Fairy cage

Chapter 33 A great harvest

The river water was cold, and Yu Lie's heart felt hot.

He did not immediately lift the hook to pull the fish, but lowered his mind and patiently felt the movement of the fishing rod.

Finally, when Yu Lie noticed that the fishing rod in his hand sank hard again, he used both arms to grab the iron fishing rod and raised it with all his strength.


Yu Lie retrieved the iron rope and pulled the river fish he had hooked to the shore!

Under the iron rope, a heavy living creature was jumping and twisting randomly, trying to escape from the fishhook iron rope.

The harder the opponent struggled to free himself, the more anticipation grew in Yu Lie's heart.

Relying on his skills, although Yu Lie was not very familiar with fishing, he still managed to pull the fish in front of him with ease.

On the edge of the cliff, the smell of the water became stronger, and a live fish as thick as Yu Lie's arm appeared in his eyes.

The fish was slippery all over, and there were two long whiskers on its mouth. The big bloody mouth kept opening and closing, and it spit out black mucus.

Thanks to Yu Lie's sharp eyes, after he saw the long-bearded live fish, he immediately threw it aside and did not take it directly in front of him.

The black mucus in the mouth of the long-bearded fish smeared all over the rocks nearby, emitting bursts of fishy smell.

This fish is not a black snake fish, but a red-mouthed black-whiskered catfish, which is also a specialty in the Heihe River. It is large and can spit out black mucus. It can save its life like a squid in the sea and can also help it actively move in the river. Foraging.

Seeing the black-bearded catfish, the joy on Yu Lie's face faltered slightly.

There are also a lot of red-billed black-bearded catfish in the Heihe River, even more than the black snake fish. Their food habits are mixed, including clams, snails, small fish and shrimps, anything with a bit of meaty smell will be eaten by it.

Compared to the Black Snake Fish, the reason why it is less famous in Blackwater Town is because it is not a spiritual fish. Its flesh and blood is just like that of an ordinary lion or tiger. It is useful and can nourish people, but it lacks spiritual energy. Not a great supplement for a Taoist!

Only a very small number of black-bearded catfish will start to have some aura in their flesh as they live for a long time.

Yu Lie was slightly discouraged, realizing that his joy was in vain. Not only did he not catch a spiritual fish, but he also lost a portion of the bait.

The black snake fish in the alchemy room was cooked by Yu Lie, and after being soaked in wine glasses to remove the poison, the weight was reduced again, and after being cut into pieces, it was only about ten pieces.

Yu Lie pursed his lips and said to himself: "Blackbeard catfish is also a fish. At least it can be sold for some money, and you can eat it yourself."

"It's a good start today, which is still a good sign!"

He took the small hook, struck it hard at the black-bearded catfish, penetrated the fish's gills, and then hung it on the large hook on the side.

The cliff is too high, making it inconvenient to get water. The fishing guys in Blackwater Town mostly use claws full of sharp hooks to pierce the fish and catch it, and then return to the town after finishing.

Yu Lie was cooking the first fish when he opened the door, and suddenly thought:

"According to what the town said, this black-bearded catfish seems to be barely considered a natural enemy of the black snake fish. It is accustomed to eating young black snake fish that have not grown into poisonous fish."

His eyes lit up slightly: "Could it be that this black-bearded catfish mistook the bait for a young black snakefish?"

If this is the case, it means that Yu Lie used the bronze wine cup to detoxify, and he could indeed simulate the young black snake fish. As long as what Mr. Hu said is true, Yu Lie will definitely be able to catch the black snake fish if he fishes a few more times.

Yu Lie's heart felt hot again, so he quickly took out a new piece of bait and hung it on the fishhook.

The previous bait had been eaten by fish and shrimps in the river and rotted, so it could no longer be used.

Moreover, Yu Lie's newly hung bait had been soaked in the bronze wine cup for longer than the previous one, so it contained less toxins and richer aura.

The iron rope swayed, the clattering sound sounded again, and then disappeared into the darkness.

Yu Lie held the fishing rod, calmed down his mind again, and started fishing quietly.

This time, his waiting time was shorter than last time. In just ten breaths, a big fish bit the hook. Yu Lie pulled hard and retrieved the iron rope.

There was even a heavy living thing hanging on the hook. When Yu Lie lifted it up and took a look, he found that he had actually caught a black-bearded catfish.

But this black-bearded catfish is a bit bigger than the previous one. It is already as thick and long as the remaining thighs. It looks like it has lived a lot of years.

The black mucus spit out from its mouth not only smelled fishy, ​​but also made a faint sizzling sound after falling on the rock wall. It seemed to be poisonous and could corrode the rock.

Yu Lie was slightly stunned. This time he did not show disappointment, but instead showed a hint of joy.

Because this black-bearded catfish has obviously lived long enough. It is the kind with aura, as evidenced by the fact that its black mucus can corrode rock walls.

This kind of old guy lives in the caves he drilled with mucus corrosion all year round. As the fish matures, he is much smarter than the ordinary catfish. It is as difficult to catch as the black snake fish, or even harder than the ordinary catfish. The black snake fish is also slippery.

However, it was still tempted by the remaining bait and took the bait.

Yu Lie used his hook claw to pierce the old black-bearded catfish and hang it.

He began to feel a sense of gain in his heart:

"Black-bearded catfish of this level already possess spiritual energy. If we catch a few more, we will definitely have a good harvest tonight!"

With the harvest in hand, Yu Lie quickly hung up the bait again and threw the hook into the rushing black water river. The bait he used this time had been soaked longer than the previous one, and the fish meat essence was as pure as ice crystals.

Holding the fishing rod at this time, the cold mountain wind made Yu Lie not only feel cold, but he also felt a sense of pleasure.

Yu Lie stared at the scarlet-green fish floats that flickered in and out of the Black River, his eyes filled with anticipation.


The waiting time for the hook this time was almost the same as the first time, but it was only a few breaths longer.

Another fish is hooked.

Yu Lie lifted the pole and pulled a big fish covered in black scales from the dark bottom of the river onto the cliff.

After seeing the caught fish clearly this time, his face suddenly showed a look of joy, because this time the fish was none other than the black snake fish he had been waiting for!

The snake fish is sharp and bites the hook and the fishing line with a squeaking sound. If both were not made of fine iron, they would have been bitten off by it long ago.

Yu Lie looked at the slender body of the black snake fish, quickly took the hook of the hook fish, penetrated it, and then hung it with the other two catfish.

After hanging it up, Yu Lie looked at the black snake fish and found that this one was bigger and more ferocious than the one he took home from the alchemy room. It was hung on the hook and actually wanted to kill the two catfish next to it. Eat.

Looking at the fish catch, Yu Lie said happily: "This is the first black snake fish!"

Three hooks and three hits, the bait soaked in the bronze wine glass is really exciting. Yu Lie took advantage of his good luck and immediately threw the fourth hook.

The fourth hook goes down to the river, the fourth hook goes up the river.

Still successful, Yu Lie caught a black snake fish again, and he hung it on the hook familiarly, which made him feel even more happy.

Next up is the fifth hook!

Sixth hook! !

Seventh, eighth, ninth hook! ! !

After placing the hook nine times, except for the ninth time, all the remaining eight hooks were harvested.

In just half an hour, he caught three black bearded catfish, one fat fish, and four black snake fish in one go!

Except for the first black-bearded catfish and the fat fish, the other two black-bearded catfish are old and energetic. They are also precious and can be sold for a lot of money.

One black snake fish is equivalent to Yu Li's salary for one month, and the eight fish he hung are already equivalent to half a year's salary for him!

Sobbing in the mountain wind.

Yu Lie was shrouded in the thick fishy smell around him. He didn't care at all, and his eyes were filled with joy.

"It seems that what Old Hu said is true. Fishing with detoxified black snake fish meat will greatly increase the chance of catching black snake fish."

If it weren't for the bait on the ninth hook, which seemed to have been eaten clean by small fish and shrimps, Yu Lie would have been able to catch another one.

"And one last hook."

Yu Lie was overjoyed. He hung up the last and most pure bait and threw it neatly into the Blackwater River, looking forward to the arrival of the next black snake fish.

After this bait entered the river, just a few breaths later, the fishing rod in Yu Lie's hand started to move. He also heard a strange sound of water in his ears. The sound was different from the sound of the rushing river, but more like the sound of something. A deliberate tumbling sound that slaps the water.

However, the cliff where Yu Lie was located was five or six stories high from the river. Even if there were fish splashing in the water, he probably wouldn't be able to hear it.


Yu Lie's eyelids twitched and his pupils shrank.

next moment.

A huge force came from his hand, and the fishing rod was like a poisonous snake, pulling the remaining columns and plunging into the black river...

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