Fairy cage

Chapter 55: Taking Lead and Mercury

Old Yutou enjoyed it and touched the body of the female Taoist in front of him, causing her to gasp and whisper: "I hate it!"

He chuckled and answered Yu Lie: "Yes, Bone Forging Pills."

Old Yutou showed a pityful expression on his face: "What a pity. Even with the help of bone forging pills, if you want to complete the transformation of copper ribs and iron bones, you still have to roast yourself in the stove. It's like a roast duck or a suckling pig." Like. The Bone Forging Pill can save you the step of peeling the skin and pouring the bones later."

"I'm an old man now. I can't bear it. I can't enjoy it!" the other party said nonchalantly.

When Yu Lie heard the other party say the words "bone forging pills", he already felt something was wrong in his heart. Now when he heard the other party said that the bone forging pills could avoid the step of "spraying the bones with oil", he couldn't lie still.

Suppressing his mind, Yu Lie looked strange and said, "The bone-forging pills that Mr. Yu talks about are those tiger and wolf medicines that burn bones and consume marrow?"

In fact, Yu Lie was not unaware that there were shortcuts and easy ways to transform into "copper ribs and iron bones".

For example, taking Mafei powder, strong alcohol, etc., to lose your mind first, and then asking other people to help you perform an operation and pour the bones is an easy way.

However, this method is not very safe. Depending on the surgeon's technique, the transformation effect will be different, and it will also hinder the Taoist's digestion and absorption.

Yu Lie had vaguely heard about being able to completely avoid surgery, but he also remembered that it was a method of evil heretics that would damage the Taoist's bones, so he did not understand it carefully.

Hearing Yu Lie mention the "tiger and wolf medicine", Lao Yutou's eyes suddenly opened, and the other party sat up and looked at Yu Lie's body fiercely.

Old Yutou's action made Yu Lie look surprised.

Old Yutou looked at Yu Lie carefully for a few times before he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Brother Yu, what you said made me almost think that you were tricked and took those Tiger Wolf Bone Forging Pills. . It’s okay, okay, look at your body, your energy and blood are strong, you don’t feel stiff at all, and you don’t look like you’ve run out of oil, so you shouldn’t have any.”

The other party's words made Yu Lie even more surprised, and at the same time, he felt slightly warm.

Before Yu Lie could say anything, Lao Yutou lay down again and turned over.

The other party muttered: "It's not Tuogu Pills. Could it be a medicine like Tiger Fei Yijin Pills? That's right. Brother Yu is from a family after all. There must be such good medicines in the clan. Tuogu Pills are inferior after all." Already..."

Under Yu Lie's insinuation, Lao Yutou introduced a lot of things eloquently while enjoying the massage.

It turned out that the Tuogu Pills mentioned by the other party were both bone-burning and marrow-consuming drugs that Yu Lie knew, but the harm was not as harmful as the tiger and wolf drugs.

In the transformation of "copper ribs and iron bones", the official Taoist book records that the skin must be peeled off and the bones poured out. However, because this step is so painful, many Taoists still have to bear it even if anesthetics are used. No.

So the Taoists worked out a method to completely avoid the process of "peeling the skin and pouring the bones". This is to take pills made from lead and mercury. Through the circulation of blood and gas, the potency of the medicine is released, and the lead and mercury metal sinks into the human body. Day by day, the Taoist's muscles and bones become strong and strong, like copper and iron.

After taking it, the Taoist roasted his body with fierce fire, which was considered to have completed the transformation of copper tendons and iron bones.

This method is much simpler than the one used by Yu Lie, especially for the Taoist boys in Heishui Town. Therefore, almost 90% of the median Taoist boys in Heishui Town are Use this method to improve.

It's just that the sale of bone-forging pills is prohibited in government-run alchemy rooms. They can only be sold on the black market in black streets, and there are still many hidden pits.

Because the Bone Building Pill is a medicine for oral administration of lead and mercury, no matter how good the refiner's technique is and no matter how nice the person's words are, this pill is still a heavy metal pill after all.

However, the internal organs of the Taoist boys are still fragile. Even the spiritual stones cannot be taken internally and can only be applied externally. They take poisonous heavy metals such as lead, mercury, quartz, etc., which cannot be digested and cannot be eliminated from the body.

Take Yu Lie as an example, even if he practiced Poison Kung Fu, if he took lead and mercury elixirs before his Poison Kung Fu was fully developed, he would still end up with a shortened life span, aging of the five internal organs, and poisoning of the six internal organs.

For the rest of the Taoists, the situation is even more severe, and may even leave consequences that cannot be solved throughout their lives.

Yu Lie listened carefully, the weird look on his face gradually disappeared, and he secretly said in his heart: "It's okay, it's okay."

After listening to what Old Yutou said, he immediately dismissed the so-called "Tiangu Pill" drug.

Of course, Yu Lie was even more fortunate that he had not suffered in vain, and that the transformation of his bones was not asking for trouble.

Otherwise, he would probably have to cry.

On the side, Lao Yutou was a little puzzled by Yu Lie's insinuation, but after thinking about it, he chose to turn a blind eye and continued to tut:

"In this town, there are still people who are being cheated. These people are greedy for cheap. Even if they are promoted, regardless of whether their strength has increased or not, they still have to spend a lot of money every month to buy inferior bone forging pills from others... ...If you eat it, you will die slowly, if you don't eat it, you will die quickly. From time to time, the bones will itch and make you miserable. Your life and fortune are all in the hands of others."

The kind of situation that Old Yutou mentioned is exactly the inferior goods in the bone-forging medicine. This kind of thing is extremely bone-burning and marrow-consuming, and it is a violent poison!

However, even the best bone-forging elixir has a low lead and mercury content in each pill. The course of treatment before transformation should be as long as possible, and supplemented with vegetation, flesh, and even ferocious animal medicinal materials. Try to minimize damage to the internal organs.

If you take this kind of good medicine, you will still lose one to twenty years of life, and it will also reduce the probability of being promoted to an eighth-level Taoist disciple.

Yu Lie also suddenly understood at this time. Why do the ninth-grade Taoist boys who are already cultivators have a short lifespan? They often lose their lives and die young and suddenly.

Perhaps the root cause lies in drugs such as "Forging Bone Pills", which are eager for quick success and cannot bear the suffering.

Yu Lie was silent in his heart: "The shortcut is really easy to walk but not comfortable."

Taking anesthetics and asking for an operation will at best delay digestion and weaken the body. Taking lead and mercury drugs is just drinking poison to quench thirst, destroying the foundation and leaving endless toxins.

It's just that in a town, if there are more people doing it, it becomes normal.

After all, everyone is a short-lived ghost in the lower ninth level, who can laugh at whom?

In the teahouse, Old Yutou muttered at the right time: "I don't know what kind of ruthless or honest person can really torture himself according to what is written in the Taoist book."

The other party smacked his teeth and shook his body: "Brother Yu, remember this! You must not mess with this kind of person, and you must try to stay around him."

Yu Lie nodded when he heard this and turned over.

He peacefully enjoyed the soft kneading on his back, and casually replied: "Yes, you can't mess with her."

In the tea room, the two chatted and enjoyed each other, and their relationship became more and more harmonious.

After a massage, Yu Lie seemed to have opened up a new world.

He found that using massage, moxibustion and other techniques to activate muscles and bones was really comfortable and effective, and could greatly relieve physical fatigue and improve the quality of practice.

Especially since he had just completed the transformation of his copper tendons and iron bones, the effect of the massage was immediate, and the female Taoist's service was more effective than Yu Lie's two or three days of resting at home.

No wonder Lao Yutou would specially bring him here to enjoy it today.

Poor Yu Lie used to give people massages, but now he really enjoyed them. This made him realize that he had lost a lot of money before...

Half a day passed.

In the afternoon, Yu Lie and Lao Yutou wandered out of the teahouse.

The former was full of energy and full of aftertaste, while the latter pressed his waist and kept chanting: "Restraint, you have to restrain yourself."

When Yu Lie heard this, he smiled and said immediately: "Very good! Then Yu Lao, why don't you give me the VIP sign here!"

Yu Lie couldn't pay for today's meal. Because Lao Yutou enjoys tea in the teahouse all year round and is already a long-time regular customer. Not only does the other party know the girls in the teahouse well, but he can also get a 30% or 30% discount on purchases with a license, which is very cheap.

Hearing Yu Lie asking for a sign, Lao Yu stopped covering his head and waist and immediately stepped out in a threatening manner, waved to Yu Lie and said:

"Brother Yu, I still have to go to my shift, so I'm leaving!"

Yu Lie laughed dumbly, shook his head, turned around, and walked in the other direction.

After enjoying it, he had to go to the Library Pavilion to receive the second level of the "Five Poisons Refining Zang Guidance Technique" and its new benefits.

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