Fairy King Dad

Chapter 53: Take action!

At this moment, Qin Wei's face was ashen!

He never expected that Yongqingtang Qian Biao would be so courageous!

Don't talk about what you are going against yourself today.

He even injured his own bodyguard.

What does this mean?

It shows that Qian Biao's ambition is a complete showdown today.

Did he want to express that he had stood up?

"Qian Biao, you have gone too far."

The man wearing myopia glasses said:

"You hit Mr. Qin. It's impossible that you didn't know what the consequences would be. It's still too late to stop now."

Qin Wei was moved, and Qian Biao was in the circle, and he was afraid that it would be difficult to move forward.

Qin Wei's family assets exceed 100 billion. He is well-established and has extensive connections in the circle of rich second-generation people in Shanghai.

Where is Qian Biao?

Just an underground force person.

These days, the status of underground forces is not as high as it was in the chaotic years.

It can be said that Qian Biao will not be able to mix in the circle from now on.

"Ha ha."

Qian Biao smiled heartily: "I don't think I went too far. I have already figured out who is a friend and who is a dog. Didn't I say that a friend in need is a friend indeed? I have been playing with Qin Wei for more than a year. I give him How many times have you dealt with something like a dog? Damn it to me!"

"Qian Biao!"

Qin Wei stood up and said angrily: "Today, if you have the ability, kill me, otherwise, I will keep you here and you will never be able to raise your head!"

"Oh, Mr. Qin is too harsh."

Qian Biao walked to Qin Wei step by step.

This moment.

Qian Biao's more than 20 younger brothers present took a few steps forward, menacingly.

But Qian Biao looked arrogant. He shrugged and sneered:

"You are a dignified Young Master Qin, with such a high status, how dare I kill you."

"It's good to know!"

Qin Wei sneered: "You touched me and also my bodyguard, Qian Biao, your courage is really great!"

"It's okay."

Qian Biao nodded and said seriously: "I have always been very courageous."

The words fell.

Qian Biao suddenly raised his right fist and hit Qin Wei's chest with a bang.

Qin Wei was beaten and collapsed on the ground. He was breathing rapidly, covering his chest, and looked at Qian Biao in disbelief.

He actually dared to take action!

Wang Zong's eyes widened: "Qian Biao, are you crazy?"

"Hahaha, I'm not crazy. I know exactly what I want to do."

Qian Biao laughed endlessly. He glanced at Qin Wei lightly and finally vented some of his anger.

"There is a saying that dogs look down on people, and that's what Qin Wei is like."

Qian Biao clapped his hands and said, "But don't worry, I just broke up with Qin Wei. If he provokes me, I will punish him, of course. As for other people, if you don't offend me, I won't target you. "


Li Xufeng shook his head and mocked: "So, you still have some sense, right?"

"Fortunately, Mr. Li is overly praised." Qian Biao sat down with a smile. He waved to Chen Shiyan and said, "Come on, Beauty Chen, come over and have a glass of wine with me first."


Chen Shiyan's expression was still a little dazed at the moment.

No one present could have imagined that Qian Biao would suddenly take action against Qin Wei.

I heard Qian Biao's words again.

The faces of everyone at the table darkened.

This is simply a slap in their face!

The man wearing myopia glasses said coldly: "Qian Biao, you have the lowest status here. Why, now that you have become the prince of Yongqingtang, are you so arrogant that you don't know who you are?"

"You are the young master Chen Huo and Chen, right? Your family has more than 30 billion in assets. You are also good in the industry. You are a good person."

Qian Biao glanced over and ordered: "Come here, please invite Young Master Chen to come to me."

This sentence.

The expressions of everyone on the field changed slightly.

Li Xufeng frowned.

He stood up and stared at Qian Biao.

At this moment, Li Xufeng seemed to want to take action.

In Li Xufeng's circle, almost no one knew that he was not only a top student who returned from overseas, but also a powerful warrior secretly.

Qin Wei was beaten and he sat like a mountain with no intention of taking action.

But at this time, Qian Biao had already started to target the people at the table, first talking about Chen Shiyan and then Chen Huo, which made Li Xufeng a little unable to bear it.

‘The warriors on the other side may only be able to transform their strength at best. ’

‘If there’s a fight, I should be able to suppress them. ’

Li Xufeng's mind was spinning, thinking to himself:

'But, looking at Qian Biao's appearance, he is very confident. Does he have any unknown trump cards? ’

Li Xufeng hesitated.

In the end, I didn't choose to take action.

Mr. Wang next to him couldn't help but slap the table:

"Qian Biao, you have gone too far. Do you really think that after becoming the crown prince of Yongqing Hall, no one can cure you?"

"Qian Biao, what do you mean?" Chen Shiyan took a deep breath and said coldly: "This is not a place for you to mess around. I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise you will just cause trouble for your Qian family!"

"Do you think I'm afraid of trouble?"

Qian Biao waved his hand: "Pull him over."

Several men immediately pulled Chen Huo to Qian Biao.


Chen Huo sneered and said, "What? You want to hit me too? Come on! I'm your grandson if I'm afraid of you."

"How dare I hit Mr. Chen? I misunderstood."

Qian Biao suddenly laughed. He patted Chen Huo's face gently, and then looked at the door: "My eldest brother is coming. I'd better leave the troubles here to my eldest brother."

Qian Biao’s eldest brother?

Li Xufeng, Wang Zong and others looked at each other.

I have never heard of Qian Biao having any elder brother.

At this moment, Qian Biao and many of his men looked towards the door of the private room.

Chen Shiyan and others at the dining table also looked over.

One second, two seconds...

The room was quiet for ten seconds.

It seems a little long.

Just when Wang Zong was about to speak.

The door of the private room was pushed open.

A short-haired man who was over 1.8 meters tall and slightly dark-skinned walked in casually.

"Hu Zhen!"

Wang Zong’s expression changed!

He immediately called out the other party's name.

After hearing this name.

There was silence!

Even Chen Shiyan's beauty has turned pale!

The shadow of a famous tree.

The name Hu Zhen is like thunder in their circles!

The Hu family in the Demon City is a famous martial arts family, and the family owns a chain of martial arts schools.

The assets of the Hu family are not too large, only about a billion in size.

But the head of the Hu family is a martial arts master!

Martial arts master Hu Ao.

Hu Ao has a good relationship with the elders of Longtang.

Over time, the Hu family gained quite a status in the Magic City.

The Hu family is sparse, and Hu Zhen is the only descendant of Hu Ao.

Two years ago, Hu Zhenjiang maimed a rich boy at a cocktail party.

Originally, Longtang was going to take care of this kind of thing.

But later, the Hu family leader came forward and the Longtang elders mediated. In the end, Hu Zhen stayed away from his hometown and was sent out of the country. The Hu family leader didn't know how the matter was settled.

In the circle, it still rarely happens that someone is crippled because of jealousy.

When Wang Zong recognized Hu Zhen.

He felt frightened for a while!

Hu Zhen is a very crazy person!


Li Xufeng's face became solemn.

Hu Zhen was a martial artist a few years ago.

As for myself, it only took more than a year to break through the energy.

On the background.

Hu Zhen's father, Hu Ao, was a martial arts master. He knew many times more martial arts techniques than he did.

If he had to deal with Qian Biao's bodyguards, he would still be confident, but against Hu Zhen, he had no chance of winning.


Qin Wei was still sitting on the ground, and the pain in his chest had just eased. After seeing Hu Zhen, he was so frightened that he did not dare to stand up.

Chen Shiyan, Bai Qianqian, Chen Huo and others were all silent at this moment.

Facing the crazy Hu Zhen, no one in the circle wanted to get in trouble with him.


Qian Biao took the lead in saying hello.

More than twenty subordinates in the room shouted in unison: "Brother!"

"Stop making these nonsense and do something practical."

Hu Zhen glanced at Chen Shiyan and Bai Qianqian lightly.

When he saw the look in Hu Zhen's eyes, Li Xufeng secretly thought something was wrong.

Judging from his attitude, he might have come specifically for Chen Shiyan and Bai Qianqian.

‘Damn it! ’

Li Xufeng felt a little nervous:

'If something happens to the two of them, the responsibility will almost always be passed on to Qian Biao. Hu Zhen has the ability to solve the problem. Qian Biao may just be sent abroad. What should we do? Do you want to watch them suffer humiliation? ’

Li Xufeng clenched his fists.

At this time, Qian Biao pointed at Chen Huo with a smile:

"This kid just dismissed me, saying that my status is at the bottom here, and yet he dared to deal with them in a big way..."


Before he finished speaking, Hu Zhen walked up and slapped Chen Huo on the face.

The force was so great that Chen Huo flew two meters away before falling to the ground and fainted.

"Isn't this Mr. Wang? I haven't seen him for a few years. He looks good."

Hu Zhen sat down, picked up a bottle of wine, and started drinking.


Wang Zong responded and glanced at Chen Shiyan.

His eyes showed: There is nothing he can do!

Chen Shiyan and Bai Qianqian were extremely nervous at the moment.

Bang bang bang...

While Hu Zhen was drinking, Qian Biao clapped his hands and said, "Go and take those two beauties, Chen Shiyan, upstairs. Hahaha, Qin Wei, today, I will ask you in front of you. I think I’m sleeping with Chen Shiyan, do you have any objections?”


Qin Wei's face turned green and red, and his eyes were fixed on Hu Zhen, who was drinking from a bottle.

This crazy guy has crippled a direct descendant of a family worth hundreds of billions!


Qin Wei felt humiliated and angry.

He really wanted to stand up and scream, come at me if you can.

But Hu Zhen stood here, like a huge mountain, weighing down everyone and making it hard for them to breathe.

Qin Wei's mouth moved, and his reason told him that if he offended Hu Zhen, he might be maimed!


Qin Wei collapsed. He covered his head with his hands, sat on the ground and stopped talking.

"Hahaha, you piece of trash!"

Qian Biao laughed a few times, waved his hand and said, "Take it away for them!"

Several men immediately went to grab Chen Shiyan and Bai Qianqian.


The two of them screamed.

They were just weak women, how could they resist Qian Biao's men?

They were dragged to the door with screams.

At this moment.

Li Xufeng gritted his teeth.

A surge of hot blood rushed to his head.

"Stop it!"

Li Xufeng roared, and he moved directly over the table, sweeping his right leg across, kicking the people who dragged Chen Shiyan and Bai Qianqian to the ground.

Li Xufeng, standing in front of the two, said with an ugly face:

"Qian Biao, haven't you had enough of this farce?

Hu Shao, now is not the chaotic era of the past. Warriors are managed by Longtang. You have just returned to the country. If things get out of hand, it will not be good for anyone!"


Li Xufeng's voice fell.

Hu Zhen's bottle of wine was just finished, and he put the empty bottle heavily on the table.

After a muffled sound.

Hu Zhen's eyes full of madness fell on Li Xufeng!

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