Fairy cage

Chapter 39 Unexpected Visitor

The confusion was broken, and Yu Lie was happy.

Another period of time passed, and the entire five-day holiday was used up. In the early morning of the next day, he opened the door of his house again.

Accompanied by the chirping of birds: "Good luck to you! Master, walk slowly!"

Yu Lie crossed the threshold happily.

After going out, he looked at the bright sky and felt full of vitality and life.

"Next, it's time to continue saving money, accumulate food and medicine, and undergo the third transformation!"

Yu Lie's heart was lifted.

Now that he has completely digested the transformation of "like a wolf and a tiger", he naturally has to work harder to complete the next transformation and be promoted to a mid-level Taoist boy!

The name of the next transformation is called "Copper Strength and Iron Bone".

After completing this transformation, not only will his muscles have extraordinary strength, but his blood will also be refined into his bones and fascia, making them as hard and tough as copper and iron.

Only copper ribs and iron bones can withstand more powerful strength. Otherwise, if the Taoist is too strong and strikes with his fist, his bones will be broken, his flesh and blood will be separated, and he will suffer a lot.

Moreover, at this time, the Taoist's skin and flesh will become even harder, and powerful ones can reach the point of being invulnerable. The skin, muscles, and muscles all over the body will be like a layer of heavy armor, and there is no need to wear additional armor at all.

Even the five horses cannot be divided into pieces!

With such a physique, if you join an army composed of ordinary people, you will be like a tiger joining a flock of sheep, invincible. Unless they are surrounded by a fierce and fearless army and continue to consume their energy, it is possible to outlast a Taoist with "bronze ribs and iron bones".

Yu Lie thought about it as he once again passed by the yard where his female neighbor and landlady was.

"Uncle, don't leave in a hurry!"

The sound of Qieqie first sounded from the other party's courtyard.

Yu Lie approached and found that the female neighbor had finished entertaining another guest and was lingering with her at the door.

However, the guests who came today were a bit strange, which made Yu Lie, who was already accustomed to strange things, feel slightly stunned again.

This guest was thin, with a slightly stooped back, and gray hair, which was only held up by a dead branch. The robes all over his body were starched and white, and even had a few patches on them.

After Yu Lie got closer, he smelled a foul smell wafting from the guests.

Because not only was the other party dressed shabbily, but he was also dirty and had a messy beard. If the other party hadn't been wearing a Taoist robe, Yu Lie would have thought that this person was a beggar.

But to be precise, the other party should be a beggar.

This kind of person has not even completed a transformation, has no strength to tie a chicken, and is unwilling to risk his life. At most, he does some piecemeal work for the Taoist women in the courtyard, barely earning a bite of food.

What's even more miserable is that they are all very old and have been in the town for more than three years. Not to mention the appropriate benefits, it is often difficult for them to even have a place to live.

The people in the town also hate them. They all think that they are self-degenerate and irredeemable, just like beggars and hooligans!

As for why Yu Lie knew this quite well, it was because he himself was thought by many neighbors to be such a person.

But Yu Lie was also surprised that the customer was so poor and old, yet he could still come for prostitution!

Judging from the poor situation of the other party, it is estimated that even if he comes for prostitution, he will only be addicted to handjobs and can't even take off his clothes.

This old man can be said to be a poor man with great ambitions and an old man with an old heart.

Yu Lie's female neighbor is also very professional, even though she has little money as a customer.

But she didn't dislike the old customer at all. She leaned in his arms, her cheeks were red, her eyes were watery, she was very infatuated, and she kept chanting:

"My uncle comes here from time to time, but don't forget the slave's house. The door of the slave's house is always open for the uncle."

Seeing how beautiful and refined the scene in the courtyard was, and seeing Yu Lie coming out of seclusion today, he was in a really good mood.

So he was not in a hurry to start work, but walked to the door of his neighbor's yard and lay down on the red and pink low wall carefully arranged by the other party.

Yu Lie raised his hand and said hello with a smile:

"Landlord, it seems that business last night was good, and we haven't finished work yet!"

The two people who were chatting with each other in the courtyard were slightly startled when they heard Yu Lie's words. But the old man obviously enjoyed this rare occasion. He didn't even open his eyes and continued to hug the female neighbor in his arms. Yu Lie wasn't calling him anyway.

Only the female neighbor was stunned. She glanced at the rest of the row.

The female neighbor was a little surprised, because usually Yu Lie would just bury his head and leave without coming over to say hello to her.

But the female neighbor's face immediately became excited. She looked at Yu Lie and said, "Hey, brother, get up!"

The female neighbor rolled her eyes charmingly and said, "Brother called me, but do you want to take care of my sister's business?"

As she spoke, she straightened her hair, nudged the old man tenderly, and was about to abandon him and walk towards the rest of the row.

However, Yu Lie quickly stopped her: "No, where is this old gentleman? I don't dare to steal his love."

The old man was holding his female neighbor for a brief moment of tenderness. He had little money and couldn't afford a real prostitute, so he could only hug her for about half a cup of tea. So when he sensed that his female neighbor was about to let go and walk away, the old man opened his eyes and looked at Yu Lie with a resentful and lonely look.

As soon as Yu Lie shouted, the female neighbor was able to end the business, so that the old man could no longer take advantage.

Yu Lie looked at the old man sheepishly. He touched his pocket, suddenly took out a wad of talisman money, and threw it at the female neighbor.

The female neighbor took the talisman money, her face suddenly filled with joy, thinking that there was another order, but she touched it immediately and found that the money thrown over by Yu Lie was only ten pieces.

The female neighbor also had a look of resentment on her face. She rolled her eyes and said, "That's it? I just want to come here and have sex for free?"

Yu Lie smiled and said:

"No, it's not possible. I think the landlord is not doing your business properly. You talk about it, but I don't see you helping the old gentleman wash up."

He cupped his hands and said, "Excuse me, old gentleman. I don't have much money, so I can treat you to a bath and enjoy yourself more."

After saying that, Yu Lie shook his head and walked towards the door of the alchemy room again.

In the courtyard, the old man with a resentful expression was obviously startled. He immediately looked energetic again, hurriedly pulled his female neighbor and walked into the red lantern house, grinning:

"Good people, good people!"

The female neighbor was holding the ten talisman coins that Yu Lie threw out, her face was full of resentment, and she looked like she had lost a big deal.

However, she also followed the old man into the house, and said: "That heartless guy, the slave family is obviously the best in the town, and the business is very honest. Those who have more money will be taken care of, and those who have less money will also be served." Serve.”

"Sir, don't you think so? Don't listen to his nonsense. When you go back later, remember to say good things to the slave family in the streets. If you can attract big guests, it's not impossible for the slave family to give you a free visit... …”

It’s not without reason that the female neighbor’s business is booming. As she said, “Those with more money will be taken care of, and those with little money will also be taken care of.”

In her place, if the guests who come to play do not have enough money for one round, they can do business for half a round. If half a round is not enough, you don’t have to do it for real and just do the cuddling business.

Of course, no money is allowed, and no credit is allowed.

According to Yu Lie's understanding, ten dollars is just enough to take a bath at the other party's place, which is considered to be of high quality and low price.


On the other side, after Yu Lie left the alley, he entered the alchemy room as usual and began his busy working life.

Because Luobotou and the others had been asked to share the work before, after Yu Lie started working, he had to take on a lot more work. This could be regarded as making it easier for Luobotou and others and repaying the other party's favor.

As a result, Yu Lie was so busy in Dukou that he couldn't even go out for lunch. It was Luotou and the others who helped bring the meal, and they kept busy until night.

When it was finally time to get off work, before Yu Lie could leave, he was suddenly stopped by Dukou Datou to meet someone.

In front of Dukou's door, Yu Lie squinted at the visitor and said:

"Friend Gaoli, long time no see."

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