Fairy King Dad

Chapter 471: Horror Zone

Xiacheng, deep in the eastern forest area.

Su Chen, Langyan, Damo, and Zhanfeng appeared in the forest.

Ye Qingning did not come, but stayed there to look after Luo Luo.

Bahuang was still refining the elixir.

The spiritual herbs obtained from the five masters were continuously transformed into high-quality elixirs.

The forest was very dense. It was cloudy in Xiacheng, and it was a little dark in the forest.

Going to the deepest part, on a lawn.

"The passage is here."

Su Chen said, "The small world is not large, and it is also a forest area. There are thousands of zombies in it, and the strongest breath is the Golden Core Realm."

There are dozens of small worlds refined by Su Chen, all of which are in a closed state.

With the great formation of heaven and earth arranged by Su Chen that year, a Yuanying Realm cultivator can find a way out from it, but in the outside world, unless there is an existence like the nameless old Taoist, it is difficult to find the entrance to the passage of the small world.

"Are there Jindan zombies?"


After hearing this, Langyan sighed repeatedly: "It's not easy to break in. In the human territory in the corpse domain, most of the zombies encountered are around the God Realm, and there are not many in the Qi Training Realm. The appearance of Jindan zombies means that the passage between the small world and the corpse domain may be deeper into the corpse domain."

"Go and see."

Su Chen waved his right hand.

The passage to the small world opened, and several people quickly entered it.

It was like coming from a forest to a larger forest area.

On the ground, there were zombies wandering around.

They soon smelled the smell of humans.

The nearby zombies turned their heads and ran quickly.

The lowest realm was the Gongji Realm, and the speed was very fast. Some ran directly, while others kept jumping on the trees. Their bodies seemed stiff, but they were actually very flexible.


Langyan grinned.

His knife, like a whirlwind, strangled forward.

The long sword used by Zhanfeng, the swordsmanship was elegant.

Da Mo was holding a giant axe, chopping zombies as easily as cutting tofu with a knife.

Su Chen didn't even need to make a move.

The three of them swept through all the zombies in the small world.

In a short period of time, the zombies in the small world were killed completely.

During this period, Lang Yan also took out a red gem.

Throwing it down, like a bomb, flames soon appeared and burned the zombies' bodies to ashes.

"Junior brother, the flesh and blood of zombies are very contagious. It's okay for cultivators, but ordinary people will be assimilated if they touch it."

Zhan Feng said in a gentle tone: "Under normal circumstances, it's okay to burn them with flame stones."

Su Chen nodded.

Everyone walked forward for dozens of meters.

They saw a translucent, diamond-like door frame.

The world inside the door was on a small hill, surrounded by woods. There was a group of zombies in the distance, about 500 in number.

Across the immortal gate, they didn't seem to feel the atmosphere here.

The zombies who walked into the small world felt like they had strayed into it.

However, when Su Chen and his team were only three meters away from the light gate.

Inside the light gate, the zombies in the woods seemed a little agitated, looking around.

Spotting Su Chen and his team, the zombies rushed over.

"Kill them and see."

Langyan entered the corpse domain with a knife.

This was the first time Su Chen came to the corpse domain.

This was a big world, and the light gate behind him had a strong and stable aura.

It looked like the light gate might not disappear in 20 or 30 years, let alone ten years. The passage was basically open.

The sky was deep blue, and there was a sun on the horizon.

Langyan and Zhanfeng went to kill the zombies.

Damo climbed to the top of the tree, looked at the surrounding situation, and took out two gems to sense the surrounding aura.


"Fortunately, there are no large groups of zombies nearby."

"The corpse king should not be here."

Back on the ground, Damo took out another transparent gem, stood it upright in the palm of his hand, and faced the direction of the sun.

The light refracted on the ground through the gem, about 60 degrees from the ground.

"Junior brother, in the corpse domain, you can use the cloud light gem to explore the location. Through the position of your own combat power and the angle of the sunlight refracted by the cloud light gem, you can roughly know some location information."

"The human territory here is in the inland sea area."

"And our current angle, hehe, is a bit bad..."

When the light refracted by the gem was completely formed, Da Mo's face changed. He looked forward and shouted:

"Lang Yan, Zhan Feng, go quickly, we are in the Death Mountain Range!"


The two people fighting in front of them changed their faces!

"What! Death Mountain Range?"

"Fuck, go quickly!"

The two flew back quickly, Lang Yan grabbed Su Chen and said, they quickly ran back to the small world and left the small world again.

"Quick, close the door quickly, they can't get in."

Lang Yan roared.

When Su Chen closed the passage to the small world.


Lang Yan exhaled a long breath.

"Where is the Death Mountain Range?" Su Chen asked.

"Junior brother..."

Zhan Feng sighed: "The Death Mountain Range is about 8,000 miles away from the human territory. It is one of the most terrifying places near the inland sea human territory. Dozens of strong men have explored the Death Mountain Range. In this mountain area, there are eight corpse kings. The number of corpses exceeds 60 million. The corpse kings are intelligent creatures. It is very difficult for the main city plan to gain a foothold here."

"There are many places around the human territory. We know some information and can explore them, but it is too difficult to gain a foothold." Langyan said softly: "Otherwise, the human territory has not expanded much over the years."

"There is another point." Damo thought for a while and added: "Some corpse kings will occasionally move their territory. Some corpse kings will take the thousands of corpses away, as if they have no interest in the human territory. Anyway, this situation is very strange and no one can explain it clearly."

"It may be the monster tribe."

Langyan said: "There are many monsters in the corpse area, and they are far away from the human race. Ten thousand miles to the west of the tribe's territory, there is their territory. The number of demon kings in the Tribulation Realm is more than that of the human race, and it is said that there are top demons. "

Su Chen said in a strange way: "Since the small world will connect to the corpse domain, then ghosts and monsters should also appear in the corpse domain, right?"

"That's not what I saw, but it may exist." Zhan Feng replied: "The corpse domain is vast, and no one has explored it clearly. It is much larger than the area of ​​the main world. There are too many unexplored places. After all, someone said that the way to the fairyland is in the corpse domain."


Chatted here for a while.

Su Chen and his friends left here and went to the next small world.

"The Death Mountains are still here."

"The Death Mountains again."

The three small worlds controlled by Su Chen all appeared in the Death Mountains.

There is also the small world controlled by Longtang. Su Chen and his friends entered it and found that the location was also the Death Mountains.

However, the places connected to each small world are far apart.

The area of ​​the Death Mountains is comparable to a state continent in the main world.

At the same time, Su Chen also learned the news.

From other countries, people who have returned from the immortal gate have found out the location.

Most of the data is statistical.

According to the current known situation, except for the major dojo, the other small worlds all appear in the Death Mountains.

"Not good."

"The main city plan may be in trouble."

Langyan and others are not optimistic about this plan.

Not only them, but all the strong people who have returned from the immortal gate are not optimistic about the main city plan.

The main city plan will only have some effect in the inland sea area.

In other regions, it is nothing but a fool's dream to want to establish a main city.

"Most of the teams in the other seven dojos in the world are killing zombies in the small world, and no one has reached the immortal gate."

After Su Chen learned the news, he decided to go to Kunlun Dojo immediately.

First study the location where Kunlun Dojo appeared.

Soon, several people arrived at Kunlun Dojo.

At the outermost part of the Kunlun Mountains, there are many engineering vehicles, clearing the way.

Until there was no road, many materials were taken by helicopter and sent into the depths of Kunlun Mountains.

For the defense wall plan, Kunlun Dojo is the most important place.

Steel, hot weapons, formations, flames, water and other means will be used to resist zombies.

Kunlun Dojo is the largest small world in Dragon Country and is controlled by Su Chen, so Qinglong War God is most concerned.

Arrived at the edge of Kunlun Mountains.

Su Chen saw Qinglong War God.

"Why are you here?"

Su Chen and his men landed in the temporary base, and people were coming and going around in a hurry.


"I thought about it, I'd better come here in person to feel more at ease."

Qinglong War God smiled bitterly and said, "The larger the scale of the small world, the stronger the zombies. As long as we can defend Kunlun Dojo, then the main city plan will be completely feasible."

According to the current situation, the main city plan is a bit unrealistic.

But it is still necessary to build a defense wall and a defense main city.

There are many teams guarding the worlds of all sizes across the country.

Even in the small worlds where the five major forces such as Shengtai Mountain are located, there are people from the Dragon Hall participating in it.

There are many zombies, but there are more warriors in the Dragon Country. Almost all small worlds are surrounded.

There are also many teams in major cities, ready to go at any time.

"Most small worlds are open, so build defense walls there first."

Su Chen said: "I still have dozens of small worlds here, and the passages are closed, but we have to guard them. Qinglong, you send people to guard these places, and at the same time create defense walls for real-time detection."


Qinglong God of War nodded.

After Su Chen told him the detailed location, he and Langyan entered the Kunlun Dojo.

In the Kunlun Dojo, the strongest zombie even reached the fusion realm.

Langyan chopped his head more than a dozen times before he killed it.

It took two hours to clear the thousands of zombies in the Kunlun Dojo.

"Go and have a look."

When Su Chen and his companions crossed the Immortal Gate and came to the corpse domain.

What came into view all around was endless grassland.

There are several majestic mountains not far away.

"Find a location."

Lang Yan immediately took out the Cloud Light Gemstone and looked at the direction.

"No, the angle is too big. It looks like this place is about 30,000 miles away from the inland sea." Lang Yan was a little surprised.

"30,000 miles... Could it be..."

Da Mo's face changed in shock: "Could this be..."

"Demon Soul Grassland?" Zhan Feng took a breath of cold air.

"Demon Soul Grassland... Go! Don't stay here!"

Lang Yan's face was a little pale, and several people immediately retreated from the Immortal Gate to Kunlun Dojo.

Standing in front of the Immortal Gate.

Looking at the grassland inside.

It seemed as if there was a whistling wind.

Langyan, Damo and Zhanfeng shuddered.

They looked at the grassland inside the door with a hint of fear in their eyes.

Demonic Soul Grassland...

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and sighed slightly in his heart.

It seems that this is a more terrifying corpse area.

ps: More updates

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