Fairy King Dad

Chapter 1189: Serve the food!

No one knows.

What the Black Flame Beast and Su Chen are experiencing.

Su Chen never expected it.

Transformation through possession.

His body melted away.

Only a skeleton remained.

The life crystal core disappeared.

But Su Chen could faintly feel that his bones were also breaking and reorganizing.

"Not bad."

Su Chen's mind relaxed a little.

He seemed to be in a dark space.

He only had a faint perception of the outside world.

I don't know how long it took.

The environment in front of Su Chen suddenly changed.

He saw his life crystal core, deep and shining.

On the right, there was a light black life crystal core.

That was the core of the Black Flame Giant Hand, like a gem, a hundred times larger than his own life crystal core.

"The life crystal core of the Black Flame Beast is so round."

Su Chen was secretly shocked: "It is worthy of being one of the nine sacred beast bloodlines of the Starry Sky Beast Clan."

Two life crystal cores appeared in front of him.

A few seconds passed.

The Tower of Immortality descended from the sky.

Compared with the Life Crystal Core, the Tower of Immortality seemed to be ten thousand times taller.

The gate of the eighth floor of the Tower of Immortality showed an extremely terrifying devouring force.

The Life Crystal Cores of Su Chen and the Black Flame Beast were swallowed into it.

The next second.

Su Chen's soul and thoughts seemed to become his body and appeared in the space of the eighth floor.

Around him was a wide arena.

There was a ten-meter-high phantom in front.

Is that the soul of the Black Flame Holy Beast?

Su Chen looked at it intently.

The soul of the Black Flame Holy Beast had an extremely fierce look. It was born bloodthirsty and liked blood. It stared at Su Chen, and it could be said that the enemy was particularly jealous when they met.


The soul of the Black Flame Beast bared its teeth at Su Chen, as if it was going to kill Su Chen.

But it was here, without a strong body, and the sense of oppression was not enough.

And Su Chen, likewise, had no weapons, only bare hands.

There was silence at this moment.

But Su Chen and the Black Flame Beast both understood.

This is a duel.


The black flame beast rushed over first. Even though it was very small, it was still much bigger than Su Chen. Its claws attacked Su Chen.

Su Chen was shocked.

What a strong sense of power.

He dodged to the side. The black flame beast was very powerful, but its speed was definitely not as fast as Su Chen.

Swoosh... . . . . .

Su Chen and the black flame beast collided with a punch.

Su Chen grinned immediately, feeling that the whole person was about to fall apart.


The black flame beast stared at Su Chen with its cold eyes. It was tireless and kept killing.

But Su Chen felt that his soul body was losing energy as he moved. Although the speed of the decline was very slow, it showed that this place would not allow him to stay in peak condition all the time.


Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

The black flame beast was born not long ago, and its intelligence was not complete. It only knew how to kill.

Even if it had a stronger and more robust body, it would not be his opponent.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh. . . . . .

Su Chen relied on the fast speed of the Shadow Clan to dodge continuously.

The Black Flame Beast moved like a weapon.

This battle lasted for a long time.

Even Su Chen forgot the time.

"Eighty percent."

Energy in the body, eighty percent left.

Su Chen didn't know how long he would have to fight. He saw that the Black Flame Beast was still in good condition.

But, as time went by.

When Su Chen had only ten percent of energy left in his body.

His mentality became a little heavy.

"The Black Flame Beast's attack is still very fierce."

"Is it so high in level that it can kill me just by consuming energy?"

In order to save energy, Su Chen had to make some risky moves.

For example, to avoid the claws of the Black Flame Beast, he turned sideways, and the cold and sharp claws almost brushed against his body, and even the wind caused Su Chen's body to move slightly.

Energy continued to be consumed.

When Su Chen's energy was almost gone.

The Black Flame Beast was finally exhausted.


It roared to the sky.

One leg half-knelt on the ground, and the next second, its whole body fell on the ring.

But its tail used all its strength to attack for the last time.

This time, the attack was extremely fast and rushed towards Su Chen.

Here, Su Chen couldn't cast the shadow, and when he wanted to dodge, his body felt limp.

If he had the strength, he would definitely be able to dodge.

It's like a car driving on the highway, seeing an obstacle in front, stepping on the brakes in time, but the leg cramps and can't move.

Su Chen was in this state, his face changed drastically, and he watched the tail of the Black Flame Beast pierce his left chest.

Su Chen's body was stiff.


His eyes suddenly burst into an amazingly bright light.

Su Chen pulled his body out of the tail thorn of the black flame beast. His strong willpower made him move forward. Standing in front of the head of the black flame beast, Su Chen raised his fists:

"I win!"

Bang bang bang... . . . . .

The black flame beast, which was already exhausted, was beaten to death by Su Chen and then closed his eyes.

And Su Chen's thoughts became heavier and heavier.

When he fainted.

He heard the voice of the Longevity Tower:

"Start taking over the body."

"The life crystal core merges."

. . . . . . .

I don't know how long it took.

When Su Chen regained consciousness.

He moved his fingers.

The surroundings were sticky and there was a faint airflow.

Su Chen opened his eyes and suddenly found himself in a dark and enclosed space.

"Where is this?"

Su Chen looked around.

He found that there was a shiny object in the back.

"This is in the mouth of the black flame beast!"

Su Chen's heart was shocked!

He immediately felt his physical condition.


Surprisingly good!

Incredibly strong feeling!

Much stronger than before after breaking through the three awakening realms.

Su Chen's thoughts fell into the sea of ​​consciousness.

He suddenly saw his life crystal core and was stunned.

"My life crystal core?"

Su Chen's life crystal core was bright blue before.

But now the life crystal core is more round, colorless around, but there is a black mass in the middle.



Su Chen didn't understand.

But he carefully sensed the core of the life crystal nucleus, and suddenly found that it seemed to be the Black Flame Beast.

"The possession was successful!"

Su Chen looked shocked.

He could switch to the body of the Black Flame Beast.

After Su Chen did so.

He suddenly found that his body had become that of the Black Flame Beast.

He was extremely weak, hungry, cold, and some wounds on his body were still bleeding.

It was even difficult to move his body.

He was already in a dying state.

But what about the gems around the head?

The gems piled up into a mountain and had already submerged the chest of the Black Flame Beast.

Su Chen remembered what happened before and couldn't help but smile secretly.

"The resources of the Demon Moon Alliance are really abundant."

Su Chen switched to his own body again.

He realized that not all of his thoughts were in his original body, and there was still a trace of thoughts left in the crystal nucleus of the Black Flame Beast.

If Su Chen completely controlled his body, the Black Flame Beast would be like Su Chen who had lost his memory, and would do some things instinctively according to Su Chen's habits.

Su Chen began to study the status of him and the Black Flame Beast.

"It's amazing!"

"I actually have the powerful clone of the Black Flame Beast."

"The inheritance of the Longevity Tower is really amazing."

The more Su Chen understood, the more shocked he was.

If there was no Longevity Tower, this magical possession would definitely not be possible.

"I really don't know who left the Longevity Tower?"

Su Chen took a deep breath.

"The Black Flame Beast's body is too weak to even move."

"What I have to do is to send the gems to its mouth, and the potion."

"I don't know what's going on outside."

Su Chen quietly approached the mouth of the Black Flame Beast.

He observed carefully.

It can be seen that there are many people on Peach Blossom Island.

Shan Hanyue, Juelong, Ge Qingcang and others are all there. They are watching the approaching ship from a distance, and nearby, there are mountains of gems.

There are still people around, throwing gems here one after another.

And over there in the fairyland.

The vast white fog has dissipated halfway.

There are many places where gems are piled up, all scattered in the range of the fairyland.

There is a dark cloud above the gems, and lightning falls from the dark cloud from time to time, making the void in front seem to be trembling.

This situation makes Shan Hanyue and others believe that the energy field of the gems can change the situation in the Misty Island.

But in this situation, Su Chen just wants to say one sentence: Thank you for your hard work.

Long Jiuqing and others are cooperating in the performance.

Shan Hanyue has consulted a lot of information about the original universe. Only when he half understands it can he think that gems can cause turbulence in the fairyland.

Su Chen thought about it, and he moved forward in the gem pile and entered the range of the fairyland. The feeling of controlling the world came, and he turned into a ball of treasure and instantly rose into the sky.

Long Jiuqing, Chu Tianya, Alvarez, Statham, Xu Wei and others were chatting in the void.

Suddenly seeing Su Chen, they were startled.

"Brother Chen, are you back?"

Alvarez said, "We were just saying that you went into the beast's mouth and there was no sound."

"Nothing happened. How many days have passed now?" Su Chen asked.

"Nineteen days." Long Jiuqing replied, "During these nineteen days, they have been throwing gems here. Eight other forces from the Yaoyue Alliance have come, but the Shengjue Mansion and others have persuaded everyone to leave."


Su Chen nodded, "I'll go back first."

Without saying much, Su Chen turned into a beam of light and quickly returned to the Emperor Star.

On the Emperor Star side, the medicine factory.

"Give me all the potions for healing injuries."

Su Chen immediately ordered.

A lot of materials were taken, but how to transport them?

When he arrived at the fairyland, Su Chen easily controlled these small bottles and turned them into a ball of mist to hide.

Approaching the gem pile, Su Chen drilled into it.

It was transported back and forth more than twenty times.

Bottles of potions were opened and poured into the throat of the black flame beast.

Many potions, almost all raw materials, were in barrels.

Pouring continuously, Su Chen sensed that the Black Flame Beast's body indeed had energy, flowing from the stomach into the blood vessels and meridians, spreading to the surroundings.

All the medicine was poured out.

Su Chen ran to the mouth again and threw the gems one by one into the Black Flame Beast's throat.

The entire pile of gems was like a mountain.

When the Black Flame Beast consumed some of the gems, it finally had some physical strength.

Su Chen controlled the black flame beast, moved his mouth slightly, bit off a large piece of gems, and then swallowed.

His energy continued to recover, and his thick muscles also had a sense of strength.

"The injury is too severe."

Su Chen frowned slightly: "If I eat all these gems, I'm afraid I can only recover about half of them. Moreover, if I move too much and eat too many gems, I will definitely be discovered."

At this time, Ge Qingcang in the distance clapped his hands and shouted: "Come on, come on, gems!"

In the sea, more than 10,000 warships slowly approached Peach Blossom Island, and the hulls were full of gems!

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