Fairy cage

Chapter 76 Life is at stake

That night, Yu Lie thought carefully about She Shuangbai's words in the quiet room, and determined that the possibility of the other party deceiving him was extremely small, so he began to think about the preparations he could make.

At the same time, he studied the Subduing Beast Pills for most of the night, and took a rest after writing down the materials needed to make the pills.

The next morning, Yu Lie left the poisonous mouth. He first returned to his private residence in the town, took some things, and then walked straight to a place.

This place is not a shop or a place to buy things in the town, nor is it a ghost street, which only opens at night.

After a while, two stone cranes appeared in Yu Lie's eyes. After he cupped his hands towards the stone cranes, he stepped into the library pavilion.

After becoming a middle-ranking Taoist boy, the first and second floors of the Library Pavilion were open to Yu Lie free of charge.

And Yu Lie came here this time not to redeem the exercises in the Library Pavilion, but to use the various books on the first and second floors of the Library Pavilion to help him check and fill in the gaps, and to see if there was anything about the "Big Point Soldier". record.

There were quite a few Taoist boys on the first and second floors, and Yu Lie also saw a few familiar people. However, noise was prohibited in the library, so everyone just nodded and walked among the bookshelves.

From early morning till dusk.

Yu Lie stayed in the library and did not go home to practice all day long.

But he was sitting in the corner of a wooden table, with a look of surprise on his face, still looking like he had gained a lot and was in high spirits.

Yu Lie was rubbing the cover of a book in his hand. This book is called "History of Blackwater Town in the Past Eighteen Years". It is placed among books on travel notes. Its style is simple and old. I don't know what year it was put. Went up.

Today, Yu Lie spent most of the day rummaging through the first and second floors of the library. The content of the book in his hand was quite interesting.

It records the experiences of a certain Taoist boy in the town for eighteen years. It contains various descriptions of the town. Although most of them are vague and he dare not reveal too much, Yu Lie can still get a lot of information from between the lines.

For example, She Shuangbai did not explain in detail the issue of "big soldiers". According to the author's implicit instructions, the key point of this matter is not to complete tasks such as collecting herbs and mining.

Because within a thousand-mile radius of the town, Taoist disciples, Taoist officials and others from several nearby towns have already discovered everything!

It is very likely that the Taoist disciples not only knew about the dangerous place and death place that the Taoist boys called, but also deliberately left it there, or even created it on purpose.

Of course, regarding this point, the author of the book only made a guess and made a random comment, leaving it up to the viewer to judge the fallacy.

Yu Lie pondered this point and thought to himself:

"If the author of this book and She Shuangbai's description are correct, then the key to the upcoming 'big army' lies in the words 'army' and 'training'. The town is forcing the middle-level Taoist boys to risk The purpose of risking life and death is not to obtain medicinal materials or minerals, but to temper the Taoists!"

His eyes flickered: "In this kind of training, the ability to find medicine, identify medicine, find animals, ore, etc., are all secondary. Even the tasks issued by the town are secondary. The key is to Survive this kind of ordeal, and see enough blood!"

Although life in Blackwater Town is cruel, it also has its own rules. As long as the Taoist boys who come here do not violate taboos intentionally, their lives may not be so comfortable, but their lives are usually not in danger.

Half a year ago, Yu Lie and the tenant in the courtyard, one of them was "eating and waiting to die", the other was a pure mortal, but they were both living well. They were typical examples.

Only after leaving the area enclosed by the town are there barren mountains and ridges where wild beasts are rampant and monsters can be seen.

But even so, within a hundred miles of the town, real monsters are rare. They are all tigers, jackals, and little demons and evil spirits. There are also people and mountain villages.

Yu Lie judged: "Then what She Shuangbai said makes sense. In such an activity, saving your life first is the most important thing!"

And there is one thing that the other party did not mention. Yu Lie now knows from the book, that is, the scope of the Dadian soldiers in Heishui Town overlaps with several nearby towns!

It should be noted that when the children were left in the wild and met people from the same town, as long as the corpses were destroyed and no traces were left behind, killing and stealing goods was a casual matter. Not to mention if you meet people from other towns!

In the book of experiences in Yu Lie's hands, the author even made a direct attribution:

"Anyone who leaves the town cannot be trusted, and the same applies to blood relatives... There are people in other towns who are good at skinning people, who can wear human skin and move around, and there are also people who are good at seducing people who deliberately harm the people in my town."

This made Yu Lie frown. Originally, he was thinking of winning over the poisonous people such as Luo Baotou among the "big soldiers" to form his own team. The more people he had, the easier it would be to move around outside.

But now it seems that if you rely too much on others, your enemies may seize the opportunity and stab you back.

Moreover, Yu Lie himself is a middle-rank Taoist boy, and Luobotou and others are still in the lower ranks. After the other party completes a few tasks, they can retreat to the town and resume their daily lives. However, Yu Lie and other middle-ranked Taoist boys have to watch the master. Only after giving the order can we return to the town.

Yu Lie frowned, tapping the book cover of the Record of Experiences, racking his brains to think about what other preparations he could make besides buying talismans:

"After leaving the town, I don't know if I can still buy elixirs and the like, so I have to prepare more! Clothing, food, and even tents must be prepared..."

For a moment, Yu Lie couldn't help but feel lucky that he had a blood storage device. Compared with other Taoist boys, he could undoubtedly carry a lot more things without hindering his movements.

But a more critical problem emerged. Apart from relying on talismans to subdue demons once, killing a robber once, and killing Du Liang who was poisoned once, Yu Lie had no experience in fighting with people.

In the Taoist stage, because they were unable to practice magic, the Taoists mostly used martial arts, armor, bows and crossbows to fight fiercely. Yu Lie was still young, and because he had been practicing Daoyin Gong, he only strengthened his basic cultivation.

He has no time to talk about the so-called martial arts and fighting skills. Apart from the method of killing people with one blow, his own martial arts are really ordinary.

Yu Lie is very clear about this.

If he really encounters an enemy in the wild, even if he is physically stronger than others, if he encounters an old Taoist boy who has been out hunting and collecting herbs all year round, he will be tricked to death by the other party if he is not careful!

"Poison, elixirs, talismans, armor, starlings... whatever you can prepare, you have to prepare!"

In Yu Lie's mind, ideas came one after another about how to quickly improve his survivability and force.

But before he could sort out the priorities, a cold feeling appeared on his body.

Yu Lie immediately raised his head and looked at the second floor of the huge library.

The nearby tables were empty, and the Taoist boys sitting here and there all made the same move as Yu Lie. Then the other party stood up and walked quickly down to the attic.

Yu Lie also immediately put an end to all thoughts, stood up quickly, put the record of experiences in his hand back to its original place, and quickly went downstairs.

The time has come, the library is closed, and those who stay here will be responsible for the consequences!

After walking out of the library, the cold feeling on Yu Lie's body just disappeared, and he breathed out.

Next, Yu Lie did not go home, but walked back to the ghost street.

When the library closes, it’s time for the ghost street to open its doors.

But before going to the ghost street, Yu Lie hesitated slightly and walked towards the Daolu Courtyard.

The Taoist courtyard had already finished work, but as a middle-ranking Taoist boy, Yu Lie walked in easily and asked someone to call Lao Yutou out.

Not long after, the two met each other, and when Old Yutou saw it was Yu Liehou, his face was slightly startled.

This guy had a greasy mouth and was holding a toothpick in his mouth. He was probably eating and slacking off before getting off work.

"Ouch!" Old Yutou threw the sign, immediately held his lower back with his hands, and said to Yu Lie with a grimace:

"Brother Yu, take it easy! Take it easy!

You may have a strong body, but I am an old man. If you can't stand it, just go to the teahouse to play. Even if I can stand it, my wallet can't stand it! "

Lao Yutou did not restrain his voice, and his shouting was immediately heard by others. The guys in the Taoist Courtyard all looked at Yu Lie.

Yu Lie's face was not as thick-skinned as that of Lao Yutou. With a dark face, he waved to the other party quickly and said, "Who said I wanted to go to the teahouse with you? I have something serious to talk to you about today!"

Old Yutou heard this and rolled his eyes: "Business?"

The other party immediately stopped covering his waist and motioned for Yu Lie to follow.

Walking to a darkroom, Lao Yu tiptoed and closed the door, and then said proudly: "It's dark here under the lamp, and the ghost soldiers can't control it.

Here, even if Brother Yu breaks his throat, no one will come to rescue him. "

When Yu Lie heard the other party's salty words, his face turned darker. However, he was still in a hurry to go shopping in the ghost street, so he didn't whisper to the other party and immediately whispered:

"Mr. Yu, do you know about the 'bigger troops in the town'?"

Old Yutou originally had a playful smile on his face, but as soon as he heard the words "big point soldiers", he immediately became serious and stared at Yu Lie closely.

Since Yu Lie had chosen to tell the other party, he would no longer hide it. He immediately told Lao Yutou what She Shuangbai told him.

However, he omitted everything that might reveal She Shuangbai's identity. Although there will definitely be many people who know it earlier than him, it's better to take it easy. Even if it weren't for Lao Yutou, although he may appear to be a frivolous person, but he is very cautious, and this matter is life-related, Yu Lie would not have chosen to say it.

After hearing this, Lao Yutou hurriedly said: "The 'larger troops' have been advanced? Is this true? How sure are you?"

Yu Lie thought about it, nodded affirmatively, and said: "It's almost the same."

Yu Lie also shook his head and said: "I suggest you, Mr. Yu, make preparations in advance, otherwise you won't be able to survive in the teahouse with your old bones, and you will probably die outside."

But the next moment, what shocked Yu Lie was that the old man was not in a hurry but was happy.

Old Yu slapped his thigh with his head and shouted in surprise:

"Haha! It's ahead of schedule, good thing! I've been waiting for this!"

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