Fairy cage

Chapter 6 Bronze Wine Cup

Yu Lie's eyes were in a trance, as if in a dream.

After being stunned for a few times, he took a deep breath and once again put his head into the paper donkey's belly to rummage around, trying to find out the missing wolf demon's internal organs.

But unfortunately, what he saw was not false. The donkey's belly was empty except for a pool of blood.

Yu Lie frowned and immediately thought of Taoist Gao Li and Taoist Shan: "Could it be that they stole it?"

But after returning from this trip, Yu Lie had already deliberately put things in the donkey's belly. Not to mention whether Gao Dan and the other two could see through the donkey's belly. Even if the other party knew that there was a treasure in the donkey's belly and the other party wanted to take the things out, It is absolutely impossible to hide it from Yu Lie.

The two high-level singles simply don't have this strength.

Yu Lie's heart was heavy and his thoughts were wandering again, thinking of the people in the alchemy room.


Suddenly, a crisp sound sounded in the quiet room, interrupting Yu Lie's thoughts. He looked down blankly and found a bronze wine cup rolling out of the donkey's belly.

It turned out that the donkey's belly was not empty. There was still a bronze wine cup that he had brought back, but he had missed it in his hurry.

The wine glass was green and stained with rust. Yu Lie looked at it and felt that his face must be extremely green now.

But soon, Yu Lie blinked his eyelids and stared at the wine glass, feeling waves and thunder in his heart!

He immediately stretched out his hand, held the wine glass in his hand, and then looked into the mouth of the glass.

A piece of green wine appeared in his eyes, rippling slightly, and what was even more amazing was that even if he held the wine glass sideways or upside down, the wine in the glass would not fall out.


congratulations! !

Yu Lie's heart was beating loudly and he had many thoughts.

He immediately understood that he had met a treasure! It is very possible that his wolf heart and wolf lungs were not stolen by others, but were eaten by the bronze wine cup in his hand!

And for the bronze wine cup to behave like this, even if it is not a big treasure, it is very likely to be a magic weapon, or even a spiritual weapon!

In an instant, Yu Lie's mood went from cool to hot again.

He cast his eyes on the wine glass and found that besides the wine, there seemed to be something else in the glass.

Worried that he was blinded and saw the shadow of a snake in the glass, Yu Lie deliberately looked behind him a few times. He did not see anything on the wall, and there was absolutely no shadow of anything else that would be imprinted on the wine glass.

There are indeed tiny things in the wine glass!

And the more Yu Lie stared at it, the more he felt that the suspended matter inside was like pieces of internal organs, such as the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

He simply held the bronze wine cup in his hand, pinched out two fingers, and tried to fish it out of the cup.

It was obviously a wine glass the size of a baby's fist, but when Yu Lie put his fingers in, his fingertips couldn't touch the bottom and his fingernails couldn't touch the sides.

This made Yu Lie feel even more surprised and pleasantly surprised!

"I didn't expect that a little thing that was just a supplement would turn out to be so magical."

Yu Lie's eyes were in a trance again, recalling the robed jackal he had killed.

He suddenly understood why within a hundred miles of Blackwater Town, there was such a powerful wolf demon who could use illusions and speak freely!

This kind of wolf demon is no longer a simple ferocious beast, but a spirit level close to the seventh grade, or even a spirit!

It should be noted that humans are divided into ninth-grade Taoist boys, eighth-grade Taoist disciples, and seventh-grade Taoist officials. Monsters are also divided into ninth-grade ferocious beasts, eighth-grade bloodthirsty beasts, and seventh-grade monsters.

Monsters below level 7 are at most tainted with a bit of monster energy, but are not considered real monsters and spirits, and have little intelligence.

As for the jackal Yu Lie met, he was extremely powerful, knew illusions, and could speak. Yu Lie had long suspected that the jackal was a real monster, but Yu Lie was too short-sighted to be sure.

For seventh-grade spirits, even if they have just been promoted, ordinary Taoist boys cannot kill them.

In order to ensure his safety, De Yulie suppressed the attack for more than a year and prepared various talismans for himself. He also had a room-wide paper talisman drawn by a Taoist official, and then he successfully killed the opponent.

In this world, the Taoist people are tyrannical and have thousands of meals. A single Taoist talisman can kill seven or eight demons!

Yu Lie was thinking in his mind:

"The wolf demon probably got the bronze wine cup, so that he could become ferocious nearby in a short period of time. It's a pity that he was born in the wrong place and had bad luck. He met me just after he was born with wisdom."

The wolf demon's misfortune is Yu Lie's great luck!

After Yu Lie figured this out, his heart was beating loudly. He was curious about the magical effect of the bronze wine cup.

As his mind moved, his fingers touching the wine glass touched something, so he moved his fingers and immediately pinched the thing and took it out.


Yu Lie seemed to hear a wave of water swaying. He retracted his fingers, and there was a purple gallbladder as big as a grape between his fingertips. It should be the gallbladder of the disappeared wolf demon.

This scene surprised Yu Lie. He was not surprised that he could actually fish something out of the wine glass, but he was surprised by the size of the wolf's guts.

The corpse of the robed jackal was two people tall. When Yu Lie put the wolf's gall into the paper donkey's belly, the wolf's gall was at least as big as a peach, but now it has shrunk by 70 to 80%.

Yu Lie looked carefully at the grape-sized wolf gall, and soon discovered that the wolf gall, which originally had a fishy smell, was now exuding a refreshing fragrance, and it was as crystal clear as purple grapes, and like jade.

Yu Lie looked at it, his mouth watering, and he almost wanted to swallow the wolf's courage in one bite.

But he endured it, and then took out the wolf heart, wolf liver, wolf lungs and other items from the wine glass.

The wolf demon's internal organs appeared one by one. They were all as crystal clear as jade, or even transparent in color. None of them had any fishy smell. Even the demonic aura disappeared, and instead, what filled them was streams of pure spiritual energy.

Of course, these hearts, livers, spleens and lungs have also shrunk, becoming only the size of ordinary melons and fruits, no longer huge and terrifying.

Yu Lie held these wolf demon's internal organs and felt great joy in his heart:

"Could this wine glass be able to turn poison into spirit, demon into spirit? Or maybe it can remove poison and smell, remove impurities..." Many conjectures popped up in his mind.

But no matter what kind of magic effect the wine glass had, Yu Lie knew that he was really going to make a lot of money, a lot of money!

With this wine glass in hand, although he is still a mortal, in this prosperous age of immortality, he may really have the possibility of attaining immortality, or even becoming an immortal and ascending!

"Haha!" Yu Lie sat on the stone altar in the quiet room, ecstatic. His previously calm mind was now completely confused, and desires were raging in his mind.

Yu Lie also allowed his distracting thoughts to wander, and thought to himself:

"When I came to this world, I have not had much wisdom. I have no spiritual beings to accompany me, and I am not from a wealthy family. Today I finally have an opportunity. God bless me!"

In fact, Yu Lie was not a native of the Shanhai Realm, but was reincarnated from an ordinary mortal into a mortal, and he had only awakened to Su Hui a few years ago.

For a while.

All kinds of feelings came to his mind, making it difficult for him to express his emotions to outsiders.

However, Yu Lie lost his composure for a few breaths, and he quickly suppressed the distracting thoughts in his mind.

Yu Lie looked at the wine glass and the organs in his hands with sharp eyes, and thought:

"Then, should I just use these changed organs and ingest them?"

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