Fairy cage

Chapter 65 The leader of the hall with one word

In the poisonous quiet room.

The thick stone door blocked all the noise outside, making it very quiet inside.

Yu Lie sat cross-legged in the quiet room, his whole body shaking unconsciously. The skin on his body became increasingly white and rosy, with traces of sweat oozing out. His mouth was dry, as if he had taken an aphrodisiac.

In fact, the most important use of the Peach Blossom Didylossia tested is to refine aphrodisiac drugs. The obtained drugs can have an effect on most ferocious beasts. This kind of drug is often used in veterinary hospitals. Motivate the ferocious beasts and monsters to breed.

After Yu Lie had survived 90% of the poison of Peach Blossom Diaspora, the last remaining 10% of the poison immediately aroused a raging and strong desire in his body.

This was also the reason why he didn't even go home and chose to retreat to Du Liang's quiet room to detoxify.

Because he was worried that when he returned home, he would really be unable to bear it and go find the landlady next door to have a good time and break his vitality.

In the Taoist stage of training, although the role of Yuanyang and Yuanyin is not as important as in this novel, and some Taoists even specialize in practicing Fangzhong-like exercises, it still has an important effect on the Taoist when he finally condenses his true energy. The poorer the Taoist boy is, the more he can't ignore it.

Only after being promoted to a Taoist disciple, the role of Yuanyang and Yuanyin will be minimal and there will be no worries. Of course, there are exceptions for Taoists with special skills.

Therefore, Taoist boys who strive for promotion in the world of mountains and seas often choose to stick to Yuanyin and Yuanyang.

But if you are lucky enough to break through to the realm of Taoist disciples, for example, male Taoists, the best way to celebrate is to invite the serious witches and fairies from the Hehuan Sect to come and serve meat to your friends; the second best way is to invite the local top-notch oiran Taoists; Then there are ordinary prostitutes, secret prostitutes, etc.

When Yu Lie was still in the county town, he knew that after the annual Taoist disciples' ordination ceremony, brothels and other places in the city would hold big events. New Taoist disciples could get a 30% discount, a group of two could get half price, etc. There were many kinds of tricks. .

The same is true for a club specially designed for women to perform tricks!

When he was still a Mengtong boy, he once made a bold statement to his playmates: "If I become a Taoist disciple, only the enchantress from the Hehuan Sect can break my Yuanyang!"

At that time, Yu Lie's words made the playmates in the clan look up to him. Later, the adults in the clan heard this, and they laughed at him when they met: "Brother Yu has the appearance of a Taoist disciple!"

But these are things of the past.

Yu Lie sat cross-legged on the futon, but there was a flash of emotion in his heart: "I wonder how many of those playmates back then are here now?"

He has now entered Taoism and has become a middle-ranking Taoist boy, only two steps away from being an eighth-level Taoist disciple!

After sighing for a few moments, Yu Lie suppressed all the distracting thoughts in his heart, took out a silver mirror from his abdomen, and looked at his own appearance in the mirror.

Now that he has completed the detoxification, the desires in his body have been completely eliminated and suppressed by him.

But at this time, Yu Lie's skin color was still white and rosy. Compared with the jade color before, it seemed to be much more lively and seductive. The only fly in the ointment is that he now only has stubble on his head, which doesn't look very cool to him.

In addition, Yu Lie carefully understood his physical body and understood that after being stimulated by Peach Blossom Didylossia, he also had a certain resistance to the corresponding aphrodisiacs.

This is the subtlety of the "Five Poisons Refining Zang Guoyin Technique". Its so-called invulnerability to a hundred poisons does not only include poisons in nature, but also includes various prepared poisons. If a person who practices this poisonous skill is exposed to a new kind of poison, as long as he does not die, it will be much easier for him to suffer it again until it is harmless and can be used as food.

After checking his body, he found that his poison skills had improved slightly. Yu Lie stood up, breathed a long sigh of relief, and said to himself:

"I practice poison skills. I made the right choice by choosing to work at the poison outlet!"

If he went to another court and met a boss like Du Liang, it would be much more difficult to deal with it, and he might even be humiliated.

Fortunately, the Du Liang matter is over. From now on, Yu Lie is the leader of the entire poisonous mouth!

Thinking about it, Yu Lie's eyes moved around and suddenly saw various arrangements in the quiet room.

Except for the valuables that he had confiscated, there were still quite a few things in this quiet room. The futons were soft, the incense burner was exquisite, the screens were elegant, and there was even a separate small washing area, which was paved. Ceramic tiles, equipped with running water hot water.

Not to mention the government-run quiet rooms in the town, even the house that Yu Lie spent a lot of money to rent was far inferior.

With a look of satisfaction in his eyes, Yu Lie thought to himself: "This kind of arrangement can be regarded as a real quiet room!"

He suddenly understood why Du Liang could often stay up all night in the poisonous mouth and stay away from home for several nights in a row. Fortunately, Yu Lie thought at first that the other party was really hard-working and had made poison his home.

Now that I think about it, it's just that the environment in which the other party works is completely different from the environment in which the low-level Taoist boy works.

Du Wei is the big head, and the quiet room provided at the entrance of the alchemy hall not only has a good environment, but also allows his Taoist boys to clean it from time to time and use it as servants. What’s more important is that these are all free, don’t charge a dollar!

The Taoist boys on the ground floor didn't even have a place to lie down and take a nap. Once they entered the alchemy room, they either stood or sat.

Now that Yu Lie owned this quiet room, he suddenly had the idea that he could get rid of the stone house at home and live in the poisonous mouth from now on!

However, he thought for a moment and held on to the idea.

He is not the only one who has the key to Dukou's quiet room. The people in the alchemy room and the Yamen all have keys. It is also crowded with people and has other inconveniences, so it is not suitable for doing some secret things.

Perhaps only by becoming a high-ranking Taoist boy can Yu Lie truly regard the church as his home and not shy away from it.

"High-ranking Taoist boy..."

Yu Lie withdrew his gaze from the layout of the quiet room and pondered in his mind: "I wonder how the master of the Processing Hall will view me?"

The leader of the Paozhuang Hall is the high-ranking Taoist boy who leads Dukou, and the other party is another superior of Yu Lie.

Fortunately, Yu Lie is now the boss, and things have been taken care of at the Yamen. Even if the master of the processing hall has objections to Yu Lie, he cannot interfere too much.

Because starting from the middle Taoist boy, the Taoist's status in the town rises straight up, and his corresponding position is easy to manipulate before he joins the job. But once he joins the job, he is just a carrot and a pit. Even if the superior wants to kick him away, It is also difficult.

Not to mention that Yu Lie was still in the poison's mouth. He grew from a low-ranking Taoist boy to a middle-ranking one, a position obtained through competition.

A middle-ranking Taoist boy like him is known as "Old Dog Taoist Boy" in the town halls, which means that he has a high probability of staying at the hall like an old dog for ten years. They don't move for years, even decades.

Even if a Taoist boy under his command has been promoted to a middle position, he wants to seize the position through technical challenges.

Because the old dog Taoist won his position based on his skills, coupled with the accumulation of years, there is basically no possibility of winning unless the person who comes later is really too amazing and evil. It was also because of Yu Lie's assistance with Poison Technique and Danfa, as well as the special situation of Poison Kou, that Du Liang was transferred from another court, and he was able to win the position of Poison Kou in just a few months after joining the job. .

It can be said that from the moment Yu Lie took office, the entire poisonous mouth has been Yu Lie's word! This is a rule specially set by the town.

But walking in the quiet room, Yu Lie's eyes flickered:

"But just like what Lao Hu and Luobotou were told at the beginning, in order to have a good relationship with the master of the processing hall and others, you still have to have a good relationship. The other party is a high-ranking Taoist boy after all."

He raised his eyes and looked at an invitation on the table next to him.

This invitation was not sent by someone else to invite Yu Lie. Instead, after Lao Hu arranged it, he sent it to Yu Lie for his purpose. After Yu Lie nodded, the corresponding invitations would be sent out.

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