Fairy cage

Chapter 12 Bits and pieces

The charterer was fat and had a loud voice. She could easily hear her shouting in the yard next door.

There was a sudden uproar, and nearly ten people in the courtyard were awakened.

There was a thin, dark head sticking out from the west window. After seeing Yu Lie, his eyes lit up and he looked like he was watching a good show.

This person was Shan Daotong. He leaned against the window, shirtless, and shouted to Yu Lie with a smile: "Hey! This is Yu Lie going home. Where have you been having fun recently? Share it with the brothers. Share it!”

Everyone in the house stuck their heads out to watch the show, and some even brought out stools to eat melon seeds at the door.

It's just that the protagonist hasn't appeared yet, so everyone in the courtyard just looks on with a smile, and few people come forward to talk to Yu Lie and the charterer.

And Yu Lie stood in the yard, looking at the tenant and the group of neighbors, and he was laughing in his heart.

Except for the tenant woman and her precious son, the rest of the people living here are Taoist boys, and they belong to the same group as Yu Lie.

More than a year ago, when everyone first came to Blackwater Town, they all boasted that they had passed the Taoist examination and were very reserved and dignified. But after more than a year of hammering, she is no different from a village woman. She can empty urinals, grab latrines, eat and scold her every day. When she is free, she likes to watch the fun.

For Yu Lie, if he had faced such a situation of being treated as lively before taking the transformation, he might have been embarrassed and angry.

But now that he has entered the road, when he faces this group of neighbors watching the excitement and the shouting tenants, Yu Lie only thinks that they are noisy and ridiculous.

However, Yu Lie really had no money now, so he handed over his hand to the charterer and said with a smile:

"Money is tight, my mother-in-law will give you a few days of grace first, and then give it to you in the next few days."

When the housekeeper heard Yu Lie's words, she immediately raised her eyebrows and glanced at Yu Lie a few times. Then she carried the chicken and came to a side room and knocked on the door and shouted:

"Sister Pu, come out quickly! Today, you guys are still waiting for your mistress's food money!"

There was a loud banging on the door.

Just after a few rings, a female Taoist priest in gray robe kicked the door and walked out of the house. She has a medium face, but a slim figure, and her legs are straight. Even if she is wearing a loose robe, her curves are still faintly visible.

After the female Taoist came out, the idle people watching the theater in the courtyard did not immediately start to boo, but instead suppressed their laughter.

The female Taoist, named Pu Xing, had stern eyebrows. She first glanced at Yu Lie next to her, then took out a few talismans from her sleeves and threw them to the charterer.

The charterer caught it and counted it and found that there were only ten coins. She was about to say that this was not enough for a month's food expenses, but she saw the impatient look on Pu Xing's face and wisely put it out.

The charterer also quickly bowed down, and the expression on her face changed. She arched her head and said with a smile: "You're welcome! You're really disturbing Sister Park. You can rest. I'll kill the chicken and simmer it for my sister today!" "

The female Taoist glanced at the charterer and was too lazy to say anything. She just frowned and said coldly to Yu Lie:

"Isn't it embarrassing? Come in!"

After saying that, the female Taoist snorted coldly and walked into the side room. Facing this scene, Yu Lie also frowned, but he followed the other person as he said and walked towards the room.

Before Yu Lie could enter the room, there was laughter and whistles in the courtyard:

"Look! Brother Yu is so lucky. He has no money to do it, so he has my mother-in-law to take care of it."

"That is, if someone is in charge, Brother Yu can lie down in the yard for a year without having to go out and risk his life to work!"

The tenant woman was killing chickens in the courtyard while laughing and cursing the tenants of the courtyard:

"You are all a poor man, but you still have the nerve to laugh at Brother Yu! If you have the skills, you can find a good concubine! Those who are late in paying and paying bills every day are a bunch of useless people!"

A single Taoist boy shouted back: "Housewife, how do you know that we don't have a buttholes, but you peeked at me and waited for me to go out? Then you know that Brother Yu's buttocks are not white? Hahaha!"

Vulgar and vulgar laughter and curses echoed one after another in the courtyard.

When Yu Lie and Pu Xing in the wing heard this, they both frowned and looked a little worried.

But it was like this all year round in the courtyard. They laughed and yelled at each other, called each other father and insulted mother, which was totally disrespectful. The two of them had been together long enough and had gotten used to it.

In addition, although the shanty town is chaotic, it is also in a town and is managed by someone. The people who live there are also a mixed bag, so they cannot easily make mistakes.

So both Yu Lie and Pu Xing just ignored the vulgar sounds outside the house and ignored them. But as Yu Lie listened, the idea of ​​moving out became even more intense in his heart.

Before Yu Lie came up with this idea, the female Taoist in front of him also cursed in a low voice: "No one can stand this miserable place. Sooner or later we will move out!"

Pu Xing raised her head and found Yu Lie staring at her, so she frowned and said, "If you haven't been home for more than ten days, I thought you died outside. Now that you're back, go wash the clothes in the corner first!"

After saying that, she walked onto the bed barefoot and prepared to continue practicing the guidance technique.

The charterer called her just now. The reason why she didn't open the door immediately was because she was practicing and her body was still wet with sweat.

Yu Lie followed Pu Xing's words and looked towards the corner, and sure enough he saw a pile of changed Taoist robes and practice robes, many of which were torn and stained with dried sweat and blood, giving off a faint smell.

Looking at the pile of smelly clothes, Yu Lie finally couldn't help laughing.

His smile disturbed the female Taoist next to him. The female Taoist hadn't started practicing yet. She glanced at Yu Lie unpleasantly, but she thought about it and ordered: "Forget it, I'll wash up later. You'd better come up first and help me stretch my muscles." .”

Daoyin Shu is a training method used in Taoist realm. It mainly focuses on polishing the physical body. In addition to exercise, it can also be supplemented by massage, acupuncture and other methods, which can better help Taoists strengthen their bodies internally.

As Pu Xing spoke, she casually opened her Taoist robe. She didn't pay attention to Yu Lie next to her. Yu Lie was just a tool to her.

The man first threw his Taoist robe onto Yu Lie, exposing his back, and then lay down on the wooden bed in the side room, covered in sweat.

But when Yu Lie came back today, he didn't continue to wash the other party's clothes and massage her body. He shook out the woman's Taoist robe, casually hung it aside, and sat on the chair by himself.

Yu Lie said: "I came back today because I have something to talk about."

"This place is not suitable for long-term living. I plan to move out of this yard,"

The female Taoist saw that Yu Lie had not gone to bed yet, and she was disgusted with Yu Lie's slowness. Suddenly she heard Yu Lie say this, and she was stunned.

Pu Xing turned her head and looked at Yu Lie with squinted eyes. She looked away and just replied contemptuously: "By you? It's said lightly, as if someone is happy to stay here."

"Eating, doing exercises, and studying the Fa are all free of charge. Now that I have transformed into a second body, I still have to live in this damn place. And you don't even dare to go to work, and you can't afford the food, so what qualifications do you have to say that? this?"

Yu Lie is no longer the "Brother Yu" he was before, and he has confidence in his heart, but he is too lazy to talk to the other party, let alone pull him, he just shakes his head, stands up and says:

"I'm not talking to you, I'm just letting you know." After saying that, he rummaged through his things in the room.

In fact, there aren't many things left in the room. Pots and pans are all for common use and he won't take them away. Yu Lie mainly wanted to sort out his practice notes and not forget them. These were all his hard work over the past year.

It was probably the first time for the female Taoist Pu Xing to see Yu Lie's attitude. She had a look of surprise on her face. She felt that the Yu Lie in front of her was a bit unfamiliar, so she remained silent for a while.

When Pu Xing came to her senses, she saw that Yu Lie was actually collecting things, or the most important books and documents. Her brows knitted together, as if she had thought of something.

By the way, what the charterer and others said was actually correct. The relationship between Yu Lie and the female Taoist in front of him was either "concubine"!

But in Yu Lie's own opinion, this situation should be called roommates. After all, we are all cultivators, so how can we call them concubines?

During the more than a year since he came to Heishui Town, Yu Lie had been living with the female Taoist in front of him day and night, squeezing into this small side room to live together.

However, although they live together, in fact all the chores in the house and yard are done by Yu Lie. On weekdays, Yu Lie had to bring tea and water to his "concubine" and assist him in his cultivation. He was almost like a child supporter.

In addition, Yu Lie was on the road and had been dormant for more than a year. During this period, he never did any formal work, which made the people in the yard laugh at him, thinking that he was a white-faced person who had been raised and wasted.

In fact, Yu Lie was at best taking refuge in Pu Xing, using him as a backer, trading coolies for stability, and avoiding some troubles in the town.

In addition, we are responsible for our own profits and losses, and we owe nothing to each other.

Today's Yu Lie is no longer the same as before, so naturally he will no longer take care of tiring dog-leg things. He has long been unable to live this kind of life, and has been looking forward to a clean and tidy life.

Not long after, Yu Lie packed up his things. He picked up a bookcase, handed it over to the other party, and strode out of the house, a little excited in his steps.

The female Taoist finally couldn't lie down any longer. She jumped up with her bare legs and shouted coldly: "Stop!"

Yu Lie ignored it.

"You dare to leave?! Come back!" The female Taoist's true nature was exposed. Her voice was sharp and harsh, like a wild cat in heat.

The people in the yard heard it immediately. They all suppressed their voices and pricked up their ears to listen.

But when Yu Lie heard the shouting from behind, he still didn't stop at all. He opened the door and walked outside.

As soon as they arrived in the yard, the big guy who was already watching the excitement became even more excited and looked towards Yu Lie fiercely.

Facing the rascals and idle men in the courtyard, Yu Lie's mood couldn't get better. He just glanced at everyone, cupped his hands, and continued to walk towards the gate of the courtyard.

At this time, the female Taoist in the side room had already rushed out of the room. She didn't even tie up her clothes, her face was gloomy, she just wrapped her body tightly.

Such a scene made the spectators in the courtyard even more excited, and they made tut-tsk sounds in their mouths:

"You two, please take it easy, there are children in the yard."

Some people who were originally afraid of Pu Xing couldn't help but jeer: "How unbecoming is this? We are all serious Taoist priests!"

Pu Xing stood in front of the door. She looked at Yu Lie hatefully. There were a lot of words in her stomach that she wanted to curse out, but she was suddenly stared at by pairs of eyes in the courtyard, and heard high or low laughter. Pu Xing's face couldn't stand up.

She suppressed her anger and just cursed in a low voice: "You bitch, get back here! I have something to tell you!"

Yu Lie on the opposite side has already reached the door of the courtyard. There is a puddle of water in front of the door, and there is a constant splashing sound under his feet.

Feeling the watching eyes of the people behind him and Pu Xing's shouts, Yu Lie finally paused and turned around.

He faced the people in the courtyard and saw faces that were either happy, happy or disdainful, as well as Pu Xing's expression of resentment.

Yu Lie couldn't help but laugh. He stood tall and slim, waved his sleeves, raised his hands towards the female Taoist and said:

"The road is long and the song ends and everyone disperses. I hope fellow Taoist Pu will cherish you. I will remember the help you received today by counting money."

He looked at the other people in the courtyard and said, "Comrades, please just say goodbye."

After saying this, Yu Lie bowed his head and walked towards the gate of the courtyard without looking back.

The moment he stepped out, mist from the river happened to line up along the street.

The mist entered through the doorway and poured into the courtyard, rolling and squirming. After Yu Lie's body stepped into it, he swayed and disappeared into the mist, like a mountain ghost banishing an immortal.

A bunch of people in the courtyard were a little stunned when they saw the scene in front of them. They seemed to have never seen Yu Lie looking so strong and agile.

Pu Xing was also stunned in place. She once again felt that Yu Lie was unfamiliar and felt empty in her heart, but she also felt a sense of resentment at being betrayed.

She gritted her teeth, her eyes were filled with hatred, her teeth made a sound, and the corners of her mouth were hardened.

On the other side, everyone in the courtyard realized that Yu Lie and Pu Xing were having a fight, and the former left the courtyard directly.

Among the spectators who were originally smiling, some were suddenly surprised, while some were even happier watching the show.

The charterer was stunned and quickly ran to Pu Xing's side. She rubbed her hands and asked Pu Xing: "This is so surprising to my mother-in-law. As soon as Brother Yu came back...he really left and never came back?!"

"Then there will be a new guest in this yard!" The tenant woman said with a smile on her face.

There is a certain number of people that the courtyard can accommodate. If Yu Lie abandons the house and leaves, the landlord can recruit new tenants and earn another settlement fee.

And as long as Yu Lie survives, the town will continue to pay her the three-year rent agreed to by the town... There are many connections among them, and the tenant woman relies on these to raise herself and her son to be fat and fat, which is more than the ordinary ones. Children need to be nourished.

When Pu Xing heard what the charterer said, the expression on her face changed immediately.

She didn't want another roommate in the wing. The reason why she took Yu Lie into the wing room and agreed to partner with him in the first place was that he was handsome and easy to handle. Even if she doesn't need Yu Lie, she still has to get along with other people.

She wouldn't be happy if someone else changed her now. Yu Lie wasn't dead anyway!

So Pu Xing said to the charterer, "We're not even dead yet, and you want to make room for us? Mother-in-law, you're really thinking too far!"

She said contemptuously: "When the dog is hungry, he will come back naturally, and there must be room for him." Then he slammed the door and entered the side room.

The charterer was choked by Pu Xing and froze in place.

She was usually a little afraid of Pu Xing, but now she had no reason, so she only dared to stand at the door of Pu Xing's room, cursing secretly: "Son of a bitch! It's your mistress who doesn't want you anymore, why are you venting your anger on me?" !”

The charterer then cried in a false voice: "Oh! Now there is someone missing. If we don't pay, how are we supposed to live? You have no conscience."

There was a lot of laughter in the courtyard, others were sarcastically sarcastic, those watching the show were watching the show, and the discussions were lively.

Pu Xing in the room heard this, and her resentment towards Yu Lie deepened. She didn't think that she was wrong in the slightest. She just felt that Yu Lie's sudden return and sudden departure were just to tease her, which made her secretly resentful.

In fact, when the Taoist boys in Blackwater Town first arrived here, they had a hard time surviving and it was common for them to work together. If Pu Xing hadn't had Yu Lie to share the chores, her life would have been several times worse than it is now.

For more than a year, Pu Xingye has been treating Yu Lie as a tool and has no wages. Today, the "ten-dollar good fortune" happened.

And when there are more people living together, it becomes more common for them to collapse their houses and separate their families.

Because it is so common, people in the yard have become accustomed to it, and maybe it will be them tomorrow.

So everyone had fun for a while, then went back to their homes, closed the doors, rested, practiced, and continued to mess around.

Only the landlady was killing the chicken while continuing to figure out how to find a "new concubine" for Pu Xing, earn some money, and support Pu Xing.

The charterer didn't dare to choke in person, but she had a lot of tricks behind her back.

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