Fairy cage

Chapter 81 A great harvest

The flying crows of divine fire flew out and scraped against the rocks, causing large pieces of rock to become charred and blackened.

The Black Snake Fish King was hit by many thorn fireballs thrown by Yu Lie. Although it had rough skin, thick flesh, and scales, it did not suffer much damage.

On the contrary, it is not as powerful as the Tribulus Stinging Fireball, but it is more vicious than the Flying Snow White Sand Ball. The white fire ignited burned on the surface of the fish king's scales, and even blinded one of the opponent's eyes, causing it to go crazy.


The scraping of scales made a loud sound. The fish king felt relieved a little, and then he wanted to pounce on him and devour the rest of the line. But the fire crow flew out, making it feel a strong sense of crisis.

The sound of the scales rubbing against each other suddenly stopped. The Black Snake Fish King moved quickly, changed his target, and threw himself violently diagonally, trying to avoid it.

The remaining troops who had already released the divine fire flying crows saw this scene with a sneer in their eyes.

The firearms prepared by the Taoist are not stupid things, and the Divine Fire Flying Crow is also a fine firearm in the "Collection of Lead and Mercury Flying Fire Treasures". Both in terms of magical effects and power, it is second only to the "Fire Dragon Out of Water", and it is even more different. Just a stupid bird!

Yu Lie held a crow whistle in his mouth and shouted again: "Get up!"


The flames formed a huge flying crow, vibrating its crimson wings, and gently drew an arc. Following the movements of the Black Snake Fish King, it suddenly changed its movements. Instead of landing, it hovered above the opponent's head.

Although the movements of the Black Snake Fish King were violent, they were far less agile than the Fire Crow flying in mid-air. After it fluttered away, as soon as it raised its head, the Fire Crow pounced on it.


The sound of burning flames sounded, and the divine fire flying crow landed on the head of the Black Snake Fish King. Its body was like syrup. After melting, it stuck to the fish king's head. No matter how the opponent twisted and shook its scales, Don't even think about throwing it away.

Then, the Divine Fire Flying Crow raised its beak again, spread out its broad wings gracefully, slowly covered it, and laid its entire body on the head and neck of the Black Snake Fish King.

The color of the fire crow is red with gold, and its wings are slender and clear. When little sparks fall on the ground, they will immediately burn a large hole.

This scene makes it seem as if it is not just a flying crow, but a phoenix made of copper and gold, so gorgeous!

Yu Lie looked at this scene with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Although he had great expectations for the power and effect of the Divine Fire Flying Crow, the scene before him still surprised him.

Yu Lie instantly understood that he had underestimated the structure of the firearms in "The Collection of Lead, Mercury and Flying Fire Treasures", and he had seriously underestimated it.

The firearm made with reference to the above drawings can not only exert the power of gunpowder, but can also obey orders, be flexible and exquisite, and the effect is not allowed to be made by Taoist disciples.


The fire crow lay low, and the black snake fish king was in pain.

The Fish King could feel that the flesh, flesh and bones on its head were all being burned by the inexplicable flame creature.

Under the fear, the so-called ferocity of the Fish King was immediately extinguished. It twitched its huge body, swam, and was about to pounce towards the black river behind it.

Yu Lie, who was enjoying the beauty of the fire crow, immediately had his eyelids twitching and blew the crow whistle fiercely!


There was a loud cry of crow, and the Fire Crow, which was lying on the head and neck of the Black Snake Fish King, raised its head, its red and golden body dimmed slightly, and the bright light all around suddenly turned dark.

The next moment, an even more shrill sound came out, deafening Yu Lie's ears.


An even bigger fire crow suddenly expanded and emerged, surrounding the body of the Black Snake Fish King, circling and scraping the ground, like a tornado, screaming crazily!

The flames are soaring and ready to fly!

Yu Lie stood more than twenty steps away from the Divine Fire Flying Crow, still feeling his cheeks burning.

After three full breaths passed, the circling fire crow became smaller and smaller, its screams were low, and finally it turned into a fist-sized fire crow.

After a few mute screams in mid-air, it was completely annihilated with a crackle, leaving only a few sparks.

The Black Snake Fish King, who had been so ferocious and crazy just now, had its head and neck severed, and the scales all over its body were cracked and hot. Half of its head was burned to the point where the bones were exposed, and the fish eyeballs fell off, falling on the The rocks in the karst state are quickly charred and melted.

Yu Lie looked at the scene in front of him, and the surprise in his eyes became even greater!

One blow breaks the neck, and even the rocks can be burned and melted into pulp. The power of this divine fire flying crow is really fierce! !

"I wonder what the power of the real 'Fire Dragon Out of Water' is?!" Yu Lie thought to himself.

In addition to Yu Lie, there was another living creature at the scene who was also severely shocked by the power of the divine fire flying crow.

The myna landed on top of Yu Lie's head, opened its beak and spread its wings, dumbfounded.

It was severely shocked by the "big starling" it saw just now, and felt unbelievable.

This is the first time that Myna has seen that "Myna" can grow so big, and his whole body is on fire. He is so powerful!

Especially for some reason, it felt that the big myna just now looked very similar to it, especially the tuft of hair on its head, which was exactly the same!

"Dumb dumb dumb!"

The starling flapped its wings and raised its beak, jumping up and down on Yu Lie's head, extremely excited. It also flew around the rest of the column randomly, as if it was on drugs and drunk, making people afraid that it would fall to the ground.

"Dumb! Uncle, big, big!!"

Yu Lie was awakened by Bago and came back to his senses. He glanced at the confused Bago, his eyes suddenly became strange.

His black myna has some spiritual bird blood, is quite intelligent, and can learn human speech. In addition, he has been fed a lot of animal subduing pills recently, and Yu Lie can barely understand what the other party means.

This guy was stimulated by the divine fire flying crow just now. He thought that he would be so big and capable of getting angry in the future, so he went crazy and showed off in front of Yu Lie, secretly wanting Yu Lie to be nice to him.

However, there is one thing to say: the divine fire flying crow just now was indeed made by Yu Lie at home according to the appearance of a starling. It is not surprising that the other party recognized the wrong bird.

Without paying much attention to Bage, Yu Lie glanced around cautiously and immediately went up to collect the body of the Black Snake Fish King and leave. The movement just now was really loud, like thunder. If he didn't leave in time, someone would come.

But as soon as he took half a step, Yu Lie steadied himself again, took out a thorn fire ball and a flying snow-white sand ball, and threw them at the torso and head of the Black Snake Fish King, whipping the corpse to prevent the opponent from waiting later. Fake corpse.

There was a roar and a dazzling white light.

As Yu Lie feared, two fireballs were fired. The huge body of the seemingly dead fish king actually squirmed again, especially the head with only half of its face left, and the hair on its cheeks. He was biting like crazy, but he still had some energy!

This made Yu Lie take a breath of air: "You're not dead like this?!"

This made him realize that the Black Snake Fish King and the ordinary Black Snake Fish are indeed not at the same level. The Fish King's bones are hard and his life is even harder!

However, he also suspected that the amount of fire dragon medicine in the fire crow was only a quarter of the complete "fire dragon water", which caused the fish king to explode to pieces, but he was only close to death but did not die suddenly.

Without thinking any more, Yu Lie immediately took out another Divine Fire Flying Crow. Anyway, the amount of medicine in his blood clam belly is very abundant, and he will try again.

Yu Lie gently blew on the crow made of tin and iron to make the crow flutter its wings, and then issued a command with the crow whistle in his mouth:


sad! A scream sounded.

Another fire crow flew from above his head and pounced on the Black Snake Fish King, and the fire light rose!

But what puzzled the black starling next to him was that the one with his head on fire was just a little fatter than it.

The opponent swelled up after landing, and was only about the size of a pig or dog, barely burning a thin layer of the rocks on the ground.

And this one, compared to the big raven just now, is like the black myna in the mirror, more like it!

Starling landed on Yu Lie's head and looked around, somewhat suspicious that the bird was born. It is very worried, worried that it will grow up to be as big as a pig or dog in the future.

Yu Lie still ignored Ba Ge, and after releasing an ordinary flying crow with divine fire, he finally completely smashed the fish king's head and killed him.

After a few more tests to confirm that the other party was completely dead, Yu Lie quickly stepped forward.

He didn't even have time to identify the shape of the fish king, so he randomly stuffed the fish king into the belly of the bloody clam, and took away the iron ropes, fishing rods and other objects that he could take away, and threw all the things that couldn't be taken away into the Black River.

After cleaning up the scene, Yu Lie called out to Starling and quickly left the river and escaped into the darkness.

Intentionally staying in the opposite direction for a while, Yu Lie returned to the town without any danger, carrying the huge corpse of the Fish King in his arms.

After returning to the town, the sound of him frying fish outside indeed attracted the attention of many fishing guys that night.

Someone yelled: "Who the hell is using a talisman on the hilltop of the town? I guess he is close to the seventh level. He is so rich!"

"It's just, oh, it scared away all the fish. I was so tired that I didn't catch a single fish today! It's a crime that is not a war, a crime that is not a war..."

Yu Lie also walked on the street with his hands empty-handed and carrying the bird with a gloomy look on his face, staggering towards his home.

After returning to the stone house and closing the doors and windows, he immediately took out the huge black snake fish body.

The ferocious fish carcass was huge and rough, and its entire body seemed to be made of black iron.

Yu Lie looked at it with a look of joy on his face. He understood that his second level of poison skill - bone poison, could be cultivated!

After digesting the transformation of copper tendons and iron bones, it is just before your eyes! !

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