Fairy King Dad

Chapter 1299: Departure (1/2)

Chapter 1299: The matter is done and he left

Xuan Wuxie's body trembled violently.

After trying for a long time, he ended up dead?

Xuan Wuxie was very unwilling.

He was pale and saw Ye Duolan raised his hand.

The demon in front of him was the strongest magician in the history of Sirius. He was too strong, so strong that it was suffocating.

There was no way to resist.

"He wants my life, I have no way to live."

Xuan Wuxie sighed in his heart.

When his eyes noticed the crowd behind Ye Duolan.

There were two children of the Long family.

There was also a direct descendant of Hanlong Mountain.

"Do you want to live too?"

Xuan Wuxie suddenly smiled, his eyes were full of evil, he said word by word:

"The Dark King is taboo in the Sirius region, do you understand?"

"He must not reveal his information."

"As members of the Long family and the direct descendants of Hanlong Mountain, do you still want to live?"

"You all have to die, the Dark King, he is ruthless and will not show mercy, you will die too, hahaha."

His voice and demeanor made Long Kun, Hanfa Zhenren and a few others change their faces.

"So much nonsense."

Ye Duolan bent his finger forward and flicked it.

A black whirlwind flowed out from his fingertips, and then continued to grow, forming a tornado.

The seemingly ordinary tornado enveloped Xuan Wuxie.

Accompanied by Xuan Wuxie's screams.

People soon could not see Xuan Wuxie's figure.

Not even a drop of blood could be seen.

Xuan Wuxie, the leader of the Xuanyuan Sect, one of the top 100 forces!

In the Shenyu Galaxy, he fell!

Such a thing happened in front of Long Kun, which shocked him inexplicably.

"Dark Heavenly King! He is the Dark Heavenly King!"

Long Kun remembered something.

The Dark Heavenly King was decisive and never vague. In order to destroy the Demon Soul Palace, countless lords of other forces fell. It is said that the number of deaths of the realm master-level strongmen has exceeded 10,000!

The reason why the Demon Soul Palace is difficult to destroy is because of the existence of the Dark Heavenly King.

He alone withstood a large number of enemies.

The existence of a generation of legends.

Such a legendary giant is right in front of him.

Moreover, Long Kun's mind was still echoing with what Xuan Wuxie had just said.

The four words "Dark Heavenly King" are of great importance.

If... in order not to expose the identity information.

Is it really possible that he would kill to silence people?

Long Kun was not sure, and even when he saw Ye Duolan turn around, his heart trembled a few times, and he was frightened.

"Have you been frightened by Xuan Wuxie's two words?"

Ye Duolan glanced at Master Hanfa and Long Kun and his group, and couldn't help laughing.


Long Kun was about to speak, but was choked by his own saliva. He touched his neck, took a deep breath, and then said:

"This, um, ahem, mainly, you are too strong, Dark King, I... your identity scares me."

Master Hanfa nodded blankly: "Me too."

"What are you afraid of? I won't kill you."

Ye Duolan looked helpless.

Take another look at Su Mu behind him.

This guy still had a look of shock.

His eyes were wide open, and his mouth could fit a goose egg. His dull expression made Ye Duolan feel inexplicably good.


"How is it? Are you surprised?"

Ye Duolan looked at Su Mu and laughed: "I just like to see your confused expression, Old Su!"


Su Mu couldn't help but say: "Old Ye, I even feel like I'm dreaming. You are too outrageous. It's really outrageous. You are actually the Dark King. You are simply a jerk. You usually pretend too well, right? I really admire you, Old Ye. Damn, you are not polite. You are so strong, don't you tell us?"

Su Mu was like a little complaining woman. He immediately flew over and punched Ye Duolan's arm.

Beside him, he said a lot of things.

Seeing this scene.

Everyone's mood suddenly relaxed.

"Father-in-law is awesome."

Su Chen gave a thumbs up.

"Dad, you are really good. You have such strength, but you didn't tell me at all?"

Ye Qingning rolled her eyes, but couldn't hide the smile at the corner of her mouth at all.

Isn't this settled?

Isn't this safe?


Su Chen waved his hand.

The little golden bull flew over and untied the black flame beast.

"Too cruel!"

Long Peng was not far away, and said with envy: "I want to become a strong man like the Dark King in the future!"

Where there is a will, there is a way.

Long Peng immediately found his goal in his heart.

"Awesome, we are safe."

Yin Nuosha let out a long breath.

"My father-in-law is really..."

Pan Zhiyun and Qiu Caihong said: "It's hidden too well."

"It has to be hidden."

Qiu Caihong shook her head and said helplessly: "Our identity, information, photos, fingerprints, pupils, genes, etc., all the information belongs to the most dangerous sequence in many star fields. No matter where we appear, as long as we are captured by the monitoring system, someone will know it is us."


Ye Qingning was stunned: "Then you are here?"

"The dangerous sequence monitoring network of the Divine Fish Galaxy has been destroyed. It will take at least thirty years to repair it." Qiu Caihong explained: "So we can temporarily go out for activities, but there are more places to move around, and it will take at least thirty years." will increase the risk of exposure.”

These words made everyone in the field fall silent.

Long Kun, Hanfa Zhenren, Jiu Qiansui, etc. also came around. Su Mu glanced at Ye Duolan and said:

"At your level, is there anything you need to be afraid of?"

"Of course." Ye Duolan said with a smile: "I am not invincible. The Sirius Star Territory is not a big place in the void of the universe. There are countless strong people in the human race. Moreover, once the people of the Sirius Star Territory discover me, they will They will all come together to target me, including many surrounding star fields, and even I may not be able to defend against this group of people.”


Ye Duolan glanced at everyone and said in a deep voice:

"We may not be safe now. Xiaochen, Qing Ning, and Luoluo. The safest way out is for us to leave from the barren star field. We have to walk a long, long way, bypassing many star fields, and go to an opposite place. A place where dark mages are friendly may be truly safe.”

"But the problem is that in the desolate star field, there are too many strange beasts in the starry sky, and there may even be beasts stronger than the king. The probability of our success is less than one percent."

"We can't go down this path unless we have to."

While speaking, Ye Duolan raised a second finger:

"The second option is to continue hiding. If the news does not spread, we can still grow and accumulate strength secretly, including the Black Flame Behemoth, Little Taurus, and Xiao Chen. They are growing very fast. In the next few decades, Maybe we don’t need to worry too much.”

"If we are discovered, it will not be easy for those people to kill me."

Ye Duolan snorted coldly:

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"Our last resort is the Immortal Land. Even if other kings come there, they still have to kneel down!"


The last few words made Long Peng's blood boil.

"Damn it! Whoever dares to come to the Immortal Land, I will crush him to death with one hand without you taking action!"

Long Peng patted his chest with a look of pride on his face.

Ye Duolan glanced at him and said amusedly:

"If you are at the king level, you may have the strength of the Immortal Emperor when you reach the Immortal Land, so don't be careless."

Ye Duolan pondered for a moment and looked at Jiu Qiansui and the others.

"My suggestion to you is to continue to experience the Great Secret Realm of the Misty Mountains. There are still many places worth exploring there." Ye Duolan said.

"Yes, yes, the Heavenly King is right." Nine Thousand Years Old said righteously: "I plan to practice in the Great Secret Realm for at least fifty years."

They understood what Ye Duolan meant.

Ye Duolan was a little worried about them, but he didn't want to kill them.

Therefore, neutralize it and let them practice in the secret realm for a while.

Let’s take a look at the situation first. The most important thing is to give Su Chen, Ye Qingning and others time to practice.

They are still growing rapidly and it takes time!

Drumu smiled and said: "It may take me seventy or eighty years. It would be a pity not to experience such a good secret realm."

"Let's go to the Great Secret Realm of the Misty Mountains." Master Hanfa nodded: "I won't consider going home until I break through to the lord level!"

"Me too."

Long Kun nodded: "I won't go home until I reach the lord."


Long Kun clasped his fists and said with a smile: "Thank you to the King of Heaven for taking action to kill Xuan Wuxie. Now, the crisis in our Long family has been lifted."

"It doesn't matter."

Ye Duolan shook his head.

"Oh, damn it!"

Su Mu was beside him and sighed: "My strength has improved too slowly."

"Lao Su, don't rush this matter, just improve slowly."

Ye Duolan said seriously.

"Let's go back and have some drinks."

A group of people boarded the spaceship and returned to the Great Secret Base.

The giant black flame beast flew towards the dark void in the distance. The little golden bull followed Su Chen, yawned, fell to the ground and went to sleep.

After they leave.

More than ten minutes passed.

Some spaceships came here from far away.

"What just happened?"

"It's a pity that the camera didn't capture it."

"It seems like someone started a fight. Look ahead, there are still a lot of wreckage of the spacecraft."

"Where has the black flame beast gone?"

"It's so scary. Are there any disputes among the powerful men from the Sirius Star Territory?"

"No, no, no, Long Kun and Master Han Fa were all here just now. They must have taken action."

"Haha, the people from the Sirius Star Territory may not be very strong. They may have been killed by Master Kun and the others, right?"

"I'm really curious about what's going on here."

Very far away.

There were a dozen young men and women.

Their expressions were extremely horrified.

One of them, a handsome young man, held what looked like a telescope in his hand.

And they were sitting at the front of the hall, playing some slightly blurry pictures.

A figure, suspended in the sky, seemed to eclipse the surrounding stars. His majestic figure and powerful strength were unparalleled.

In the video, Xuan Wuxie's death was recorded from the moment Xuan Wuxie arrived at the scene.

"I bought it from Starfield. It's a high-quality spy camera. It's amazing."

A woman said in shock: "Are you sure that person is the head of the Xuanyuan Sect?"

"I've found many people."

Another woman with a single ponytail said: "Bo Qianli from White Horse Pavilion, Wen Shaohua, Wei Wuxian, Bai Shaoze, all big shots, as well as Qingnanhou, and Xuan Wuxie who appeared last, they died here, This video must be priceless.”

"Daqing, you are going to get rich."

A fat man laughed.


Another man with yellow hair said: "We are going to make a fortune. This kind of video is expensive. If we sell it to Star Territory, it will definitely be a windfall. Moreover, although the telephoto camera was bought by Daqing, we We are all here, seeing this with our own eyes, and everyone has a share.”

"Yes, yes, everyone has a share." A woman said: "Daqing, you don't want to eat it all by yourself, do you?"

"No way, Daqing is such a nice person, how could he have such dirty thoughts?" replied the woman with a single ponytail.

"Okay, let's go to the Star Territory to sell news!"

The man called Daqing smiled and nodded, looking amiable.

However, when he turned around, there was a cold look in his eyes.

Behind him, the yellow-haired man looked at Da Qing's back with disdain.

Everyone seems to have ulterior motives. It will take at least several years for their spaceship to reach the star field. This trip may be full of twists and turns.


The great secret realm of the Misty Mountains.

Long Kun and others all issued some orders.

The elite forces of various sects will establish 1,500 interstellar bases around the Great Secret Realm of the Misty Mountains.

Both the reconnaissance network and the defense network will be used.

Moreover, almost all of the seven sects have opened their core treasure houses.

There are many resources to share.

Long Kun would say that this seemed to be their last carnival in the Divine Fish Galaxy.

In the future, I will go to the Sirius Star Territory, and my goal will be even further.

However, these are plans in progress.

Long Kun and others were sitting at a dining table, their eyes looking at the crowd at the main table from time to time.

Ye Duolan, Su Mu and his group were drinking.

"Kunlun City is our trump card."

Ye Duolan smiled: "Even if we are discovered, it is not a desperate situation for us."

After three drinks.

"Old Ye, tell me about your experience back then."

Su Mu asked.

"Back then, I was a young genius. When I founded the Demon Soul Palace..."

When Ye Duolan spoke, Long Kun and others hardly blinked.

From the time when the Demon Soul Palace was founded to when the Demon Soul Palace was targeted and disbanded, Ye Duolan also had a trace of reminiscence in his eyes.

At the end of the story, Long Kun and others were excited to hear it!

"It's so cool!"

Master Hanfa whispered: "The Demon Soul Palace was really invincible back then. It's a pity that it was targeted by too many people."


The banquet lasted for about ten hours.

After it was over, Su Chen, Ye Qingning, Long Kun, etc., almost everyone went to practice.

Su Mu and Ye Duolan stood on the platform on the top of the mountain, both of them holding a cup of tea in their hands.

"Old Su, you may not imagine how great Xiaochen's chances are."

Ye Duolan said softly, "His future will be much more powerful than mine."

Su Mu looked at Su Chen's back and laughed: "I know, he will definitely be very powerful."

Ye Duolan was stunned: "Do you know about the Eternal Life Tower?"

"I know." Su Mu looked at him with a half-smile, "The Eternal Life Tower was given to me by my father, but I... didn't want it."

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