Fairy King Dad

Chapter 1336: The Bone Spirit Ship

What is it like to be a strong third generation?

Su Chen saw it soon.

Meng Tianji took out one cosmic treasure after another from the space ring.

Among them were some king-level treasures.

"Come on, share it."

"Everyone who sees it gets a share."

Meng Tianji said with a smile:

"I'll give you more resources today. You can practice as much as you want in the next period of time."

"Although I can't let everyone make a big breakthrough."


Meng Tianji raised a finger: "It's still possible to let you reach the limit of your talent."

Through resources, let the cultivator reach the limit of talent.

For example, Chu Tianya, his talent is about the third level of the lord, so the resources provided by Meng Tianji can let him break through to the third level of the lord.

There is no doubt that the cosmic treasures that Meng Tianji took out are rare and precious things that surpass the ninth-level treasures, which are absolutely powerful.

From this point of view, there is a sense of wealth and power.

Su Chen, Su Mu and other core personnel, each of them got a space ring.

Seeing the vast amount of training resources.

Su Chen was silent for a while.

"Strong third generation, it's too cool."

"Resources are so easy to get!"

Su Chen's face was full of sighs.

On the platform, this banquet lasted for about three days.

Most of the masters present dispersed.

Finally, under the gaze of Long Zhantian and others, Su Chen and his party boarded the Star Destroyer.

"Xiaopeng, come home when you have time, definitely!"

Long Zhantian waved his hand from afar.

When the spaceship left.

There were about thirty other masters on the field, and they looked at Long Zhantian with envy.

"Brother Long, hahaha, let's go, let's go and have a drink."

"Brother Long, I think that the Sirius Star Region has changed now. Since you have this relationship, why don't you become the general leader?"

"Yes, let's form an alliance. From now on, the rules of the Sirius Star Region will be decided by us!"

"Brother Long must be the general leader! If you don't agree, it means you look down on us!"

"Brother Long..."

For a while, Long Zhantian was a little proud.

In the past, he was just the leader of a relatively backward force among the top 100 forces.

And the people present were all the top 100 forces.

Back then, it was difficult for Long Zhantian to see them.

Now, they are around him, asking about his well-being and flattering him. This feeling of being superior is simply too good!

"Okay, okay."

Long Zhantian said modestly: "It's just that my strength is not very strong. Would it be inappropriate for me to be the chief leader?"

"What's inappropriate?"

Someone said dissatisfiedly: "Brother Long, you should be the chief leader. If anyone dares to find fault, I will kill him!"

"Yes, Brother Long wants to be the chief leader. If anyone dares to say a word of nonsense, I will kill him."

"We are assisting Brother Long together, so why are we afraid of others gossiping?"

"The most important thing is that Brother Long is very strong, and we are all ninth-level realm masters, so our strength is enough."

"Brother Long, you can't belittle yourself. If you are not strong enough, then we are even less strong."


Hearing the words of the people around him, Long Zhantian laughed up his head for a while: "Hahaha... It's hard to refuse such kindness..."

However, a few people present complained in their hearts:

'If you didn't have connections with big shots, who would care about you! '

But no matter what they thought in their hearts, on the surface, their enthusiasm for Long Zhantian was like seeing their own parents.

In this way, the largest and most powerful alliance in the Sirius Star Region formed a covenant in this place!

At the same time.

Inside the Star Annihilator.

Su Mu and others, including Long Jiuqing, Chu Tianya, Alvarez and others, all got treasure-level resources, and they all went to practice.

Su Chen, Ye Qingning, Luo Luo, Wuming Laodao, Meng Tianji, Pan Zhiyun, Ye Duolan and Qiu Caihong.

They were sitting in a hall, drinking tea that tasted pretty good.

"What you see is the real me, with the same temper as me, but not as strong as my original body."

Meng Tianji touched his small tuft of beard, and he said calmly:

"I have some memories of my clone, so we are not unfamiliar. If you have anything to say or anything to say, you can rest assured to tell me. After all, I am following Su Shenwang. In the future, I may have to rely on Chen Wang."

"Chen Wang, hehe." Luo Luo couldn't help laughing.

"Old Meng, you are joking."

Su Chen smiled and shook his head.

Meng Tianji asked everyone to call him Lao Meng like Wuming Laodao, saying that it would be more intimate.

Indeed, everyone called him Lao Meng, and after a while, they got used to it.

"There is one thing."

Ye Qingning hesitated, and she said: "Before, I had a bone planet, and I was a three-series magician..."

"No, no."

Meng Tianji interrupted Ye Qingning, he shook his head and said:

"Magician, warrior, fighter, etc., all have the same goal. There are no such titles in the star sea, there are only realms. Classifications like magicians belong to the products of relatively backward areas. The three-series magician you mentioned is actually the special physique you have."

Meng Tianji raised a finger:

"The human race's cultivation can be summarized as physical constitution. There are many different kinds of physical constitution, such as holy body, fairy body, spiritual body, demonic body, divine body, ghost body, fighting body, overlord body, etc. Your father and you are all considered the same. Kind of...I think it's between a spiritual body and a demonic body, but at your level, you haven't formed a real body yet."

"For example, what is the name of that one? Venerable Tiger. His body is a reincarnation fighting body, which is a special body with very long-lasting combat power. And the Thousand-faced King has a strange characteristic, so he is always in the void. The area is safe and sound.”

"In addition to physical fitness, there are some other aspects. In short, the world is so big that there are all kinds of wonders. There are many ways of practice that cannot be generalized. I have heard the story of Literary Sage. It should be called Mortal Body, a universal body. An ordinary person, his academic level has reached a very high level. He seems to have a strong understanding of everything, and he became the Star Emperor in just one pass. "

"He has a magical power called the ability to follow words. It's a terrifying ability."


Meng Tianji talked for nearly an hour, telling everyone about most of the types and methods of cultivation he knew.

Ye Duolan said it was eye-opening.

Su Chen and others also nodded repeatedly.

In the void of the universe, the realm of the human race is huge, but in a wider place, there are other special beings that are unimaginable and unseen.

"Oh, by the way, what were you just about to say?"

Finally, Meng Tianji looked at Ye Qingning.

Only then did Ye Qingning remember that she still had something to ask.

She was a bit dumbfounded, thought for a while and said:

"I just have the ability to summon and control the Bone Demon."

"The ability to summon is nothing special." Meng Tianji rolled his eyes: "But what is the bone demon you are talking about?"

"That's it."

Ye Qingning raised her left hand slightly, and some energy emerged from her palm, condensing into the appearance of a bone demon.


Meng Tianji suddenly coughed, and his eyes widened: "The bone demon you are talking about is the bone spirit?"

At first, Meng Tianji thought that the bone demon Ye Qingning mentioned was just a small thing.

Unexpectedly, it was a creature with such an astonishing background.

"Speaking of the Bone Spirit Clan, I have to talk about the Underworld Emperor."

Meng Tianji took a deep breath: "The right-hand man of Emperor Hades is the Bone Spirit King Night Demon. Night Demon is considered to be the strongest Bone Spirit King in history. One hundred thousand years ago was the peak period of Night Demon. He could almost overthrow many horrors. In this place, it is said that the Night Demon has many large bone spirit ships, and each bone spirit ship is like a ghost, floating in many desolate areas, absorbing some dead bones or ghosts. "


Ye Qingning nodded and said, "We encountered a bone spirit ship dozens of times larger than the Emperor Star."

"Oh? Really?"

Meng Tianji touched his chin: "It may not be Night Demon's bone spirit ship. His ship should not appear in such a place."

Bone spirit ships can often be encountered in some deserted areas.

No matter how remote the Emperor Star is, it is still a place where the human race often moves.

"I have refined a lot of bone spirits."

Ye Qingning said helplessly: "After refining for many years, there was a giant dragon skull among them, which was quite powerful. But later, the skull was swallowed up by the Bone Spirit Ship. I can feel their position now, not counting the distance from us. I just don’t know if there’s any chance I can get it back.”

"Since you can feel the location, let's go and take a look."

Meng Tianji smiled: "Don't worry, I'm here. I'm the peak of Tianzun. As long as we don't meet the quasi-emperor, we have no opponent."

Therefore, the Star Destroyer changed its direction, left the Sirius Star Territory, and flew quickly to the right.

The journey lasted seven full days.

"Going to catch up."

Ye Qingning pointed forward: "It's right there."

Star Destroyer detected no presence.

But Meng Tianji frowned.

"Come out!"

Meng Tianji's left flag shook.


Suddenly, there was a void ahead and strong winds.

The extremely fast and violent wind blew away the mysterious veil, and a flawless bone spirit ship appeared in front of you.

The Bone Spirit Ship is extremely huge, dozens of times larger than the Emperor Star. It looks like a silver-white ship, with a dragon head on the huge bow, and the eyes of the dragon head are filled with scarlet light.

"Bone Spirit Ship?"

Meng Tianji's expression changed slightly: "On such a large scale?"

"Could it be the Night Demon's bone spirit ship?"


For a time, Meng Tianji was in a dilemma.

If it really belonged to the Night Demon, he didn't want to get involved at all.

But... there are many bone spirits refined by Ye Qingning on this bone spirit ship.

It's a pity to abandon...

what to do?

Meng Tianji hesitated.

"Is there still a chance?" Ye Qingning asked softly.

If there is no chance, forget it, she has no intention of forcing this at all.

But Meng Tianji suddenly looked at Wuming Old Daoist, and he said with a smile:

"Old Taoist, go to the Bone Spirit Ship and see if this thing is weird or not."

"Ah? Shall I go?"

The unknown old Taoist was stunned for a moment, then he spread his hands and said, "Okay, just go."

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