Fairy King Dad

Chapter 24 Is he still alive?

Three days passed by in a flash.

within these three days.

Video of Bai Qianqian’s outdoor barbecue.

It became popular and occupied the top of various hot search lists.

The titles can be said to be varied:

"A ghost orchid appears in the magical city!"

"Fifteen million ghost orchids each, blooming all over the mountain."

"It is suspected that the ghost orchid grows in Panlong Mountain, and its value is estimated to be around 5 billion."


The continuous ranking at the top of the hot search list, as well as Bai Qianqian's videos, attracted the attention of countless people.

Shockingly expensive flowers.

If you can pick up one, you will make a fortune!

Soon, many professionals came forward one after another.

Expert big ears:

"Haha, with all due respect, it is impossible for ghost orchids to grow in the climate and environment of the Magic City. The growth of ghost orchids requires a very harsh environment. Most of them are located in swamps and are accompanied by crocodiles. They are naturally full of strange beauty. Some anchors now go to great lengths to get attention, get some fake flowers, find people to spread them themselves, and waste public resources. This is a shameful act!"

Xiaomei, a flower lover: "I watched the video and I have to say that the anchor Qianqian worked hard to make it look real. However, there is no way there is a ghost orchid in Dragon Kingdom. I don't even understand this common sense, so I came out and embarrassed myself."

Qishan Flower House: "Hahaha, it is said that Lanluo Flower House also paid 250,000 yuan? Hey, as a professional, you can be deceived. Boss Xu of Lanluo Flower House, it seems that you need to learn more professional knowledge ”



All kinds of negative voices emerge in endlessly.

This suddenly made the public aware.

It turns out this is a scam!

It's just an online anchor for publicity.

How abominable!

This is a waste of public resources?

Gradually, the Internet Anchor Association forwarded the message on Weibo, and the words contained warnings. The content was:

"Marketing and promotion must be moderate. You cannot use unscrupulous means just because you want to be popular. Public resources cannot be wasted. False propaganda is not the right way after all. I hope the anchors on all platforms will keep clean and positive..."

This is the denial of Bai Qianqian.

He also admitted that the content of Bai Qianqian's video was nothing more than hype.

A lot of news on the Internet.

Xu Zhiwen, the owner of Lanluo Flower House, looked quite unhappy.

"Can I admit my mistake?"

"Haha, I have seen the ghost orchid with my own eyes. Based on the characteristics of the ghost orchid, I dare to say that it is real."

"These ignorant people just think about the climate and environmental factors and conclude that it is fake. They have probably forgotten that the world is so big and full of wonders, right?"

Xu Zhiwen looked like he wanted to refute, but he didn't make a sound, instead he was very calm.

Everyone thinks it’s fake, so I’ll buy the flowers myself and see who’s the joke if I can get them!


This afternoon.

The American Plant Protection Organization released a message regarding Bai Qianqian’s video:

"After repeated confirmation by us, the video content from Dragon Kingdom anchor Qianqian is true. There are indeed hundreds of ghost orchids in that area. The ghost orchids have been listed as protected species in the world. We will immediately dispatch Exchange group, heading to Dragon Kingdom.”

At the end of the day, they are still below @龙国plantprotection association.

It seems that these ghost orchids are being targeted by the Conservation Association.

Soon, the African Plant Protection Association, the European Plant Protection Association... came forward one after another to prove the true content of the video.

The same thing is that they immediately dispatched a team to the Dragon Kingdom. It is estimated that they can reach the Demon City within a day.

The furious speed seemed to be fighting for the ghost orchid that was about to be obtained.

That evening, World Plant Protection came forward and sent a team.

Suddenly, the opinions on the Internet changed again.

"Hahaha, those experts, what they said seemed to be true, but now they are slapped in the face, right?"

"The ghost orchid is real, and associations from various places have come forward."

"It's worth billions!"

"Why do I feel like these people are like wolves? Are they here to steal the ghost orchid?"


In fact, it is so.

Qian Guang, director of the Longguo Plant Protection Association branch in Magic City, immediately contacted Li Cheng.

"Mr. Li, do you also know about the ghost orchid? I will send people to Panlong Mountain now to get me one-tenth of the ghost orchid. The rest will be distributed after the teams from each association arrive. ." Qian Guang said calmly.

The Conservation Association is a semi-official organization and has a strong say in the matter of plants.

"Panlong Mountain is not my land. You have found the wrong person." Li Cheng said with a smile: "Also, I want to remind you that Panlong Mountain is private property. No matter what happens, it has nothing to do with others."

"Hahaha, why doesn't it matter? Whenever there is a protected species, it belongs to the conservation association. You don't know this, right?" Qian Guang said with a smile: "I respect you, old man, but don't let me It’s difficult to do, Ghost Orchid, we definitely have to get it, and we have to get it as soon as possible, so please make arrangements for me as soon as possible.”

"We can't arrange it. Panlong Mountain is private. No one is allowed to go up the mountain without its owner speaking out." Li Cheng said calmly.

"I respect you, old man, but don't be disrespectful. Do you want to see all the ghost orchids divided up by the world organization? We are all from the Dragon Kingdom. What is convenient for me is also convenient for you. Qian Guang said in a threatening tone: "How about I ask the guardian of Longtang to talk to you?"

The martial arts world is not uncommon in the world, and every country has corresponding official forces.

The official department of the Dragon Kingdom is the Dragon Hall.

There are warriors in all major families and groups, and they are also within the jurisdiction of Longtang.

Because Longtang's power was high enough, Qian Guang used Longtang to suppress others.

"Then you try."

However, Li Cheng is well-informed, how can he be afraid of this?

After Li Cheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

It didn't take long.

Protector Jiang from the Dragon Hall Headquarters in the Magic City called.

The Dragon Hall has unique levels. The team leader is called deacon, and the higher up is the archdeacon, then the protector, the elder, and the highest level is the hall leader.

Some major cities have elders who are in charge. There are five major hall masters in the country, mainly in the powerful center city of Shangjing.

Each hall master has the strength of a martial arts master, and they are almost indifferent to worldly affairs.

The protector already has quite a status in Longtang.

Like martial artists, there are levels of Ming Jin, Dark Jin, Hua Jin, Xiantian, and martial arts masters.

The guardians of Longtang are almost all innate warriors.

Innate warriors are already among the masters in martial arts society.

After Protector Jiang dialed Li Cheng's number, he got straight to the point:

"Mr. Li is also close to a hundred years old. Money in the world is meaningless to you. Although the ghost orchid is precious, you still have to take it out."

The appearance of the protector made Li Cheng feel some pressure.

"I can only say, try to contact the owner of Panlong Mountain. I can't guarantee what will happen in the end." Li Cheng replied.

"I believe he will make the right choice. Now I am calling you. Next time, it may be the elder calling you. Longtang has a supportive attitude towards some associations and organizations, so let's be considerate to each other. "

Protector Jiang's words meant that Li Cheng would suffer a loss and offering Ghost Orchid with both hands was equivalent to giving it to him for free.

Li Cheng was also a little angry.

The video of Ghost Orchid was exposed, which caused some trouble.

It may even affect the development of Panlong Mountain.

Once he was affected, Li Cheng thought that he would be in trouble in front of Brother Su!


Li Cheng sighed softly.

When it came to Long Tang coming forward, he had to talk to Su Chen about it.

So, Li Cheng called Su Chen and told him everything.

When Su Chen learned of the situation.

He frowned slightly:

"Longtang is really going back more and more now. He has to show up for even such a trivial matter?"

With a slight movement of his mental power, he took out an old phone book from the space ring.

There were many phone calls recorded on it. He sat by the bed in the bedroom, looked through it a few times, found a phone call, took out his mobile phone, and dialed.

When the call was connected, Su Chen only said one sentence:

"Don't let anyone disturb the tranquility of Panlong Mountain."


hang up!

at the same time.

There are three guardians in the highest licensing office in the Longtang headquarters building in the upper capital.

They are the guardians on duty and are responsible for the most authorized telephone communications.

After all, Longmen has people all over the country, even in other countries, and some private messages require encrypted communication.

One of the middle-aged men answered the phone.

Only one sentence came over the phone.

The words made him a little surprised.

"Don't let anyone disturb the tranquility of Panlong Mountain? What do you mean?"

He looked at the phone in front of him and saw the serial number '01' on the screen.

The middle-aged man's eyes suddenly widened, and his expression changed drastically:

"Quick! Quick! Quick!"

"Go find the hall master quickly!"

"Sequence No. 1! Sequence No. 1 has appeared! Longtang's... Supreme Elder!"

As soon as this statement came out.

The bodies of the other two men trembled violently.

They gasped and lost their voices in shock:

"What! Is it the Supreme Elder?"

"Oh my god! Is he still alive?"

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