Fairy cage

Chapter 1 A Taoist Visitor at Midnight

It rains during the Qingming Festival, and there are many pedestrians on the road.


The mist lay on the ground and squirmed slowly.

The ground was slippery, and a red-clothed and hooded scarecrow stood alone at the edge of the field. Its hands were tied to the frame and spread out stiffly, motionless with its back to the road.

Suddenly someone shouted to the scarecrow: "Brother, where is the restaurant?"

A figure burst out of the fog.

The person who came was a skinny Taoist in gray clothes who was fifteen or sixteen years old. His complexion is as pale as paper, his eyebrows are like picturesque, and he is very handsome.

It's just that he was riding on a donkey, his body was swaying, he was very weak, and he showed a look of weakness.

Fortunately, Yu Lie was in a good mood. He folded his hands and when he saw the scarecrow on the roadside, he immediately waved and shouted.

When the scarecrow heard this, he really trembled. It stretched out a finger and pointed to the west.

Yu Lie's face showed a look of joy, and he raised his hands towards the scarecrow: "Thank you very much, I am on my way in a hurry."

After saying that, Yu Lie immediately kicked the white donkey that sat down and hurried towards the direction pointed by the scarecrow.

After he left, a gust of wind blew!

The scarecrow couldn't bear it any longer, so it spun around half a circle, only to reveal a bloody figure.

It turns out that the scarecrow is not made of straw, but a living person who has been skinned, disemboweled, tongue pulled out, and nailed to a wooden frame.

On the dirt road, the donkey Yu Lie was riding was not a live donkey, but a paper donkey.

The donkey's body was white and wet, with a long face painted with cinnabar that seemed to be smiling but not smiling. It was swaying as it walked on the road.

Someone showed the way, so Yu Lie no longer had to go round and round along the dirt road. He straddled the donkey and, holding back his voice, flew straight across the field, leaving only the rustling sound.

It gets dark quickly.

Yu Lie hadn't walked long before it became dark everywhere, making people feel even more clammy. But when he turned a mountain col, his eyes suddenly brightened and lights appeared.

The fire was bright, and the torches were stuck on the hills, shining brightly, like a red fire dragon breathing, its scales trembling.

Yu Lie did not walk along the road. He patted the paper donkey sitting down and moved forward along the slope.

Before they reached the top of the mountain, there were noisy sounds in Yu Lie's ears.

Pots and pans were clanging, tables and chairs were moving, and people were shouting and drinking, pushing glasses and raising lamps.

The aroma of wine, charcoal, vegetables and other smells also poured into Yu Lie's nose, making him feel warm even before he walked in.

Yu Lie also became interested. He jumped to the top of the mountain and immediately saw figures wearing clothes and hats, including straw hats and bamboo hats. They were busy on the top of the hill. There were also children running all over the ground, chasing each other. slapstick.

A child in black clothes was standing at the intersection, guarding the gong helplessly.

Yu Lie called to the child in black: "Brother, why don't you go to the feast?"

The child in black was startled by Yu Lie's sudden voice. Without looking at Yu Lie, the boy immediately beat the gong and shouted, screaming: "It's time for the banquet, it's time for the banquet!"

Seeing others greeting him, Yu Lie laughed and got off his donkey, striding forward to squeeze past.

A simple pulpit appeared in his eyes, with a huge bonfire in the center. It was dark all around, but the light near the bonfire was bright and there was lively joy.

There was a futon on the podium, and there was a well-dressed old man sitting cross-legged, his mouth full of food, and he kept chewing with his head down.

There were many figures waiting behind the podium, all of them holding plates full of fruits and twitching figures, perhaps chatting and being amused.

When Yu Lie caught a glimpse of this scene, he seemed to be witnessing a shadow puppet show he had seen in his previous life. Seeing that no one came to greet him, he continued to push forward.

Entering the crowd, the smell of sweat is overwhelming.

Fortunately, Yu Lie found an empty seat. After sitting on it, the two people at the same table turned to look at him. One is an old man with a goatee, chewing a vegetable stick in his mouth; the other has a sallow complexion and is grinning while eating wine.

The old man said while chewing: "The Tiger Party is almost over, why are the guests coming now?"

The man with a sallow complexion greeted Yu Lie enthusiastically: "We have new guests coming, please serve the dishes!"

"It's foggy and it's hard to find the way." Yu Lie held his hands toward the two of them and said apologetically, "I'm late."

The old man said: "Not too late, there will be more tomorrow. But now there are only some fruits."

After finishing speaking, someone came from behind the podium, took out a tray, and delivered it to Yu Lie.

The person holding the plate said in a trembling voice: "Taoist Priest! Use it slowly..."

The tray is painted with red paint, which is festive. The wine and food above were also fragrant, immediately snatching away the rest of the list from the stench of sweat.

Yu Lie lowered his head and saw the colorful and colorful fruits on the plate, which was extremely pleasing to the eye. He thanked me happily:

"Excuse me."

The three people at the table started talking happily over wine. Yu Lie drank a few glasses of wine, and his face became paler as he ate. But not long after, just as the old man with the goatee said, the cocktail party was about to end.

No one added fuel to the bonfire in front of the pulpit, and it soon dimmed.

The well-dressed old man on the podium also stopped talking and was picking his teeth slowly.

The two people at the same table poked Yu Lie and whispered: "Look, the tiger is looking at you. You came to have a drink today. Did you bring any gifts?"

Yu Lie looked up and found that the well-dressed old man was indeed looking at him. The other party flicked his robe, shook his head, and said in a garbled voice:

"Have friends come from afar!"

Yu Lie paused, thinking to himself that no matter in the past life or in this life, you really have to follow the party when eating banquets. Should he come here rashly today, or would it be better to just give him a courtesy?

Seeing that the host was also greeting his own, Yu Lie nodded and said happily: "Of course! Since it is a tiger holding a banquet, it is natural for me to have a congratulatory gift."

After saying this, Yu Lie stood up. His face was as white as a paper man, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

In the crowd, big and small eyes stared at Yu Lie.

Yu Lie turned a blind eye and said loudly: "The sky is dark. There is wine and food today, how can there be no moon? It will lose the taste."

He took out a piece of white paper from his sleeve, neatly folded it into a semicircle, and threw it into the air.


The white paper flew up into the air, hung motionless, and turned into half a large white plate on the spot, shining brightly and scattering countless silver lights.

Drenched in the moonlight, Yu Lie completely turned into a paper man. His facial features were dotted with red paint, he stood tall and tall, and he held his hands towards the well-dressed old man on the podium:

"Please use the moonlight to decorate the appearance of the tiger as a congratulatory gift."

The well-dressed old man on the platform froze,

laugh it out.

But as soon as Yu Lie finished speaking, the sound of dishes being turned over and bowls being dropped was heard all around, making it extremely noisy.

The reception was in a daze for a moment.


There was a sheep's cry in front of Yu Lie. He turned around and saw that his tablemate was not a human being.

An old sheep put its hooves on the table, its beard was bloody, and it was chewing a large piece of muscle in its mouth. It looked at Yu Lie with its square pupils.

On the other side, there was a weasel standing on the table. After Yu Lie glanced at it, it jumped off the table and disappeared.

The scene in Yu Lie's eyes completely changed.

Although the table is colorful, there are no fruits at all. They are all loquat-like kidneys, mulberry-colored human gallbladders, peach-sized hearts...hearts, livers, spleens, lungs and kidneys.

What filled Yu Lie's nose was not the smell of sweat or fruit, but waves of stinky, fishy smell.

There was no one on the ground, but chickens, ducks, cats and dogs were jumping up and down, foxes, cows and horses were shouting, and the "children" all had rabbit heads and mouse faces, rolling on the ground, chasing their red and white rock candy eyes.

The sheep bleated and the cows mooed, which made Yu Lie's ears feel strange.

He looked towards the pulpit one last time.

A devoured child's corpse was placed in front of the well-dressed old man. The bones were clear and there was no trace of flesh and blood on it. It looked slender and smooth under the moonlight.

The well-dressed old man also grew black hair all over his body, turning into two tall jackals, whose shadow could cover the entire pulpit.


The robed jackal also turned a blind eye to the changes in the scene. It raised its palms and screamed strangely, and said in a jerky voice: "Then guest, why haven't you started yet? But you don't like this tiger's bad food?"

It turned out that Yu Lie was just "chatting" with Lao Sheep and Weasel. He only took a few sips of wine and didn't take a bite of the food on the table.

Yu Lie looked at the dressed jackal, still calm. He knocked on the dinner plate in front of him and said helplessly:

"I also want to feast, but I am a human being. How can I get used to eating human livers and lungs?"

As soon as the voice fell, the chirping beasts all over the place stopped, and the place became eerily quiet.

The jackal on the stone platform heard this and nodded with reason.

Then he said cheerfully: "The visitor is a guest, but our cocktail party only serves meat and no vegetarian food. Let the guests present pick and choose and have a delicious meal."

When Yu Lie heard this, his face showed relief and joy, and he said: "I can't eat vegetarian food, I only eat meat."

The animals all over the place continued to be silent and motionless.

"But..." Yu Lie just glanced at the beasts, then stared directly at the jackal on the stage.

He also laughed,

Red lips and white teeth:

"Every bird or beast has no taste. Only the heart and liver of a tiger are worthy of being eaten!"

Opening a new book!

"The remaining warriors who have worked hard for three generations must not perish in the middle!"

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