Fairy King Dad

Chapter 149 Panlongshan Kindergarten!

Half past eight in the morning.

Luoluo just woke up, and it was already nine o'clock when it was time to have breakfast.

Had breakfast in the restaurant in the toy castle.

Chen Shiyan went out to record the show.

Ye Qingning went to Luoli Antique City across Tianming Road.

Nowadays, most of the company's cultural and entertainment business is engaged in, with a net profit of about 20,000 yuan per day. If it is only the cultural and entertainment business, it will not be enough to pay the rent after one year.

The bulk of it is still the sale of antiques.

The auction house has also begun preparations for the first auction.

Ye Qingning is busy with work occasionally.

Bai Qianqian was recording videos. She was playing with Luoluo while taking videos and photos of the castle.

They have arrived in a new area.

Ice castle!

The castle area with the theme of ice and snow makes people feel as if they have walked into a snowy countryside. The architectural styles are very different and the beauty is very high.

When Bai Qianqian was recording the video, she was a little fascinated by this style of house.

Su Chen came to Diaoyutai.

He was sitting on a wooden chair, holding a fishing rod in his hand and looking at the water quietly.

There are already many fish in Xiao Tan.

The fish raised in the Qingyun Lingquan water grow strong and strong. They seem to be more flexible and will not take the bait easily.

But Su Chen was very patient.

He seemed to enjoy the process of fishing rather than the results.

If there are experts here, they may find a trace of green charm flowing in Su Chen's eyes.

Fishing is also practice.

"Brother Su."

Li Cheng, dressed in a suit, came slowly.

Judging from his energy level, it was much different from the previous days.

This is because life is approaching.

Li Cheng looked at Su Chen's back and said with a smile: "The kindergarten has started work according to the design plan. It is expected that the construction will be completed in half a month. Currently, I am recruiting top childcare experts around the world. There are many Well-known experts have expressed their intention to cooperate. Brother Su, look at the number of students enrolled in the kindergarten. If you include the little Princess Luoluo, there will be a total of 99 children. "

Su Chen said softly: "Okay."

"As for the admissions standards, are they children from some big families, or are they?" Li Cheng asked again.

Su Chen needs to decide many details about the kindergarten.

If the kindergarten were all children from major families.

The class is there, the education is there, but there are almost no naughty children.

But this was not what Su Chen thought.

Meeting more people of all kinds is conducive to Luoluo's growth.

"Enrollment should target more groups, not just wealthy families, poor families can also enroll." Su Chen said lightly.

"I understand." Li Cheng nodded: "Then I will arrange for people to enroll students online. Everyone is equal and has the opportunity to enroll in Panlongshan Kindergarten."

Su Chen nodded for the invisible.

What Li Cheng wanted to ask was clear. He smiled and went to do things.

When he turned to leave.

Su Chen's gentle voice came from behind:

"In the next few days, you should keep an eye on this tree. It's called the Yueyang Tea Tree. It's about to bloom."


Li Cheng didn't know why, so he turned his head and looked at where Su Chen was pointing.

It was a seemingly ordinary tree, like a willow tree, with nothing special about it.

After Li Cheng took note of the tree, he walked away.

Su Chen continued fishing.

The Yueyang tea tree should be opened and its leaves loosened. After all, the Yueyang tea tree is a spiritual treasure and has very good effects. It can strengthen the body and prolong life...

Life in Panlong Mountain seems to have returned to calmness and peace.

Half past ten in the morning.

Bai Qianqian posted a short video on her account.

"Ice Castle."

Today, Bai Qianqian has as many as 76 million fans.

When she posted, only two minutes had passed.

The number of comments has exceeded 500,000, and the number of likes has exceeded 1 million.

Very exaggerated data.

Just five minutes.

When the hot search list is refreshed.

Panlong Mountain Princess Mansion Ice and Snow Castle.

This piece of news directly topped the hot search list, ruthlessly occupying the first position.

"So beautiful!"

"Ahhh, the castle of my dreams!"

"If I could live in the princess's mansion for a day, I would be able to laugh for a long time in my dreams."


Discussions on the Internet are rising and falling.

Nowadays, Panlongshan Princess's Mansion, Tiannan Princess's Mansion, Panlongshan King Su Tianwang, many things are hot terms on the Internet.

However, at one o'clock that afternoon.

A piece of news appeared on the major search lists with lightning speed, and quickly occupied the first position.

“Panlongshan Kindergarten Project Starts!”

Saw this message.

Countless netizens were shocked:

"What the hell, Panlongshan Kindergarten?"

"That must be a kindergarten for nobles."

"Ordinary people have no chance at all. In the Magic City, many ordinary kindergartens cost a lot of money to enter. In a place like Panlong Mountain where every inch of land is precious, the quota alone cannot exceed ten million, right?"

"A pure kindergarten for wealthy and aristocratic families, I envy..."

"Wait a minute! Look at the admissions standards. I'm sure everyone has a chance!"

When netizens discovered the official website of Panlongshan Kindergarten.

Look at the various pictures of planned kindergartens above.

“What a beautiful kindergarten.”

"The admissions standards are open to the whole country. Anyone with children aged three to four years old at home can sign up."

"Ah! My nephew has just turned three, he can sign up!"

"Hurry up and sign up! There are only ninety-nine places!"


When the official website of Panlongshan Kindergarten became a hot search topic.

Just five minutes.

The number of applicants has skyrocketed from more than 50,000 to 1.2 million.

And the number of registrations is still growing rapidly.

at the same time.

Lee Technologies.

In the conference room.

"Boss, our server has crashed. Registration cannot continue now."

"There were so many people browsing the website that the server crashed."


Face this problem.

The boss, Li Fu, was a little worried.

"What should I do?"

Li Ax thought for a while and made a phone call to the education department.

Many people started to move.

Ten minutes later, a super server was urgently arranged.

Panlongshan Kindergarten official website, after the lag situation is over.

Just one minute.

The number of applicants has skyrocketed from more than 1.2 million to 3.08 million!

This scene shocked many people.

"It's so hot!"

"Panlongshan Kindergarten, everyone has a chance, hahaha, this is so cool! The Tiannan Princess Mansion doesn't care about the origins of the kindergarten students, because no matter how old you are, you are not as good as my Princess Mansion!"

"It's so cool. I wonder if Panlongshan Kindergarten will accept children who have been alive for 300 months?"

"In our Dragon Kingdom, there are close to 30 million children aged three to four. We have three days to register for enrollment. It is estimated that the limit will be reached. Anyone who nearly meets the requirements will register. The probability is too low. Who can be enrolled? , comparable to winning the lottery!”

"No, no, no, I think the lottery you are talking about is a secret operation, but Tiannan Princess Mansion does not do that. People have a lot of money and are not short of money at all. This is definitely the fairest enrollment."


The Internet is abuzz.

The number of registrations continues to grow.

At six o'clock that afternoon.

When Su Chen and the others were having dinner.

Bai Qianqian, Chen Shiyan and Ye Qingning all paid attention to this matter.

The number of people who have signed up has exceeded 18 million.

Exaggerated numbers.

One day later, the number of registrations reached 25 million.

The second day is not yet over.

The number of applicants has exceeded 30 million!

A total of 31.12 million.

The number of increases has been extremely slow.

reach extreme standards.

The enrollment of Panlongshan Kindergarten was spread to ten people, and it caused a sensation all over the country.

When this number appears.

People in major kindergartens across the country looked at the students in their schools and felt discouraged.

Almost all these three- and four-year-old babies have signed up.

"Haha, Panlongshan Kindergarten is that good? As for everyone signing up?"

A female kindergarten teacher hummed and said: "Let's all sign up. If Panlongshan Kindergarten enrolls a lot of students, will other kindergartens become obsolete?"

At this time, a colleague next to me asked with a smile: "You have children, will you sign up?"

"Of course I will. Panlong Mountain is such a good place and the teacher education must be extraordinary. If it weren't for the fact that the teachers couldn't sign up, I would have wanted to go."

After saying this, she even laughed.

Three days.

The number of applicants has been fixed at more than 31 million.

That night.

The ninety-nine places were quickly announced by drawing lots.

Those who won the quota came from all over the country.

The first people to know the news were their relatives.

"Oh my God, your children can actually go to Panlongshan Kindergarten? It's really good. I saw the plans on their official website. The teachers they hired are all top experts in the world. They are very powerful."


Only a moment passed.

Those who won the quota received a call.

"Fifty thousand, can you sell me your spot?"

A hot mom received this call.

"What? Five hundred thousand?"

The hot mom was stunned. She glanced at her husband, who was playing games, with a look of excitement and hesitation: "Please wait a moment, I will discuss it with my lover, and I will call you back later."

"Okay, please call back as soon as possible."

The other party hung up the phone.

When the hot mom walked over and just talked about the matter.

"Five million, of course we have to sell it! The Magic City is so far away and the consumption is high. Even if we go there, it will not be easy to raise children, so we might as well stay here."

My husband agreed.

So, just when the hot mom was about to call back.

Another unknown number called.

"Hello, Ms. Liu, I am from the Zhao family in Magic City. Can you transfer your place in Panlongshan Kindergarten to me? The price is whatever you want."

"This..." Hot Mom was stunned, and she said blankly: "Someone just asked for 500,000 yuan to buy a quota, but I haven't sold it yet."

On the other end of the phone, there was a burst of laughter:

"Five million? Hahaha, I'll pay you five million, can you sell it to me, Ms. Liu?"

ps: Just one update today and another update tomorrow. Thank you all for your support, okay?

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