Fairy King Dad

Chapter 326 This is my daughter! (1/2)


In the evening, in the practice room, the spirit demon cauldron was placed. Su Chen stood in front of Luo Luo, teaching:

"The martial arts methods you have learned and the inheritance methods of the demon clan are enough."

"Reviewing the past and learning new things can help you improve. To put it simply, learning too much without fully mastering it is miscellaneous but not refined."

"But this situation is easy to handle, just practice more often."

"You have a martial arts space, where you can continue to comprehend and learn a lot of new things."

"As for the second point, it's your physical condition. You belong to the Fox Clan. According to the Fox Clan's numerology, you are only over one year old. The Fox Clan will not start practicing until they are three years old. Although it is a bit premature to practice, you will get With the inheritance of the ancestors, your magical powers are self-generated. Your strength has not yet reached the period of rapid growth. It is not a good thing to overdo it. Therefore, if you are eager to improve your cultivation level, you must make solid progress. "

"The third point is the cultivation of innate magical powers. Your innate magical powers have high growth potential. Strengthen them as much as possible to allow them to transform."

"After you take this Tianyuan Pill, you can start practicing. The effect of the pill should be enough for you to absorb it for a month."

Su Chen took out a pill.

Tianyuan Pill is a supply for his current cultivation, and there is not much left.

But little Princess Luoluo wanted to practice, so Su Chen of course used the best resources.

Luoluo raised her little head, blinked her big eyes, looked at Su Chen, and listened carefully.

"I know, Dad, then I'll start practicing."

Luo Luo obtained the elixir, and after taking it, he leaped to the top of the spirit demon cauldron, sat cross-legged in the void, and began to enter a state of cultivation.

Su Chen and Ye Qingning were sitting on chairs not far away.

Ye Qingning waved her hand and brought two glasses of red wine from outside the door.

After clinking glasses.

Ye Qingning took a sip, she smiled slightly, and looked at Luo Luo with eyes full of emotion: "The little guy has started to practice hard."

"Yes." Su Chen smiled: "My daughter will grow up, and it will take so many years."

"Not even close." Ye Qingning smiled and said, "According to the age of the fox clan, she is still young. Even according to the age of the human clan, it will take more than six years for her to become an adult."

Su Chen shrugged and smiled.

"Husband, do you think Luo Luo can be ranked among the top ten in the world in this martial arts competition?" Ye Qingning asked with a somewhat expectant look.

"Hahaha, once my daughter gets serious, it wouldn't be too much to become number one in the world, right?" Su Chen laughed.

"So confident? My expectation is that the top ten will be fine. However, with so many people participating, let alone the top ten, the top 100 in the world will be very difficult." Ye Qingning shook his head slightly.

"The difficulty is of course very high. The top 100 in the world must be in the Qi training realm."

Su Chen pondered for a moment: "It's difficult to fight without using the spirit treasure."

Ye Qingning was silent. She drank all the wine in the glass, looked at Luo Luo's figure, and said softly: "If Luo Luo's blood energy explodes once, she will improve a lot in a short period of time, and she will be able to compete in martial arts competitions." Going further will indeed be difficult if we only look at the current progress.”

"No matter where she goes, this competition is a test for Luoluo." Su Chen smiled slightly: "I believe my daughter can do it."

"No wonder Luo Luo relies on you so much. You are so doting on her." Ye Qingning pursed her lips and smiled.

"Of course, she is my caring little cotton-padded jacket." Su Chen smiled.

"Looking at Luoluo's condition, he will probably have to practice until tomorrow morning. Dear Mr. Su, I want to practice too~" Ye Qingning's eyes had a hint of brilliance.


Su Chen stood up, took Ye Qingning's slender hand, and walked out of the room.

After returning to his bedroom.

Jiang Ye Qingning was still on the bed. Her graceful body bounced twice on the bed, and the plumpness outlined by her top trembled slightly.

Su Chen's right hand started to move upward from Ye Qingning's ankle, and he held Ye Qingning's pink lips...

In the first half of the night, Su Chen took the absolute initiative.

Later in the night...

"No energy left?"


"Why don't you take a rest?"

"Why rest? I am very powerful."


October 2nd.

It’s a rainy day in Liao City.

A steady drizzle fell.

The convoy from Tianwang Palace soon arrived at the stadium.

The gymnasium was overcrowded.

Luoluo is still dressed as yesterday.

She practiced for a whole night and was full of energy.

The draw will begin soon.

There are more than 2,500 people, half of whom will be eliminated.

The progress of the next schedule will be much faster than yesterday.

Lolo's first opponent.

A young martial arts master from a martial arts family in the early stage.

This is a girl in her early twenties.

"Su is three years old."

She looked at Luo Luo, her face full of nervousness.

When the countdown ends.

She took the lead and approached Luoluo.

However, Luoluo only kicked him horizontally.

The air wave kicked the opponent away from the ring.

"I lost."

Under the ring, the woman had a bitter smile on her face.

The gap is too big.

Su is three years old and is the favorite to win the championship in Laocheng.

She thought that if she was lucky, she could enter the top 500 in Liao City.

As a result...when she saw that the person who drew lots was Su Sansui, her defeat was certain.


Luo Luo was on the ring, nodded slightly, jumped off the ring, and won cleanly.

In this round, more than a thousand people were eliminated.

There were less than 1,300 people left.

Half past twelve noon.

The second round of drawing begins today.

"My opponent this time is a great master."

"Let's see if he can put some pressure on me."

Luoluo quickly entered the ring.

Because Lin Qingyi is her godmother, she quickly knows the information about each of her opponents.

Because in the martial arts competition, there are only names and no realm information.

However, many contestants are observing, and they are gradually getting to know some of the strong men in Laocheng.

Luoluo fought in the ring with a player in the late Grand Master realm.

Luoluo was just using his martial arts skills.

Shadowless legs, flash steps, etc.

But the opponent continued to use his martial arts skills.

Martial art is a means secondary to supernatural powers.

There are many and complex techniques that Luo Luo masters.

The little princess began to fight back, using spells one by one to confuse people's eyes.


A red glow flashed.

Luoluo forced his opponent off the ring with one blow.

"As expected of Su Sansui, he is amazing!"

The man nodded, with a look of reluctance on his brows, left a word, then turned around and left. Apparently he was going home to practice all night.

After the second round, there were still 660 people left.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the third round of draws begins.

"This time my opponent is called Zhang Li."

"The Zhang family in Qinghaiwan is also a martial arts master in the early stage."

Lin Qingyi told the news about her opponent.

"I know."

Luoluo laughed and headed to the ring.

In fact, knowing this information is of no use. It just allows her to know the strength of her opponent in advance. As long as she enters the ring, the battle will always be fought.

Winning the battle easily, the next day's qualifying round ended.

Return to the Heavenly King's Palace and have dinner.

"Three hundred and thirty people, we will fight tomorrow."

Ye Qingning said while drinking red wine: "Half of the people were eliminated in the first round, leaving 165 people. There was a bye in the second round, leaving 83 people. There was also a bye in the third round, leaving 42 people." People, there are twenty-one people left in the fourth round, how can we choose the top ten?"

There are more than a dozen people at the dining table, including Chen Shiyan, Bai Qianqian, Ye Ying and others.

After Li Cheng heard this, he smiled and said: "I asked around. When there are twenty-one people, one person will have a bye. The winner of the remaining people will be the top ten. In the end, the person who has a bye can be among the top ten." Among people, choose an opponent to challenge, and victory will take its place.”

"Oh, that's it." Ye Qingning nodded slightly: "Then there is no doubt. There will be a total of five rounds tomorrow. Most of the remaining players now have some strength. Luoluo, you have to play seriously tomorrow. "

"Sure." Luoluo nodded slightly.

"Eat more, supplement your nutrition, and don't be too anxious." Jiang Rou said with a smile.

"I know, grandma." Luoluo said with a smile, "I'm not in a hurry, and it's the qualifying round now, so there's no need to worry."

At night, Luoluo stopped catching ghosts.

Practice all night long.

She continued to absorb the energy of Tianyuan Dan, and at the same time, in her own martial arts performance space, she continued to comprehend the various demon techniques she learned from Lin Qingyi, reviewing the past and learning the new.

That night, Luoluo successfully realized a new innate magical power.

Even the martial arts realm has the intention of breaking through to the middle stage of the Grand Master.

"Oh, the finals in Liao City are coming soon."

The next morning, Luoluo opened his eyes, and a white light flashed in his eyes.

It's about seven o'clock in the morning.

Everyone from the Heavenly King's Hall came to the gymnasium.

After sitting down.

At nine o'clock, the competition officially started.

In the first round, Luoluo faced a late-stage Grandmaster warrior.

Watching Luo Luo fight in the ring.

Su Chen kept nodding:


"The martial arts techniques are very clever and used very well."

"With her martial arts skills, she can win this fight."

A minute passed before Su Chen finished speaking.

Lolo won with an overwhelming advantage.

Second round, third round...

Four o'clock in the afternoon.

There were only twenty-one people left in the huge venue.

"The drawing begins!"

"Those who have a bye will be ordered to Peng San."

"The rest of the people who have drawn lots can prepare to start on their respective stages."

There are twenty players standing on ten stages.

Luoluo's opponent is a person at the peak of Grand Master.

Three fierce battles.

Luoluo discovered that with her martial arts skills, she was always at a disadvantage.

As a result, Luoluo began to use his natural talents.

"Huge mouth!"

"Eagle Claw!"

The two magical powers, after being defeated by Luoluo, cooperated with the secret techniques of martial arts.

The energy of the huge mouth swallowed up the opponent's unique moves, the eagle claws hit the opponent head-on, and combined with Luoluo's shadowless kick, rolled the opponent off the ring.

"Promotion is successful!"

Ye Qingning clenched his fists.

Su Chen couldn't close his mouth.

When their daughter won in the ring, Su Chen and Ye Qingning were happy from the bottom of their hearts.

"This is my daughter."

Su Chen's eyes sparkled, and he couldn't help but stand up and applaud Luo Luo.


For a moment, with everyone in the Heavenly King Hall taking the lead in applauding, there was thunderous applause from one side of the venue.


Luo Luo looked in the direction of Su Chen and let out a sweet and light laugh.

Happy, happy!

In other arenas, there were still people fighting.

His opponent, Li Fan, a strong man in the divine realm, was also a strong man in the divine realm.

The battle was very violent and lasted for ten full minutes. Li Fan won with a slight advantage.

"You are very strong. You can shine even in the national finals. Unfortunately, you lost this battle. I won by three points and narrowly defeated you."

Li Fan raised his right hand and patted his chest to show respect.

His opponent looked a little lonely, nodded, turned around and left the ring.

"Okay, there are already players in the top ten."

The voice of the elder of Longtang could be heard: "Next is the final battle. The battle will begin in half an hour. Zhao Peng San, which opponent do you want to choose?"

Ten contestants stood on their respective stages.

Zhao Pengsan, who was standing at the edge of the field, glanced back and forth.

At this moment, the field gradually became silent.

Ten seconds later.

Zhao Pengsan grinned: "I like to do some challenging things and win against the weak. It's boring. Su Sansui, you have been ranked in the top ten on the Dragon Guard list all year round, and you have even reached the top several times. People with the same name as you are... They are Qi-training monks. Let me show you Su Sansui's skills in this battle."


Luoluo was stunned. He didn't expect that his opponent would choose him.


Su Chen and Ye Qingning looked at each other.

This result surprised them.

Qiaocheng is actually very small. Among the ten players on the stage, there are eight divine realms, one grand master at the peak realm and Luo Luo.

Apart from the ten of them, only Zhao and Peng San were left in the divine realm.

He could have chosen the peak Grandmaster to fight.

"No, that edict to Peng San is not what it says."

Ye Qingning frowned slightly: "When Luo Luo was fighting just now, I felt a slight fluctuation in her blood aura. Her aura of martial arts realm may have been noticed by Zhao Peng San."

Su Chen didn't speak, his eyes were fixed on Zhao Peng San.

This person has triangular eyes, and his first impression seems to be a bit cunning.

Everyone in the Heavenly King Hall was discussing in a low voice.

"Who should I choose? The princess?"

"I wonder what he thinks?"

"I'm convinced!"

Originally, they were all celebrating Luoluo's promotion.

But suddenly, the divine realm ordered Peng San to challenge Luo Luo, which made their hearts anxious again.

The half-hour break passed quickly.

There are four cameras in total, focused on the ring where Luo Luo is.

This battle will be broadcast live.

In front of the TV, I don't know how many people were watching the finals in Laocheng.

Soon, Zhao Pengsan jumped onto the ring.

A layer of ripples rippled around the arena.

The protective formation has been activated.

"Su is three years old."

Zhao Pengsan moved his wrist, he took out a long black stick, looked at Luoluo, and smiled lowly:

"I really didn't expect that you are only in the early stage of Grand Master. It seems that, considering your size, you are only in your early ten years? You can be in the top ten of the Dragon Guard list all year round. There must be many people behind you supporting you, right?"

"What do you want to say?" Luo Luo was still dressed in black sportswear, a cap and a mask. Her smart eyes were staring at Zhao Peng San closely.

Zhao Pengsan smiled, as if it was a smile of victory, and he said slowly:

"I can't stand it the most. People like you rely on your background and connections to maintain your ranking. With your level, fighting alone, I'm afraid you won't even be ranked in the top 100 of the Dragon Guard Ranking. Haha, this time, your quota is... I want it!”

Luoluo's big eyes showed a ferocious look:

"Just you?"

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