Fairy King Dad

Chapter 409: No name change!

"Your Majesty."

Qinglong God of War quickly called.

He delivers a message.

Immortal gates open in many small worlds.

Over in Western Europe, someone appeared from the Immortal Gate.

"Is anyone coming out?"

After learning the news, Su Chen's eyes narrowed.

Back then, many people from the Tianxing Sect went to the Immortal Sect World.

Will they be able to come back this time?

"Yes, Your Majesty, there are more than a dozen people coming out. Their identities are not known yet. They are of very high level and disappeared after they appeared."

Qinglong War God's tone was a little heavy: "Your Majesty, tell me, will the people coming out of the Immortal Sect this time be stronger than the people in the Underground Palace?"

"We just have to wait and see."

Su Chen frowned.

After communicating with the Qinglong God of War, based on the current situation of Longtang, as long as no tribulation strongman returns in the Immortal Sect, the peace of the world can still be maintained.

‘I am now in the early stage of Dacheng. ’

‘Possessing the soul of nothingness, the body of the divine elephant has reached its peak level, and he has developed the power of the divine elephant. ’

‘My Supreme Divine Fist has reached the level of Xiaocheng and can already produce boxing style. ’

‘Who can resist my punch during the tribulation? ’

Su Chen sat on the Diaoyutai, squinting his eyes slightly and looking at the bright light of the eastern sun.

‘As long as you have strength, you can survive in any troubled times. ’

Soon, Su Chen made a decision.

During breakfast.

"Daughter, let's cancel our travel plans this time. The Immortal Gate is open and someone comes out of it. We have to check the situation."

Su Chen gave Luo Luo a piece of food with chopsticks and smiled slightly.

"Is the Immortal Gate open? Can the seniors of the Star Sect come back that day?" Luoluo was slightly startled, and she said with a smile: "Dad, let's go see the Immortal Gate?"


Su Chen nodded: "After dinner, let's go see some small worlds nearby."

Kunlun Dojo has been refined by Su Chen.

He could sense the situation over there, and no one was returning.

And the aura of the Immortal Sect made Su Chen feel a little weird.

As for what was strange about it, Su Chen didn't know.

The Immortal Sect is a very mysterious existence according to the current known circumstances.

It's a scam, not a place to reach immortality. It's a corpse realm with corpse clans.

Su Chen learned the basic information from Chu Tianya back then.

As for the specific situation, you won’t know it unless you see it with your own eyes or experience it personally.

Soon, after breakfast.

Su Chen took Luo Luo and Ye Qingning to several nearby small worlds.

The passage of the Immortal Gate is similar to the passage of the secret land of the small world. It is a white cloud, but there is a glowing door in the cloud of the Immortal Gate.

There is a fairy spirit in the fairy, and over time, the saying of the fairy gate has been passed down.

I looked in several places and found nothing.

Su Chen and the other two went back home and began their cultivation career in the Heavenly King's Hall.

Ye Qingning and Luo Luo received top-level inheritance, and their cultivation efficiency was very fast.

That afternoon, at dusk.

Moorish song.

A small world of western woodlands.

In the small world, there is a team of more than a hundred people.

The leader is the strength of the Zhang family who came out of the underground palace.

The leader of the family is Yi, who is in the late stage of the Return to Void Realm. The other dozen or so members of the Zhang family have realms ranging from golden elixir to god refining.

As for the others, they are members of the native Moor Song.

The Zhang family here can be said to be surrounded by stars.

Next to Zhang Yi, stood two elderly members of the family, they were two elders.

Looking at the light gate, the great elder sighed:

"The Immortal Gate is more mysterious than the secret land of Beixiong Country. Since ancient times, it has been easy to enter but difficult to get out. I don't know what opportunities exist inside. Is there really a way to ascend to immortality?"

"Not necessarily." Zhang Yi shook his head: "Last time, I talked with the butcher. He had a negative view on the Immortal Sect. He believed that it should just be a vast small world. The butcher and I had the same idea. We will not enter this light door easily unless we can come and go freely."

"Hey, the fifty-person exploration team they sent has been there for a long time, and they haven't come out yet. It seems that the situation inside is not good." The second elder sighed softly: "To be honest, I feel a little bit in my heart. Itchy, if the Immortal Sect is the same as the Beixiong Country Secret Land, there will be a lot of magical herbs there!"

"Let's see, we don't know what will happen yet."


While talking.

Suddenly, in the light gate area, a figure staggered out.

"Huh...I'm back."

The person who appeared murmured softly and seemed very relaxed.

When leaving the white fog area.

After seeing the crowd below.

This man looked extremely calm.

He was wearing a gray settee, with a sword on the right side of his waist, and he looked very imposing.


The face of the eldest elder of the Zhang family suddenly changed, and he said to Zhang Yi:

"Master, this man is weird! He has a big mole on the left side of his face!"

The second elder looked slightly condensed: "Could it be that he is Lang Yan?"

"Lang Yan and Little Golden Niu did a lot of evil in the secret place of the North Bear Country. Little Golden Niu robbed the belongings of the younger members of our family, and Lang Yan also beat Zhang Ou." The elder turned to look at a man in his twenties. Asked: "Zhang Ou, you have seen Lang Yan, who is he?"

Zhang Ou squinted his eyes and observed the man in gray from a distance of several hundred meters. After a few seconds, Zhang Ou nodded and uttered one word:


Zhang Yi's face darkened slightly.

He remembered that one night when he was in the secret place of the North Bear Country, the magical herb he was eyeing was also snatched away by the wolf smoke.

Lang Yan was so weird that even he didn't see Lang Yan's appearance clearly.

"Is there anyone there?"

"A bunch of yellow hair? This is a foreign country?"

The man in gray had a calm expression. He stood with his hands behind his back, suspended in the air, overlooking the crowd in front of him.

This superior posture gave Zhang Yi a dangerous aura in his eyes.

"Who is your Excellency?" Zhang Yi suddenly asked.


The man in the air flew forward a hundred meters. He behaved calmly and said in an indifferent tone:

"I don't change my name when I'm walking, and I don't change my surname when I sit down. It's like a wolf smoke!"


Zhang Yi's eyes suddenly widened, and a fierce aura rippled out.

Sure enough it was him!

The Zhang family crowd was shocked.

The second elder looked sulky. He stepped forward with his sword and sneered:

"Are you Lang Yan? I heard that you are quite awesome?"

Langyan was slightly startled.


What's the meaning?

Have you heard that I am awesome?

Where did you hear that?

Could it be that all my achievements in the Corpse Realm were known to the main world?

Just looking at the other person's face, it doesn't look very good-looking.

Langyan was a little confused and didn't know the specific situation.

But the second elder of the Zhang family didn't say much, just sprinted over and slashed with his sword!

"Little thief Langyan, why are you here? Did you go to grab our spiritual treasure?"

The second elder of the Zhang family, the moment he took action, his momentum was magnificent, and sword lights shot up into the sky.

What the hell!

Langyan slowly widened his eyes.

No! Something's wrong!

This person's realm is at the peak level of God Refining!

How could there be such a strong person in the main world?

How careless!

Lang Yan originally thought that when he returned to the main world, with his early stage of god refining, he would be able to dominate the world and dominate the world.

But I didn't expect that when I came to a small world, I encountered a big enemy?

Lang Yan's eyes were cloudy and uncertain.

He brought up the sword, and his sword skills were astonishing, and he kept dueling with the sword of the second elder of the Zhang family.

While fighting, Langyan slowly retreated and flew towards the exit of the small world.

"Who are you?"

Lang Yan felt even more stressed, he looked at the other person and asked.

"Zhang Hui, the second elder of the Zhang family!"

The second elder responded and swung his sword faster.

He was beaten as soon as he came up, which made Langyan suffer unspeakably.

He tried his best to resist the second elder's attack.


"I am too lazy to fight you."

As the saying goes, a good man never suffers immediate losses.

Lang Yan left a word, his speed suddenly increased, and he quickly flew towards the passage.


The great elder said with an ugly face: "Lang Yan wants to leave so much, he must have obtained the treasure!"

Zhang Yi had a sullen face and snorted coldly.

"Little thief of Langyan, keep your spiritual treasure, and then I can spare your life!"

Zhang Yi said coldly.

"Who do you think you are?" Lang Yan laughed and said, "If you want to take my spiritual treasure, you can do it in the next life!"


Zhang Yi suddenly took action.

When Langyan felt the strong aura on Zhang Yi's body, he suddenly became furious!

‘Holy shit! He is in the late stage of returning to the void, oh no! Run away! ’

A layer of white light rippled around Lang Yan's body. His speed surged and he fled quickly.

"Langyan, even if you have the means to escape, I will give you a severe beating today even if I lose a few spiritual treasures!"

Zhang Yi said coldly.

He knew that Lang Yan could escape from under the eyes of the Butchers. His ability to escape was too strong!

A fallen leaf and he can disappear.

It's almost impossible to leave a trace of smoke behind. You can only try your best to get a chance to beat him for a few seconds.

Zhang Yi, two elders, and a few Zhang family members were chasing after him.

Lang Yan fled crazily in front.

"Are these people crazy?"

"You want to hit me so much?"

Langyan looked confused:

"Fortunately, I'm fast!"

After leaving the passage of the small world.

Lang Yan flew into the air with his front legs, and Zhang Yi and others chased after him with their back legs.

"You want to catch me? You can't do that yet!"

Lang Yan sneered.

What he consumed was a speed-like spirit treasure, which improved greatly.

According to his speed, he can escape without any pressure.


He didn't expect that Zhang Yi actually took out a small canoe. They sat on the canoe, and their speed was as fast as his own.

Zhang Yi's occasional attacks made Lang Yan miserable.

Flying for about two hours, they flew to the edge of Morge.

Arriving at the border with neighboring country Moorebourne.

At this moment, there was already a dark group of people ahead.

It looked like there were over six hundred people.

These people were notified by Zhang Yi, and were led by three underground palace families.

"Wolf smoke!"

"You dare to come here and show off to us?"

"I'll stay with you today!"

"Brothers, come on!"

"Catch him and beat the shit out of him!"

Hundreds of people swarmed up and blocked him from a distance.

At this moment, Lang Yan was not feeling well.

"One early stage of Dacheng, five returning to the virtual realm, and more than a dozen divine refining realms!"

"What's going on?"

"Is this the main world?"

"Why are they beating me?"

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