Fairy cage

Chapter 74 The temple owner strengthens his troops

In the quiet room that was supposed to be empty and only reserved for Yu Lie, a figure appeared inexplicably.

And the other party sat cross-legged in the center of the altar that Yu Lie had carefully purchased, meditating and adjusting his breath, and lit the incense that Yu Lie was usually reluctant to light.

The fragrance in the quiet room is full of Taoist charm.

Yu Lie frowned. Before he could question the other party, the people in the altar spoke indifferently:

"You came."

The other person was wearing a black robe and a mask on his face. It was unclear who he was.

Speaking out like this made Yu Lie sneer in his heart.

Judging from what the other party said, it seemed as if Yu Lie had come to harass and pay homage to the other party. But this is a poisonous place, and it is the territory of the rest of him.

But the one who could sneak into his quiet room was at least a middle-ranking Taoist boy. To be on the safe side, Yu Lie just looked at the other person with squinted eyes and said, "Who are you? Why did you come without telling me?"

When the masked man heard Yu Lie's question, he sneered and said, "Pindao didn't come here without warning. Aren't you the one who invited me all the time?"

Yu Lie raised his eyelids slightly, thought for a moment, and said to himself: "Could this person be..."

As expected, the masked man stood up from the futon without taking off his shoes, and walked around Yu Lie's futon and the altar, not treating himself as an outsider at all, and said:

"Besides, this place is still considered the mouth of Pindao. After you killed Du Liang, did you not even take Pindao seriously?"

An indifferent voice sounded from the mouth of the masked man.

Hiss, suddenly there was a shrill sound of a venomous snake spitting a message, and a green-green, weird-looking two-headed triangular snake crawled out from the opponent's shoulder. The two snake heads stared at Yu Lie coldly, and Yu Lie was surprised. Lie felt a little bit of pressure.

The viper's vertical pupils stared at Yu Lie, its mouth opened, as if it would pounce at any time.

The masked man still had his hands behind his back, looking at everything in the quiet room.

When Yu Lie saw the poisonous snake, he was slightly shocked: "The green double-headed vicious snake is indeed the master of the Processing Hall, She Shuangbai!"

He suppressed the look in his eyes, paused, and immediately bowed and saluted: "I have met Hall Master She, but I didn't know that Hall Master She would be here today. I am really disappointed to meet him from afar!"

Seeing Yu Lie's decisive salute and hello, the masked man turned his head and looked at Yu Lie several times:

"You know what you're doing, you know. Don't think that just because you're hanging out with that old guy, you dare to be so arrogant in front of me. If you hadn't raided Du Liang's house that day, I'd have given him all his money. I wouldn't have done it." Today, when you leave seclusion, the first thing I will do is cut off your limbs and kick you out of the alchemy room!"

Yu Lie didn't pay attention to what this man said, but he said respectfully:

"Thank you, Master, for making it possible."

When he finished speaking and was about to ask the other party again what he was doing, the figure of Hall Master She flashed on the altar, and the other party rushed towards where Yu Lie was standing.

Yu Lie's pupils shrank, and he immediately wanted to avoid it, and his energy and blood began to circulate on their own.

But he restrained his movements in time, pretended not to react, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

Next breath.

The hissing sound sounded more and more clearly next to Yu Lie's ears. It was the opponent's two-headed vicious snake that had crawled onto Yu Lie's neck, sending a swishing coolness.

Yu Lie also felt that Snake Chong's disgusting Snake Xinzi was licking his ears.

"Tsk! Erdu really likes you very much. It seems that you are indeed practicing Poison Kung Fu. But it's just your temperament. You are a bit timid and tactful. Since you have already chosen to practice Poison Kung Fu, why are you afraid of this or that? What’s more, there’s no future!”

The masked Taoist stood in front of Yu Lie and looked at Yu Lie coldly.

Although Yu Lie heard the other party criticizing him, he saw arrogance and contempt in the other party's eyes. It was obvious that the other party looked down on and despised him, and was happy to see Yu Lie in such an "ugly" manner.

Yu Lie lowered his head and continued to suppress his emotions without speaking.

The masked Taoist continued:

"I know everything about you and that old guy Fang. Speaking of which, I saw clearly that you were robbed by that old guy that day. Do you still remember me?"

When Yu Lie was refining elixirs as a Taoist disciple in the alchemy room, he was deprived of his position in front of all the masters of the alchemy room. The remaining seven hall masters were all present at the time, but they were all sarcastic and laughing.

Yu Lie cupped his hands and said, "The room was dark that day, and Yu Lie didn't dare to raise his head, so he didn't write down the appearance of the hall master."

The masked Taoist replied: "You can rest assured that I have come here today to say something good to you and to save your life, not to take away anything from you."

The other party looked at the layout of Dukou Quiet Room with disdain and commented:

"Old man Fang just used this thing to send you, and you actually accepted it. When you are promoted to a high position, remember to come to the door again and give him a good scratch. That old man has been the master of the hall for twenty or thirty years. Although he is a loser, he has been occupying the pit and has not been able to break through to an eighth-level Taoist disciple, but his family background is very strong!"

After hearing what the other party said, Yu Lie's eyes looked a little strange.

Judging from what the other party said, it seems that he has identified his remaining ranks and can easily break through and enter the realm of a high-level Taoist. Could it be that this person really just came to win over him and give him benefits?

This made Yu Lie feel slightly excited.

But the other party's next sentence made Yu Lie's mood immediately sink:

"At most three months, at least two months, the town will need to 'strengthen the troops'. All the Taoist boys in the town, high, middle and low, need to go out of the town and patrol within a thousand miles. The Taoist boys in the alchemy room need to collect medicine and refine For medicine, the Taoist boys in the Veterinary Academy need to dig for mud, and the Veterinary Court needs to hunt animals... Among them, the lower ones are okay, and they can cope with it by collecting a few medicines, but the middle-ranking Taoist boys are the main force in this training. Do not retreat to the town until the last moment."

When Yu Lie heard this, he was shocked: "More troops?" He blurted out: "Why is this happening?"

The masked Taoist ignored his question and continued talking:

"It's only been a few months since you were promoted to the middle position. I'm afraid you haven't even found an idea on how to quickly digest the change of copper ribs and iron bones. If you join the big army training, you will probably suffer in it. I suggest you take advantage of the news. It hasn’t been leaked yet, and the prices in the town haven’t risen yet, so I’ll go to the black market and buy some more talismans to protect myself, in case the time comes to save my life.”

Yu Lie suppressed the surprise in his heart and quickly wrote down what the other party said.

Traveling outside the town is a dangerous job for the Taoist boys in Blackwater Town. Had he not been forced to do so, Yu Lie would never have left the town to succumb to the demon.

From this point of view, it is really a good thing that the other party told Yu Lie the news in advance, allowing Yu Lie to start preparing before most people.

Yu Lie nodded immediately: "Thank you, Hall Master, for reminding me!"

After explaining something, Hall Master She adjusted the mask on his face, seeming to remember Yu Lie’s question just now, and then said casually:

"The 'Big Soldier' ​​is a tradition in Heishui River. It only happens once every twelve years. You are lucky, and you are among the group destined to catch up.

It's just that it's supposed to start next year, but the towns next door are so impatient that they started training troops in the first half of the year. The viewer has to do it in advance to avoid falling behind and delaying things at the end of the year. "

The other party chuckled again: "Besides, being earlier has the advantage of being early. There are many benefits to 'larger troops'. Maybe you can make enough contribution in this troop recruitment and get the qualifications to be promoted to a higher position. When the time comes, Polish the previous year, and you may be a part of the good things at the end of the next year.”

Yu Lie listened carefully and immediately understood that he probably wouldn't be able to escape the "larger soldiers" the other party called.

This made him feel sad for a moment, thinking that he had finally managed to get into the identity of a middle-ranking Taoist boy and a top poisoner, and now he had only been lining his own pockets, drinking tea and massages for a month or two, and he was about to fall into such risky activities. What a pity!

Yu Lie muttered in his heart:

"Can't you just practice hard in the town? You have to leave the town and risk your life!"

He didn't even want to compete for the so-called benefits of recruiting troops. He was just promoted to a higher position. Yu Lie was confident that he could achieve it comfortably.

However, after thinking about it, Yu Lie suddenly narrowed his eyes: "Once every twelve years, I am destined to catch up with a group of soldiers and train them... Could it be that this matter is related to the life and death trial to become a Taoist disciple?"

Just as Yu Lie was thinking over and over again, Hall Master She suddenly asked again:

"In which year did you pass the Taoist examination? Where did you come from?"

Yu Lie subconsciously replied: "Black Emperor 3615, Qian County."

Hall Master She heard this and nodded with satisfaction: "You and I are of the same age, so we can barely be considered fellow villagers. In that case, I will give you another benefit."

The man suddenly pointed at the black myna who had been moved to the poisonous mouth quiet room and said:

"Your 'Red Eyed Hangao' must have been carefully raised for a long time before it developed some demonic aura! Hey, if this thing is psychic, it does have some magical effects, which is also rare. I have "Blood Nourishing" "Elixir of Subduing Beasts", you can try to practice it. If you can practice it, you will have an extra helper when you leave town."

The masked Taoist glanced around the altar again and saw the dead fish that Yu Lie had deliberately hung out, and said disdainfully:

"Strong blood elixirs are not something that can be made casually. Be careful and you will go bankrupt by refining it on your own. Just think about my elixir technique in peace first. You can use it immediately."

After finishing speaking, the other party threw out a roll of alchemy book from his sleeve and threw it on the altar.

Before Yu Lie could talk to him again, the man's body flashed and he left the Dukou Quiet Room without bothering to say another word to Yu Lie. It seemed that he really just came by appointment to win over Yu Lie.

Yu Lie stood at the door of the quiet room, stunned. He waited for a long time, but did not see Hall Master She return, and then sealed the stone door of the quiet room.

As soon as the door was closed, only one person was left in the quiet room.

Yu Lie's eyelids immediately twitched, pondering what Hall Master She said: "Same year?!"

"This person actually came to Blackwater Town in the same batch as me!" Yu Lie almost bit his tongue.

He looked at the black starling in the cage again and found that after eating and drinking, the bird was lying down and sleeping...

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