Fairy King Dad

Chapter 324 My name is Su San Sui (1/2)

"Finally registered..."

The nameless Taoist was most concerned about Luo Luo.

I thought Luo Luo would register at the beginning, but she didn't move for a long time, as if she was not interested in the martial arts competition at all.

This made the nameless Taoist a little flustered.

He took out so many spiritual treasures and handed them over in order to obtain the Qi of Good Fortune.

The better a person's chance and qualifications are, the more Qi of Good Fortune he can get.

In order to make a breakthrough, this is what the nameless Taoist had prepared long ago.

In terms of good fortune, talent, and qualifications.

In the eyes of the nameless Taoist, Luo Luo is number one!

The nameless Taoist looked at the background of the website.

Regarding the martial arts competition, most people use the Taoist name.

However, the background information can see specific information.

"The number of global registrations is more than 13 million."

"Under 30 years old, the highest is the late stage of Qi training, and the lowest... there are actually martial artists who have registered?"

The nameless Taoist was speechless after seeing this.

The registration of Huajin warriors is not about participation, but about asking for a beating.

In the night.

Many TV stations will replace advertisements with the competition system of the Global Martial Arts Competition during the gap between some TV programs.

"The Global Martial Arts Competition has four stages, the preliminaries, the regional competitions, the domestic finals, and the global finals."

"The preliminaries will start on October 1st, and the global finals will start on January 20th."

"Competition rules: No rules arena battles. The families of those who died in the competition will receive a consolation of 10 million yuan. The competition is centered on stopping at the right time. Those who maliciously hurt others will be disqualified from the competition. The judgment and final interpretation rights belong to the organizer of the martial arts competition."

"In the preliminaries, the top ten in the city competition area will receive a prize of 1 million yuan. The top ten will be ranked according to the time of the final victory."

This rule means that the top ten in each city, that is, the top ten out of the 20, whoever wins early will rank higher, and those within the top ten will not continue the ring battle.

"The top ten in the region will receive a prize of 10 million yuan, and the top ten in the region will represent the provincial capital to participate in the national finals."

"The top ten in the country will receive a prize of 100 million yuan, and can choose a spiritual treasure from the third-level spiritual treasure library."

This news shocked the world.

You know, there are more than 200 countries in the world. Even some small countries are regarded as affiliates of neighboring countries and counted as provincial capital regions to participate in the competition. Even so, there are more than 100 national regions, and each region has 10 people. The organizer of the martial arts competition has to take out more than 1,000 third-level spiritual treasures.

The number is terrifying.

"The top 100 in the Global Prodigy Rankings will receive a bonus of 10 billion yuan for the first place, one 6th-level spiritual treasure, and five 5th-level spiritual treasures. The second place will receive a bonus of 5 billion yuan, three 5th-level spiritual treasures, and five 4th-level spiritual treasures. The third place will receive a bonus of 3 billion yuan, two 5th-level spiritual treasures, and three 4th-level spiritual treasures. The fourth place will receive a bonus of 2 billion yuan, one 5th-level spiritual treasure, and three 4th-level spiritual treasures. The fifth to tenth places will receive a bonus of 1 billion yuan, and five 4th-level spiritual treasures."

"The 10th to 20th places will receive a bonus of 500 million yuan, and three 4th-level spiritual treasures. The 20th to 50th places will receive a bonus of 200 million yuan, and two 4th-level spiritual treasures. The 50th to 100th places will receive a bonus of 100 million yuan, and two 4th-level spiritual treasures."

The rules for bonuses and spiritual treasures are slightly different from those circulated in the martial arts world before.

But the top 100 in the global rankings can at least get two 4th-level spiritual treasures.

This is undoubtedly a fatal attraction for some people.

When the specific rewards are announced.

The whole nation is discussing it.

"So much prize money."

"Prize money, spiritual treasures, if you can make it to the top 100 of the global genius list, it will be great, and you will be rich from now on."

"Only the top five can get fifth-level spiritual treasures, and the first place can even get sixth-level spiritual treasures. My God, it is said that even the cultivators of the ancient martial arts forces hardly have sixth-level spiritual treasures."

"Young geniuses from all over the world, this is the largest martial arts event in history!"

"I am looking forward to it. It is said that the organizers will select some fighting arenas and broadcast them live on TV for everyone."

"Yeah! Our request finally worked, the organizers are awesome!"

Originally, the global martial arts competition would not be broadcast live, and only those who bought tickets on site could go to the venue to watch.

This news caused the price of tickets to rise again and again, and it was hard to get a ticket.

Many people discussed it on major websites and begged the organizers to open the live broadcast permission.

Unexpectedly, this good news came out on the day when the registration was closed.

No words were spoken overnight.

On October 1st, the sky was clear in the South Island area.

The stadium in Xiacheng.

The four main streets around it were crowded with cars and horses at an early start, making it difficult to move.

"I am at the Xiacheng Stadium."

A media reporter was facing the camera, and behind her was the huge open-air stadium.

"As you can see, the vehicles are moving slowly, and there is no end in sight. The popularity of the global martial arts competition is unprecedented. According to the data reports in recent days, the ratings of TV stations in various parts of the country have increased tenfold compared with last week. I believe that many viewers are watching this grand live broadcast in front of their TVs."

"The draw ceremony will start at 8 o'clock in the morning. At that time, there will be some ring battles on the screen for everyone."

"The Tianqiu martial arts competition, the battle of the geniuses, is attracting everyone's attention. Let us look forward to the opening of the martial arts competition!"

The screen enters the advertisement.

The media personnel, carrying their equipment, ran directly to the stadium without getting in their cars.

In the Dragon Kingdom, it is the Dragon Hall that assists in arranging competitions.

The Dragon Hall is near the gymnasium and has about a thousand people.

Lin Qingyi entered the venue early, leaving a blank space beside her for those who came to watch the battle from the Heavenly King Palace.

Half past seven.

In the traffic flow, a group of luxury cars slowly approached the stadium.

Su Chen, Ye Qingning, Luo Luo, Chen Wufeng, Murong Hen, Jiang Rou, Ye Ying, Shen Xinyue and so on.

Almost everyone came here to watch Luo Luo's battle.

"There are so many people."

Lolo wore a black sportswear, white sneakers, a black peaked cap, and a black mask.

She was dressed to hide her face.

Because the ring battle may be broadcast live, Luo Luo doesn't really want to be famous now. No matter where he goes, someone will recognize him, or ask for an autograph, or take a photo, etc. It's troublesome, so he dresses up like this. .

However, Luo Luo's mask was chosen by Ye Qingning. The black mask had a slanted smile on the corner of her mouth, which looked a bit cute.

"The audition lasts for five days. More than 90% of the people will be eliminated and the top ten will be determined..." Su Chen thought for a moment: "Three days is about right."

"Dad, do you think I will overturn my car? I heard that there are many Qi training realms." Luoluo said with a smile.

I have been with Su Chen for a long time.

Facing some big occasions, Luoluo was not nervous, but he was somewhat looking forward to the upcoming battle.

"Not that much."

Su Chen laughed and said: "In so many cities around the world, those under the age of thirty are in the minority and are not easy to come across."

Ye Qingning pursed her red lips slightly. She thought for a while and said, "Even if we are eliminated, it doesn't matter. We just focus on participating."

"Huh, mom, you obviously have no confidence in me." Luoluo raised his little fist: "I will speak with my strength~"

"Haha, okay, mom is waiting for you to shine in the ring." Ye Qingning smiled.

Line up to enter the venue.

The layout of the stadium is a very common ring seat, with four large screens in the middle and a total of one hundred arenas in the open space below.

Go all the way to the VIP seats below.

Sit down near Lin Qingyi.

"Luoluo, please come on soon."

Lin Qingyi smiled after seeing Luo Luo.

"Qingyi's mother."

Luoluo smiled and said hello.

The waiting time passed quickly.

The seats were packed.

The place was packed.

"The Global Martial Arts Competition, Laocheng Preliminary Tournament, has officially begun."

The elder of Giaocheng Longtang, standing on the central viewing platform, said simply:

"There are a total of 10,624 contestants in Liaocheng. The results of the first round draw will be sent to the contestants' mobile phones by text message. Please check it carefully."

"One hundred arenas will start fighting at the same time. The number of battles can be seen on the screen. In each arena, there will be two groups of reserve personnel. You can just stand by the corresponding arena and wait."

"Remember the rules of the competition and focus on hitting the mark. If you kill innocent people indiscriminately, your results will be canceled on the spot and you will face accountability from the Dragon Hall."

"The drawing of lots begins."

The elder's words fell.

The random draw on the screen begins.

At the same time, there was a large group of contestants standing at the bottom, about 10,000 people in the preparation area, and their mobile phones were ringing with message notifications one after another.

There are only a few players like Luoluo sitting in the stands.

"What's the number?"

Ye Qingning's eyes looked at Luoluo's mobile phone.

Luoluo opened the message.

"I am No. 123, fighting against Li Yongyi, No. 9012."

Luoluo told the content of the message.

"Li Yongyi..."

Lin Qingyi pondered for a moment, took out her mobile phone, checked the news on Longtang's intranet, and said:

"Oh, he is from the Li family. His realm is in the middle stage of the Grand Master. He is a person from the ancient martial arts world."

"The junior of the Lishan family." Su Chen nodded slightly.

For Luoluo, in the middle stage of Grand Master, if that person has stronger combat power, it will have a sharpening effect.

"I know, I'm starting the second round, in ring No. 23."

Luoluo chuckled: "Then I'm going to go down and get ready. It's going to be my turn soon."

"Go ahead, come on."

"Come on little princess."

"Come on Luoluo."


Everyone said with a smile.

Su Chen touched Luoluo's little head: "Go."


Luo Luo responded crisply, then walked down the aisle and came to the venue. After verifying his identity with the Long Hall guard, he went to wait in front of the 233 ring.

at the same time.

In the preparation area below, the Li family stood together.

"How is it? Who is the opponent?"

Li Shan looked at Li Fan and asked.

"I am No. 499, and my opponent is No. 10005, a man named Hu Mi Feng." Li Fan replied.

"Hu Mi Feng..." Li Shan hesitated for a moment: "In the northern district of Laocheng City, there is a martial arts family called the Hu family. They should be the most powerful Hu family. The strength of the family leader is at the early stage of the divine realm, and the younger members of the family are , I haven’t heard of any powerful people.”

As he spoke, Li Shan smiled calmly: "There are not many masters in Liao City. Li Fan, it is no problem for you to enter the top ten. Now, others should be afraid of being drawn to our Li family."

Li Yongyi, who was next to him, raised his hand at this moment, his face looked slightly ugly:

"Master... I... drew Su Sansui."


Li Shan and others' eyes narrowed slightly.

"Su is three years old?"

"It's the person who's on the Dragon Guard list."

"You actually hit her?"


"She has such high points and is always in the top ten on the Dragon Ranking. She must be a cultivator. Yongyi has such bad luck."

in some voices.

Li Yongyi cried sadly: "I don't know, hey, this...am I going to fail in the first battle? I started in the second round, on the 23rd ring."


Li Shan's eyes were instantly fixed in the direction of Arena No. 23, and he saw a... petite figure.

‘It’s indeed her! ’

Li Shan's eyes were filled with solemnity: 'Su Sansui is Su Changfeng's daughter Su Luoluo! ’

"Admit defeat."

Li Shan said simply.

"Admit defeat?"

Li Yongyi was stunned.

Just admit defeat without fighting?


"All right."

Li Yongyi nodded: "I will apply to admit defeat now."

"I'm not saying this kind of surrender." Li Shan shook his head: "I mean, if you want to go on stage to compete, you can't win, let alone hurt her."

Hearing this, Li Yongyi had a strange look on his face: "Me? Hurt Su Sansui? Master, you have too much confidence in me, which makes me a little... ashamed."

Li Shan smiled: "That's right. You are such a bad guy, how could you possibly hurt her? Just fight normally."


It hurts my heart!

Li Yongyi showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Go quickly."

Li Shan smiled and waved.

In the eyes of everyone, Li Yongyi walked to the 23rd ring.

Li Shan looked at his back and shook his head.

‘I am worrying too much. ’

‘No one can beat her with bravery and righteousness. Su Changfeng dotes on his daughter so much. Su Luoluo must have many valuable treasures to protect her. ’

‘And... Su Luoluo’s realm may not be what I saw. Her trump card... must be more than I imagined. ’

He pondered for a few seconds.

Li Shan sighed softly:

"Su is three years old and is a formidable opponent. I hope Li Fan won't run into her in the next draw."

Li Fan nodded: "Master, what you said has made me nervous. There must be more than ten people participating in the competition at the Light God Realm. Everyone is competing for the top ten spots. In fact, the difficulty is not low. There are no key competition systems. In the Easter match, if you have bad luck, it’s really over.”

Li Shan took a breath: "Let's work hard and try to get a ranking. If we are unlucky, we can only say that we have no chance of receiving the rewards of the martial arts competition."

Arena No. 23.

Two people were already standing on top, and the one-minute countdown next to the ring had begun.

Next to the ring.

Li Yongyi came closer. He saw Luo Luo's dress and smiled slightly:

"Hello, my name is Li Yongyi. I have known you for a long time. I am very happy to compete with you."

Luoluo nodded slightly: "Oh, hello, my name is Su Sansui. I am very happy to win you."

Li Yongyi: "..."

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