Fairy cage

Chapter 457 Pill becomes spiritual root and the treasure map is obtained by fraud

At this moment.

Yu Lie, Gui Yeluo, and Doumu Xie fell into the belly of Jingmu Laodao. They did not die immediately, but the situation was not comfortable either.

The thick alchemy energy surrounded them, quickly corroding their magical weapons and innate energy, making it impossible to hold on.

After hearing the voice of Master Jingmu muttering to himself, the two of them looked even more embarrassed.

There is no need to think too much. Once Jing Mu’s plan succeeds, even if the two of them are not dead now, they will die suddenly when they leave the Yinhun Tower. Otherwise, if they survive, Old Taoist Jingmu will basically not survive.

This made Gui Yeluo despair, and she murmured: "I have been practicing for decades and risking my life and death. Could it be that today I will become a fertility tool for this old thing to start a new life?"

Yu Lie's situation was not much better. He was extremely angry and cursed:

"A bunch of idiots, they already knew that this patrol department is not a good place, it's like a devil's cave, but they didn't expect that even the dead old guy didn't treat him as a son!"

Suddenly, a faint chuckle sounded in their ears:

"You two guys, although it's miserable, you can still have a good time before you die, right? It's difficult in this way. I have to watch you two be happy, and then end up dying like that ghost, to cheer you two up."

It was Doumu Xie who was swallowed into the belly of Jingmu Lao Dao.

It was wrapped in a constellation formation, and its shadow was still complete, but the look of despair and gloom on its face was even greater than that of Yu Lie and Gui Yeluo.

Yu Lie didn't take it seriously when he heard what the other party said. They were just unwilling words before his death.

But suddenly, he noticed something and couldn't help but say:

"Why did Taoist Master Doumu say this? You are just a wisp of soul here, but your true body is still outside the Yinhun Tower. Even if Taoist Jingmu's plan succeeds, he still has to worry about being given points by you, and he will have to spend money afterwards. I have to pay such a huge price to block your mouth. Could it be that... this guy can still hurt you outside the tower, or are you here in your true form?"

Dou Mu Xie may be "human beings are about to die", or perhaps they feel sympathy for the same disease. At this time, its speech became much gentler, and it sighed:

"No, no. This body of my Dao is not the real body, and that old thing can't hurt my real body, but I came here as a separate soul. This clone is like an independent soul. The two have no memory, so they cannot last long. Stay outside, otherwise there is a risk of being inconsistent with the real body. If I am killed by someone, it is like a person dying and the light goes out. The real body will only know that I am dead, and will not have any knowledge of what is going on in the tower.

But it is precisely because of this that this Taoist can enter the Yinhun Tower that only Taoists can enter, and behave smartly and not rigidly. It can be said that if I die, I will die, and my fate will be the same as yours. It was precisely because the old guy knew this that he had to silence me as well. "

After learning this, Yu Lie's heart sank.

His idea just now was to let Doumu Xie try to negotiate with Jingmu Laodao to make the other party worry about something, so as to gain more possibilities for him and Gui Yeluo to escape.

But now I heard that Doumu Xie's real body and his split soul were actually not connected. In this way, compared to the two of them, this animal is more certain to die, and there is no possibility of negotiation.

Seeing Yu Lie's silence, Doumu Xie's divided soul urged, "Quickly, let's enjoy the bliss before dying. Although it is not a physical body, at least it can be regarded as letting me watch a live erotic palace, and I live up to it." Fan Yinhun Tower and his party."

Gui Yeluo on the side heard this guy's teasing, and her face became even more embarrassed and full of shame.

After lowering her head and thinking for a while, the female Taoist suddenly took off the coral-like spiritual object from her head:

"Don't be discouraged, Brother Yu, Taoist Doumu, Gui has something to tell you. When he was out just now, the old guy kept peeping at Gui, but Gui found that it was mostly peeping at Gui's statue. Spiritual things.”

She paused and said: "To be honest, this spiritual object is called the Spirit of Laurel. It was obtained by Gui's ancestor from a peach master. Gui doesn't know how many grades it has, but the ancestor said , With this spiritual creature by his side, Gui has no worries about building a foundation. As long as he can open a mansion and plant seeds in the Zifu, when the elixir is completed, there is at least a 30% chance that the elixir will become a top-grade elixir!"

When Yu Lie and Doumuxie heard these words, their spiritual consciousness suddenly fell on the small laurel in the female Taoist's hand, and they were shocked.

Doumu Xie blurted out: "It can at least increase the probability of a high-grade elixir by 30%. Damn it, if I had known this, why would I have come to this ghost place? I can just catch you and take the treasure!"

After saying that, it stared at the laurel spirit and asked in surprise: "Is this thing really a spiritual root? Why can't I see how many spiritual ideas there are? Are you, girl, trying to deceive me?"

Gui Yeluo sneered: "Doesn't Taoist Priest understand the principle of spiritual beings hiding themselves? How dare Gui speak such lies now that it's a time of life and death? By being honest with each other, I hope Taoist Doumu can also come up with a solution." A way to escape."

Her eyes flickered and she whispered seductively:

"Although Brother Yu and I have enmity against Taoist Master Doumu's true form, we actually don't have much hatred, let alone you, Taoist Priest. If we can escape the crisis, Gui is willing to offer this spiritual object to Taoist Priest If you get this spiritual object, you may be able to swallow your true body, but if you are a true body, you will not be killed by the wooden beasts outside the tower..."

Yu Lieluo listened on the sidelines. He was shocked by the preciousness of the spiritual object in Gui Yeluo's hands, and he was also shocked that this female Taoist could even sow dissension between Doumuxie herself.

What opened his eyes even more was that after hearing Gui Yeluo's words, Doumu Xie's separated soul actually had his eyes twinkling and his thoughts moving.

Yu Lie sent a message to the woman: "Fellow Taoist Gui is really insightful! If there is any need for Yu Lie to do it, it doesn't matter, I will do it!"

In Jingmu Laodao's belly.

Although the three of them communicated through spiritual consciousness and communicated very quickly, after one or two breaths passed, the pressure around them became more and more intense.

Without any urging from the remaining two people, the Doumu Xie soul clenched its teeth and suddenly spit out runes one after another from its mouth.

It hummed and shouted: "In this case, I will not hide it.

This branch of the soul of this Tao also has a lot of origins. This original body is the spirit of the constellation treasure map, which was sacrificed and refined into the soul of the soul by the secret method of this Tao. The treasure map was originally a sixth-grade high-ranking treasure. It is only one step away from being promoted to a magic weapon. If I can get the help of your spiritual roots and refine it into it, I might be able to cross the threshold. Even if not, I can still possess the two if they are combined into one. The elixir becomes powerful and bursts out of the belly! "

The remaining two people suddenly understood: "It turns out that the formation diagram of this guy's body protection is not just a ray of true meaning of the Star Treasure Map as the Taoist surnamed Zhu said, but a complete treasure map!"

The two of them looked at each other, with hope for life rising in their eyes.

At this time, the pressure in Lao Dao Jingmu's belly became stronger, and Lao Dao's shouts continued to be heard from outside his abdomen:

"The creation of Yin and Yang, the transformation of all things, the fusion of soul and essence, help me in the womb! Girl, boy, why don't you hurry up, do you still want to push your butt?"

Doumu Xie suddenly became anxious and shouted:

"Hurry up! This fellow must first refine his Tao and nourish your Yin gods, so that it can parasitize in your Yin gods and then be born outside."

But neither Gui Yeluo nor Yu Lie seemed to act immediately after hearing this guy's urging.

Among them, Gui Yeluo suddenly collected the treasure in his hand and hid it in the Yin God. The remaining Yin God also moved and stood in front of the female path, separating Doumu Xie from the female path.

They looked at each other and said in unison:

"Master Doumu, please hold on a little longer!"

It is said that Mr. Jingmu planned to make the two of them father and mother, but not to kill them immediately.

In this way, they might wait until Doumu Xie is defeated, collect his treasure map, and try to refine the body protection on their own. This is much better than pinning your hopes on Doumu Xie!

Even if it is not possible, Doumu Xie should be weakened a lot.

Doumu Xie was furious. He immediately understood the intention of the two men and shouted: "You bitch, how dare you deceive me!"

The beast was frightened and angry, and immediately used its magic power to send wisps of starlight towards the two ghost gods, intending to kill them and snatch the spiritual objects.

But there was a cold snort: "Little Doumu, do you dare to take action on something that I like?"

Whoosh, a burst of alchemy energy immediately surged into Doumu Xie's body, turning into grimaces, tearing and biting it.


Even with the protection of the Star Treasure Map, Doumu Xie let out a cry of panic.

It was in a hurry and had to send another message to the remaining two people: "Girls and boys, don't just watch indifferently. If I die, you two will definitely not end well."

Seeing Doumu Xie's suffering, Yu Lie and Gui Yeluo were also uneasy and anxiously communicated. They were really worried that after Doumu Xie was killed, the treasure map would be damaged, or that they were unable to sacrifice the treasure. picture.

But it is impossible for them to hand over the elixir-formed spiritual objects directly.

Yu Lie sent a message: "Master Doumu, there is not much trust between us. What can we do about it? Do you have any good ideas?"

Doumu Xie endured the severe pain of being eroded by the alchemy energy, and it gnashed its teeth and said:

"Forget it, I will give the treasure map to you two first. You two can hold it and practice it according to what I said. However, I would like to remind you in advance that without the foundation-building Qi of this Dao, you will never be able to completely The refining treasure map, let alone use this map to compete with the old thing!"

When Yu Liefu heard this, his expression was startled. When he came back to his senses, his expression was not abnormal, but his heart was filled with ecstasy.

He replied in a deep voice: "Good! We hold the treasure map, and the Taoist master circulates the true energy to refine and drive this map together. Fellow Taoist Gui, what do you think?"

Gui Yeluo frowned. She found that although this method still had a lot of risks for the two of them, it was indeed the best solution at the moment, so she nodded in agreement.

Seeing that the two men finally let go, the Dou Mu Xie immediately shook its head, pointed at the two of them with the horn on its forehead, and shouted: "Go!"

A series of runes flew out from its side and fell in mid-air to form a baguette-shaped object. It was filled with stars and looked very good.

Yu Lie and Gui Yeluo carefully brought the map to their side, and their spiritual consciousness and the treasure map came into contact with each other.

There was nothing strange on the treasure map, and a spell also rose from the treasure map, and the sound entered the ears of the two people:

"This is the spell to control this map, which allows you to use my true energy to initially refine this map!

Act quickly! "

The last few tangles flashed in Gui Yeluo's eyes. She recited the spell silently. After discovering that she could indeed control the treasure map, she nodded sharply and wanted to summon the elixir in her body and bring it into this party. In the treasure map.

But suddenly, Yu Lie stretched out his hand to stop her movement, and signaled with his eyes to tell her not to worry.

Gui Yeluo was confused, while Doumu Xie on the side was anxious and cursed:

"Hey! What kind of conspiracy are you trying to play, you little thief? I can tell you that this is a sixth-grade magic weapon. Even if there is a spell, if there is no sixth-grade true energy, how can you control it!"

When Yu Lie heard this, he glanced at the Dou Mu Xie, but he silently drew out his true energy, wrapped it around the constellation treasure map, burned and refined it fiercely, and silently recited the spell that the Dou Mu Xie had just sent. .

A situation appeared that made Doumu Xie stare.

There was a Taoist priest who landed on the treasure map with his true energy and successfully controlled it.

Although the control was not so smooth, Doumu Xie truly felt that the treasure map was getting out of his control.

"You, you guys have established a foundation? Impossible, you are only a few years old, and Yin Shen has just broken through to the seventh level. How is it possible!?"

Doumu Xie couldn't believe it.

Yu Lie breathed a sigh of relief, and the look on his face perked up.

Although his Yin Shen is only at the seventh level, his physical body has already established its foundation! This was recognized by the Dragon Boat Taoist Master.

Regardless of whether it is the physical body or the Yinshen, the infuriating energy used by the two is originally smelted by the spirit and belongs to one body. This means that Yu Lie's infuriating energy is actually considered to be a foundation-building level infuriating energy, but it is not as good as the dual cultivation of life and life. The true energy of the scholar is just overbearing.

Gui Yeluo also looked at the treasure map with surprise and hesitation:

"Brother Yu, have you established a foundation?"

Yu Lie breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Yes and no. I was originally worried that my true energy would not be able to control this map, but now it seems that I can barely do it. I think I can still have a chance of survival without the help of that guy."

I am overjoyed when the osmanthus leaves fall.

The same is true for handing over the elixir to Yu Lie and giving it to Doumu Xie. The two are completely different to her!

The other side.

After Doumu Xie was stunned, his expression changed drastically, his spirit was shaken, and he suddenly shouted: "Taoist Master Jingmu, kill them quickly, they are going to..."

But before it finished speaking, a blast of elixir energy fell down.

I saw a soul elixir emitting a faint light descending, with an unrivaled power, dispelling its evil spirit, and making it unable to speak the rest of its words.

Old Taoist Jingmu's voice sounded coldly:

"Hmph! I've heard for a long time that you are a treacherous and wise guy, and you are already in the heart of this gang. You still dare to conspire together and do small tricks. I will kill you first."

Doumu Xie's split soul lost the protection of the treasure map and was suppressed by the soul pill. After its Yin Shen was shattered, it could no longer be condensed.

It only emitted a heavy and shrill wail, and then collapsed as the soul pill was crushed over and over again, turning into unconscious divine soul power.

When Yu Lie and Gui Yeluo saw this scene, their expressions were solemn, their joy suddenly disappeared, leaving only fear.


They shouted in unison.

One hurriedly took out the Spirit of Laurel, and the other firmly grasped the treasure map and injected his energy into it.

Suddenly, Old Taoist Jingmu's sneer sounded in the ears of Yu Lie and others again:

"You two also want to play tricks? Let's see if you two are in bliss and can still plot and perform."

Whoops! The spiritual thoughts and soul power scattered around the two people were swallowed up by the soul pill, and suddenly turned into lustful aura, penetrating into the two people's spirits like grinding together.

Yu Lie and Gui Yeluo tried desperately to resist, but their Yin Shen was only stained the slightest, and both of them flushed and couldn't help themselves.

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