Fairy cage

Chapter 728 The Master of the Five Internal Organs and the Immortal Medicine Sect

After Yu Lie finished registering, he sat cross-legged among the crowd, waiting for Wu Zangmiao's next instructions.

As a result, until all the new disciples he was with finished registering, no one came to pay attention to them.

He glanced at the entrance to the mountain, guessing that there should be new disciples coming up, but they just haven't arrived yet.

Bored, Yu Lie simply found a spacious place and dozed off.

When Yu Lie had squinted for a while, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear:

"Brother Gouwei, Brother Gouwei!"

Yu Lie opened his eyes in surprise when he heard it, and a garlic nose appeared in front of him. When the other party saw Yu Lie wake up, he smiled foolishly:

"Brother, you are here too! But why are you so late?"

Yu Lie recalled the other party's appearance and hesitated to say: "Brother Pigtail?"

"Hey!" The garlic nose boy responded immediately. Because the voice was a bit loud, he looked around a few times, lowered his head quickly, sat down next to Yu Lie, and chatted with Yu Lie.

This person is Yu Lie's good friend in the manor. His nickname is "Pigtail". Together with Yu Lie's dogtail, they are nicknamed "pig friends and dog friends" in the manor.

But when Pigtail grew up, his fifth-level true spiritual root was discovered. He was taken away from Jiajiazhuang by his relatives and friends a year ago. The two have not seen each other much, but they agreed to practice together in the five internal organs temple!

Yu Lie really didn't expect that he could meet an acquaintance in the temple of the five zangs.

For a moment, he was also happy. The two of them whispered and talked about many things that happened in the past year. Taking this opportunity, Yu Lie took advantage of the other party's reminder and sorted out the messy memories in his mind.

Of course, Yu Lie kept silent about the matter of him replacing the third young master of the Jia family.

After chatting for a while, Zhuwei Hou saw that Yu Lie was dry in the mouth, and he slapped his head and immediately took out a sesame cake from his arms, and a bamboo tube, which was filled with clear water.

This person quietly handed it to Yu Lie.

Although the other party's actions were as concealed as possible, they still attracted the attention of several people around, and Yu Lie immediately heard the sound of the other party swallowing saliva in his ears.

Because of the demon attacks, many of the disciples had lost most of the food and water they brought with them. When they went up the mountain, because the outer disciples ordered them to travel light, many of them only carried valuables with them.

Therefore, some people had no food at all and were suffering.

Yu Lie was the same. Although he could endure it and knew that his stomach would not let everyone die of thirst or starvation, it was annoying to endure hunger for no reason.

"Thank you!" Yu Lie was not polite. He nodded to the other party, broke off half of the pancake, stuffed it into his mouth, and drank a big mouthful of water.

Zhuwei put the remaining half of the pancake close to his body, and then lay down where Yu Lie had been lying before, lying side by side with him, and he didn't know where he got a dog's tail from in his mouth, holding it in his mouth, swinging it back and forth.

Yu Lie also lay comfortably, crossing his legs.

"By the way, Brother Gouwei, are there any other acquaintances from the village coming to the temple?"

The other party continued to ask casually, and Yu Lie also answered casually:

"There are a few people, you go find them. I'm too lazy to look for them."

Zhuwei smiled and said, "Then I'm too lazy to look for them either."

The two of them lay like this for a whole day, and then other new disciples came up from the bottom of the mountain.

During this period, they lived comfortably with half a sesame cake and half a bottle of water left by Zhuwei.

But the other people around, especially those children from aristocratic families, were miserable.

When another outer disciple came out of the Wuzang Temple and cheered everyone up, many people started to shake on the spot and almost couldn't get up.

The quail-like new disciples no longer had the arrogance and excitement when they came.

Some of them tried to go down the mountain to find water, but they were beaten up and sent back. Their status and family status at the bottom of the mountain did not play any role on the mountain.

The crowd stood in a row, very quiet, without even a whisper of discussion.

Suddenly, Yu Lie, standing in the crowd, keenly sensed a chill rising from the hall in front of him, which immediately gave him goose bumps all over his body.

The faces of the other people on the left and right also changed, and they turned pale. Some people even collapsed on the spot, but fortunately, because the crowd was dense, they were supported by others.

"Spiritual consciousness! It's still at the Dancheng level."

Yu Lie made a judgment in his heart.

Although the divine consciousness pressed on them and released pressure, it was obviously restrained. There was only indifference and coldness, and no killing intention.

So he raised his head and looked forward, and saw a figure appearing behind the hall. The other person was reflected by the scarlet Dan fire behind him, which looked weird and mysterious.

A hissing sound suddenly spread all around.

Many people, like Yu Lie, raised their heads and looked forward.

The pigtail beside Yu Lie even grabbed Yu Lie's sleeve and screamed in panic: "Brother Dogtail!"

This was because the figure on the hall was shaking its head, not just one head, but three heads.

And the three heads were not human heads, but three "flowers" of different shapes and sizes, with sharp teeth and drooling.

The three heads of flowers were all staring directly at Yu Lie and the others, showing humane expressions of satisfaction:

"Not bad, not bad! This group of disciples this year have good qualifications and are quite disciplined!"

The voices and colors overlapped, as if three people were speaking at the same time. The voices and colors were old, middle, and young, and they shouted:

"I am the master of the Temple of the Five Internal Organs. From now on you will call me the 'Temple Master'.

Today is the temple’s three-year opening ceremony. Welcome everyone to join us. "

A whistling sound rushed out from the mouth of the Master of the Five Internal Organs Temple, echoing on the top of the mountain, startling a crowd of birds and beasts.

There were also clanging copper bells ringing on the four nearby hills.

Yu Lie and other new disciples stood in front of the main hall. They were all frightened by the scene in front of them. However, they gritted their teeth and supported each other, and did not fall to the ground in fright.

Although they are young and have different personalities, they all come to worship at the mountain and enter the temple because they know that this is a critical moment and cannot show their timidity. Otherwise, they will be kicked off the mountain by a casual word and there will be no place to cry. cry.

After the Master of the Five Zang Temple finished shouting, he turned around, facing the blazing scarlet fire behind him, bowed his head and prayed:

"Grow spiritual roots, turn yellow buds, bloom three flowers, and make a sip of elixir of longevity!

I serve as the Lord of the Five Zang Temples and praise Heaven.

The raging elixir fire burns my medicine body, life and death are impermanent, and my practice is immeasurable..."

As he prayed, the elixir fire behind the main hall suddenly swelled, spraying out little sparks and falling towards Yu Lie and the others.

A sizzling sound immediately appeared in the crowd.

A red spot was burned out on the back of everyone's head, close to the spine, and Yu Lie was no exception.

And he could clearly feel that the scarlet sparks were trying to penetrate deep into his flesh and reach his spine, but they were blocked by the death flames of creation in Yu Lie's brain and were swallowed up.

A different kind of satisfaction was also transmitted from the creation death flame to Yu Lie's heart.

"What kind of flame is this?" Yu Lie was suddenly surprised.

Because he discovered that after the Death Flame of Creation swallowed that spark, its power recovered a little.

Although it was only a little bit, it was a little more powerful than when he devoured the third young master of the Jia family and the young guard.

"Swallowing other people's spiritual roots cannot help the power of my creation's death flames to recover. I thought that if I want to completely restore the power of my magical power, I can only rely on the growth of my own practice.

Unexpectedly, there are such strange objects in this world that can directly increase the power of my magical power! "

Yu Lie pondered happily: "That's great! My Death Flame has practiced the fire subduing method and can increase changes by swallowing other strange fires.

Could it be that the "alchemy fire" spoken by the natives of this world is just a strange fire, and a strange fire full of spiritual energy? ! "

He stared straight at the scarlet flames surging in front of the master of the Five Zang Temple, and his heart was full of greed.

It's a pity that with the Master of the Five Zang Temple standing in front of him, Yu Lie has no power now and can only watch from a distance, not daring to make any unusual moves at all.

And although there were many sparks in the sky, after falling once towards each new disciple, they just surged and danced around like fireflies, no longer leaning towards everyone.

This made Yu Lie's idea of ​​tasting more elixir fire come to nothing.

He came back to his senses and looked at the expressions of the people around him, and found that after being burned once by the Dan Fire Sparks, everyone's faces showed a look of excitement.

Every time the Master of the Five Zang Temple recited a prayer, everyone became more excited, their faces turned red, their eyes widened, and their whole bodies felt hot.


Spiritual roots sprouted out one after another from their spines. The higher and thicker the spiritual roots were, the faster they emerged.

Yu Lie's mind immediately moved and he got mixed up in it. He immediately forced out his own millet spiritual roots and stood upright among the clusters of spiritual roots.

He took the time to take a look at his fellow pigtail, and found that his spiritual root was in the shape of a pitcher plant, and he was shaking his head, making him appear fat and fat.

After everyone's spiritual roots sprouted, one of the three heads of the Five Zang Temple Master above the main hall turned around and glanced at everyone coldly.

It waited for a few breaths. When 99% of the people's spiritual roots had sprouted and only a few people were left, tentacle-like vines flew out from the opponent's head and rolled up those few people. A new disciple whose spiritual roots have not yet sprouted.

The sound of cracking and cracking bones sounded directly from the new disciple's body.

A scream of ahhh also broke out in front of the main hall.

The captured disciples woke up from their excitement and looked at the temple master in the main hall in fear:

"Dad! Mom! Save me!!"

"No, demon, demon!"

But what responded to them was the ferocious smile on the face of the flower-headed man.

The head flower suddenly swelled, and nearly ten teenagers were stuffed into the mouth in one mouthful.

It chewed it with big mouthfuls, and the juice splashed everywhere, constantly flowing between the glazed tiles on the eaves of the hall, and dripping down.

Yu Lie looked at the scene in front of him, a little stunned.

Although he had been prepared for a long time and expected that the power of the Wu Zang Temple was definitely not a benign place, he did not expect that the master of the Wu Zang Temple would be so aggressive and would start eating the worshiping disciples at the slightest disagreement.

It should be noted that in Yu Lie's memory, this place is a serious place of practice and one of the five gates of the Corpse Guard Country!

"Huh? Naughty."

Suddenly, a voice came from the main hall. It was the head flower in the middle of the Five Internal Organs Temple, who had been chanting a prayer.

It stopped chanting, looked at the head flower on the left that was being chewed with dissatisfaction, and raised its hand to flick the head flower:

"What's the point of eating these disciples who haven't practiced yet? They are full of five poisons, clumsy and not smart, and will hurt your mind. Hurry up and spit it out before they notice it."

Yu Lie felt cold again when he heard it, and felt the other party's consciousness spreading towards everyone again.

He quickly gathered his mind, his eyes showed a trance, and he kept mumbling to himself, pretending to be obsessed.

He deceived the Five Internal Organs Temple Master, but beside him, several people screamed and were dragged to the main hall.

"Hehe! We can't afford to support disciples who are too smart."

A cold laugh came from the head flower of the Five Internal Organs Temple Master, who rolled up the new disciples and threw them directly into the blazing fire.


The head on its left also vomited towards the scarlet fire, spitting the broken limbs in its mouth into the fire.

Nourished by fresh blood and flesh, the scarlet fire became even more vigorous, and the color was extremely gorgeous.

Yu Lie watched such a vigorous opening ceremony, and was amazed in his heart.

At the same time.

A method called "General Principles of Five Internal Organs to Nourish Life and Prolong Life and Refining Qi" was also silently recited by the Five Internal Organs Temple Master.

The sound was like a devil's voice, forcibly poured into everyone's brain.

"Cultivate the five internal organs, and live longer. The five grains will give you fair skin and a lively appearance.

Practicing my method will give you true qi. Using my formula will open your meridians.

The living things will take root, and they will be refined and refined to achieve longevity!"

Yu Lie shook his head and followed the silent recitation, and pondered the principles of such a method. For a moment, he didn't know whether to be worried or happy.

He has now learned about the cultivation tradition of this world, which is divided into four stages.

The first stage is called "deep planting of spiritual roots", which means taking secret medicine to cultivate true qi in the human body cavity. There are nine levels in total, which is equivalent to refining qi and soul in the mountain and sea world.

The second stage is called "yellow bud small medicine", which emits a medicine called "yellow bud" from the true qi, and is refined during the day, and enters the foundation building, a total of six levels.

The third stage is called "three flowers big medicine", which melts the three treasures of "essence, qi and spirit", and blooms three flowers on the body, just like the five internal organs temple master, which is equivalent to the formation of elixir in the mountain and sea world, a total of three levels.

The fourth stage is praised as the cultivation of the medicine of longevity. The medicine obtained is called Dao embryo, Dao fetus, also called "Yuanying", which is equivalent to ghost immortals, human immortals, or scattered immortals.

In short, it is rooting, sprouting, blooming, and fruiting, a total of four steps.

After the fourth step is successful, you can ascend to the world and enjoy great freedom and freedom!

Yu Lie pondered and was speechless for a long time. He looked strange and thought to himself:

"Is this way of practice to cultivate yourself into a plant of immortal medicine?"

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