Fairy cage

Chapter 736: Feng Shui Treasure Land, Great Advancement of Magical Power

In the darkness, Yu Lie felt that his body was falling continuously, and it had not stopped for a hundred breaths.

At the same time, a heat surged up from the bottom, making Yu Lie in mid-air feel that his hair seemed to have been burnt.

Finally, a faint light appeared in his eyes, and the heat became wind, catching him as he fell.

It seemed that there was a giant beast below, breathing constantly.

Yu Lie used the spell of stepping on the wind under his feet, and finally stabilized his body, and then rushed towards the place where the light came from.

After a full quarter of an hour, he felt that the strong wind around him had stopped, and a scene like a valley cliff appeared in his eyes. He hurriedly found a foothold and jumped up quickly.

When Yu Lie stood still, he heard a burst of exclamations:

"What a strange scenery, the underground is so beautiful?"

"Could this underground palace be built by immortals? Why are those glowing things embedded on the top? It doesn't look like they can illuminate the surrounding area.

"Could it be that there is a fire above, and the rock layer above has a hole, so the light spots are formed?"

Yu Lie looked up and found that there were stars on the top of this underground palace. One by one, they were scattered in his vision, and he couldn't see the end at a glance. Moreover, the stars gathered together to form a scene like the Milky Way.

When he saw this scene, his eyes flickered.

"It turned out to be a scene of the Milky Way. People in this world have never seen the sun for a long time. It only exists in rumors. There are even fewer records about the Milky Way. It seems that this underground palace was built ten thousand years ago, when this world had not yet been confined by the Danding Immortal Sect? "

Yu Lie muttered secretly.

The other disciples who were collecting herbs around him exclaimed even more.

Because just in front of them, a river and lake with silver light appeared in their eyes, and at the same time, the air was filled with a sweet and fishy smell.

Yu Lie sniffed a few more times, his eyes changed, and he immediately took out a talisman from his sleeve and pasted it on his forehead, letting the talisman paper hang down to protect his nose.

Because the lake in everyone's eyes, with its heavy waves, was not made of water at all, but thick mercury. The sweet and fishy smell in the air was also evaporated by the mercury flowing. In addition to mercury vapor, there are probably other gold and iron substances.

But no matter what, they are extremely poisonous and can kill people.

There were exclamations from all sides, and many people, like Yu Lie, quickly used various means to avoid being poisoned.

There were also many people who looked at the mercury lake carelessly, either relying on their strong physique, or thinking that they had superb cultivation, or simply didn't understand.

There were also useless guys with a look of joy on their faces, shouting: "What a treasure land, can this place produce mercury by itself? If you move more of it out, you may be able to complete the task assigned by the temple."

"Maybe you can make a small profit. ”

No matter where they are, lead and mercury are important raw materials for Taoists to make elixirs and tools. These guys are now blinded by the "money".

Immediately, many people ran to the mercury lake, took out ladles, gourds and other utensils, and tried to scoop mercury from it.

Yu Lie also walked to the mercury lake, but he did not pay attention to the endless mercury, but observed the lake and the surroundings with sharp eyes to see if there were any dangers or enemies.


At this time, a muffled groan suddenly sounded from behind the crowd.

"Don't block the way, stay aside, otherwise don't blame me for not considering your status as the host of Wuzangmiao and attacking you. "

Yu Lie turned his head and saw a group of burly and strong men. Because of a friction with several Wuzangmiao disciples over the position, those men immediately took action, knocked several Wuzangmiao disciples to the ground, and blasted them into the mercury lake.

The men were all bare-chested and barefoot, and all of them had hideous demons or ghost faces tattooed on their limbs. Some of them had arms that were not human hands, but terrifying demon tentacles or claws.

Yu Lie raised his eyebrows slightly: "Four Limbs Temple? "

The way these strong men were dressed, they were from another sect that was good at physical fitness.

After the people from the Four Limbs Temple knocked down the person who had a dispute, they looked at the Five Zang Temple disciple who was blasted into the mercury lake. Not only did they not think of rescuing him, but they also looked at the people around them with a grim smile on their faces.

There were several Five Zang Temple disciples in the late stage of Qi Refining. They walked out with frowns on their brows, surrounded the other party, and said: "You guys, although there are no taboos in collecting herbs in the underground palace, do you really want to do it directly with my Five Zang Temple?"

The people from the Four Limbs Temple looked at each other for a few times, and their grim smiles became even more severe. They had no intention of negotiating with everyone at all. Instead, they shouted:

"You came at the right time, catch a few more and explore the way! "

As soon as the words fell, the bodies of several people suddenly expanded, from eight or nine feet tall, to a human-shaped giant of one or two feet tall in an instant. The tallest one of them was three feet tall, and fell among the people at the scene, like a small meat mountain.

The disciples of the Four Limbs Temple suddenly took action. A disciple of the Five Organs Temple in the late stage of Qi Refining did not react in time and was caught by the opponent in an instant.

The latter's face changed drastically, and he quickly used magic, with talisman paper burning on his body, but in a breath, he suddenly screamed: "Ah!"

Puff, the opponent's body was crushed alive by the three-meter-tall Four Limbs Temple disciple.

After crushing it, the Four Limbs Temple took out a saddlebag from his waist, pulled out the head and spine of the Five Organs Temple disciple, and stuffed it into the saddlebag.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, a fierce fight broke out on the scene.

The disciples of the Five Organs Temple were frightened by the Four Limbs Temple's advance, and Yu Lie observed around and found that there was no powerful person in their group as rumored, and the highest cultivation was only the eighth level of Qi Refining.

Just as Yu Lie was thinking about not getting involved in this matter and leaving with the crowd, a shout rang out beside him:

"You! Swim in and explore the way."

Yu Lie stopped turning around and looked back. He saw a strong man with a small head but a swollen body, like a skinned frog.

He pointed at himself: "Me?"

The disciple of the Four Limbs Temple smiled grimly and nodded.

But the next moment, the other party's smile froze, and a burst of blood mist suddenly spurted out from his neck.

Yu Lie took out the ghost willow wooden stick and swung it lightly at the other party, which penetrated the other party's skin membrane. The top of the wooden stick also split into sharp willow branches, which pierced the other party and sucked continuously.

The gray-white wooden stick turned pink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill your wish." Yu Lie paced and sighed softly.

He thought to himself: "It's a good opportunity to taste the spiritual roots of other Taoist disciples and see how they taste."

This scene that suddenly happened at the scene immediately attracted the attention of many people. Many disciples of the Five Zang Temple who had fled in a hurry also stopped, their eyes shining.

Yu Lie did not disappoint them. Before the disciples of the Four Limbs Temple came to kill him, Yu Lie's figure was like a ghost, flashing among the people of the Four Limbs Temple.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The sound of flesh being torn apart rang out. Even the three-meter-high meat mountain did not last more than two rounds under Yu Lie's hands. In the second round, Yu Lie saw its body swell and it seemed that some monster was about to come out of it, so he waited for a while.

After a while, the ground was full of bloodstains, and some blood had flowed into the mercury lake, dyeing the silver-shining lake surface with a layer of blood.

Yu Lie walked slowly between the disciples of the Four Limbs Temple, picked up the bags on the other side one by one, and packed up the other side's body.

The disciples of the Five Organs Temple around him looked at him blankly, not daring to breathe.

They waited until Yu Lie had dealt with the scene and observed the mercury lake.

He found that even though the blood was flowing, there was nothing unusual in the lake, and those disciples who had left early were not ambushed in the lake, so he also jumped into the lake boldly and left on the silvery mercury.

At this time, the Wuzangmiao disciples who stayed in place dared to mutter:

"Hiss! What a fierce man."

"What kind of magic weapon is in his hand? Why haven't I heard of this ruthless man? Is he really from our Wuzangmiao?"

After a while, a new group of Wuzangmiao disciples came to the lakeside.

They looked at the blood on the ground with fear in their eyes. They didn't expect that such a tragic fight would happen here as soon as they entered the underground palace.

Yu Lie's fellow villager Zhu Long happened to be among this group of people.

Zhu Long looked around with cold sweat on his back, and hurriedly walked closer to a few acquaintances.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and thought to himself: "Dogtail, oh dogtail, this place is so dangerous. Brother, I didn't mean to avoid meeting you, it's just that there were too many people and I couldn't find you.

I hope you and I can both return alive on this trip."

For a moment, Zhu Long's idea of ​​this trip changed from making a small fortune to being able to leave alive.


On the other side.

Yu Lie, with a talisman paper on his forehead, walked in the mercury lake, deliberately staying away from the crowd, and did not run directly to the place where the most stars gathered above his head.

When a protruding reef appeared in his eyes, he looked around and jumped on it, and put down the big red on his head to let it protect him.

After sitting cross-legged, Yu Lie shook the sack on his waist, shook out the wealth of the disciples of the Four Limbs Temple, and stuffed all the wealth he needed into the largest sack.

As for his own storage bag, because it was too small, he emptied it and threw it to Dahong.

He gave it to Dahong as a bib, and it could also be used to hold his own food.

After counting all the wealth, Yu Lie touched the bulging bag, and his face showed a satisfied look.

Although the wealth of these Qi-refining monks, even if thousands of people were added together, could not compare to what he spent casually in the market. But for Yu Lie at this moment, it was equivalent to getting rich overnight.

Yu Lie sighed: "Even if there is no promise or guidance from that old thing, as long as I come to participate in this underground palace to collect herbs, it is also a chance for me to turn over."

After sighing, his eyes showed a stronger expectation.

Soon, colorful white things appeared on the small reef, becoming messy, and it was the corpses of the disciples of the Four Limbs Temple that were taken out.

Yu Lie tried his best to arrange them in a circle in front of him, with their upper bodies straight, so that it would be easier for him to extract their spiritual roots.

He didn't mutter too much, and there were flashes of spiritual light, as if thick candles were lit around Yu Lie.

Yu Lie closed his eyes and immediately opened his mouth to breathe, and the spiritual roots behind his head emerged.

The spiritual roots seemed to be trembling with excitement, and they stretched out tentacles one by one, and wrapped all the spiritual roots around them in one breath.

Snap, after the spiritual roots in the corpse were taken away, the disciples of the Four Limbs Temple shook and fell down one after another.

Some of them rolled on the rocks and were scratched beyond recognition, while others rolled into the mercury lake and sank without even a gurgling sound.

For the corpses of these enemies, Yu Lie was able to resist draining their bodies of blood and flesh, which was already quite graceful. Therefore, he didn't want to help them rest in peace at all, but let their bodies be exposed.

About two hours later.

Yu Lie on the reef suddenly opened his eyes and let out a long howl.

With a clang, the light of the spiritual root above his head rose to more than seven feet.

This meant that he had broken through from the seventh level of Qi Refining to the eighth level of Qi Refining in just two hours, and he was not far from breaking through to the ninth level.

In addition, the appearance of Yu Lie's spiritual root had also changed even more.

Its original corn grass shape had completely disappeared, replaced by a strange plant that looked like a dragon.

It had leaves, vines, whiskers, hard shells, spikes, and so on... It was a monster.

As Yu Lie breathed in and out, his spiritual root shook and squirmed, as if it was moving like a demon.

Although it looked a little ugly, its quality had been greatly improved, and it was only a little away from breaking through to the quality of the upper-class spiritual root.

Yu Lie sensed and observed, and was overjoyed:

"Very good! This is just a small group of Four Limbs Temple disciples. If I can get all of their spiritual roots, the quality of my spiritual roots and my spiritual root cultivation will definitely be turned upside down."

He secretly thought that maybe this time he didn't need the so-called foundation-building secret medicine at all. He could rely on his infinite spiritual power to break through to the Yellow Bud foundation-building stage!

"This is really a Feng Shui treasure land."

Yu Lie stood up suddenly and looked around. With a greedy smile on his face, he said:

"My fellow disciples, I will come to eliminate evil and punish evil for you and uphold justice!"

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