.”

"You can't count it like this."

Luoluo didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You can just eat with confidence. Didn't you tell me that I would treat you to dinner? And the dishes and ingredients you ordered are all good. If it is a table with expensive ingredients, a meal will cost tens of millions."

Some of the top-quality seafood and delicacies from the mountains are ridiculously expensive, and there is also meat from exotic animals, which is priceless but not something money can buy.

After Ouyang Han heard Luo Luo's words, she fell into silence. After more than ten seconds, she said:

"Luoluo, your home is here, are you so strong?"

"It's okay, why do you ask this?" Luoluo asked strangely.

"This meal won't have any impact on your life, right?" Ouyang Han asked again.

"What impact will that have? I can eat it every day." Luo Luo pursed her lips and laughed.

"Hehe, I'm relieved then. I'm worried that your pocket money is not that much." Ouyang Han smiled shyly: "Because my pocket money is not that much."

"Hey, don't worry about this. I have plenty of pocket money." Luoluo replied casually.

"It's so kind of you."

Ouyang Han's eyes were full of expectation. She stared at the kitchen for a few times, and then her eyes moved randomly. She said a little embarrassedly: "Well... your game room is very beautiful."

"Want to play for a while?" Luoluo asked.

"Yes." Ouyang Han nodded: "I quite like surfing the Internet."

"Then go, let's go, let me take you to play. I haven't played online games for a long time." Luoluo got up and took Ouyang Han to the game room.

In the spacious game room, Ouyang Han and Luo Luo started playing games.

They had a lot of fun.

A few hours passed in a flash.

Before they knew it, it was time for dinner.

"Miss, dinner is ready. It's in the restaurant on the third floor."

Yun Qian's voice came slowly.

"Let's go eat."

Luo Luo and Ouyang Han soon came to the restaurant.

The table was full of sumptuous food, and the air was filled with fragrance.

Let's start eating.

For a moment, Ouyang Han didn't know which one to eat first.

She picked up a piece of the nearest roast duck and put it in her mouth. The mellow aroma of top-grade duck meat instantly occupied her entire mouth. It was delicious and memorable. Braised duck, braised pork...

Ouyang Han squinted her eyes while eating.

"It's delicious."

"It smells so good."

"Woo, I finally have something delicious to eat."

Ouyang Han almost cried: "Lolo, I've suffered a lot in the past two months. Every day, I have to pick up paper shells all day to have enough food. I hate this kind of experience..."

"You... come here often if you want to eat in the future." Luo Luo thought for a while and said, "I can take you to many restaurants to taste some special dishes. Although they are not as delicious as Aunt Yun Qian's, they taste okay."

"No, I can't always let you treat me to a meal."

Ouyang Han said in a muffled voice: "Besides, I make too little money to treat you to a meal."

"You don't have to treat me, it's all a small matter." Luo Luo didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"That won't work." Ouyang Han shook her head stubbornly.

Continue eating.

Lolo took a bite of every dish on the table, and Ouyang Han finished all the rest by herself.

"I'm full."

Ouyang Han looked at her bulging stomach and fell into deep thought.

I ate so much.

"Well, Luo Luo, I, I am too greedy. I can find you when I improve my food in the future?" Ouyang Han asked.

"You can come and eat every day." Luo Luo said helplessly: "If not, I will treat you here. When I go to your house to play, you can treat me?"


Ouyang Han was stunned for a moment: "In the future, when you go to my house, I will also treat you, that's it."

"That's right, friends don't have to care so much." Luo Luo said with a smile.

Ouyang Han laughed: "Then I understand."

After saying that, she lowered her head.

After more than ten seconds, Ouyang Han raised her head again, and she made up her mind:

"Lolo, you are my friend, I will tell you, but don't tell outsiders."

"Ah, what?" Luo Luo replied: "Okay, I promise you, I will keep it a secret."

"Lolo, you are a princess, so am I."

Ouyang Han laughed: "My family is in the Corpse Domain, I am the princess of the Ancient City, my parents, I have two brothers, and I am the only daughter in the family, so everyone loves me very much. The Ancient City is my home. When you go to the Corpse Domain Ancient City in the future, I will treat you to exotic beast meat, rare vegetables, and spiritual fish, and eat all the delicacies near the Ancient City!"

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