Fairy cage

Chapter 3 Patrolling Taoist Boy

Yu Lie's voice echoed on the podium, but no one dared to answer him.

Fortunately, Yu Lie didn't think about asking these people to answer. He wiped the paper knife in his hand on the Taoist robe and put it in his sleeve. With his free hand free, he put his fingers to his mouth and let out a sharp whistle.


As soon as the whistle came out, the paper donkey tied to Yu Lie in the distance immediately woke up from his daze, then staggered across the ground and walked to Yu Lie's side.

Yu Lie stood on the podium, held down his paper donkey, and pushed it to the ground easily. Then the paper knife in his sleeve came out. He pinched it, like cutting open a fish, and pulled out the paper donkey's abdomen. Big mouth.

The cut is smooth, revealing a huge empty belly that can hold things.

Then there was a roaring sound!

Yu Lie stuffed the wolf demon's organs that he had placed beside him into the paper donkey's belly one by one. Especially the big wolf heart he just held in his hand, he placed it on the top of the paper donkey's belly to prevent it from being crushed.

After packing these, there was still a lot of space in the paper donkey's belly. Yu Lie had the idea of ​​not wasting the donkey's belly.

He took out a few more meat strips from the wolf demon's corpse, and stuffed the same wine glass from the wolf demon's clothes into the belly of the paper donkey.

The wine glass is made of bronze and is stained with rust. Although it has no aura, it will look like an antique if it is not kept intact, so it cannot be dismissed.

The area around the forum was still quiet, and the mountain residents were looking at Yu Lie blankly. They felt that Yu Lie's movements were strange and sinister, and their mouths and tongues continued to go dry.

On the contrary, Yu Lie neatly packed up his things. He put his hands on the donkey's belly, touched the incision a few times with the blood of the wolf demon, and closed the donkey's belly.

He stood up by himself, made a sign with his hands, and shouted: "Precious donkey, treasure donkey, listen to my command, get up!"


The paper donkey heard Yu Lie's command and immediately moved.

It turned over lightly without even touching the ground, and stood up again. It had a face with ghostly symbols on its head, half-smiling but not smiling.

After Yu Lie sat down on it, the paper donkey was so heavy that the expression on the donkey's head became even more funny and sinister.

Riding on the paper donkey, Yu Lie turned around and smiled at the stunned mountain people.

He slapped his head and said, "The Taoist boy patrolling the mountain in Blackwater Town has finished subduing the demons and has resigned."

After that, Yu Lie waved his sleeves and rode on the paper donkey, trotting away on the mountain road while staggering.

When the mountain people heard Yu Lie reveal his identity, they came back to their senses from their dazed state. But they didn't dare to say anything, and their eyes were looking around, trying to find the village chief, Taotong, so that he could come out and talk to Yu Lie.

But the next moment they remembered that their village chief had failed to subdue the demon three days ago and was eaten by the wolf demon. Now he had no idea where the wolf demon had taken him.

On the other side, when Yu Lie reached the intersection, the black starling who was tied to the gong heard the noise and flew up again, and was about to cry out:

"The banquet is open! It's open..."

But before it even barked twice, Yu Lie, who was running over on a donkey, kicked it and flew out.

The gong clanged, and the myna was pulled by the hemp rope. He also fell to the ground and was gnawed by the dog. The screams suddenly stopped.

Yu Lie looked at the black starling and spat secretly: "The banquet has been dispersed! Whose table do you want to eat from if you are still opening the banquet?"

The starling fell to the ground and took a few breaths. It wisely stopped shouting the word "let's open the banquet", and instead began to crow like a chicken, and flapped its wings, trying to fly.

At this time, the mountain people finally recovered from their fear. When they saw Yu Lie trying to leave, they confirmed that Yu Lie was just here to subjugate the demon, not the big demon to eat the small demon.

Then there was a clanging sound from the pulpit, and the mountain people knelt on the ground, kowtowed, and shouted:

"Thank you, Master Dao! Thank you, Master Dao!", "Master Dao, I will never forget your kindness in saving my life!"

"Taoist Master, walk slowly!"...

There were also children crying. When the mountain people were kowtowing, several children fell out of their clothes and fell on the platform, crying.

The sounds of kowtows of gratitude were immediately mixed with a rush of hands.

The howling of the mountain wind is still there, like crying and complaining.

While Yu Lie was riding on a paper donkey, he heard the howls of the mountain people behind him and ignored them.

At this time, Yu Lie was no longer interested in talking to the people in the mountains. There was only one thought left in his mind.

He had to take advantage of the heat and quickly return to Blackwater Town, rent a quiet room, arrange the rituals, and prepare the wolf heart and dog lung that he risked his life to hunt.

Take this into your body and step into the path!


Blackwater Town, as its name suggests, is a small town in Diive County, Qianzhou. It is surrounded by the Blackwater River and is mostly mountainous with harsh wind and sand.

Yu Lie rode a paper donkey and walked back from the mountain col where he had subdued the demon. He had no choice but to wrap a gauze scarf around his face.

The black myna was later picked up by Yu Lie. It was tied to the head of a paper donkey. It was skinny and thin. It had been beaten into a silly bird. A lot of hair on its body had fallen off and its color had also changed. It was dusty and shivering.

Yu Lie didn't care about the stupid bird. He looked at the high mountains that appeared in his eyes, and his eyes were filled with excitement. He had already arrived!

There is no ordinary road into the town here, and it has not been repaired in time to prevent the poor Taoist boys in the town from being picked up by the beasts and spirits in the mountains.

After all, within a radius of hundreds of miles, this place is full of vitality. The snakehead fish under the cliff are all fat, strong and extremely nutritious.

Fortunately, the paper donkey Yu Lie rode back had not been scrapped yet, so he did not have to work hard to climb the rock.

When he reached the bottom of the hill, Yu Lie kicked the paper donkey hard, and the donkey continued to move forward, stepping on the nearly vertical cliff. The donkey's hooves stuck to the cliff like a gecko's feet, and it walked upright.

After a while, Yu Lie came to the hill and officially entered the boundary of Heishui Town.

There is no entrance to the town, only black rocks, heavy fog, and a dwelling like a mountain ghost.

After half a cup of tea, a rough, simple, and depressing building appeared in Yu Lie's eyes. The streets were level with the Blackwater River, winding, and the houses were all made of stone.

The doors are small, like a child's home, and many houses have no windows at all.

When Yu Lie came back and saw Heishui Town for the first time, the word "pig pen" came to mind again.

He did not dare to continue riding the donkey in the town, so he got off the paper donkey, led the donkey, and walked down the street with his head lowered. He completely lost the magnanimity of eating the wolf demon alive in front of the mountain people.

Black water flowed across the streets, filled with the smell of fishy, ​​decayed, and foul odor.

However, there are many pedestrians on the street. It has just been early in the morning, and many doors have been opened. Shops with signs with the words "tea", "wine", "meat" and so on have opened their doors. Passers-by are walking in a hurry one after another. Walked by the column.

Most of these people wore gray preaching robes like Yu Lie, but their faces were either strangely red or dull and gray.

Yu Lie led the paper donkey, which attracted some attention, but passers-by only glanced at Yu Lie and found that Yu Lie's face was covered with a gray scarf. After they could not recognize him, they moved away.

Yu Lie continued to walk with his head lowered.

Suddenly, his earlobe felt cold and he breathed loudly.

A red tongue protruded from the back of Yu Lie's head and scraped off the gray scarf on his face.

"Brother Yu, long time no see."

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