Fairy cage

Chapter 336: Driving things away into the secluded world, extreme happiness leads to sadness

The talisman paper hanging on the ink line was snapping and flying randomly, making the scene in the formation even more eye-catching.

Luo Sen and Miao Mu watched, feeling nervous. However, Yu Lie was currently in the process of making a breakthrough. Both of them were cultivators and knew that interruptions were the most taboo during breakthroughs. I dare not take the next few steps.

Rosen's face tightened and he said in a deep voice: "Right now, I can only believe Brother Lie."

Miaomu nodded when he heard this, and added: "It seems that Liege'er's transformation has reached a critical moment. In this case, we have to be wary of outsiders disturbing us. So I will stay in the room and not take turns." , and you and your sister will continue to watch."

"Very good." Rosen replied:

"Sooner or later, you and I will have to live through the transformation of Taoist disciples into Taoist officials. It will be good for you and me to see more of it in the future."

After saying a few words, the two women looked nervously, staring at the formation in the room with their eyelids reluctant to blink.

And in the formation.

Yu Lie's physical body was curled up on the altar, and his energy was continuously sent into the silver mirror, nourishing his three souls and seven souls that had been completely drawn out.

While the three souls and seven souls were enjoying the essence of the body, the true energy refined by Yu Lie was mixed with it. It also seeped in bit by bit, mixed, and was swallowed by the three souls and seven souls.

Zhenqi is different from the blood and essence of the human body. The former is a virtual and real thing, condensed by the Taoist spirit. It is the bridge between heaven and earth, the foundation of Taoism, and is controlled by the Taoist.

The latter is closer to the real thing. It is the essence of grains, flesh and blood. It has no specific properties and cannot be used for Taoism. It is similar to medicinal properties and medicinal gas, and can be eaten but not used.

However, if Yu Lie directly uses the former to nourish his three souls and seven souls, not only will his self-awareness be a little unbearable, there will be a gap, and there will be evil thoughts in his soul. This thing will also resist entanglement with the true energy and will not be entangled with the true energy. bondage.

This kind of resistance is not something Yu Lie can restrain if he wants to. It stems from the soul's undisciplined nature.

Therefore, when a Taoist uses true energy to unify the soul, he has to mix the true energy with the essence of the body and coax the soul to devour it.

Wisps of essence continued to enter the remaining three souls and seven souls.

Generally speaking, this period lasts for at least seven days and seven nights, and lasts for the entire "first seven", so that the remaining souls and true energy can be completely integrated into one.

At the same time, Yu Lie's self-awareness and the evil thoughts in his mind continued to be entangled, gnawing at each other, and both sides wanted to gain the upper hand.

At this time, they were no longer two separate figures, but had merged into one body, with two faces.

Yu Lie's self-awareness is at the front, and the consciousness of evil thoughts is at the back of his head.


Silent howls kept coming from Yu Lie's soul.

The two faces on the soul body were both with cracked eyes and a ferocious appearance. They did not have the temperament of a monk at all, and were more like a terrifying evil ghost.

As the transformation progressed, evil thoughts and self were mixed, and Yu Lie's mind became slightly clearer. Although he still felt as if he was in a split personality, he could now reflect on himself and use his own concentration to suppress evil thoughts. I need the help of Sun-titled Golden Flame again.

The face on the back of the head continued to roar fiercely: "Eat, eat you, hungry."

The other face in front of his head showed a sneer and said:

"You're just a monster, you want to eat me? You are the food for me to practice."

At this time, Yu Lie, because of his personal experience, has discovered that evil thoughts are not as simple as the evil thoughts mentioned in Taoist books, and can be eliminated by cultivating one's moral character.

These "evil thoughts" are actually born with Taoist people. Perhaps it is more appropriate to call them "animal nature". They originate from the mixture of appetite, greed, sexual desire, etc. of the human body and are innate.

On the contrary, Yu Lie's self-awareness, called "human nature", was slowly born after he was born, and was only developed after he was exposed to many scriptures and moral truths.

Methods such as self-cultivation and character cultivation can only support human nature and allow the human nature in Taoists to gain the upper hand, but they cannot completely eliminate animal nature.

Moreover, animal nature should not be erased at all. If this thing is removed, the harm to Taoists will be the same as the loss of three souls and seven souls. It will cause Taoists to have incomplete temperaments, become despairing, or become old-fashioned and stubborn. All sorts.

The correct and proper method should be like what Yu Lie did when he took the wolf's heart and dog's lung into the Tao and digested it completely, using human nature to suppress the demonic nature and devour it, using the beast to feed the human!

On the altar, Yu Lie's active roar rang out:

"You, become one with me!"

All I could see was the human face in front of his head. The greed and thirst on his face were evident, and his expression was extremely fierce.

The face suddenly shrank inwards, then appeared at the back of the head, and opened its mouth to bite at the animalistic face behind the head.

Creak, creak!

The invisible sound continued to reverberate in the altar and fell into the minds of the two women in the room outside the array, making them feel their souls trembling and their whole bodies numb.

Time continues to pass.


As the sixth day and night passed, Yu Lie's human nature completely devoured his animal nature. During the battle between the two, his true energy was silently poured into his soul body and spread throughout his soul.

At this time, the horrifying scene on the altar had disappeared, leaving only a skinny and hunched body lying on the blackened silver mirror.

In the mirror of Mo Lake, another figure is now in full shape, and there is a faint light all over his body.

Then the mirror clicked and pieces broke.

It was originally a smooth silver mirror, but the medicinal effect inside it was completely exhausted. It turned gray and turned into dust inch by inch, just like coal ash after burning.

But at the same time, the slender figure in the mirror walked out of the mirror at the last moment when the silver mirror broke.

"He" was naked, with a slender body, red lips and white teeth. His appearance was quite iconic, and his face showed a vague look, as if he had just woken up.

This person is the Yin God of Yu Lie.

At this moment, his consciousness was completely awakened. Under the unity of true energy, his three souls and seven souls merged into one and condensed into a human form. From then on, he could actively escape from the physical body and walk outside.

In this case, the transformation has been successful, and you have set foot in the realm of expelling things and leading to the secluded world, and you are a seventh-grade Taoist official!

"Yu Lie" stood in front of the crouched body in the altar, and compared it carefully, he found that except for being fat and thin, "him" at this moment, his hands, legs, feet, facial features, etc., were exactly the same as the body. They were all human-shaped, without any trace. distortion.

Such a situation made "Yu Lie" look very happy, and a thought came from "him":

"Okay, okay, okay! Very good!"

The Yin God and the physical body are lifelike. This is a superior appearance, which means that he has a solid foundation and the Yin God has excellent qualifications. In the future, when the soul body is cultivated, it will be very smooth.

And if it is a condensed Yin Shen with missing arms and legs, at least it will take several years to slowly repair the body, which will delay the path, or at worst, the entire Taoist stage will be like this, with congenital deficiencies.

Compared with Taoist officials who are full of ghosts and spirits, not only their daily life is quite restricted, but their potential is also greatly reduced.

In addition, according to the records in Taoist books, Taoist Yinshen may also have non-human features such as horns, multiple hands, multiple legs, long tails, etc. These may have advantages or disadvantages, but generally speaking, they are not as good as pure ones. The body shape is better.

First of all, impure human-shaped yin gods and many immortal Taoist concepts cannot be practiced, and it means that during the transformation of Taoists, human nature does not eat up animal nature, but reconciles together, and the two are mixed.

If these Taoists obtain matching visualization methods, their practice efficiency may not decrease but increase. However, they often have extreme temperaments and are very likely to lose control and become possessed when making breakthroughs in their future practice. For those who are interested in immortality, they should not use this method. , belongs to the second-class Yin God.

Now that Yu Lie's Yin spirit is complete and consistent with the physical body, it belongs to the first class. If it is placed in Qianzhou Taoist palace, it should be a sure thing for him to have a Taoist priest as his master in the future, and he will be taken seriously.

Yu Lie was combing, feeling extremely happy.

Ha ha!

He laughed and pinched his fingers, and golden flames appeared around his soul body, like a snake, surrounding his soul body.

Yu Lie looked at the golden sun-bearing flame and said with a smile: "This flame is really magical, and its role in forging the soul is not useless at all. It can not only help me refine my soul and lay a solid foundation before my transformation, but I didn't expect that it will also help me during the transformation." , and it can also help me suppress evil thoughts.”

And an even greater look of expectation appeared in his eyes again, making Yu Lie's eyes flicker.

He thought to himself: "Even in the Taoist stage...

To be precise, the most suitable stage for this item is actually the soul refining Taoist stage. It can also assist me in my future cultivation, so that my Yin God is not afraid of damage and can repair it at any time by just consuming soul oil! "

As a result, Yu Lie's cultivation at the seventh level should be far faster than ordinary people, extremely fast, and there should be no bottlenecks until he reaches the upper level of Taoist priests.

After thinking about it for a while, Yu Lie's heart moved, and the golden flames surrounding him immediately dissipated.

He stood on the altar with a sullen attitude, and immediately let his thoughts go out.

An invisible thought immediately spread out and enveloped the entire stone house.

This invisible thought is the so-called "divine consciousness"!

Refining Qi in the realm of the eighth-grade Taoist disciple, and refining the soul in the realm of the seventh-grade Taoist official.

Today's Immortal Way is different from the ancient Immortal Way. After a Taoist enters the realm of soul refining, he has already developed spiritual consciousness. Through his spiritual consciousness, a Taoist can control objects from a greater distance through the air, far more than controlling objects with true energy, and in terms of agility. , and even more so, the two are incomparable.

Generally speaking, the scope of a Taoist's spiritual consciousness and the Taoist practice of Zhenqi are linked to each other. For every year of Taoist practice, one can gain one foot of spiritual consciousness.

Ordinary Taoist priests who have just made a breakthrough have not yet cultivated, and their true energy Taoism has only been thirty years, and their spiritual consciousness is usually thirty feet. Even those with weak or incomplete Yinshen will be less than thirty.

Now that Yu Lie had released his consciousness, the size of the stone house appeared in his mind one by one, and the nervous expressions of the two women in the house were also very clear.

Suddenly, Yu Lie was pleasantly surprised:

"One, two...three-nine, forty! My consciousness can actually spread forty feet, one-third more than a normal Taoist official!"

The range that Yu Lie's consciousness could cover actually exceeded thirty feet.

In this way, from now on, whether he is controlling artifacts and fighting with people, or alerting to various crises, he will be far superior to ordinary Taoist officials of the same level, and he will have the upper hand.

Thinking of this, Yu Lie felt even more happy and excited.

This situation was beyond his expectation and was a great surprise.

"He" walked on the altar, even more confident, and began to imagine the broad road ahead.

It’s just that as the ancients said, extreme joy brings sorrow.

When this surprise appeared, Yu Lie had forgotten that his transformation had only been a little more than six days and had not been completed for seven days. Therefore, although his Yinshen had condensed and passed the pass, it was not a complete success and he had to be cautious. .

So under the extreme joy, an evil thought immediately rose up from the bottom of his heart, making his face tense.

"Yu Lie"'s face was distorted and he felt like he had a headache, as if he was about to grow another brain.

"Oops!" His heart tightened, and his consciousness fluctuated violently.

Subconsciously, Yu Lie wanted to summon the sun-bearing golden flame to help him suppress his soul.

But as soon as the golden flame holding the sun appeared, his mind changed, and he reluctantly put away the flame. Instead, he concentrated his energy and calmed down the evil thoughts with his own concentration.

The rest of them are people who want to live forever. How can they rely too much on external things?

But at this moment, the silver mirror on the altar had already collapsed, and the medicinal effect of the lead and mercury was completely exhausted. Yu Lie did not let the Yin Shen stay outside the body anymore, and instead got into the physical body, and the spirit and flesh merged. One, slowly polish it in your mind.


At this moment, it was outside the formation arranged by Yu Lie.

His consciousness was startled just now, because it was the first time for him to use his consciousness, and he was not yet skilled at it. The words "Oops" that came to his mind were not kept in his heart, but were equivalent to shouting and released to the outside world, which shocked a lot of people. people.

Among them, Luo Sen and Miaom in the stone house heard it most clearly.

All they could do was stand up and their expressions changed drastically.

"No, Brother Lie's breakthrough has changed!"

"There's something wrong with Lang Jun's transformation!"

The two women's hearts were pounding, anxious and panicked.

Especially when they looked at the formation attentively, they found that there was no figure in the formation at this moment, and there was no movement at all. This situation is obviously extremely wrong!

The two women looked at each other, their minds turning over and over again. They gritted their teeth and had to shout:

"Brother Lie, what happened?"

"Mr. Lang, if you are okay, please respond!"

They shouted several times, but there was still no movement in the formation.

This made the two women even more anxious. After they both looked at each other, they nodded, gritted their teeth and boldly stepped forward. Based on a position that Yu Lie had previously explained, they slowly opened a hole in the formation. Observe what's going on inside.

It was okay not to look at the result, but once he looked at it, the expressions of the two women immediately became gloomy.

Because the dusty scene on the altar came into their eyes.

Although the cultivation level of the two women is not high, they barely know the rules of transformation, and they understand that the sight of the altar means that the lead and mercury liquid used in transformation has been exhausted, and there is no more medicine to nourish the soul.

At present, the transformation of the remaining columns has not yet been successful, and the medicine has been exhausted. From the perspective of the two women, it is obvious that they have fallen into an extremely dangerous situation, and it is very possible that their bodies may even suffer backlash and die on the spot.

Strong regret instantly rose in the hearts of Miaom and Luosen.

Their faces turned pale as they thought of Yu Lie's transformation. The soul-nurturing drugs he had prepared were not complete, and still lacked 10% to 20%!

"Should have known, should have known, how could the transformation medicine be missing? Brother Lie was just comforting us before."

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I harmed Mr. Lang..."

The two women murmured.

Among them, Lawson's body was weak and almost collapsed to the ground.

Fortunately, Miaomu suddenly thought of something after his face turned pale.

She looked down at her arm, a red mole was exposed, and her eyes lit up again.

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