Fairy King Dad

Chapter 21 Ghost Orchid!

"The scenery here is so beautiful, why didn't I notice it before?"

Chen Shiyan looked a little puzzled.

Back then, she had clearly walked around Panlong Mountain.

But she didn't notice such a beautiful place.

If she had found it, she could have filmed a few scenes here.

The location of Diaoyutai is very good.

There is a pond of good size. In front of the pond, the view is wide, and the river is about dozens of meters away.

There are tall trees on both sides, and there are hundreds of flowers blooming. Sit on a wooden chair.

The willow trees behind you block the sunlight, and the river breeze blows, and you can feel the coolness on hot days.

Looking far ahead.

On the other side of the river, there is a prosperous scene with tall buildings everywhere.

If you come to see it at night, it will be another beautiful scene.

There are five large wooden chairs in total.

Su Chen, Luo Luo, Chen Shiyan and Bai Qianqian are lying on the large wooden chairs.

"It's comfortable."

"It would be even better if I had some juice or something."

Chen Shiyan stretched her back. She had been busy with the crew for the whole morning and was really tired. She planned to lie down and rest for a while.

Assistant Xiaomei, on the other hand, began to install a brand new grill and started to light the charcoal in an iron box.

The charcoal should burn to a ruddy red, which is the best time for barbecue.

Xiaomei is very capable. While burning the charcoal, she spread out four folding tables, put them together, covered them with a brand new tablecloth, and put a small chair next to them.

Some fruits were placed on them one after another, as well as some freshly squeezed juices and snacks.

"Qianqian Mama, I, I want to eat French fries."

Luo Luo blinked her bright eyes and was staring at the snacks.


Bai Qianqian said with a smile: "Eating too many snacks is unhealthy, Luo Luo, we can let you eat less when we eat later."


Luo Luo pouted.

Qianqian Mama doesn't let her eat.

But Luo Luo wants to eat.

Luo Luo is very smart, and her eyes soon drifted to Su Chen.


Without saying anything, the eager little eyes seemed to make a sound.

"It's just snacks, what's the big deal?"

Su Chen smiled faintly, he stood up and took a bag of potato chips, opened it, and handed it to Luo Luo.

"Su Chen!"

Bai Qianqian said dissatisfiedly: "Are you singing against me? Do you know how to take care of children or do I know? Can it be good for children to eat too many snacks?"

"Others don't know, but my daughter is fine." Su Chen smiled and said: "Don't worry, I know my daughter's health."


Bai Qianqian stared with fierce eyes.

But seeing Luo Luo's satisfied look and the little princess's dependence on her father.

Bai Qianqian was discouraged again.

"Really, you think I am the one who does all the bad things? You don't care about anything?"

Bai Qianqian muttered.

Forget it, just eat it, anyway, Luo Luo doesn't eat many snacks usually.

"Luo Luo, we can eat a bag of potato chips now, and then we can eat some fruits later." Bai Qianqian took the initiative to say.

"I know."

Luo Luo responded with a smile, then climbed onto Su Chen's chest and kissed Su Chen on the cheek twice:

"Dad is so good, Dad is the best..."

Bai Qianqian's face froze.

Good guy!

Su Chen, this bastard, is really good at making his daughter happy!

"Hehe, we are outsiders, and he is the biological child. Can we compare? There is no comparison at all!" Chen Shiyan said spitting beside him.

"I don't think so."

Bai Qianqian pondered for two seconds, and she said: "It must be Su Chen, he tried every way to fascinate Luo Luo, this stinky man has many ways."

Chen Shiyan pouted, didn't reply, wore a big pair of sunglasses, and lazily leaned on the big chair to rest.

After a while,

The charcoal is almost done.

Bai Qianqian ran over and adjusted the angle of the phone holder.

Because it was a live broadcast, the camera was first given to the surrounding environment, and then it could be placed on the grill to chat with everyone. When eating, Bai Qianqian took a photo of herself.

This was the content of the live broadcast.

Bai Qianqian did not intend to let other people appear on camera. Although they were going to live broadcast, they still had to have privacy.

So the live broadcast lasted about half an hour, just to meet the fans' requirements.

"Boss, Sister Qianqian, shall I start the barbecue now?" Xiaomei asked while sitting in front of the grill.

"Okay, let's start grilling." Chen Shiyan sat up from the chair, sat down on the small chair next to the dining table, picked up a glass of juice, drank a few sips, and called out: "Lolo, come and drink juice."

"I'm here."

With Luo Luo's crisp response, the little girl finally climbed down from Su Chen's arms, came to Chen Shiyan's side, and drank a glass of juice.

Bai Qianqian was putting on makeup at this time.

The live broadcast time was twelve o'clock.

On the field, only Su Chen was lying on the chair, looking around lazily, enjoying the quiet life.

After Bai Qianqian saw that her makeup and dressing were fine.

At twelve o'clock, she started the live broadcast.

"I'm going to start the live broadcast."

The place where Bai Qianqian was broadcasting was the Mengyu platform, the largest live broadcast platform in the country.

Jinxiu Entertainment Company has a live broadcast branch and has its own online guild on the Mengyu platform, which is called Jinxiu Guild.

Bai Qianqian is the anchor that the company promotes. She has 1.8 million followers on Weibo, and 2.4 million followers on the Mengyu platform.

She ranks among the top five food anchors on the platform.

Two minutes after the live broadcast started.

130,000 people quickly flooded into the live broadcast room, and the number of people continued to grow.

At this time, the live broadcast officially began.

"Hello, everyone, I am Qianqian. Yes, today my live broadcast content is outdoor barbecue. Look, my assistant Xiaomei is working hard to grill skewers for everyone."

Bai Qianqian took the mobile phone stand, adjusted the angle, and took a photo of Xiaomei who was grilling.

"Hi, good afternoon, everyone." Xiaomei greeted with a smile.

Then Bai Qianqian turned the camera, looked around for a few times, and introduced: "I'm in a place with very beautiful scenery, let me show you..."

As she introduced, the comments gradually increased:

"What a beautiful place."

"Wait! Is this in Shanghai? I seem to see the Pearl of the Orient not far across the river."

"There is such a barbecue place by the river? Why haven't I heard of it? This should be a private place, right?"

"Qianqian is amazing, she can find such a good place for outdoor barbecue."


It is said that every profession has its own specialty.

When the number of fans increases, they understand knowledge, which can be said to involve various fields.

Visitors in the live broadcast room have also achieved corresponding achievements in many fields.

So, within a few minutes, someone typed out Bai Qianqian's location on the screen:

"If I'm not mistaken, according to the angle of the Pearl of the Orient, using the geometric algorithm, 3.1415926......The host's location is in the Yongsheng Mall area!"

"Isn't that Panlong Mountain by the river of Yongsheng Mall?"

"Panlong Mountain in the Magic City has ten luxury manors, and its housing prices are more than 300,000 per square meter. It is known as the most expensive in the Magic City, much more than Tomson Yipinhao!"

"Wow, Qianqian actually went to Panlong Mountain for a barbecue. This outdoor live broadcast cost a lot of money!"


Bai Qianqian got used to it after seeing the barrage.

Netizens can guess where she recorded the video or live broadcast without having to say it herself.

Of course, there are also many barrages that are funny and make fun of Bai Qianqian.

There are also many black fans who are trying to mock:

"I thought we were going to eat something good, but it's just a crappy barbecue. It's really low-class."

"Isn't it just Panlong Mountain? It's not the host's place, why are you bragging? It's annoying to see."

"Is it an honor to be able to go to Panlong Mountain? Haha, you can go there if you pay."

"If you ask me, Tang Chen Yipin is still more awesome. Look at their underground garage, with countless luxury cars. What's Panlong Mountain?"


Although Bai Qianqian didn't respond to these black fans, it was a bit annoying to see them.


Suddenly, a super rocket appeared.

[Lanluo Huashe] Give host Bai Qianqian a super rocket X1.

There are always gifts in Bai Qianqian's live broadcast room. The most common one is a plane worth 200 yuan.

And few people give super rockets worth 5,000 yuan.

However, to Bai Qianqian's surprise, the gifts did not stop......

[Lanluo Huashe] Give host Bai Qianqian a super rocket X2.


[Lanluo Flower House] Gives the anchor Bai Qianqian 50 Super Rockets!

It ends when you get 50, and 250,000 yuan was spent in such a short time!

"Thank you for the 50 Super Rockets given by the boss of Lanluo Flower House, thank you boss." Bai Qianqian's tone was a little excited.

It is a happy thing to get so many rewards.

At this moment, there are many bullet comments in the live broadcast room, and the visitor 'Lanluo Flower House' is talking, but no one noticed.


"[Lanluo Flower House] Open the Emperor in the live broadcast room of anchor Bai Qianqian!"

The Emperor is the highest title on the Mengyu platform. The opening fee is 120,000, and it is the price of the first month. The next month is the kind that needs to be renewed.

When the Emperor is opened.

There are words with the exclusive color of the Emperor on the bullet comments.

Lanluo Flower House: "Anchor, looking for friends."

"Boss, do you want to add friends? Sure, I will chat with you privately."

Bai Qianqian said with a smile.

It is normal to add the boss as a WeChat friend. Some people have bad intentions, while others want to cooperate. No matter which one, Bai Qianqian can handle it.

After adding friends.

Lanluo Flower House sent more than a dozen "excited" expressions in succession!

This made Bai Qianqian a little puzzled.

This boss seems to be a little excited?

After two seconds, Lanluo Flower House typed:

"Anchor, can I ask you for a favor? Can you please take a video of the flowers behind you?"

"Oh, OK."

While chatting with the people in the live broadcast room, Bai Qianqian used her personal mobile phone to shoot the camera behind.

A piece of flowers, what's so good about it?

Little did she know.

Lanluo Flower House is one of the three largest flower merchants in the country. It is very powerful. There are more than 100 chain stores in the country, and the boss is worth more than 10 billion.

Is it the real person who gave gifts?

Moreover, the owner of the flower house gave gifts to the food broadcast?

Some netizens were curious.

Under doubt, many people's observation ability became more acute.

So... someone discovered something extremely shocking.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Ghost orchid! The flower behind the anchor is a ghost orchid! Oh my god! It's a ghost orchid!"

"What! It's a ghost orchid? No way? Is this true? There are ghost orchids in the Magic City?"

"Fuck, it's the legendary ghost orchid? Oh my god!"

On the barrage, a few people were extremely shocked!

Many tourists were curious: "What is a ghost orchid? What is a ghost orchid?"

So, someone soon started to popularize science:

"There are many varieties of orchids, one of which is called ghost orchid, also known as ghost orchid! It looks like an inverted frog! The big white flowers on its body are like ghosts floating in the air."

"As the name suggests, ghost orchids often grow in damp and dark swamps, accompanied by crocodiles. The flowers they bloom are pale and weird, with a strange beauty."

"Ghost orchids are very rare, mainly in the swamps of southern Morocco. There are only more than a thousand plants left in the world, and a small number are in the Himalayas. According to expert estimates, the value of each ghost orchid is as high as 15 million!"

In the end, it's just popular science knowledge.

The most shocking thing is the last sentence!

When the price of 15 million per plant was exposed, netizens went crazy.

"Is this true? Oh my god, 15 million per plant???"

"Oh my god, this is crazy, so valuable?"

"Hahaha, who said Panlong Mountain is not good? There must be at least a few hundred plants behind this? I just checked the information, the price is true, these hundreds of ghost orchids are worth billions!"

"Billions??? Oh my god! This piece of flowers is much more expensive than those luxury cars in the parking lot!"

"Oh my god, billions! I can't imagine..."

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