Fairy King Dad

Chapter 405: Endless Fun

"Luoluo, what did the head teacher say to you?"

When Luo Luo returned to his seat, Dong Shuang, who was at the same table, asked with a gossipy face.

"I didn't say anything. I just told me to study hard."

Luoluo responded quietly.

"That's okay. It scared me to death. I thought the teacher was going to hit you." Dong Shuang patted his chest.

Luo Luo couldn't help but glance at her.

Following Dong Shuang's movements... his chest rose and fell.

Dong Shuang is nearly 1.6 meters tall, her breasts are already small and her figure is pretty good.

Luo Luo subconsciously lowered his head and glanced at himself.

The gap is huge.

The most important thing is the height.

‘When can I have long legs like my mother? ’

Luoluo thought secretly, and he didn't know what was going on. His height suddenly stopped growing.

"Luoluo, don't say it. Your words are very effective. After you finished speaking, Sun Qing, Bei Zeyuan and Rong Wei didn't even look at each other. They felt that there should be no dispute."

Dong Shuang muttered.

"oh oh."

Luoluo nodded.

At this time, the teacher began to teach.

Unexpectedly, the head teacher Hou Junwen actually came back and looked at the situation in the class with a serious face from the back window of the class.

Luo Luo and Dong Shuang were chatting quietly, and he saw them.

He glanced at Dong Shuang with a bit of dissatisfaction.

Then I discovered that in the middle row, two classmates sitting in the sixth and seventh rows were chatting about something with a mean smile on their faces.

Hou Junwen soon appeared at the door of the class.

"You two come out."

Hou Junwen pointed expressionlessly at the two classmates who were already sitting upright.

"It's you two."

Hou Junwen repeated the sentence.

The two male classmates stood up with anxious expressions. Under the gaze of their classmates, they walked to the door of the class and stood by the wall.

Bang bang!

The sound of a slap soon came back.

This made the atmosphere in the class calm.

Even the teacher didn't speak for a while.

A few seconds passed.

The classroom teacher just said:

"Let's open the book..."

Two minutes later.

The two male classmates at the door lowered their heads and returned to their seats.

Hou Junwen was at the door of the class and glanced at the students in the class.

Except for the voice of the classroom teacher, there was silence.

No one expected that Hou Junwen could be so strict and that he even liked to hit people...

This time, Hou Junwen left.

But his intimidating power remained in the class for a long time.

During class, no one whispered to each other.

Most of the students listened to the lectures conscientiously, but a few students occasionally fiddled with their mobile phones under the desk.

After the first class.

The class was lively.

"The head teacher is too strict."

"I can't bear it. Several people were beaten today."

"My life is miserable, having such a teacher..."

Some students were chatting animatedly with classmates from other classes in the corridor.

As for Sun Qing, Bei Zeyuan and Rongwei, they all went to the toilet to smoke secretly.

It can be said that during get out of class time, the toilets on each floor are often filled with smoke.

There are many fun-loving people inside.

Sun Qing and a few friends stood together, while Bei Zeyuan, Rong Wei and a dozen other people stood in another area.

The two parties looked at each other from time to time.

It seemed that no one was convinced by the fight at noon.

"What are you looking at?"

Bei Zeyuan's eyes widened and he looked at a male classmate next to Sun Qing. He said coldly: "If you look at me again, I'll blow your eyes out!"

"What are you pretending to be?"

Sun Qing's face darkened. He took a few steps forward and said with a ferocious expression, "Are you looking for a beating?"

"Are you afraid of you?" Bei Zeyuan was full of energy and blood, and he raised his finger and pointed at Sun Qing.

"Okay, let's continue playing after school. Do you dare to challenge?" Sun Qing laughed.

"Can I be afraid of you?" Bei Zeyuan was about to agree.

But Rongwei beside him immediately said: "Sun Qing, you still want to fight because of your size? If you fight alone, you are just a man. Who doesn't care about power and people when you are hanging out? Bei Zeyuan and I are Together, do you want to challenge the two of us individually? "

"It's okay. No matter what the fight is, I will accompany you to the end." Sun Qing grinned.

"Okay, I'll meet you at the martial arts gym after school in the evening."

Rongwei nodded.

Sun Qing and others left quickly.

Roewe is still in the toilet.

"Beibei, don't always get on top of me."

Rongwei and Bei Zeyuan whispered: "That boy Sun Qing is a bit strong personally. If we fight alone, we may not be able to defeat him."

Bei Zeyuan's face turned a little dark.

This is an indisputable fact.

In a fight at noon, he saw the power of Sun Qing.

"After school today, the two of us will play with him." Bei Zeyuan nodded and said.


Rongwei responded and stopped talking about the matter. He smiled and teased: "I mean, Beibei, it's only the first day, and you plan to chase Su Luoluo?"

"What else?" Bei Zeyuan suddenly laughed: "This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful girl. Su Luoluo is simply perfect. If I don't chase him, will I regret it for the rest of my life?"

Rongwei said with emotion: "The key is that I don't want to fall in love, but at first glance she is a good girl who loves to study."

"Who said it's hard to chase a good girl?" Bei Zeyuan shook his head and said, "As time goes by, I will be able to impress her."

At this time, there were some students nearby who asked curiously: "Who is Su Luoluo?"

A classmate from Class 41 replied: "The beauty of our class is so beautiful."

"She is definitely a school beauty! This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful girl. During class, many students in our class would occasionally look back at her, for no other reason than to be eye-catching."

"Absolutely amazing, really. She is just a little short. She looks like she is only over 1.4 meters tall. Her face is so good."

"Brother Bei wants to chase Su Luoluo. It will take three to five days to catch him."


Soon, Bei Zeyuan and Rongwei returned to class.

Just walked to the door of the class.

Then I saw Sun Qing and Dong Shuang chatting with Luo Luo.

Sun Qing was still smiling, wondering what they were talking about.

See this scene.

Bei Zeyuan's face looked a little ugly. He returned to his seat and sat down.

I was thinking in my heart that after school in the evening, I must try my best to defeat Sun Qing.

"Of course there are skills in singing."

"I can vibrate."

"There are also retroflex sounds, douluuluuluulu..."

Sun Qing showed it to Dong Shuang and Luo Luo.

Dong Shuang covered his mouth and smiled.

Luo Luo chuckled.

Sun Qing is a very interesting person.

Although he loves to play, he is also willing to learn.

But this kind of person is not seen in key classes.

Afternoon classes are still going on.

Luoluo studied very quickly in class.

I do two things at once, listening to what the teacher is saying and reading books at the same time.

She felt that in just a few days, she could learn the knowledge points from the previous semester.

In terms of academic dominance, Luoluo will definitely dominate for a while.

Just like Ye Qingning's results back then.

Learning is simple and easy for the two girls.

When the school bell rings.

The students walked out one after another.

"Luoluo, aren't you going to the cafeteria? We will have evening study later."

Dong Shuang said with a strange expression.

In Huafeng High School, there is evening self-study on the first day of school, and the study courses are also very compact.

There is a reason for the high reinvestment rate.

"I'm not going to study in the evening. My dad came to pick me up and I went home to rest."

Luoluo waved his little hand and left.

Walking to the school gate, Su Chen was standing there, talking to the security guard.

"You can't be a parent, are you a liar? Want to lie to me? Do you think I'm that easy to lie?"

The young security guard looked at Su Chen and said with a look of rejection:

"How old are you? You look like you're twenty-six or seventeen years old. Can your child go to high school? Brother, I'm not stupid. You'd better come back. This is a closed management place. We have to pick people up from school and come back at nine o'clock in the evening."

I heard a series of words from the security guard.


Luo Luo was not far away and couldn't help laughing.

Su Chen's mouth trembled slightly.

In desperation, he called his head teacher Hou Junwen.

"No evening self-study? What should I do if I study? Mr. Su, I think you should think about this. You are already in high school, and studying is the most important thing." Hou Junwen said subconsciously.

"Do you think, with my daughter's grades, it is necessary to study in the evening?" Su Chen said.

Hou Junwen was silent. After a few seconds, he said: "It makes sense. Mr. Su can cultivate such an excellent daughter. In terms of education, it is definitely possible. Special measures will be taken. Su Luoluo will not have to study at night in the future. I'll get her an access card, and I'll call the doorman now."

I have to say that Hou Junwen's ability to do things is quite impressive.

The guard quickly let him go and looked at Su Chen with a strange look on his face. He couldn't believe that this was a parent from high school.


After getting in the car, Luoluo said with a smile: "People don't believe you are my father anymore, they think you are brother and sister."

"Yes, you said, Dad, how about getting older?" Su Chen hesitated.

"don't want."

Luoluo quickly shook his head: "It's good like this, how handsome he is."

"Is there anything fun you can do on the first day of school?" Su Chen asked with a smile.

"Yes, someone is chasing me." Luoluo replied immediately.


Su Chen held the steering wheel's hand and exerted three points of force. He coughed lightly: "Who is it?"

"I'm just a classmate. Hey, your baby is going to be taken away by someone else." Luoluo had a cunning look in his eyes.

"Hahaha, what's his name? Dad will observe him one day." Su Chen grinned.

But at this time, there was a little clicking sound in the direction of the car.

"Dad, don't get excited. I didn't even agree. From my perspective, they can't stand it."

Luoluo said seriously: "Also, someone in the class went to the ring today. It was in the martial arts hall. The fight was very intense."

"He Lu and I had lunch together. He Lu is in his second year of high school and seems to be quite popular."

"My new deskmate is called Dong Shuang..."

Luoluo chattered with Su Chen.

Su Chen laughed from time to time.

It feels like driving my daughter to and from school is endless fun.

ps: Next chapter, around ten o'clock in the evening

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