Fairy King Dad

Chapter 507: Beauty is a disaster?

"Zheng Hao is just a nobody."

Zhou Lei said: "His eldest brother Dong Li has a better background. He used to be the deputy master of the Sequoia Martial Arts School and is a well-known master of the divine realm. In terms of strength, he is slightly more powerful than me. Three years ago, he He was fired from the Sequoia Martial Arts School. He had dirty hands and feet. He embezzled more than 80 million in five years at the Martial Arts School. After that, he opened an East Bank bar. "

"A master in the divine realm?"

Zhao Xiyang took a deep breath: "That's really a bit troublesome, Brother Lei. If it doesn't work, it's okay not to say this."

"I've said it doesn't matter." Zhou Lei said with a smile: "My sister was cheated. This matter can't be let go like this. At the very least, there should be an apology. Moreover, although Dong Li is very good, I am not either. He's a weakling. I can't beat him based on my own strength, but when it comes to connections, he's not good enough."

"Brother Lei knows someone more powerful?"

Zhao Xiyang's eyes lit up slightly.

"Of course."

Zhou Lei smiled lightly and said: "The person I know has a strong background. Let alone a Dong Li, even if a hundred Dong Li are tied together, they are no match for this person."

"So powerful? He must be a cultivator, right?" Qian Went said with a look of longing.

"Who is it? Brother Lei, tell us." Zhao Xiyang also became interested.

But through Zhou Lei's words, he felt relieved.

Brother Lei has a stronger backer, so he won't be afraid of causing trouble.

"You may not have heard of his name."

Zhou Lei's eyes were slightly erratic. He glanced at Luo Luo subconsciously, nodded with a smile and said:

"His name is Li Fan."


Luoluo was suddenly stunned.

Li Fan?

This name is still somewhat familiar.

In the global martial arts competition held by Taoist Master, Li Fan ranked well, and he also walked out of Liao City with Luo Luo.

"Li Fan is from the Li family in Qinghai Bay."

Zhou Lei said slowly:

"Have you heard of the Li family?"

"Never heard of it." Qian Went shook his head: "We don't pay much attention to the martial arts world. We don't even go to the university martial arts department now."

Qian Wente and Zhao Xiyang had only been studying martial arts for a few years.

Especially Zhao Xiyang, he only studied martial arts for three years and became a martial arts master in three years. In the past, it was impossible no matter how you looked at it.

But now, the resources for cultivation have increased, and Zhao Xiyang's family has spent a lot of money on him in order to train him.

Several high-end cultivation elixirs were purchased from the Immortal Medicine Sect. After improving Zhao Xiyang's physique, his cultivation level skyrocketed in just three years, reaching the level of a martial arts master.

It can be said that in today's era, whether it is Longtang or the five major sects, if they want to, they can cultivate god-level warriors in batches.

In fact, Longtang did the same thing. It opened its treasure house and took out many magical herbs to manage the military departments of colleges and universities.

The number of warriors has increased, and there are many new stars in the martial arts world with great names, while the fame of some veteran warriors has gradually faded away.

As the saying goes, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead.

This is an era of great waves and waves.

But the strong will always be strong. Some people's popularity has declined, but their strength is much higher than before.

Just like the Li family.

Zhou Lei said with admiration:

"Li Fan is a legendary figure. At that time, the global martial arts competition was the world's genius. Li Fan was famous in the Dragon Kingdom. The Li family came from the ancient martial arts world. In the past, the ancient martial arts world was still relatively mysterious. , Now, people from the ancient martial arts world have come to the main world, and the Li family is a relatively well-off family among the families from the ancient martial arts world. It is said that the head of the Li family knows Su Changfeng, the king of Tiannan. "

"As for now, Li Fan's state has reached the late stage of Gong Ji."

"He is a true master of cultivation."

"Let alone Dong Li, even their Sequoia Martial Arts School doesn't have much standing in front of Li Fan."

Zhou Lei said with a smile: "If Li Fan is not enough, what about the Li family behind him? It is even more terrifying. In Liao City, there are not many forces that can be equal to the Li family."

Zhao Xiyang smiled and said: "The Li family is so awesome? It's really an eye-opener. I have only heard that the Li family is powerful before, but I don't know how strong it is."


Luoluo leaned on the seat and listened to the chat of several people.

They all seemed to admire Li Fan.

Zhou Lei has Li Fan's personal connections.

Things should be handled easily.

As they said, Li Fan's status in Liao City was quite good.

While talking, everyone came to the East Coast Bar.

The East Bank bar is relatively large.

In a commercial building, it accounts for 30%.

The first floor is a bar, and the second and third floors are KTV rooms.

Dong Li is serious about doing business in this area.

It's nice to park your car in the parking lot in front of the bar.

After everyone gathered together, they entered the bar.

"We're looking for someone."

Zhou Lei explained his purpose, and a waiter took them into the venue.

The bar venue is relatively spacious, bustling with people, and also filled with smoke.

"That person seems to be!"

Ma Xiaoshuang took a look and suddenly found that the person sitting on a card table was none other than Zheng Hao.

"Found it!"

Zhao Xiyang's eyes were a little cold.

"Go over and have a look."

Zhou Lei had a sullen face and strode over.

Come closer.

There were more than a dozen men and women on the card table.

Zheng Hao was drinking a glass of foreign wine.

"How was your drink? Did the wine taste good?"

Zhou Lei walked closer and grabbed Zheng Hao's neck without saying a word. He stared at Zheng Hao coldly.

"You, who are you?"

Zheng Hao was startled.

Zhou Lei's momentum was a bit too fierce, which frightened him.

After all, it was pressure from the divine realm.

Zheng Hao is only an early-stage innate warrior and does not have much hard power yet.

To put it bluntly, he couldn't even beat Zhao Xiyang.

"Sir, please don't make trouble here."

The waiter immediately reminded Zhou Lei.

"I see."

Zhou Lei sneered. He carried Zheng Hao and stood up: "Come on, let's go out and solve it."

After saying that, Zhou Lei took the lead and walked out.

"Who caused trouble?"

"Zheng Hao, Zheng Hao was arrested."

"Go and have a look."

"Someone is causing trouble."

There were many Dong Li's men in the bar. After seeing Zheng Hao's appearance, they gathered around him.

Exit the bar premises.

Come to the hall.

There are already more than a dozen people waiting in the hall.

The manager of the bar is a middle-aged man wearing a Tang suit and smiling:

"I'm sorry, you are arresting one of ours, I can't let you take him away."

"It's okay if you don't take it away."

Zhou Lei left Zheng Hao still on the ground and sneered: "This guy defrauded my old sister of her money. He even defrauded a girl who was just about to go to college. How dare he? You, Dong Li, have too little vision." Come on, call Dong Li out, I want to ask him how to deal with this matter."


The supervisor was slightly startled.

The fact that the other party could call Dong Li by name obviously had some origins.

"Let's go upstairs to deal with the matter. The boss is discussing something with a distinguished guest. I have to go and ask." The supervisor nodded slightly.

"I didn't cheat her out of the money, I borrowed the money, and she agreed to it herself." Zheng Hao said quickly.

"We'll talk about it later."

The supervisor glanced at Zheng Hao lightly, then took the lead from the side stairs to the second floor.

The group of people came to the second floor and sat down in a large private room.

Zhou Lei is generous and generous, and he is not shy.

Zhao Xiyang and Qian Wente were obviously a little nervous.

Zheng Hao, with his head hanging down, sat on the sofa beside him with a dozen people.

Ma Xiaoshuang and Luo Luo sat in an inconspicuous position on the left side of Zhao Xiyang.

The supervisor settled everyone and walked out.

During this period, Zhao Xiyang glared at Zheng Hao from time to time.

Zheng Hao didn't dare to look at him.

He also didn't expect that a few people who had just graduated from high school would actually have powerful backers.

At this moment, he felt guilty!

Ten minutes passed.

A tall, round-waisted man with a beard walked in carefree.

"Oops, I thought it was who it was, but it turned out to be Zhou Lei."

Dong Li laughed: "What a rare visitor."

He walked to the opposite side of Zhou Lei, sat down, and casually crossed his legs.


When he saw Luo Luo, Dong Li's eyes suddenly lit up.

Good guy!

Unparalleled beauty!

"This little sister is so beautiful. What is your name?" Dong Li asked with a smile.

Luo Luo glanced at him and snorted disdainfully.

This squinty look really deserves a beating.

"Dong Li, the people under you are not well behaved."

Zhou Lei said calmly: "This man named Zheng Hao defrauded my sister of 80,000 yuan and almost molested her. How do you want to explain this to me?"

"Scammed money? Really? Zheng Hao, what's going on?" Dong Li's face darkened.

Zheng Hao's body trembled with fright, and he hurriedly said: "Master Li, I don't have it. I just borrowed the money, and she agreed. If you don't believe me, take a look at our chat history."

He quickly took out his mobile phone and showed Dong Li the chat history.

"Oh, that's right, Zhou Lei, there's nothing wrong with that. Didn't the person who borrowed the money agree?"

Dong Li laughed and said: You really have to take care of such trivial matters. By the way, does the borrowed money belong to this little sister? It’s only 80,000 yuan. Not to mention 80,000 yuan, I can also give you 800,000 yuan. Of course, the premise is that you accompany me for a drink. What do you think? "

Dong Li looked at Luo Luo with a mean smile.


Luoluo raised her eyebrows slightly.

This Dong Li should be taught a lesson.

"Dong Li!"

Before Luo Luo could speak, Zhou Lei said in a deep voice: "Don't go too far. You and I both know everything. Is it necessary for you to do this?"

"Zhou Lei, did I give you some face?"

Dong Li's face darkened and he said: "Who are you? You dare to question me? What does it have to do with you whether my subordinates can borrow money or not? Who do you think you are? If you want to cause trouble in my place, are you worthy? ?”


This sentence completely broke my skin.

Zhou Lei's face suddenly turned green and red with anger.

He didn't expect that Dong Li wouldn't even give him this little face.

They are both god-level warriors, and usually such small matters can be easily handled.

But now it seems... Dong Li is determined to embarrass him!

‘Is it because of her? ’

Zhou Lei's heart suddenly tightened, and his eyes looked at Luo Luo involuntarily.

They say beauty brings disaster!

After all, Dong Li is a lustful old fritter. This may be the reason why he got angry!

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