Fairy cage

Chapter 715: The fetus changes shape and does not go through the birth canal

In "Four Nine Mysterious Art", the last transformation of the Jindan realm is called "Fetal Transformation".

After completing this transformation, the Jindan people will completely rejuvenate, and can cultivate the flesh or the Yin spirit into a pure Dan body that is only one step away, which is infinitely wonderful.

And this step is also the last stage for the Taoist to adjust and change himself before becoming an immortal, such as changing from male to female, female to male, yin and yang transformation, human-demon transformation, changing appearance, improving bones, and making up for defects.

At the same time, this transformation is also extremely dangerous, perhaps it can be regarded as the most dangerous transformation for Dancheng people.

Take Yu Lie for example, if he is just an ordinary Dancheng person, the gene in his body is the blood of Teng Snake. If he chooses the path of flesh, the fetal transformation stage will enable him to obtain a thorough and pure Teng Snake body.

But if there is a slight mistake in the process of transformation, he will lose his will, become a monster, and be controlled by flesh and blood.

The result may not be death, but the personality that he has cultivated for many years will collapse on the spot. Even if he survives by chance and his body transforms successfully, a new personality will be nurtured in his flesh and blood.

This personality is not the same as that personality, and it is full of animality, and it will no longer be him.

It is precisely because the transformation of fetal transformation has such a great risk and is related to the path of becoming an immortal. It is the last transformation before becoming an immortal. People in the Shanhai Realm have studied many secret techniques that can assist this transformation.

In the original Four Nine Mysterious Art, it actually only mentioned the phrase "pure blood, the same spiritual root, and the fetal transformation is self-formed". It is not like other transformations, which have one or more textbook-like transformation steps.

This has led to the Dancheng Taoist masters in the Shanhai Realm, especially those whose ancestors did not have immortals, often having to serve in the Great Dao Vein for many years in order to obtain more specific transformation secrets.

Fortunately, Yu Lie is the direct descendant of the Chaos Immortal Palace. He has three feasible methods in mind for this transformation. Yu Lie did not even intend to use secret techniques to assist this transformation.

Because he has now cultivated into a perfect human body, he has long looked down on the Teng Snake bloodline, and does not want his flesh and bloodline to be shackled by the ancient witch. He wants to reverse his vitality and rejuvenate himself based on his own flesh and blood to go through this transformation.

Yu Lie stood in front of the corpse of the immortal beast and Yin Huan Shen, his eyes were bright:

"There happens to be a whole body of an immortal beast here. Even if it has been dead here for who knows how many years, there should be some residual foundation of the true immortal level, and its blood is worth integrating into my body.

And Yin Huan Shen has long been cultivated into a pregnant mother by her ancestor, which is just suitable for this "Mica Nurturing and Transforming Magical Method" in the Immortal Palace! If I use it, I don't have to carefully look for the mother body, and I can save this girl's life..."

"Mica Nurturing and Transforming Magical Method" is exactly the same method as the pregnant mother secret technique in Yu Lie's hand.

This secret method, its general practice is also to give birth to a child through surrogacy, but it is different from the method of the ancestor surnamed Yin who intends to let Yin Huan Shen have sex with the corpse of the giant beast, cultivate the god seed in the body of Yin Huan Shen, and then slowly take over the body.

It is to condense the Taoist's body with secret medicine, turn it into a "little man", and place it in the mother's body. With the help of the mother's ten or hundred years of pregnancy, it returns to the innate state and rejuvenates.

In other words, Yu Lie is going to personally drill into the belly of the silver ring ginseng and use the other's belly to help himself complete this transformation.

In the process of its transformation, he can help the silver ring ginseng remove the essence of the beast hidden deep in its body, so that it can survive the crisis of life and death.

Thinking about such a magical secret method, Yu Lie's eyes flickered, and he still had some resistance in his heart:

"To give birth to a child through surrogacy, and to give birth to myself through the surrogacy of another person. If this method is used, wouldn't it be like having an extra 'mother' on my head for nothing?"

"Immortal! Help me,

As long as you can save me, I will do anything."

Yin Huancan saw the change in Yu Lie's expression and thought that Yu Lie had figured out a way, but was hesitating. She immediately cried again and crawled to Yu Lie on her knees, trying to hug Yu Lie's legs, but was blocked by the sword energy that always lingered around Yu Lie.

Yu Lie heard the woman's pleading, raised his eyebrows, and whispered:

"Fellow Daoist Yin, if I can save you, I really ask you to do anything, are you willing?"

Yin Huancan was overjoyed when he heard this: "Yes, yes!"

In the crisis of life and death, the woman's pleading touched Yu Lie's heartstrings.

"According to rumors in the Mountain and Sea Realm, in ancient times there was a great immortal who was swallowed by a peacock while practicing Taoism and had to fly out of it by cutting open his stomach. Some people ridiculed him for recognizing the peacock as his mother, but the immortal was not angry. Instead, he gave the peacock a godmother or something.

When it was passed down to later generations, this matter not only did not become a joke for the immortal, but it became a good story, saying that he had a compassionate heart."

Yu Lie thought to himself: "If I practice this secret technique, it can not only help me complete a transformation, but also save a life, which is also a compassionate act. Of course, it is absolutely impossible for me to recognize this girl as my mother like the rumored immortal."

He was completely eager to make a move.

Especially according to what was said in the inheritance, this "Mica Nurturing and Transformation Wonderful Method" is the top method in the Mountain and Sea Realm, and there is a high probability that it can allow people who have completed the Dancheng process to feel the "innate energy" at all times in the mother's womb.

When the final birth comes, the innate in the body of the transformed person still exists, and the probability of crossing the threshold of becoming an immortal will increase significantly!

And if he practices according to this method, the years that Yu Lie spends in the mother's womb are not just for transformation, but also for cultivation, and the speed of his cultivation will be several times that of the outside world.

At the latest, a hundred years, ten years earlier, he can completely complete the stage of fetal transformation. When he is born, he will have completed the Dancheng realm and can try to transform into an immortal!

Of course, there are certain requirements and risks in the meantime.

If you want to practice safely in the mother's womb for ten or a hundred years, the "nutrition" of the mother's body must keep up. If the mother's nutrition is malnourished, either the mother will die or the practitioner will be forced to be born early, ending the transformation process early.

If the early birth is after the "ten months of pregnancy", it will not have much impact. At most, the secret technique will be interrupted and it will be impossible to stuff yourself back into the stomach and continue.

But if it is in October, the cultivator will not be able to successfully reshape his human form. The harm of being born early is even worse than that of ordinary mortals. Even the great elixir may be overturned, so that he will become a mortal, and his lifelong practice will be wasted. The mother body he relies on will also be implicated.


Thinking of this, Yu Lie's thoughts that were about to move in his heart suddenly calmed down a lot:

"With my qualifications and the resources contained in the immortal beast next to me, this method can definitely greatly shorten the cultivation time. Moreover, after the stage of nourishment in the mother's body, I can regain my innate nature and ascend to immortality when I am born. It is not impossible for me.

But what if it fails..."


Silver Ring Ginseng was still begging with tears: "Please, Immortal."

Yu Lie frowned slightly, and he pinched the magic formula in his hand, and sealed the woman's mouth, making her ears quiet immediately.

After thinking it over again and again, he raised his head and looked at the huge body of the divine beast: "If I can use this beast as the mother of the secret technique, it will be perfect. Whether it is its foundation or its physical strength, it will definitely support me in the process of transformation. It's a pity that this beast is a male, and it doesn't look like a hermaphrodite. Even if I want to "borrow a corpse to give birth to a child", it is difficult to do so." However, Yu Lie has made up his mind. He lowered his head and looked at the silver ring ginseng that was looking at him pitifully beside him, and said to himself: "Then it's a bargain for you, a female Taoist." If it were someone else, he would either give up the plan to perform the secret technique, or just make do with it and use the weak body of the woman in front of him as the mother. But fortunately, Yu Lie's magical power of creation is amazing. This technique not only allows him to extract the blood of thousands of creatures and use it for his own use, but also allows him to extract the blood of other creatures and infuse it into someone or a beast, just like building a foundation, but more convenient and magical. Moreover, according to Yu Lie's many experiments, he found that the existence that received such "favor" from him, no matter how spiritual or intelligent it was, would have a kind of admiration for him that came from the blood.

This point also allows him to control the silver ring ginseng with secret techniques, and make the other party sincerely not cause harm to him who is nourished in his body, and even be willing to sacrifice his life to protect him.

With the plan in his mind, Yu Lie showed a sigh on his face. He flicked his sleeves and untied the seal on the silver ring ginseng's mouth:

"Forget it, it's rumored that a hundred years of cultivation can cross the same boat. You and I are destined to cross the river. I do have a way here, which may help you escape from life and death, and you can also get great benefits, and even let your physical body form a pill, and your body and spirit are both wonderful."

When the silver ring ginseng heard these words, the color of surprise rose on her face, but because Yu Lie said it was too good, her face began to be uneasy again, and her face was full of doubts.

The woman did not dare to directly question Yu Lie "whether it is true or false", but swallowed her throat and lowered her head and said: "May I ask the immortal. Then, what is the price?" Seeing that the woman had not been overwhelmed by the "chance of survival" and was still rational, Yu Lie could not help but show a satisfied smile on his face. This ruthless, shameless, and self-aware female Taoist, although she was childish and rebellious before, is still a good mother. If she is too stupid, Yu Lie will have to hesitate a few more times. "Of course there is a price, that is to borrow your abdomen." Yu Lie did not hide or exaggerate. Except for the things related to his safety, he told the other party all the conditions and requirements of the mica secret method. "In addition, in the next three months, I will use mystical techniques to integrate the blood of this immortal beast into your body, so that you can transform into this beast in the future and improve your vitality."

Yin Huancan listened blankly, her face full of surprise.

The ancestor had said before that he wanted to borrow her belly to give birth to a child, which had already "opened her eyes", but now Yu Lie actually said that he wanted to drill into her belly to practice.

"In this fairyland, there are indeed strange people and things, strange methods and mysterious skills, which are not comparable to the mortal world!

There is actually a secret method that can help people plant the blood of the beast. If the ancestor knew this secret method, perhaps there would be no need to harm my Yin family."

Yin Huancan was in a trance, staring at Yu Lie blankly. .

Yu Lie stopped talking and finally asked:

"Daoyou, what do you think?"

Yin Huancan's body was shocked, she came back to her senses, and bowed to Yu Lie without hesitation:

"Thank you fellow Taoist for surviving. I should take advantage of this opportunity!"

Although on the surface, Yu Lie's method was the same as that of Patriarch Yin, which was to make her, a yellow-flowered girl, give birth to a child.

However, the nature of the two is completely different. The former is a win-win situation, a chance of survival and a great opportunity for Silver Ring Ginseng, while the latter is a simple murder of life.

Silver Ring Ginseng naturally knows how to choose, especially since she is used by Yu Lie, and there is no need to have sex with the immortal beast at all. It does not violate ethics and will not make her soul dusty.

"Good." Yu Lie nodded with satisfaction after receiving the female Dao's answer.

However, after Yinhuan intervened, she hesitated again, her face flushed, and she whispered:

"I wonder how the Immortal Master plans to get into the slave family's belly? But the slave family needs to learn how to serve the Immortal Master well..."

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Yu Lie righteously:

"Don't think too much, I'm not trying to trick your body."

People who practice Taoism know the human body very well, so naturally they will not be like children and think that they can enter through the mouth and throat and penetrate into the human abdomen to give birth. What Yinhuan Shen said was that he thought Yu Lie was going to take another path.

"The ancients said that those who are born holy will not go through the birth canal. The purpose of this Tao is to make the immortal body more perfect. What we are cultivating is the sacred road. Whether it enters your abdomen or comes out of your abdomen, it will be done by caesarean section. "

Yu Lie said sternly: "But don't worry, you are also a practitioner, and you will also be blessed by the blood of the divine beasts, so there will be no risks."

Hearing this, Yinhuan Shen suddenly showed a look of shame on her face.

She immediately knelt on the ground, bowed her head and saluted: "I am ignorant and don't know the wonders of the Immortal's method. I did not mean to slander, and I hope the Immortal will forgive me."

Yu Lie nodded happily.

He spoke to the woman in a friendly manner, comforting her, and then turned his attention to the body of the immortal beast again.

"I have obtained the fetal mother's body, but before the transformation, I still have to accumulate enough Taoism and complete the 'eternal appearance' transformation, which is quite a heavy task."

Looking at the giant beast, Yu Lie estimated the time and felt excited:

"But with the remains of such a true immortal monster, within three months, it will be enough!"

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