Fairy King Dad

Chapter 537: College Life (1/2)

"You're right."

The female swordswoman nodded: "There is always a way, and there will always be a way."

"Hahaha, that's true."

The leader in yellow laughed loudly: "Even if the main world falls, we can still take people to the inland sea. No matter the inland sea is not possible, the Corpse Domain is so big, there will always be a place to stay."

"Let's go back first. It seems that there should be no problem here for the time being."

The butcher said: "Everyone should practice cultivation and do whatever they need to do. The matter has come to an end. There is no need to worry."

"Okay, let's go back first. Qinglong, please pay more attention to the situation in various worlds." Su Chen nodded and said, "If you have any questions, please contact us in time."

"Okay." Qinglong War God replied: "I will arrange the reconstruction of the main city here later."

The Qinglong God of War followed Su Chen and others and left the Kunlun Dojo.

Qinglong God of War went to the external base to arrange some things.

Su Chen and others flew to Kyoto.

"Xiao Su, we have also gone back. We have just made a breakthrough. We have been practicing for some time recently to consolidate our cultivation."

The leader in yellow clothes said:

"If you have anything, please contact me in time."

The female sword immortals also had the same intention, and they all returned to their respective sects.

The small world they control also needs to check out the situation.

However, their practice this time is not a retreat, and they can withdraw from the practice state at any time.

The current situation is not very good.

The corpse tribe has entered a period of violence. In the martial arts world of Dragon Kingdom, there are no big problems in the small world.

Including the main city of Tianwang Hall, only three main cities were destroyed, and the second defensive city was all defended.

In the Beiying area, in the small world of Psycho, the main city was destroyed by the zombie tide. The second defensive city was breached. The small world was occupied by the zombie clan. The third defensive wall was poorly defended. From the gap, zombies were already attacking.

Fortunately, there were reinforcements from cultivators from all directions, and they were able to repel the corpse group.

In an even worse situation, there was a zombie king who had transcended the first level of tribulation and led a tide of corpses into the main world.

But the Venerable Yunshang from Eastern Europe came forward in person and slaughtered them, showing off his power.

All over the world, people are facing the crisis of zombies.

Information about the corpse clan has been widely spread in the martial arts world, but the secular media has not reported these things.

People live and work in peace and contentment, as if they are still living in a very safe era.

There are stars giving concerts, movie theaters are full, and various entertainment places are still full of people spending money like water, some enjoying a life of extravagance, and some working hard from nine to five without complaint.

Likewise, back-to-school season.

Some schools have started early, and new students have already started enrolling.

Luoluo starts school on August 18th.

And today is already August 25th.

Luoluo was absent for a week due to military training.

But the little princess didn't care. The so-called military training was just for physical fitness.

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

The group returned to the canal castle.

At this moment, more than one hundred villas in the Canal Castle are all sold out.

Some are finely decorated, and some are rough houses.

However, the new owner of the house didn't seem to like the original decoration very much, so he demolished all the decorations and planned to redecorate them.

Many vehicles transporting materials will pass by from time to time.

"Dad, mom, Shiyan's mom, I've already started school, but... I forgot to call to ask for leave."

Luo Luo only talked about it at this time.

"I'll call you to ask for leave." Su Chen said with a smile.

"Dad, do you know the phone number of our counselor? I don't even know who the counselor is." Luoluo pursed his lips and smiled: "How about we go to school first?"


Su Chen and Ye Qingning looked at each other.

The two happily decided to accompany Luoluo to the school.

"This is my first time going to Huaqing University."

Ye Qingning smiled slightly.

"Can I join in the fun?" Chen Shiyan said with a smile.

"Of course, Shiyan's mother, you come with us."

Luoluo raised his head slightly: "Just so you can see my driving skills."

Soon, Luoluo drove out in a Bentley car smoothly.

Along the way, a few people were chatting about the Corpse Domain.

"The zombie tribe has entered a violent period, and many small worlds are facing great pressure."

Chen Shiyan blinked her eyes and said: "The martial arts departments of major universities and martial arts schools, I heard that the first batch of personnel have already left for various worlds."

Hear this.

Ye Qingning looked out the window, her lips parted and she said softly:

"This era is very unfriendly to the martial arts world."

"Although it is unfriendly, everyone has the responsibility to protect their homeland." Chen Shiyan said: "If the small world is lost, the main world will suffer."


Ye Qingning nodded slightly: "That's why I said that the times are not friendly to warriors, because warriors have to go to the small world to fight. It is not difficult to imagine that there will be a lot of warriors who die fighting against the corpse tribe every year."

Su Chen, who was sitting in the passenger seat, sighed softly: "Survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest, the crisis of the zombie clan is something that no one can stop."


When Luoluo saw the green light, she started the vehicle and drove forward. During the process, she said: "Do you think I should go to the military department of the university? Can I also do my part? And I am pretty good now."


Su Chen subconsciously wanted to refute.

He must have wanted to keep his daughter in a safe area.

But...according to human age, the daughter is already an adult.

At that age, I was also on the road to fighting against demons.

"There is no need for the military department to participate."

Su Chen quickly made a decision:

"Daughter, when it comes to fighting against the zombie clan, there are dad and Lao Huang and the others. There are so many people at the front. You don't have to charge into the battle. You can enjoy your college life. If you really want to contribute, you can go to Longwei Hall. Follow some actions, of course, the premise is to obtain the consent of your parents, and you cannot go to the corpse realm secretly. "

"Dad is right." Ye Qingning smoothed her hair from her face and said sternly: "The University Military Department is too easy for you. You are a Nine-Star Dragon Guard yourself, so there is no need to go to the Military Department."

"The Military Department is a place to train warriors." Chen Shiyan laughed: "Luoluo is so good wherever he needs to be trained."

"That's right, a tiger father has no dog daughter."

Luo Luo chuckled.

Driving and chatting.

Several people changed the topic.

"I'm not even popular anymore. That day when I was walking around, no one recognized me."

Chen Shiyan said helplessly:

"My entertainment company is also dirty, but it's okay. I saved a lot of money back then, and I'm still a rich little girl."

"Hey, don't say rich woman in front of me." Ye Qingning raised a finger: "I have unlimited assets."

"It's amazing."

Chen Shiyan joked: "Sister Qing Ning, you are so lost. You are not the same person you were before. Now that you have become a noble lady, you feel confident in what you say."

"That's right." Luoluo laughed playfully: "My mother used to always think about making money, but now she thinks about how to enjoy life every day."

"You little guy, are your wings stiff?"

Ye Qingning said with a smile: "I enjoy life, why don't I take you with me?"

"Oh, that's true." Luoluo blinked: "It's almost there, there are still a few minutes left, let me sing a song for you."

They say three women make one play.

Luoluo chatted with her biological mother and godmother.

Su Chen was sitting in the passenger seat.

For a moment, I felt relaxed and happy.

Soon, the vehicle arrived near the school and parked aside.

Several people passed the guard verification and walked into the school.

As a top prestigious school, the various facilities inside look very high-end.

The scenery is very good, including gardens, streams, courtyards, exquisite libraries, the majestic Military Affairs Hall, etc.

Nowadays, the area occupied by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports only occupies a small part.

Most of it is an area for military students.

Huaqing University has twenty-nine large martial arts venues alone.

You can see many freshmen from the military department training on the playground.

Boxing skills, body skills, swords, guns, swords and halberds, etc.

In an open-air arena, many people were fighting.

Luoluo also heard a military teacher say seriously:

"Practical combat is the truth!"

"Don't think that you are still young and can still be cool and have fun!"

"The current era is no different from the chaotic era a hundred years ago. You will all go to the battlefield in the future, and the battlefield will be like a battlefield."

"Fight me seriously. Don't be afraid of getting hurt. There are healing herbs in the school. What are you doing if you are afraid of taking action?"

"Su Changfeng would have been the world-famous King of Tiannan at your age!"

"Look at you now, each and every one of you, with such a low level, still want to be reserved? All of you have thrown away your restraint. Who dares to show mercy? I will break his legs!"


Hear these words.

Luoluo's pretty face shrank: "So harsh."

"He is a good teacher." Su Chen nodded and said with approval, "He is a good teacher."

"Dad, are you sure you don't praise him because he praises you?" Luoluo teased.

"What does this have to do with anything?"

Su Chen raised his hand and gave Luo Luo a shock: "You girl, you are just like your mother said, your wings are hard, and you still dare to tease..."

"Hey, the air in the university is so good, suitable for falling in love." Luoluo covered his head and said faintly.


Su Chen's words stopped abruptly.

He grinned and rubbed Luoluo's forehead: "My daughter is so cute and beautiful."

Quickly give me a few compliments.

Luoluo snorted softly.

Immediately, she took Su Chen's arm and jumped forward.

Ye Qingning and Chen Shiyan were chatting in the back.

Walking on campus, the atmosphere here is very quiet, and you can see a few students coming and going.

Come to the area where the Bunbu is located.

There are several squares where many new students are standing.

Some were practicing military gymnastics, some were walking in square formations, and some were singing.

Compared with the military department, this place is completely different.

The intensity of training is very, very low.

Even so, when Luoluo and the others passed by.

I also saw two students lying limply on the ground due to heatstroke.

"My physical condition is very poor."

Chen Shiyan couldn't help but murmured: "If you pay more attention to exercise on weekdays, you won't be like this."

"Maybe most of the time is spent studying." Ye Qingning said.

"Probably." Chen Shiyan said, "Not everyone, like you two, can be a top student without studying."

Chatting and moving forward.

Soon, we came to the teachers' building.

Luoluo's instructor is a thin woman in her fifties named Xia Chunhui.

"Are you Su Luoluo?"

"Hello, please sit down."

Director Xia greeted him with a smile, and then asked:

"Why did you just come to report? It's been a week since the military training, why didn't you come?"

"I'm delayed because of something." Luoluo replied.

"Can I know what it is?" Director Xia asked again.

"I've been at the Kunlun Dojo these days." Luoluo said truthfully.

"Kunlun Dojo...I understand."

Instructor Xia glanced at Su Chen, Ye Qingning and Chen Shiyan, and she nodded slightly: "I'll talk to your instructor later."

The reason why she asked was because she wanted to consider the situation herself whether to speak for Luo Luo or not.

If she does it for something insignificant.

Xia Chunhui will not speak. If he misses military training for a week, he will receive some punishment.

Next, several people chatted for a while.

"The top scholar in the Ministry of Education of South Island."

"Don't be too relaxed in college. Study hard. You can also take postgraduate entrance examinations and study for a Ph.D. in the future, and achieve success in the field of science..."

The instructor encouraged me.

She also had a few chats with Su Chen and Ye Qingning.

"You young parents, if you hadn't said anything, I would have thought you were students too."

Director Xia said with a smile.

People who maintain this kind of appearance very well are often cultivators.

It is for this reason that Su Luoluo will be at the Kunlun Dojo these days.

Currently, the only people who can enter the Kunlun Dojo are Longtang’s own people.

Xia Chunhui didn't know what status Luo Luo or her parents had in Longtang, so he guessed that they would have some status.

The key point is that this is the first time for her to see such a distinguished family.

"Your dormitory is in Dormitory Building No. 2, Room 506. It is a quadruple room. If you have special needs, you can change it to a double room or a single room." Xia Chunhui quickly began to deal with some details.

"It's just a four-person room, no need to change."

Luoluo said with a smile: "Instructor, sometimes I have to go home and live. I rely more on my family."


Xia Chunhui was stunned. She looked up and down at Luoluo and wondered: "Are you the kind of person who can't take care of himself? I mean, you can't wash socks, cook, or even wear clothes. Do you understand? Forgive me for speaking more directly. We have encountered this situation. One child was unable to integrate into the group and could not take care of himself. He even suffered from depression. "

"Don't worry, instructor, I know everything." Luoluo raised his head slightly: "I even washed my dad's socks."

Regarding this matter, Su Chen couldn't help laughing.

Think back to when Luo Luo was five or six years old.

One day, I suddenly became interested.

I have to wash my own socks.

When Luoluo was a child, she had to put out her hands for food and open her mouth for food. The first time she washed socks was for her father.

However, it was only once.

Unexpectedly, Luoluo remembered it very clearly.

"Haha, that's okay, teacher, I'll be relieved."

Xia Chunhui smiled and said: "You live in 506, Mr. Su, Ms. Ye, look, who can add a contact information to me, and we create a group. Every time Su Luoluo wants to go back to live, he needs to be in the group Say something.”


It can be seen that Xia Chunhui is the kind of dedicated mentor.

After arranging everything, Luo Luo waved goodbye and they headed to the dormitory building.

College time is about to begin.

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