Fairy King Dad

Chapter 490 Return

"The Wilderness Guest."

This name was the first time that Su Chen and his group had heard of it.

"Thank you, senior, for saving my life."

"Thank you, senior."

There were many words of thanks in the crowd.

Su Chen, Wuming Laodao, Langyan and others also bowed their hands to express their gratitude.

If it weren't for the appearance of the Wilderness Guest, the team of Kunlun City would have been dead.

In just a few seconds, the Wilderness Guest killed two corpse kings with a stick and scared off the Mist Man and the Puppet Demon Spider.

The huge group of corpses began to disperse.

The Mist Man was straightforward and fled to a distance. Seeing that the Wilderness Guest did not chase him, it immediately assimilated the corpses of the Fighting Thorn War Bear and the Knife Head Monster.

Only by assimilating the high-end power of the corpse group could he control it.

It was like picking up leaks in the distance to expand his own corpse group.

The Wilderness Guest looked at the Mistman in the distance, too lazy to go over, he shook his head and said:

"The Mistman and the puppet spider are very slippery and difficult to kill."

"Yes, they are very strong." The Yellow-robed Patriarch nodded: "Where are you from?"

"I am a person who walks in the corpse domain all year round, a lone ranger."

The Wilderness Guest smiled faintly: "However, not long ago, I went to the main world. The culture there is very good. You are the Yellow-robed Patriarch, right? In the main world, you are very famous. The people in the underground palace are from the fairyland, and their qualifications are good."

"You are too kind. Compared with you, my realm is still too low." The Yellow-robed Patriarch smiled and said: "Wilderness Guest, I have a question, I don't know if I should say it."

He wanted to ask something.

I just didn't know if the other party was willing to answer.

"Just say it."

The Wilderness Guest waved his hand, his posture was chic.

"You have been walking in the corpse area for many years. It is rumored that there is a road to the immortal land in the corpse area." The Yellow-robed Sect Leader thought for a while and said, "I want to know if there is really an immortal road?"

The Wilderness Guest pondered for a moment, and he pointed to the side: "Let's go over there and talk."

The Yellow-robed Sect Leader nodded slightly.

He was not afraid of anything.

If the Wilderness Guest wanted to kill him, it would be easy.

The Yellow-robed Sect Leader followed the Wilderness Guest and landed on the mountain on the side.

"Tell me about the immortal land first. I yearn for it very much."

The Wilderness Guest sat on a stone, took out a pot of wine, and filled two wine glasses.

The Yellow-robed Sect Leader grinned.

The two sat on the ground, drinking and chatting.

The group of corpses below had already besieged the team of Kunlun City, but the number of the group of corpses was not large, and there was no crisis.

On the side of Su Chen and the nameless old Taoist, while killing the group of corpses, the two whispered and chatted.

"The Wilderness Guest must have passed the Tribulation Level 6 or 7 at least."

"Definitely, it may even be higher."


Soon, the surrounding corpses were almost killed, and the rest were controlled by the Mist and retreated from the dark jungle.


"We succeeded, hahaha."

Survived the Tribulation!

There are still about 170,000 people in the Kunlun City team.

It is lucky to survive these.

Many people were so excited that they burst into tears.

Everyone present, including Su Chen and the nameless Taoist, was very tired.

Everyone took the pills to restore their own state and simply repaired.

The Yellow-robed Sect Leader and the Wilderness Guest chatted for more than an hour over there.

"See you later."

When they stood up, the Yellow-robed Sect Leader cupped his hands.


The Wilderness Guest waved his hand, flew into the air, and left quickly.

The Yellow-robed Patriarch flew back quickly and said:

"Let's continue on our way. The remaining areas of the Broken Soul Forest are relatively safe. As long as we can reach the edge of the Death Mountains, we can go to the main world."

"Thank you, Yellow-robed Patriarch."

"Thank you, Yellow-robed Patriarch."


Many people in the crowd expressed their gratitude.

The Yellow-robed Patriarch and Su Chen and others took the lead and walked forward.

The remaining road was relatively easy to walk.

The Wilderness Visitors came from that side. Except for a small number of zombies, there was no major crisis.

"Old Huang, what did you talk about?"

Su Chen asked curiously.

"About the immortal land, about the corpse domain."

The Yellow-robed leader thought for a moment and replied:

"There are a few pieces of news. The corpse domain is much larger than we imagined. The inland sea area is very small. The number of corpses is huge. There are many corpse kings, who are very powerful. The corpse ancestor really exists."

"There are many secret places deep in the corpse domain. The corpse ancestor is often active there. A few years ago, the corpse ancestor fell asleep, so the corpses in the corpse domain are relatively stable. Every time the corpses wake up, they will be more irritable."

"He also knows that the immortal gates in the small world are connected to many places, and relatively speaking, they are not far from the inland sea."

"It is precisely because the corpse ancestor is sleeping that the crisis we face is not very strong. Once the corpse ancestor wakes up, the corpse tide will definitely attack the small world."

This news is undoubtedly a blow to people.

Su Chen was silent for a few seconds, and he sighed: "Is there any guess about the time until Corpse Ancestor wakes up?"

"The Wilderness Guest said that Corpse Ancestor will wake up next time in at least one year, and at most three years. The Wilderness Guest has gotten used to his awakening and sleeping."

The Yellow-robed Leader sighed: "Also, not only the inland sea has human beings, but also other regions. There are people from the Immortal Land here, and the Immortal Road really exists, but no one knows where it is."

"If that's the case, we may only have a one-year stable period."

The unknown old Taoist touched his beard: "With so many small worlds and so many passages, the future of the main world is worrying."

"Not necessarily."

The leader in yellow clothes shook his head slightly: "Most of the humans in the corpse realm know the existence of the main world. In the inland sea area, some people have already gone to the main world. The Wilderness Guest said that Ling Qiankun also went to the main world for a tour. Inland After the people of the sea discover the small world, there is a high probability that they will take the initiative to build a main city in the passage of the main world. "

"The main world in the future may not be too peaceful."

The leader in yellow clothes sighed with emotion:

"In addition to the inland sea, people from other regions may also appear in the main world. The main world is like a bridge connecting major places in the wilderness."

These words made the face of the unknown old man change slightly:

"It's not just the small world we know, there are also many small worlds with closed passages. The three major demon realms, the Demon Realm, and the Ghost Realm all have passages in the Corpse Realm. The connected locations may be in different locations in the Corpse Realm."


The leader in yellow clothes nodded: "So, next, the main city plan needs to be accelerated, and all kinds of defenses must be arranged, especially at the Kunlun Dojo. Facing the Corpse Domain, our realm is not enough. We can leave The time given to us is running out... After I return, within a year, I plan to practice in seclusion and reach the fifth level of transcending tribulation."

"It's time to practice."

Su Chen nodded.

After experiencing successive battles, Su Chen could feel that it would not take long for his Vajra Battle Body to reach its peak level.

This is the effect of Su Chen's previous hard work.

At the same time, Su Chen's void spirit had reached its peak for a long time.

The third floor of the Eternal Life Tower is ready to move.

It won't take long to open.

It's just that Su Chen couldn't feel the feeling that he could break through to the realm of transcending tribulation.

He has just reached the peak of Dacheng Realm, and it seems that his Dacheng Realm strength can still be improved.

"Although I have killed a few who are in the Tribulation-Transcending Stage, they are all relatively weak in the first level of Tribulation-Transcending Stage."

"If there is a breakthrough in my soul or Vajra Holy Body."

"Even Zhao Zhantang, I can kill him with one punch."

Su Chen had a deeper understanding of his own strength.

On the way back.

The leader in yellow clothes and Su Chen talked a lot.

The inland sea is very small, and the corpse area is very large. Even the Soul-Destroying Forest, Death Valley, and Demonic Soul Grassland are only around the inland sea area.

The Wilderness actually told a lot of news about the Corpse Domain.

The human race exists in different locations.

There are even people coming from the fairy land.

Moreover, in the corpse realm, the monster clan also occupies a large area of ​​territory.

Relatively speaking, the monster tribe and the demon tribe are the main forces against the zombie tribe.

The human race seems to be struggling to survive in the cracks.

"I don't know if Tianying will be in the monster beast clan. I don't know what happened to the monster beast that left Kunlun Dojo."

"There is also the Fox Clan in the Beiling Small World. I don't know if it still exists."

Su Chen was filled with sadness as he listened to what the leader in yellow clothes was saying.

Finished chatting with the leader in yellow clothes.

Everyone moved forward in an orderly manner.

Kunlun City's team showed strong enough professional ability.

There are many people in the team who are responsible for investigation. They are providing early warning in all directions. The entire team is marching steadily, getting closer and closer to Death Valley.

Safe journey.

Only three small battles occurred.

After fighting off the zombies, leave.

Finally, everyone saw the light gate on the edge of Death Valley.

"This is a small world of rainforest."

"Let's go there."

There aren't many zombies around.

The Kunlun City team swarmed in.

There are 170,000 people, which is a bit crowded in the small world of the rainforest.

There is a sentry in the small world, and the people from Longtang will immediately report the news.

It’s just that everyone hasn’t left yet.

"Team trimming."

Su Chen and the leader in yellow clothes were suspended in the sky, he said:

"Check everyone's condition. The injured will explain their injuries. There is a possibility of infection. Come here immediately. The leader in yellow will cure you."

The leader in yellow clothes is indeed capable of dispelling corpse poison.

But this also depends on the level of poisoning.

Under the screening of the leader in yellow.

There are 61 people whose corpse poison has spread in their bodies.

As the Kunlun City team that has survived for more than a hundred years in the Corpse Domain.

They are well aware of the consequences of being poisoned with corpse poison.

"Come on, give us a good time, I will still be a good man in the next life."

someone yelled.

It is better to die directly than to become a zombie.


In many eyes.

A flame burned brightly in front.

Everyone was silent.

A few minutes later.

Su Chen sighed lightly, and then he said:

"Let me explain again, you are going to the main world. In the city, you must follow the secular rules and martial arts. If you kill innocent people indiscriminately, you will be killed without mercy."

"Another thing, there are five major sects in the main world. The yellow-robed leader next to me is the leader of Xianwu Pavilion. You can join the five major sects or create your own forces. However, what is left to us Time is running out and the zombie clan is rampant. No matter which force we are in, our ultimate goal is the same."

Su Chen's eyes gradually became firm. He raised a finger and said:

"One last thing. There are many forces that left Kunlun Dojo. Back then, Kunlun Dojo was refined by me. Now, every small world is a medicinal field. Kunlun Dojo is not small in area, and there are many spiritual herbs. It belongs to Longtang. If you want to get cultivation resources, you can also join Longtang."

After that, Su Chen looked at the Yellow-robed Sect Leader, took out a space ring and handed it over:

"Old Huang, thank you for this trip, it's hard work."

After taking it, the Yellow-robed Sect Leader checked it and was stunned: "So many?"

"You want to impact the fifth level, so I'll prepare more for you." Su Chen smiled.

The Yellow-robed Sect Leader nodded, and he smiled and said:

"Okay, but, speaking of it, I'm more looking forward to your breakthrough."

Su Chen laughed: "That day will not be far away."

After that, Su Chen waved his hand:

"Let's go, disperse, go home to see my daughter."

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