Fairy King Dad

Chapter 41 A tall building rises from the ground! (1/2)

It was eleven o'clock in the evening.

Su Chen stood on Panlong Mountain.

Now, there was only one office building in the direction of the entrance around Panlong Mountain, which had not been demolished yet. There were surveillance facilities around Panlong Mountain.

There were five employees on duty inside.

There were also a few engineering equipment around Panlong Mountain.

However, their location did not affect Su Chen's work.


A green light flashed in Su Chen's eyes.

The five staff on duty suddenly lost their focus and fell asleep in just three seconds.

Su Chen did not like to be disturbed when he was doing things.

Standing on the top of Panlong Mountain, he looked around.

"Qingxuan Holy Stone!"

Suddenly, the space ring on Su Chen's finger flashed slightly, and a two-meter-high, green diamond-shaped stone appeared in front of Su Chen.

This is the Qingxuan Holy Stone!

When the Qingxuan Holy Stone appeared.

The energy of the underground spiritual spring water of Panlong Mountain suddenly doubled.



Su Chen's aura changed drastically!

His hair and clothes moved without wind.

At this moment, Su Chen's expression was as calm as water, and his aura was otherworldly.

In his eyes, a ray of green light flashed.

His majestic figure seemed to make the world pale in comparison!

His aura rose steadily!

And the Qingxuan Holy Stone in front of Su Chen began to burst out the energy it contained.

The energy turned into thousands of threads, echoing with the Qingxuan Spiritual Spring.

The energy of heaven and earth is numerous and complex.

Su Chen controlled these energies, and suddenly, he raised his right hand and pressed down.


The Qingxuan Holy Stone suddenly fell down and smashed deeply into the ground.

It was like a buzzing sound of the sky collapsing and the earth splitting.

It spread from Panlong Mountain.

In the business district across the street, people who were watching movies in the cinema thought it was the sound in the movie, and felt that the sound of the movie was very real.

And many people who were shopping were stunned.

What sound?

Why is it so loud?

The sound waves are rolling!

This low muffled sound seems to ring in the hearts of many people, making people feel a little palpitation.

The top of Panlong Mountain.

Changes have begun!

As the Qingxuan Holy Stone falls.

A deep pit appears right in front of Su Chen.

It seems that the top of the mountain has been flattened.

The flying sand and rocks, like the momentum of a mudslide, the degree of energy explosion can even be felt by some innate warriors.

"It's the direction of Panlong Mountain!"

"What happened over there?"

"Report to the upper level quickly!"

A Dragon Hall warrior was frightened and reported the news.

"Is it Panlong Mountain? Don't worry about it, no one is allowed to disturb Panlong Mountain."

The headquarters of the Dragon Hall in the Demon City heard that it was Panlong Mountain, so they quickly gave orders.

After all, the five hall masters have ordered that Panlong Mountain is a special area for them.


The violent fluctuations made many people nearby look a little stunned.

But it didn't last long.

It only lasted for more than ten seconds.

The muffled sound disappeared.

Instead, in front of Su Chen, there was a spiritual spring water like a small lake.


A large number of formation stones appeared near Su Chen's palm.

Each formation stone turned into a stream of light, flew to various locations in Panlong Mountain, sank deep into the ground, and combined with the spiritual spring water.

"Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen, Dui."

"Heaven, Earth, Thunder, Wind, Water, Fire, Mountain, Marsh."

"With my blood, condense the Qingxuan Bagua formation!"

A drop of blood essence emerged from Su Chen's brow.

Using blood essence to refine the mountain protection formation, from then on, the ability of the mountain protection formation can be controlled by Su Chen.


Clear lights lit up from various locations in Panlong Mountain, lasted for about a second, and then dissipated.

Qingxuan Bagua formation, completed!

"Mist rises!"

Under Su Chen's control.

Qingxuan Bagua formation exerted a trace of its power.

Wisps of mist rippled around Panlong Mountain.

Gradually, the mist gradually grew larger and higher, and became a vast expanse of white.

Su Chen, located in the center of Panlong Mountain, began his show.

"Central Castle..."

According to Su Chen's final design, the central castle is in the shape of Bagua, which fits the formation and is almost integrated with Panlong Mountain. Its solidity is such that Panlong Mountain is not destroyed and the Qingxuan Bagua formation is not destroyed, the central castle will stand firm.

As for the material for building the main body of the castle, it is the golden rock boulders that Su Chen brought out from the Kunlun Mountains. They are very hard stones. Although they are not spiritual treasures, they can accommodate the energy of spiritual spring water.

The castle has eight directions, and each direction is like a Disney-style castle with its own characteristics.

In short, it is like combining eight castles together, leaving a cylindrical space in the center.


The space ring on Su Chen's left little finger is called Qiankun Ring. It is a fifth-level spiritual treasure, and its space is extremely huge.

A piece of very regular boulders, about five meters long, wide and high.

Boulders appear and stack up.

Some boulders are cut into various shapes according to Su Chen's wishes.

Boom boom boom...

Boulders keep falling, and the sound is like a rainbow, like thunder!

But because of the Qingxuan Bagua formation.

The sound of Panlong Mountain did not spread out.

The theme of its Dreamland is a dreamlike amusement park.

The color of the entire building is mostly pink, and various colors are added according to the different areas.

However, Su Chen did not take the raw materials for coloring.

Decoration is still necessary.

The castle continues to extend upward, and the tallest cylindrical building reaches 200 meters, and the main body of the Dreamland area ends.

"The second one is the strange world."

"The difference from the style of Dreamland is that there is more strangeness."

Su Chen pondered for two seconds, and boulders continued to appear. He was building the second area of ​​the central castle.

There are several buildings in the Strange World Castle area. From the front, there are several houses that look like they are suspended in the air, and there are many small buildings of various shapes.

Its tallest cylindrical building is also 200 meters high.

"Garden of Tomorrow."

Its architectural style is like a layer of blooming flowers. While retaining the Disney style, it adds garden elements.

With Su Chen's control.

He keeps building the frame of the main building like building blocks.

The style of the exterior is already magnificent.

The most important thing is the filling inside.

Its treasure island has a very distinctive castle style. The combination of several tall buildings is like a mountain island.


The most distinctive area is the animal world area.

On the side facing the river.

At the lower part of the castle, there are some small animal-shaped buildings. At the higher point, there is a lifelike dragon creature in the animation. It is like a guardian beast, with sharp eyes, overlooking all living things.

Inside Panlong Mountain.

There are constant muffled sounds.

The frame of the castle was quickly built.

As for the interior, the height of 200 meters, if it is a residence, is about the height of 60 or 70 floors.

However, the castle designed by Su Chen is just a princess mansion built for his daughter, and it belongs to her alone.

There is no emphasis on efficiency at all.

Entering it, the entire site is extremely empty.

The internal outlines of the eight theme areas can be seen completely.

In the center is the pool smashed by the Qingxuan Holy Stone.

For the interior design, Su Chen still chose many ideas designed by Edward's team.

"There must be a princess room on each floor."

"The first two floors are not necessary, this can be a tourist reception area."

As Su Chen thought, huge stones appeared.

The height of the first floor was 20 meters, very tall, and seemed unusually empty.

However, when Su Chen took out a crystal clear liquid like flowing water, he erected eight columns next to the pool.

The crystal clear water spread and covered the eight columns, forming transparent glass, surrounding a huge pool.

The spiritual spring water continued to rise and soon filled the pool.

The visual effect was like watching the underwater world of some amusement parks.

Continuing upward, Su Chen continued to build layers of buildings.

Eight areas on each floor, the style of the room, kitchen, restaurant, cinema, gym, karaoke hall, and various places for entertainment, all have different styles.

Even later, Su Chen took out a three-foot long sword and continued to wear and transform the huge stone.

He seemed to have transformed into a peerless craftsman. Like a video played at ten times the speed, Su Chen was busy inside the castle at a very fast speed.

He was full of energy and enthusiasm!

"The floor and wall tiles are made of Qingyan porcelain, which can maintain a constant temperature."

"It is a little troublesome to leave some places for water and electricity renovation. Leave some Qingyan porcelain. When the water and electricity renovation is completed, the servants can complete it."

"The center of the second floor is the edge of the small lake, which can be used for entertaining guests and leisure."

"In the pool, a rockery should be built, extending to the highest point of the treasure island area, and a waterfall should be maintained through the spiritual spring."

"Rockery waterfall, trees and flowers, mountains and waters are all there."

"Every floor above must have a princess room, and the largest princess room is at the top of the eight highest buildings."

The central castle designed by Su Chen has eight highest buildings, and the highest point is eight princess rooms of different styles.

There are many rooms, and it is up to the daughter to live however she wants.

The whole castle is like a Disney castle. Except for the relatively high cylindrical buildings, the other buildings are about 100 meters.

Su Chen only designed seven floors for this hundred meters.

In addition to these designs, Su Chen also polished many special areas.

"The Adventure Bay is mainly a water world, which is a place to play with water. You can build a cylindrical slide that extends from the high point of the Adventure Bay to the pool below."

"The Animal World area can be simpler. Leave a large enough room. When the castle is renovated, I will go back to Kunlun and find a monster to be the guardian beast."

"And this toy valley area must have enough toys, and you can buy them later."


Su Chen carried a long sword.

Swish swish swish......

Continuously transforming the interior of the castle.

Time passed slowly, and the layout was soon designed.

When the first ray of sunlight appeared from the east in the morning.

Su Chen stopped.

It was time for sunrise.

"It's five o'clock."

Su Chen, who had been busy all night, did not feel the passage of time at all.

Seeing his achievements, Su Chen smiled subconsciously:

"This is what a princess's castle should look like."

"I hope my daughter will like it after seeing it."

Su Chen was looking forward to it. When the Panlongshan project was finished, what would her daughter's expression be like when she came to Panlongshan and saw these things?

"It's time to go back."

Su Chen smiled slightly, and he moved and quickly disappeared in the fog of Panlongshan.

They say that the early bird catches the worm.

At five o'clock, there were already many vehicles on the road.

In a taxi.

A female passenger sat in the back, casually flipping through her phone. She was going to work early.

The driver was listening to the radio casually.

"Hello, this is the traffic radio station. According to experts, there is a group of fog near Panlongshan due to the influence of the cold current. Please drive carefully."

The driver was slightly stunned.

There is almost no news of fog in the Panlongshan area.

"Where is the cold current in the summer?"

The driver muttered to himself.

The broadcast continued:

"It is now 5:20. There have been six traffic accidents at the intersection of Tianming Street and Aijian Road. The vehicles have caused congestion. I hope that all listeners will be aware of this. If you need to go through, you can take a detour."

This sentence made the female passenger in the back seat stunned:

"Traffic jam on Tianming Road? No way? It's a wide road there. I have to go there for the morning shift. I won't be late, will I?"

While she was talking, she suddenly found that the vehicle had turned and entered Tianming Road.

Not far ahead, there was a lot of traffic, and even many vehicles had people standing next to them. They seemed to have gotten out of the car, and they were all looking in the same direction.

"What's wrong?"

The female passenger couldn't see anything from her perspective, so she said in great surprise.

But the driver didn't respond.

"Ahhh! It's going to hit! Master! It's going to hit!"

The female passenger saw that the distance between the vehicle and the vehicle in front was getting closer and closer, but it didn't slow down, and she screamed in shock.


The driver was startled and braked suddenly, and the vehicle stopped only ten centimeters away from the vehicle in front.

"Fuck!" the driver cursed: "So this is the reason for the accident! I was scared to death!"

"Stop scaring me, okay? What are you doing?"

The female passenger looked unhappy. When she moved her seat and sat on the right side of the back seat, she saw the scene on Panlong Mountain outside. In a short moment, her pupils shrank quickly:

"What the hell...what kind of building is this?"

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