Fairy King Dad

Chapter 106 He gave too much! (1/2)

[Fourth update]

"Are you serious?"

Ye Qingning looked Li Xufeng up and down.

This news still surprised her a little.

With Li Xufeng's worth, he can easily take charge of the Li family's business.

Even one or two companies have more resources than Ye Qingning has.

"No way? Mr. Li is going to work for Sister Qingning?"

Chen Shiyan's eyes widened.

Bai Qianqian looked left and right, her expression could not hide her surprise.

"It's true."

Li Xufeng said seriously: "I think I need a platform to gain experience, and although I have many awards and some achievements, they are all false. Only by participating in real work can I gain experience. Coincidentally, I think Mr. Ye's company is a good platform, so I hope Mr. Ye can accept me."

It can be seen that Li Xufeng is very serious.

You can also hear it from his words.

Su Chen, who was playing with Luo Luo on the stage, had a sigh on his face.

After all, Li Cheng was thorough.

In this case, it is not that Li Xufeng needs a platform.

It is that Ye Qingning's company needs a young manager like Li Xufeng.

Because there is a demand, Li Cheng directly arranged it behind the scenes.

Including various licenses of Ye Qingning's company, all of which were arranged by Li Cheng.

There are also many details of Panlong Mountain.

Li Cheng can be said to have managed it in an orderly manner.

If it is said that Li Cheng is the second to Su Chen in terms of doing things, then no one is the first.

Like the stubborn Murong Hen, the mad knife.

Su Chen is too lazy to say anything.

Even the matter of finding a house to live in has to be reminded. This person is obsessed with swordsmanship, and his daily life is half-wasted.

"I wonder how much annual salary you plan to ask for?"

When it comes to money, Ye Qingning is sensitive. She stood up, looked at Li Xufeng and said with a smile.

"I can have an annual salary of 120,000." Li Xufeng said with a smile: "Money is something outside of my body for me. What I need is experience."

"Oh, then, Luoli Company welcomes you to join."

Ye Qingning smiled.

"Thank you, boss."

Li Xufeng laughed: "Regarding the company's name and plaque, I will find someone to get it done this afternoon. Mr. Ye, I think we still need to arrange an interview. I have prepared the information of the candidates for the written test for Mr. Ye..."

Some employees have already prepared it.

All they need is an interview.

When Ye Qingning saw the information on her mobile phone.

She was secretly shocked. Li Xufeng's preparation was too sufficient.

These written test materials asked some basic questions, and some asked about the knowledge of antiques.

"Then let's have the interview in the afternoon."

Ye Qingning smiled. She would select a group of people for the interview and finally determine the specific personnel.

"Boss Ye, regarding the security team, I suggest choosing from the Black Ice Security Group. Their group is the best in the Magic City. Not only do they have professional ethics, but we can also sign a security contract with the Black Ice Company. If something goes wrong with their internal staff, our losses can be compensated by the Black Ice Company. In this regard, their reputation is still very good. Antiques are different from others."

Li Xufeng boasted. He just took up the post and showed his ability to do things:

"The security team can be temporarily set at ten people. After all, the price of the Black Ice Company is also relatively high. We will recruit five more external personnel to work with the security team and supervise each other. As for the external personnel, I have selected more than a dozen excellent people. Boss Ye, please take a look."

Li Xufeng handed the phone to Ye Qingning.

"Wang Lang of the Tianyun Sect, a congenital warrior..."

Ye Qingning took a few glances. The first person was Wang Lang of the Tianyun Sect.

Ye Qingning had heard of the Tianyun Sect.

Because the Tianyun Mountains were forbidden, the Ye family lived there for more than a year.

The Tianyun Sect is located in the Tianyun Mountains. The leader of the Tianyun Sect is unknown, and there seem to be only three people in the sect.

Ye Qingning looked through it.


Three brothers are applying for jobs here.

"The three of them, plus these two Huajin warriors." Ye Qingning made a straightforward choice.

Ten people in the Black Ice Security Team.

In the discussion between the two, the size of the security team was determined.

There are a total of fifteen people. Black Ice Security chooses one Xiantian warrior, and the rest are dark force warriors. The other five are external personnel headed by Wang Lang.

And the shopping guides.

Li Xufeng arranged an interview in the afternoon.

Ye Qingning, Chen Shiyan and Bai Qianqian were busy here in the company.

Su Chen took Luo Luo and went out to play by himself at more than ten o'clock in the morning.

Traveling around the mountains and rivers, eating and drinking every day.

Don't mention how free and easy Luo Luo's little life is.

The little princess is now her father's little fan girl.

That afternoon.

Ye Qingning, Li Xufeng, Chen Shiyan and Bai Qianqian served as interviewers.

Security team, warehouse management, shopping guide, front desk reception, cashier, accountant, etc.

From top to bottom, all completed in one afternoon.

The next day, they will come here to work.

"The plaque will be hung tomorrow."

"Regarding the purchase channels of cultural relics, we have also selected three. Someone will go to purchase tonight, and the first floor will be sold to the outside for the time being."

At five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day.

Luoli Company was officially established.

The general meeting began.

Ye Qingning talked to everyone on the stage.

Moreover, she took everyone to visit the warehouse.

See the dazzling array of antiques.

Li Xufeng, Bai Qianqian, Chen Shiyan and other employees looked shocked.

These antiques alone are already very valuable.

"What needs publicity most is the news of the auction. The auction house is our top priority."

"Starting tomorrow, we will find someone to record antique videos."

"Another batch of goods will arrive here tonight. The security team and warehouse management will be responsible for delivering the goods to the display counter on the second floor."

The goods that arrived in the evening were delivered from her villa in Xihang.

It's her thing, and it's all her own money to sell it, so naturally it has to be placed in the most conspicuous place.

"Go and buy hot searches, spread the news on major antique websites, and the publicity department must do a good job."

"Be prepared for what I'm going to say. The company's opening ceremony will be held at 12 noon the day after tomorrow."

After the opening ceremony, it will be normal business.

Maybe a little rushed, but Ye Qingning likes to do things neatly.

Moreover...the employees are already in place, and starting from tomorrow, wages will be calculated.

At around seven o'clock in the evening, Ye Qingning and the other two returned to the rental house.

They hadn't eaten yet and were waiting to eat the food cooked by Su Chen.

The result was a phone call.

Good guy!

Su Chen and Luo Luo are eating steak outside.

In desperation, the three of them went out to cook hot pot.

That night.

The official website of Tianming Antique City released a message.

"The opening ceremony will be held at 12 noon on the 8th. There will be free high-quality antiques on site. All items in the Antique City are discounted at 20%..."

This is competition!

It's eight o'clock the next morning.

Ye Qingning learned the news.

So angry!

"They really spent a lot of money."

Ye Qingning gritted his teeth: "Even if they can sell a lot of antiques, it has nothing to do with me. What I do is auction, huh, wait for the company's antiques to be publicized and see if they can still laugh."

Because there is news about the competitor next door.

At Luoli Company, all kinds of things are being carried out in a hurry.

This afternoon.

On major search software, Luoli Auction House is at the top of the hot search list.

There are also many antiques that have been on the hot search list one after another.

The hot search list was bought...

But the effect is surprisingly good.

"Four-legged bronze tripod? Do you even have such a thing?"

"An antique from a thousand years ago, what a treasure!"

"Luoli Auction House is located on Tianming Road, just opposite Panlongshan Castle?"

"It's the place with the big 3D naked-eye screen, and that's Luoli Antique City."


Because of the existence of the 3D large screen, Luoli Antique City was quickly publicized.

The naked eye large screen is the biggest advantage of Ye Qingning Company.

Four o'clock in the afternoon.

Ye Qingning, Chen Shiyan and Bai Qianqian are all busy in the company.

The company's plaque has been hung up.

In addition, many three-dimensional antiques are also added to the naked-eye large-screen scenes.

Selling goods is the most important thing.

Although things are arranged very well, there are still many details that need to be dealt with.

Chen Shiyan's new drama is very popular recently, and she will make a lot of money. The company has nothing else to do, so she is here to help Ye Qingning.

Bai Qianqian is completely accompanying her, and she will only prepare to continue the live broadcast after the company opens.

Starting today, Li Xufeng is also arranging many things in the company.

They are all preparing for the opening ceremony tomorrow.

At the door.

Tianyun faction Wang Lang, junior fellow apprentices Dashan and Xiaoshan, wearing black uniforms, were patrolling at the door.

"Senior brother, we went down the mountain to practice, just to find a job?"

Fatty Dashan looked strange: "What's the point of this?"

"It makes so much sense!"

The old man Wang Lang said attentively: "What do you know? Senior brother, I am proficient in medical skills after all. People who like antiques are either rich or noble, and most of them are elderly. You said, those old men come here to participate in the auction, or buy daily necessities. What if we get sick? That way, we can make a lot of money. Only with money can we live in this society, do you understand?"

"Senior brother, what is shown on TV is like this when you meet grandpa in the park." Junior brother Xiaoshan said in a low voice.

"Isn't that a TV show? What is it in reality? The more wealthy people are in a place, the greater the chance of this kind of thing happening. Just work hard. Even if you don't encounter such good things, we still have Where’s the salary?”

Wang Lang said in a casual tone.

As he spoke, he glanced at the employees of Black Ice Security Company not far away.

The innate warriors over there are very powerful competitors.

However, I, Wang Lang, have decided on the position of security captain!

Wang Lang's ambition was soaring.


Wang Lang saw the three people and walked towards the gate.

The leader is a middle-aged man of about forty years old. He has a well-proportioned figure, slightly gray hair on both sides of his forehead, and an extraordinary imposing manner. Behind him are two young men who look like assistants.

"Hello everyone, this place is not open yet. If you want to come, please come back at noon tomorrow." Wang Lang walked over and said with a smile.

In his opinion, he was already very polite.

But at this time, Zhao Man, the innate warrior of Black Ice Company, faced a soft smile and walked closer:

"Hello sir, do you have any needs?"

"I want to see your boss." The middle-aged man looked at him and answered.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Zhao Man asked respectfully.

"This is my business card." The middle-aged man took out a business card and handed it over.

"Please wait."

Zhao Man said, and then walked into the door.

During this time, he also looked at Wang Lang with disdain.

That look seemed to say: Boy, learn more!

"You have some skills."

Wang Lang touched his chin, thinking.

It seems that I have to learn my service attitude, and I can't continue to be so lazy.

Ye Qingning quickly saw the business card.

"Hua Haoran, the president of Tianming Antique City?" Ye Qingning was slightly stunned: "Go and bring him up."


Zhao Man left the office.

Ye Qingning looked a little confused.

What is he doing here?

The reason was soon known.

Hua Chaoran took the two people into the office.

At this moment, Chen Shiyan and Bai Qianqian were also in the office.

"Hello, Mr. Hua." Ye Qingning smiled and said, "Please sit down."

"Hello, Mr. Ye." Hua Chaoran looked at Ye Qingning for a few times, and he smiled and said, "I have heard of Mr. Ye's name for a long time. Today, I see that Ms. Ye is beautiful and beyond compare."

"Mr. Hua, you are too polite. I wonder what Mr. Hua is planning to do here?" Ye Qingning asked proactively.

She doesn't like to keep people in suspense.

Hua Chaoran was stunned for a moment, and he laughed dumbly: "To be honest, I saw the antiques of your company on the hot search list, and I was very tempted, so I came to talk about it."

"If Mr. Hua is here to see the antiques, then please go back. Those antiques are all planned to be auctioned." Ye Qingning declined.

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse, Mr. Ye." Hua Chaoran smiled: "It's true that we are competitors, but in some ways, we can complement each other. The antiques of my company can be brought to your place for auction, and the antiques of your company can also be sold to us."

"Really?" Ye Qingning narrowed her eyes slightly, and her expression seemed to be considering: "What if I refuse? Your company is next to my company, which is already a provocation."

"I am honest and do have this intention, but the situation is different now, so I come to discuss business with sincerity. Why don't you take a look at the price I offer before making a decision?"

Hua Chaoran took out his mobile phone, pressed a number on it, and turned the phone over.

When Ye Qingning took a look, a glimmer flashed in her eyes.

"It's not that the matter cannot be discussed. Then, I will take Mr. Hua to have a look at my company's warehouse first."

Ye Qingning smiled professionally.

After taking Hua Chaoran for a walk.

Hua Chaoran's expression was full of astonishment.

So many!

There are so many good antiques!

He hurried out and made a phone call.

When he came back, the two parties signed the agreement.

Soon, a special vehicle came here to pick up the goods, almost emptying the warehouse...

"What? Su Chen? Guess how much money I made today?"

Ye Qingning dialed Su Chen's number in the office.

"How much?" Su Chen asked cooperatively.

"I sold almost all of your antiques, a total of 17 billion! Hahaha!"

Ye Qingning laughed very happily.

"It will open tomorrow, and it will be sold today?" Su Chen was stunned.

"Yes, it will open tomorrow, and it will be sold today, and the buyer is the owner of the antique city next door." Ye Qingning smiled and said, "I originally refused, but... he gave too much!"

Hearing Ye Qingning still laughing heartily.

Su Chen couldn't help but say:

"Qingning, thank you for making all this money for me."

"Ha... huh?"

Ye Qingning's laughter stopped abruptly!

Oh... no!

The antiques sold... all belong to Su Chen!

They are not his own small change.

The 17 billion in the bank card... so much small change, all have to be handed over!


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