Fairy cage

Chapter 106 The dog returns from hunger

When Yu Lie heard the voices of Shan Daotong and others, he also made a "suspicious" sound:


Seeing people in front and behind them, Shan Daotong and his group, who had been talking loudly just now, immediately separated like a pack of wolves, surrounded the remaining columns in front, and then stared at the remaining columns with eager eyes.

Especially when they found out that Yu Lie was alone, the eyes of Shan Daotong and his group became gleaming.

But a surprised voice sounded from Yu Lie's mouth: "Hey! It's you! Big guys!"

He took the initiative to say hello, which attracted the attention of Shan Daotong and others. Suddenly, four eyes fell on Yu Lie's face, looking at him carefully.

In order to make it easier for this group of people to recognize him, Yu Lie took the initiative to take out a piece of talisman paper for lighting and held it in his hand as if he were holding a moon.

Immediately, a voice of surprise also sounded from Shan Daotong's mouth:

"Brother Yu!" The other party's eyebrows twitched, and his face looked surprised.

Meeting this group of people in the courtyard, both Yu Lie and the other party were caught off guard.

However, after some discussion, Shan Daotong and his party accepted Yu Lie into the team for the sake of their past relationships.

Among them, the one who guarantees Yu Lie is the single Taoist boy, not the strength and identity of the middle Taoist boy in Yu Lie.

Because the people in the Zayuan were short-sighted, they seemed not to know what was going on in the alchemy room at all. They did not know that Yu Lie had become a middle-rank Taoist boy early on, and they only thought that Yu Lie was still a low-ranking one.

The reason why Shan Daotong took the initiative to express goodwill to Yu Lie was because the other party saw Yu Lie's skills and ability to make money in the gambling house, and hoped to repair the relationship with Yu Lie.

A bonfire was lit in the dense forest.

After Yu Lie exchanged greetings with Shan Daotong, he used the excuse of relieving himself to go into the darkness to give the other party a chance to communicate privately.

Shan Daotong immediately gathered in front of his three companions and whispered:

"Brothers, please don't treat Brother Yu as before. It's been almost three months since he went down the mountain. He dares to wander alone in the forest. Do you really think he is a lone sheep? "

"I suspect that Brother Yu may have already digested the changes of 'like a wolf and a tiger', and is just about to be promoted to a middle-rank Taoist boy!"

When the three companions heard Shan Daotong's scolding, they all woke up in time and suppressed the last bit of coveting in their hearts.

When Yu Lie returned to the bonfire, the attitude of the four Shan Daotong towards Yu Lie was obviously more friendly.

Several people were chatting and joking, talking about the past events in the courtyard, and the relationship between them was like a bonfire, immediately heated up.

Shan Daotong smiled and suddenly sighed to Yu Lie and said:

"By the way, Brother Yu, do you still remember the chartered wife? She was miserable. First, Brother Qiao was lost. After several days of searching, all kinds of connections were used, but there was no news from Brother Qiao... In the end, she He also disappeared, and he should be dead now."

Listening to Shan Daotong's words, Yu Lie was more sure about this group of people. He didn't even know that he had been promoted to the middle position long ago and had become a big boss among the poisonous people. He was found by the charterer.

This also made Yu Lie feel sad. It seemed that the tenant did not reveal his affairs too much to the people in the courtyard.

Yu Lie simply continued to pretend not to know, and said in surprise: "Is this happening?"

"Yes." Shan Daotong shook his head and spoke carefully.

After everyone gathered around the bonfire to rest and chat for a few cups of tea, Shan Daotong and his men buried the bonfire and led the rest of the group forward again.

Shan Daotong said:

"Brother Yu came to this forest today. Could it be that he also came to steal the monkey wine?"

Hearing what the other party said, Yu Lie's eyes showed a strange color, and he subconsciously looked at his robes.

He didn't steal, but directly robbed the monkey wine from those golden monkeys!

Fortunately, Yu Lie had the Clothes Purification Talisman in his hand. After escaping a certain distance, he directly used the Clothes Purification Talisman to remove all the alcohol aroma from his clothes. Otherwise, Shan Daotong and others would be the first to see him when they met. At first glance, you will know from the first sentence that Yu Lie has stolen the monkey wine and returned.

The wealth was not revealed, and all the monkey wine that existed in the monkey group was wiped out by Yu Lie.

At least it would take another ten days and a half before a new batch of wine would slowly seep out of the tree hole and the reserves would be filled up.

So Yu Lie shook his head, cupped his hands and said, "No, no, I was in the process of collecting herbs and got lost here. Just now I saw a group of monkeys moving in front of me, so I thought about going over and taking a look. I originally planned to wait until dawn tomorrow. Then slowly return to the town station."

"That's it." Shan Daotong and others nodded and said casually:

"That's just right. Brother Yu will go back with us later, so we can take care of each other."

When Yu Lie heard this, he looked at Shan Daotong in front of him with emotion. He didn't even mention this matter directly, but the other party took the initiative to say it.

Who said that this person surnamed Shan had a quick temper and was only good at making fun of others? He was obviously also very good at pleasing people.

Yu Lie held his hands in accommodating manner and was about to say thank you.

But as Shan Daotong pondered what Yu Lie had just said, his expression suddenly changed and he said, "Brother Yu, did you say that there was something strange in the monkey group just now?" He suddenly turned his head and looked at the three companions beside him.

The other three people also looked suddenly embarrassed: "Could it be that someone stole the wine before us?"

"There's no need to delay any longer, just run away. Anyway, apart from those monkeys and smelly birds, there are no other dangers in this area!"

Immediately, the group of people didn't even use torches, but ran forward in the dark.

It was Yu Lie who took the initiative to take out the lighting talisman he had just used and emitted silver-white "moonlight" to illuminate their way forward. Lest this group of guys accidentally step into a pit and fall to pieces with broken bones and flesh, and they will be unable to lead the way later.

When they reached the vicinity of the monkey group, Shan Daotong and others, unlike Yu Lie who had mynas leading the way, encountered the patrolling group of monkeys at the head, and received a severe blow.

Melons and fruits were thrown around, and everyone avoided and hid.

After finally withstanding the beatings from the monkeys, the painful screams of Shandao Tong and the others rang out in the dense forest:

"The one who killed a thousand swords! He didn't leave even a drop of monkey wine!"

"Hundreds of kilograms of goods, damn it, at least leave us a can, so we can make business easier!"

Listening to Shan Daotong and others' screams of pain, Yu Lie mingled among the team, tensing up his face and body, and responded indignantly:

"Taoist thief!"

The yelling and cursing attracted more monkeys, and rotten fruit fell from the sky like a flock of bird droppings, causing the unwilling people to retreat outside one after another.

Yu Lie also smeared the soles of his feet with oil and was secretly glad that he had become a high-ranking Taoist boy who could shrink his pores and reduce his breath. Otherwise, if he is recognized by the monkey group, not only will he be exposed, but he will also become a target for attracting firepower for Shan Daotong and the others.

Yu Lie was not recognized, but Myna was recognized, but Myna ran faster than Yu Lie, and he was flying in the sky. The monkeys could not chase him back or hit him.

Shan Daotong and his party, who were confident that there was no danger nearby, had no choice but to run away with bruises and swollen faces. Fortunately, they only suffered superficial injuries.

An escape.

Shan Daotong and the others didn't know that hundreds of kilograms of monkey wine had all been collected by Yu Lie. Instead, they had a better attitude because they shared the same trouble with Yu Lie, as if they were all from the same courtyard. of.

In the middle of the night, everyone ran all the way east.

But at dawn, they did not arrive at a mountain village or stockade, but at a den, which was a settlement built by a hunter in the mountains.

There are already people in the den, and there are fireworks floating, which is quite lively.

Yu Lie and others returned shouting, and someone immediately came out to respond.

The visitor recognized Yu Lie and said nothing. But when Yu Lie walked into the wooden house after washing himself, his brows suddenly raised slightly.

Because a slim figure stood behind the fire pit with hands behind her back, and the firelight was bright.

The other party turned around, looked sideways at Yu Lie, and sneered:

"The dog was hungry and finally came back?"

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