Fairy King Dad

Chapter 505: A Hero Saves a Beauty

"How did you get cheated? What's the situation? Please stop crying first."

Zhao Xiyang asked eagerly.

Ma Xiaoshuang was still squatting on the ground, crying sadly.

"Get up quickly."

Luoluo said helplessly: "Just solve the problem, there is no point in crying."

She helped Ma Xiaoshuang up.

After a minute, Ma Xiaoshuang stopped crying and said with choked sobs:

"I'm so stupid."

In just four words, it sounds like she summed up herself.

But it was completely obvious that Ma Xiaoshuang was in a very depressed mood.

"What happened? Tell me first. Let's help you find a solution. You said you were defrauded, how much money was defrauded?" Qian Wente asked quickly.

"All the 80,000 yuan in my card is gone." Ma Xiaoshuang wiped her tears: "Zheng Hao moved away, and he still wants to molest me. He is a bad person."

"Eighty thousand?" Qian Went's eyes bulged: "You have so much money? Oh my God!"

"That's all the money I saved since childhood, and it's all gone." Ma Xiaoshuang started crying again.

"You were almost molested?"

Zhao Xiyang's forehead had veins popping out: "Where's that guy? Damn it, I'll beat him to death!"

"Everyone has already left."

Ma Xiaoshuang whispered.


Luoluo exhaled.

I have never encountered anything like this in my life.

"Please tell me the details first. I will help you ask the people in Longtang. It will be easily solved. Don't worry." Luoluo said comfortingly.

"No, what's going on between you and that person? Please explain it clearly first." Zhao Xiyang asked: "Who is he? Why don't I recognize him?"

"He is an online friend of mine."

Ma Xiaoshuang choked up and said, "We've only known each other for a month. He greets me every day and cares about me. Then..."

"Then what? Hurry up and say it, I'm so anxious." Zhao Xiyang urged.

"Let me tell you, that's it."

Qian Wente sighed: "It's my fault too, Dayang, doesn't Xiaoshuang have a crush on you? I called you yesterday, but you refused. Luoluo and I both feel that Xiaomeng is not suitable for you."

"Eh? I didn't say that, I just don't like that girl." Luo Luo retorted.

"Almost, almost." Qian Wentong nodded and said: "Then I made a note and asked Xiaoshuang to find a suitor to see if you react. In case you have a subconscious liking for Xiaoshuang, you She didn’t know, so she thought of that netizen.”


Zhao Xiyang was stunned. He pointed at Qian Wente: "What a bad idea you came up with! I really admire you."

"I didn't know things would turn out like this, hey." Qian Went sighed repeatedly.

"Xiao Shuang, I've told you before. I treat you as a buddy. We have a pure relationship. Why do you think you're testing me?" Zhao Xiyang said with a serious look on his face: "No matter what the money is now, don't do it in the future." It’s impossible for us to do this kind of thing, you know?”

Ma Xiaoshuang's cry became louder again.

She felt embarrassed.

At the same time, there is also sadness in my heart.

She didn't know why she liked Zhao Xiyang more and more.

But this is just a one-sided secret love.

Nothing came of it.

"Then what happened just now?" Luoluo asked.

"Just now, he was chatting with me and making me laugh, so I let my guard down. He said he was doing me a favor and wanted me to do him a favor, lending him five thousand yuan so that he could top up money on game software or something. I didn’t understand either. After receiving the verification code, I told him, and then the money in my card was gone, and he still touched me.”

Ma Xiaoshuang said intermittently.

And showed the phone to Luoluo.

There are also friends of Zheng Hao on WeChat, and he typed words such as thanking him for the loan.

Luoluo glanced at it and thought something was wrong.

This kind of borrowing money is more troublesome for Longtang to deal with.

"Isn't this a fraud?" Qian Went said with some annoyance: "Then what should I do?"

"Let me call and ask the people at Longtang."

Luoluo walked aside and made a call.

"Crooked? Is it Uncle Qinglong?"

Luoluo asked. Her voice was clear and sweet, like the sound of nature. She was very discerning, just like some singers. She knew who it was as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Hey, little Princess Luoluo." Qinglong God of War laughed: "What do you want to see your uncle for?"

"I would like to ask, who is the person in charge of Liaocheng Dragon Hall now? I have something to do here." Luoluo replied with a smile.

"Is there anything wrong, little princess?" Qinglong God of War said seriously: "Simple, I'll go there now, I'll be there in a few hours."

"No, no, no, Uncle Qinglong, no need to trouble you to come over, it's just a small matter." Luoluo said quickly.

I feel a little ashamed inside, this is too enthusiastic.

"If it's a small matter, fine, I'll ask him to call you." Qinglong God of War responded and hung up the phone.

Two minutes passed.

Zhao Xiyang and Qian Wente were still comforting Ma Xiaoshuang.

Luoluo's cell phone has been ringing.

"Hello, Your Royal Highness, I am Elder Mu from Liao City. I am here in the small world of the rain forest. Please tell me what is going on over there first, or I should go back to see you first."

Elder Mu asked simply.

"Don't be so troublesome. It's about my friend. She was deceived. That person's name is Zheng Hao. He drove a pink Porsche to Shengda Driving School at 8:30 this morning..."

Luoluo told the general news.

"I'll have someone check it now, please wait a moment."

Elder Mu replied.

After hanging up the phone, Luoluo walked back.

At this moment, Qian Wente was holding Ma Xiaoshuang's mobile phone.

"He spoke back."

"Damn it, this guy is too arrogant."

Qian Went looked at his phone and said angrily: "Look, what did he say? Why should I pay back the money I borrowed based on my ability?"

"Come on, come on, give me your phone!"

Zhao Xi's hands were shaking with anger. He took the phone and sent a voice invitation.

"Xiaoshuang, have you changed your mind? Sleep with your brother, and he will give you money." Zheng Hao's mean laughter came from the mobile phone.

"Are you looking for death?"

Zhao Xiyang said angrily: "Hurry up and pay back the money and apologize, otherwise, this matter will never end!"

"Hey, who are you? Are you that Zhao Xiyang?" Zheng Hao said in an arrogant tone.

"So what if it's me?" Zhao Xiyang said coldly: "If you don't give me an explanation for this matter, I won't be done with you."

"Are you a thief?" Zheng Hao mocked: "I borrowed the money, and Ma Xiaoshuang agreed to it. We have chat records, and you can't recruit anyone."

"What do you mean? Are you trying to be a rogue?" Zhao Xiyang clenched his left fist, unable to restrain himself.

"What do you mean you can't hear me? Are you stupid or short-sighted?" Zheng Hao laughed loudly: "Use Ma Xiaoshuang's mobile phone to send me a voice message. What do you mean? Do you want a hero to save a beauty?"

"What do I mean? I'm going to do whatever you want!" Zhao Xiyang's eyes were about to burst into flames.

He couldn't control the anger in his heart, but there was nothing he could do. Everyone on the other side had fled, so what could he do?

However, things took a turn for the worse, and what he didn't expect was that Zheng Hao would be so arrogant.

"Want to fuck me? You're always welcome." Zheng Hao said with a playful smile.

"Waiting? Okay, tell me where you are and I'll be there soon." Zhao Xiyang said coldly.

"Grandpa doesn't have time to play with you. I have to catch up on my sleep during the day. In the evening, grandpa goes to Tiansheng Bar on Yongbei Road. After all, he borrowed 80,000 yuan and is going to spend it at night." Zheng Hao sneered: "If you have the courage , come to Tiansheng Bar at seven o'clock in the evening to find me, I tell you, if you come late, you will lose your money, do you understand? "

"Yongbei Road, Tiansheng Bar, right? OK, you wait at seven o'clock in the evening." After Zhao Xiyang finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

His angry look made Ma Xiaoshuang stop crying.

She pulled Zhao Xiyang's sleeve and whispered: "Don't go, that's it."

Losing money and avoiding disaster, Ma Xiaoshuang didn't want to cause trouble. She suffered a loss for what she did. She chewed the broken teeth and silently swallowed it in her stomach.

Just then, Luoluo's cell phone rang.

She walked aside and picked up the phone.

"Hello, Miss. I am the protector under Elder Mu. My name is Zhang Dongfeng. The location of Zheng Hao has been found. He has just returned to Huahai Community on Aijian Road. He rents a house there. We need to go there now. Can someone take it?”

The content of the phone call was simple and concise.

After hearing this, Luo Luo pondered slightly.

"There is no need to arrest him now. Someone is standing up for my friend." Luoluo responded simply.

"Well, Miss, if you need anything, you can call me at any time. I will be in Liaocheng recently." Zhang Hufa said politely.

"Okay, thank you." Luo Luo smiled slightly.

"You're welcome, that's right." Protector Zhang smiled.

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Luoluo glanced at Zhao Xiyang.

After all, Zhao Xiyang is a martial arts master. He stood up for Ma Xiaoshuang and looked angry, which made Luoluo feel that Zhao Xiyang and Ma Xiaoshuang were not impossible.

Since he wants to be a hero and save the beauty, let him do his best.

Luoluo walked back and said:

"Xiaoshuang, don't be sad. It's not a big deal. The other person didn't succeed in molesting you. Now you just got defrauded of 80,000 yuan by him, and you may get it back."

"But, but I'm worried that things will get serious." Ma Xiaoshuang said in a low voice.

"Whether it makes a big fuss or not, what can I do?" Zhao Xiyang said irritably: "You can swallow this breath, but I can't either. Ma Xiaoshuang, you have to use your brain to think carefully in the future. Pies in the sky can't fall into the sky. I'll take the initiative to add you." My friend, I'm not a liar. I mean, you're an adult. Also, from now on, you can only treat me as a buddy. Don't think about those things that you don't have. Otherwise, we won't even be friends. ”

"Dayang, what kind of bar are you really going to go to at seven o'clock in the evening?" Qian Went said worriedly: "Since he dares to say it, he must be confident. Should we find someone?"

"I really need to find someone. I have a cousin who used to be in a martial arts school and has very good connections. I'll call him tonight."

Zhao Xiyang patted his chest: "Xiaoshuang, don't worry about this. I'll get the money back for you and vent your anger. You can be more careful in the future, do you hear me?"

With these words, Zhao Xiyang was trying to comfort Ma Xiaoshuang, and his tone was much softer.

Ma Xiaoshuang was stunned for a few seconds and looked at Zhao Xiyang.

This expression made Luoluo look away, with a look of helplessness on his face.

It seems like he is a nymphomaniac.

Ma Xiaoshuang already likes Zhao Xiyang, so she might like him even more.

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