Fairy cage

Chapter 707: True Instruction Li Peizhi's Monopoly on Immortal Techniques

After Yu Lie crossed the gate of the market, a series of towering palace buildings appeared in his eyes. Their rows of cornices and brackets looked like an immortal.

When he first entered this place, Yu Lie was a little confused for a moment, not knowing where to go first.

At this moment, a shout suddenly sounded from behind him:

"Little Taoist friend, please stay."

Yu Lie turned around and saw that it was the Xia Xian family who was waving at him and catching up with a smile on his face.

After Xia Xianjia caught up with Yu Lie, he winked and seemed not to care that Yu Lie had let him go just now. Instead, he smiled and said:

"Haha! I didn't expect that I, Lao Xia, had really good eyesight. I caught sight of my little Taoist friend at a glance. As expected, my little Taoist friend is not a thing in the pond. He has his own way to break free from the body of a wild cultivator."

Although this person wanted to take Yu Lie as his assistant, he was already gentle and friendly compared to other people in the Tianmu Chamber of Commerce, and he treated Yu Lie and others well along the way.

Yu Lie took the initiative to bow to this person and said, "Zhe must thank the Xia Xian family for this. It was senior who brought Zhe to this realm of the Xian family."

After exchanging pleasantries, he showed hesitation on his face, as if he wanted to say something.

When the Xia Xian family saw this, they chuckled and said, "Don't worry, little friend Zhe, I'm not here to ask for your remaining immortality."

When Yu Lie heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

When he heard the next words from Xia Xianjia's mouth, a look of emotion suddenly appeared on his face:

"I see that my little friend has just arrived and is not familiar with the place. You might as well let me show you the way. In addition, my shop in the market actually also doubles as a teahouse and wine shop. If you feel like it later My place is okay, you can stay here first.”

The man winked at Yu Lie and said, "For the first three months, I can waive your tea payment, and it will be regarded as your reward for saving my life."

Yu Lie naturally knew what this person was talking about, which was that he had just lost the face of the immortal named Zhu. However, Yu Lie was still hesitant about whether to stay in this person's shop.

But he really needs a suitable person to lead him to get familiar with Lingbao Market. Otherwise, based on the scene on the pier just now, many people should have been eyeing him.

Even if he sells the "one tael" of immortality energy left in his hand to the Xia Xian family or the immortal named Zhu, others will never let him go, and will continue to treat him. A lot of deception and deception.

Instead of groping in the market on your own and being misled and misled by someone with intentions, it is better to ask the Xia Xian family in front of you as a guide.

"Although this person may be coveting my immortality, he is already the friendliest person to me in the entire market. Moreover, he is an immortal, and he knows everything about the market. The understanding is definitely deeper than that of ordinary guides.”

After a slight hesitation, Yu Lie immediately agreed to this person's suggestion.

With a smile on his face, he said: "In this case, I would rather be respectful than obey my orders, and I would like to ask my seniors to support me."

As for staying in Xia Xian's shop, he could decline it at any time after he finished visiting the market and leave in time.

The smile on Xia Xianjia's face did not change: "Let's go, let's take you to Lingbao Immortal Sect to report.

By the way, you have already paid the money just now, so you are redeeming yourself. If someone asks you to pay another amount of money, you must not pay it. Give your name as Zhu and let the other party ask for help from someone named Zhu.

Moreover, after you redeem yourself, the period of residence in Lingbao Market will be as long as three hundred years, which is completely different from the one-month period of ordinary alchemy monks..."

Before the two of them set off, the man gave Yu Lie some advice, allowing him to save a considerable amount of spiritual stones, which made Yu Lie's eyes brighten.

As the two of them were talking and leaving.

At this time, behind them, except for the immortal named Zhu who frowned and stared at their backs, there were also people in the Tianmu Chamber of Commerce looking at them from a distance.

"Daozhang Li. That wild cultivator actually has the aura of immortality in him. Do we want to capture him and question him?"

A monk landed on the dilapidated gold and iron building and made a suggestion to the person sitting cross-legged in the center.

Apart from the person who spoke, there was another person next to him who spoke greedily:

"Anyway, this boy walked out of the insect ship of our Chamber of Commerce. We can say that the immortality in his hands was stolen from our Chamber of Commerce. After all, he is a wild cultivator and it is logically impossible for him to possess such treasures... "

After the two of them finished speaking, the purple-clothed monk whom they respectfully called Daozhang Li was the true disciple of the Lingbao Immortal Sect who had talked with Niliuzi that day.

Hearing this, Li Peizhi finally couldn't help frowning and opened her eyes.

There was a look of disgust in her eyes, and she said unceremoniously: "I smell like a merchant. Is there still a mere ounce of immortality left worth being so greedy and caring about?"

The two monks' expressions froze after being scolded like this.

Li Peizhi sneered: "If that person had no choice but to take out one or two pieces of immortality. Maybe his ancestors not only came to the market, but also left one or two ancestral treasures in his hands. They ascended from the cultivation star, and they might also exist in another place. secret.

But this person was so careless that he directly took out the immortal energy, and even took more, without fear of provoking covetous people. It was probably just the shadow left by his ancestors, and he was a very lucky person who had never experienced any setbacks. Even if he was a little clever and hid some of it, the immortality energy left in his hands would not be much, and it would not be worth breaking the rules of the Immortal Sect. "

"Well, there are jujubes but there are no jujubes..." Hearing this, the monks from the two chambers of commerce showed disbelief on their faces, as if they wanted to say more.

But Li Peizhi's eyes turned cold and she said: "Don't bother me with your damn trouble.

If you break the rules, I will cut you off directly. Even if you are the property left by my father, it is not impossible to sell it. "

As he spoke, his powerful consciousness also fell on the two monks.

They were just members of the Xia Xian family, who were among the scattered immortals. How could they withstand the pressure of the true disciples of the Immortal Sect, the true immortals? Cold sweat broke out on their faces, and they replied in a low voice: "Yes."

"I obey Daozhang Li, no, my boss's instructions! We will also restrain the people in the Chamber of Commerce to avoid violating the rules of the Immortal Sect and bringing bad influence to our boss."

Hearing this, Li Peizhi put away the pressure and said calmly: "Back off."

The two monks from the Chamber of Commerce bowed to each other, respectfully walked down the dilapidated building, and went to the Chamber of Commerce to give their orders.

After the two left, Li Peizhi glanced at the location of the ferry, and then completely retracted her gaze.

She pondered for a moment, then suddenly took out another piece of talisman paper from her sleeve, and carefully looked at the picture on the talisman paper.

This talisman paper is exactly the remaining portraits brought by the Counter-Cultivating Alliance.

Li Peizhi looked at it with interest and eagerness to try.

What she was eager to do was naturally not to find Yu Lie and ask the rebel to accept her as his junior brother's concubine, but she secretly thought:

"This son is the younger brother of the leader of the counter-cultivation alliance, which means that he is also a member of the Shanhai Realm. If we can find this person and dedicate him to the Immortal Sect, the Immortal Sect can learn more about the evil cultivators of Shanhai. intelligence!

Moreover, this person is a first-grade golden elixir, and there is no reason for Shanhai Realm to let a first-grade golden elixir come over and work in detail. Most likely, this person is like a countercurrent person, and he also ran away from the world of mountains and seas. Our Lingbao Immortal Sect can accept him as a disciple..."

This female fairy is ready to move:

"No, I, Li Peizhi, can accept him as my disciple. When the time comes, I will have the help of this first-grade golden elixir inside, and the help of the counter-cultivation alliance outside, and the position of head teacher in the Immortal Sect.

I can fight for it! "

An ambition burned in this woman's heart.

Originally, she was just an ordinary person in the Immortal Sect's true inheritance, far inferior to those monsters and perverts in the sect, and she did not have strong enough heels to use as steps.

Being able to obtain the position of a true disciple means that she is talented and resilient, but this is already the upper limit, and she no longer has the ability to compete for the position of a master.

Therefore, when other true disciples were forming gangs in the Immortal Sect or going to invade other worlds, she, Li Peizhi, had to start running her own chamber of commerce in the market and engage in mundane tasks such as capturing wild cultivators.

However, she never expected that when she went out to catch slaves, she would encounter the fact that the brother of Niliuzi had run away.

"As for the Chamber of Commerce, no matter how you run it, you won't get much benefit, let alone accumulate much merit."

Li Peizhi made a plan in her mind: "For the current plan, the only way is to find the 'remnant' first. Even if someone else captures it first, I have talked with his brother Niliuzi. I only need to win him over or rob him." Make him change his mind.”

With a decision in her heart, the woman immediately began to make arrangements and asked people to collect all information about "Yu Lie".

Apart from this true disciple of the Lingbao Immortal Sect, there was another person who was eyeing Yu Lie in the next few days.

This person is none other than the Immortal named Zhu.

After this man inspected the entire slave-catching ship for days and nights, he ran to the reporting place in the market without closing his eyes.

"Senior brother, this boy was born as a wild cultivator, but he is able to bring out the immortal energy. He has quite a secret."

After the Immortal surnamed Zhu gave the man a few spirit stones, he whispered: "Brother, why don't you give me a warrant and ask me to bring that kid over and torture him to find out the remaining good things about him."

The man who had received the spirit stone had a look of emotion on his face, but he suddenly asked: "By the way, how many taels of immortality did he bring out that day?"

The immortal surnamed Zhu was slightly stunned and said hesitantly: "Two taels? Two taels and a half?"

Immediately, a sneer came from the man who had collected the spirit stone: "Damn you!

Your behavior made me think that he had taken out a hundred taels of immortality. Not to mention a hundred taels, but also twenty or thirty taels. The result is just that, and I still want to break the rules. "

The person scolded: "You are so fucking crazy. For this little thing, I will lose my job in the Immortal Sect, and I may even be kicked out of the sect!"


The immortal named Zhu was dumbfounded and said anxiously:

"This, this, although he only took out two taels in his hand, it doesn't mean that this is all he has in his sleeves.

Besides, that guy is just a small alchemy cultivator. If we catch him, we will catch him. How can we possibly alert the Immortal Sect? "

Seeing that this guy was still obsessed with profit, the Taoist from the Lingbao Immortal Sect impatiently pointed to the door and shouted:

"Get out."

The immortal surnamed Zhu shut his mouth tightly. He glanced longingly at the spirit stone that had just been stuffed into the opponent's sleeve. He did not dare to say anything more and had to slowly withdraw.

After this person walked out of the threshold, before he had gone far, he heard a spittle from behind:

"Master Tao, I'm not old, and one ounce of immortality can only last ten years. Do I need to take risks, Master Tao?"

Xiajiuliu means Xiajiuliu! "

When the immortal named Zhu heard this, his face showed a cold light, full of fierceness and unwillingness, but his body was still stooped, he did not dare to turn his head, and left as if with his tail between his legs.


Next, nearly a month passed.

During these days, the Immortal surnamed Zhu kept a close eye on Yu Lie, hoping to get the remaining ounce or even more immortality from Yu Lie's body.

But Yu Lie didn't take the bait, and he didn't even take a step out of the market. He was like a copper pea that the other party couldn't bite.

During this time, Yu Lie had already browsed the entire market roughly and had a good understanding of the Lingbao Market.

Although the market established by the Lingbao Immortal Sect surrounds the huge dead world, the entire market is not really that big. Only the innermost circle, and a specific area, is the real market. city.

The rest are all scenes similar to the mountain gate, but they are not used to house the disciples of the Lingbao Immortal Sect, but are used to house the descendants of the disciples of the Immortal Sect, the descendants of the market immortals, and others. It is suitable for people who cannot stay in the market for a long time.

Although the Immortal Sect's formations are deployed in this realm, the effectiveness of the formations is not as strict. There will often be murders and extortion, and there will be annihilation of families.

It's just that something that makes too much noise, such as massacring thousands of people and exterminating a clan, will not have time to develop, and will be noticed and stopped by the Immortal Sect.

As for the location of the Immortal Sect disciples, they are in the innermost circle of the market, on the meteorite hills adjacent to the real market.

Every mountain that blooms with spiritual light represents an immortal. The larger the meteorite on the mountain, the older the owner is, and the more disciples it can accommodate.

In addition to the disciples of the Immortal Sect, people such as the Xia Xian family can logically build a mountain on the territory of the Immortal Sect without accepting any money.

When Yu Lie learned this, he was very surprised and asked the Xia Xian family:

"Senior, why don't you build a fairy mansion outside? Instead of living in this market, how uncomfortable is it?"

Faced with such an inquiry, Xia Xianjia tugged on his beard, looked around, and whispered:

"You don't know this. This market is the lifeblood of all the Immortal Sects. Attacking the market is no less than directly going to war with all the Immortal Sects.

I live in the market, which is a bit unpleasant, but my safety is guaranteed.

Besides, if you set up an immortal mansion outside, you don't need to spend extra money. There is no need for land rent, but formations, spiritual plants, spiritual veins, men... none of them require spiritual stones to purchase. "

The man snorted: "When you no longer want to stay in the realm of the Lingbao Immortal Sect, do you think it will ask you to move out of the Immortal Mansion? If the Immortal Sect is in danger in the future, do you think it will not commandeer your cave?" "

Hearing this, Yu Lie suddenly understood:

“It turns out that when you build the Immortal Mansion outside, you not only have to take responsibility for its own safety, but you are also contributing to the Lingbao Immortal Sect.

No wonder this stingy old man is reluctant to part with it. "

But even so, Yu Lie was still excited and wanted to go out and build a cave on his own.

This is because after his inspection in the past month, he found that everything in the market is good, but it is not easy to live in. It requires spending spiritual stones every day, and the various goods and goods that come and go are so tempting that people can't help but want them. Spend money.

Only stingy people like the Xia Xian family can stay in the market for many years and still get some advantages.

Yu Lie has seen many monks recently. They have worked hard in the mines for several years. Once they step into the market, they buy elixirs, magic weapons, spells, and visit the kilns... not even for a month. When he arrived, he spent all his money and was finally carried back to the mine to continue mining.

In addition, although there are quiet rooms in the market, these quiet rooms are under the Immortal Sect's formation, so there is no guarantee that there will be no tricks in them.

However, Yu Lie has too many secrets in his body. He has not even dared to practice in the past month, for fear that traces of the "Four Nine Mysterious Skills" on his body will be revealed by accident.

Regarding this point, Yu Lie also made some insinuations.

After all, the most important thing for a practitioner is privacy and freedom. Especially after he came to such an ancient cultivation area, he found that there was too much freedom here.

As a result, the Xia Xian family did not answer this question directly, but sighed:

"It is already remarkable that we, the casual cultivators, can achieve the status of personal immortals and ghost immortals. How can there be anything worthy of the Immortal Sect's concern?"

Until the day I left.

Only after he was alone and walked into the largest shops in the market with a new look, did he truly understand what Xia Xianjia meant.

I saw Yu Lie wearing a black robe. He was sitting cross-legged in the VIP room of the shop. After looking through the booklet in his hand, he frowned and said:

"Wanjingbao Pavilion is already the place that sells the most Kung Fu books in the Lingbao Market. Why don't they even have the Kung Fu to become a true immortal? Do you think you can't afford it?"

The person serving him was a female cultivator. Because Yu Lie concealed his identity and his Qi was unclear, others could not figure out his cultivation level at all.

The female nun sent by the shop is one of the shopkeepers in charge of this place, and she is an immortal.

When the female immortal heard this, her face was slightly startled, and then she chuckled and said:

"This fellow Taoist is coming to our Lingbao Market for the first time. Is he walking out of the mountain gate or ascending?"

Yu Lie frowned slightly, and his energy changed slightly.

Seeing him acting like this, the female immortal was not nervous at all, but said calmly: "Fellow Taoist, please be calm. You are good at holding your breath. Our family doesn't know your background."

The other party paused and asked, "Have you, fellow Taoist, seen the Kung Fu books sold privately by other fellow Taoists at the stall in the square?"

Yu Lie hesitated and nodded.

He immediately heard the other party chuckle and say: "Then most of the exercises on all the stalls can only be practiced to the point of perfect elixir, and few even involve the step of becoming an immortal. Even if there are, the people selling them Are most of them secretive and difficult to trust?”

Yu Lie remained silent and said, "That's true."

The female fairy from the Wanjing Pavilion sighed softly: "Then I might as well explain it to my fellow Taoists. The four immortal realms are all the worlds of the ten directions. The heels of our monks all come from The various martial art books in the world are all derived from the ten directions of Tao."

She glanced at Yu Lie and affirmed: "Fellow Taoist must be included among them!

If we can cultivate ourselves to the realm of immortals, become immortals, or become ghost immortals, we have reached the top of our generation. If you want to continue your practice and reach the level of a true immortal, you must either study and comprehend on your own, or you can only worship the immortal sects of various places, accumulate merits, and wait for the immortal sects to give you wonderful methods. "

This statement made Yu Lie slightly startled, completely beyond his expectation.

The next moment, the female fairy of Wanjing Bao Pavilion whispered: "Besides, even if our Bao Pavilion has the method of cultivating to become a true immortal, we dare not sell it to you, fellow Taoist. Otherwise, tonight, everyone in our Bao Pavilion will Have to be imprisoned in the mine.

If you, fellow Taoist, have such a method in your hand, don’t use it to test it. Our Wanjing Pavilion does not dare to accept it, and neither do other shops. If you sell it to others privately, they will sue you and you will be sure. Immortal Sect There will also be rewards. "

Yu Lie was stunned and heard the female fairy continue to smile and say: "Even if you swear a poisonous oath, the other party also swears a poisonous oath, but how can the other party guarantee that your skills, fellow Taoist, will be intact?

And fellow Taoist, do you really dare to bet that the other party will not sell you for the reward of the Immortal Sect? "

Yu Lie came back to his senses, his heart was complicated for a moment:

"Are the methods above the Immortal Realm here completely monopolized by the Shifang Immortal Sect?"

He really couldn't believe this situation. But when he came back to his senses, Yu Lie soon realized why he felt so incredible.

There is no other reason.

It should be noted that in the world of mountains and seas, the key to becoming an immortal, and even the threshold for becoming an immortal, are all clearly written in the "Four Nine Mysterious Techniques". Even a person who has only been a Taoist boy for a day has read the whole story. .

Even those who have never been Taoist boys and have only received elementary school education can gain some insight into the various thresholds of the Four Nine Mysterious Techniques from various Taoist books.

This made Yu Lie think that the method of becoming an immortal and the method of ascending to immortality were commonplace and could be purchased easily, and he subconsciously ignored that in this ancient cultivation world, other people might not know anything about the method. The management is different from that of Shanhai Realm.

"No wonder there are many immortals in this huge market, but they are all loose immortals, and those like the Xia Xian family are so lazy and do not seek the path.

Although they are immortals, they are just followers of the Immortal Sect of the Ten Directions. "

Yu Lie frowned and said secretly:

"So, my plan to disguise my skills has completely failed. If I want to understand the ancient cultivation methods, do I have to join the Immortal Sect first?"

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