Fairy King Dad

Chapter 1080: Opportunity

Cloud Sea Secret Realm!

Kunlong Mansion is the core place for cultivating geniuses.

Su Chen came to the innermost room.

In front of the room, there is a huge and long passage.

Like the water column passage in the amusement park.

"Go in."

The staff said expressionlessly.

After working here for a long time, they have become numb to seeing geniuses coming and going.

They are not eager to practice in the Cloud Sea Secret Realm.

After all, they are not qualified.

Going to the Cloud Sea Secret Realm without permission will cost you your head.

Su Chen jumped.

The passage is about three meters in diameter.

It is full of water.

Entering the water, a thrust behind him made Su Chen fall quickly.

After a few minutes.

Su Chen fell into a hall full of water.

In front of Su Chen, a translucent black robe figure appeared.

"Welcome to the Sea of ​​Clouds Secret Realm."

"I am the smart manager here."

"Start verifying identity information."

"Su Chen, an informal disciple of the Ninth Mountain."

"Open the permission for the Sea of ​​Clouds Secret Realm."


The Sea of ​​Clouds Secret Realm has a total of eight sections.

The disciples of the Nine Mountains are often said to have eight levels.

After the second awakening, you can pass the eighth level.

In the secret realm, there are opportunities and inheritances, and people don't know what they will get.

But the most direct and straightforward way to say it is a practice.

Su Chen knows a lot of news about the Sea of ​​Clouds Secret Realm.

Tianyi, as well as the first few disciples of the Nine Mountains, have talked to Su Chen.

There is a Sea of ​​Clouds Secret Realm list.

The list records the scores of the Nine Mountains disciples in the Sea of ​​Clouds Secret Realm.

The so-called score is a comprehensive judgment based on the time to pass the level, the secret treasures or inheritances obtained, and the improvement of personal strength level.

Most of the people who rank at the top of the Sea of ​​Clouds list are subordinates of the First Mountain Meng Chiyu.

"It is rumored that there are five great generals under Meng Chiyu, and they are named after the five elements of dragon."

Su Chen saw the Yunhai list.

First place on the list: Long Jinyan, clearance time: 33 years, 21 opportunities, comprehensive score: 138.

Second place: Long Huoming, clearance time: 49 years, 15 opportunities, comprehensive score: 122.

Third place: Ya Tiandong, clearance time: 25 years, 25 opportunities, comprehensive score: 121.

Fourth place: Hei Luotian, clearance time: 62 years, 22 opportunities, comprehensive score: 120.

Fifth place: Long Mufeng, clearance time: 55 years, 29 opportunities, comprehensive score: 119.

Sixth place: Long Shuitian, clearance time: 45 years, 16 opportunities, comprehensive score: 117.

Seventh place: Huang Ba Pi, clearance time: 38 years, 10 chances, comprehensive score: 114.

Eighth place: Long Tu Han, clearance time: 58 years, 9 chances, comprehensive score: 111.


Top eight.

The first mountain, the five subordinates of Meng Chiyu, the mountain master of Qingjiang Mountain, took up five places.

"The third place, Ya Tiandong, is a subordinate of Huayingliu, and is said to be the strongest male favorite of Huayingliu."

Su Chen thought secretly:

"Hei Luotian and Huang Ba Pi are from the fifth mountain, and are also Gao Wudong's right-hand man."

"The highest ranking in the ninth mountain is the boss."

Lan Yushu is still at the eighth level. Those who have not awakened for the second time are all at the eighth level.

However, Lan Yushu ranks thirty-third.

He is not far from the second awakening.

"Nine mountain masters have more than 20 subordinates over level 100."

"It seems that to become a mountain master, you need not only strength and talent, but also qualifications and background."

Su Chen remembered what Tianyi had said to him.

He wanted to take his family to Kunlong Mansion so that they could also get high-quality resources.

The best way is to create the tenth mountain.

The conditions for creating the tenth mountain are the consent of the mansion master and the consent of more than half of the mountain masters.

It is not so easy to build a mountain. It is difficult to get other mountain masters to nod.

"When I was there, no mountain master nodded in agreement."

Tianyi said to Su Chen:

"But when the strength reaches a level that makes them afraid, they will nod."

"So, it is still the hard strength of oneself that is the most important."


A speech echoed in his ears.

Su Chen raised his head and glanced at the intelligence of the secret realm:

"Start the experience."

The intelligent phantom responded: "Okay, in ten seconds, you will enter the first level of the secret realm."

Ten seconds later.

The water in the hall flows downward.

Su Chen seemed to fall into an endless abyss.


Gradually, after leaving the water, the whistling sound of the wind appeared in his ears.

Opening his eyes, he could see this wonderful world.

The sun was shining and the sky was cloudless.

Below were mountains and rivers.

The sky and snow were the same color.

This was a world covered with snow.

There was no scenery, only white snow.


Su Chen's body kept accelerating.

He looked at the ground approaching.

"At this speed, if I didn't have the Tianlong battle suit, I might have fallen to death."

Su Chen smiled bitterly.

Su Chen's current outfit was a set of black clothes, carrying a small metal backpack, and a double-blade weapon, hanging on the backpack.

Without a space ring, equipment still had to be brought.

However, what surprised Su Chen was that

When there were still more than ten meters to the ground.

Su Chen could even imagine that he could fall out of a big hole.

As a result, a gentle force blocked Su Chen's body, slowing him down, and then he fell gently to the ground.

"Ice and snow."

"The temperature here is good."

Su Chen glanced at the environmental information.

The temperature was thirty-nine degrees Celsius above zero.

With such a temperature, it was ice and snow.

The snow showed no signs of melting.

Crunch, crunch...

The snow was about 10 centimeters deep.

Su Chen took two steps forward and then wiped the snow under his feet.

"There is an ice layer below."

Su Chen raised his head and looked in all directions. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

The sun was shining.

A light breeze was blowing.

Twenty-three meters to the left, there was a crack in the ice layer, where there was a slight sound and changes in the wind speed.

Forty meters to the right and front, there was an ice hole, about the thickness of an arm.

Su Chen heard the sound of water flowing.

The ice layer was about ten meters thick.

"Just walk around."


Su Chen opened his eyes.

Tianyi told him that the opportunities in the first few levels of the Yunhai Secret Realm appeared very rarely and depended on luck.

In this white world, he could only walk aimlessly.

Walking for three days.

Su Chen found a large crack in the ice.

It was about the size of a football field.

Below was clear water, but it was unclear how deep it was.

At this time, Su Chen hesitated.

"This is the real world, not the virtual world."

"I only have one life."

Should I go down and take a look?

Su Chen thought for two seconds, and finally jumped into the water.

"With the Tianlong battle suit, what can go wrong?"

Su Chen laughed.

Entering the water.

It feels like taking a hot spring bath.

Although there is a Tianlong battle suit.

But Su Chen's eyes are still extremely vigilant.

In reality, there is only one life.

No matter who you are, you have to be careful when you experience in reality.

Even a strong man like the Lord of Kunlong Mansion was trapped somewhere during his training.

"There are fish here."

The water was about 50 meters deep, and Su Chen saw some fish about half a meter long.

Swimming inward.

Seeing the appearance of the fish, Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.


Each fish has sharp teeth and a ferocious appearance, looking like a fierce fish.

So, a moment later.

Su Chen built a bonfire on the snow and ate grilled fish.

"It tastes good."

"The meat is tender, melts in the mouth, and is rich in nutrition."

After testing, the value of this fish is no less than a bottle of high-level nutrient.

In other words, Su Chen can achieve the effect of cultivation by eating fish here.

"I just don't know where the opportunity is."

After eating the fish.

Su Chen continued to move forward.

After a long time, he saw another gap in the ice.

The area of ​​the gap is about the size of ten football fields.

Su Chen jumped into the water.

"The water flows very fast here."

"There are no fish."

"Wait, what is that light?"

Su Chen saw a ball of white light in the distance ahead.

Su Chen immediately swam over.

Ten minutes later.

Su Chen came to the light source.

It was a luminous sphere about three meters high.

The sphere was translucent, and there seemed to be a mermaid inside.

"Just a mermaid?"

Su Chen observed.


The mermaid in the light ball turned around.

Her facial features, at first glance, looked like Ye Qingning.

The phantom of his wife?


Su Chen was shocked.

He drew out his two swords, slashed forward, and cut through the light circle.

Instantly, the light shone everywhere.

Su Chen closed his eyes, and his perception of the surroundings became clearer.

"No light circle, only a school of fish?"

Su Chen felt a chill down his spine.

He was surrounded by a dense school of fish.

He was trapped in darkness.

Some fish are attacking him.

Fortunately, he has the Tianlong battle suit, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous...

Swish, swish, swish!

Su Chen drew out his two knives.

After killing a large number of fish.

Su Chen looked strange.

"These fish don't run away?"

"They risk staying here?"

"Is there something attracting them?"

Su Chen looked around.

He found that about eight meters below his feet, there seemed to be a glimmer of light at the bottom of the water.

Su Chen flew over, and after sweeping the mud, he saw a palm-sized glowing sphere.

Like a night-shining pearl.

Su Chen picked it up.

Who knew that this night-shining pearl would melt as soon as it was touched, and thousands of strands of light converged into the palm of his hand.

Su Chen's brain buzzed.

He saw a world above the clouds, a woman in white, flying with a sword, and her sword moves were gorgeous and colorful...

"What a wonderful move."

Su Chen's eyes condensed slightly.

He flew upwards, jumped out of the water, sat beside it, and his mind fell into the illusory world, watching the white-clothed woman dancing with a sword with all his heart.

"The Ninth Mountain disciple, Su Chen, has a chance."

Su Chen heard this voice vaguely.

The chance has come...

Three hours passed.

The image in Su Chen's mind ended.

He closed his eyes and remained silent for a long time, then picked up the two swords, looking for that ethereal feeling.

The two swords cut through the void, and a faint whistling sound was heard.

For Su Chen, the practice in the Cloud Sea Secret Realm officially began.

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