Chapter 49: Screams and extreme despair

Not long after Zhixin finished speaking

A researcher in a white coat entered the garden and interrupted the conversation between the three angels.

“Sorry to bother you beautiful ladies, but we have a mission now.”

“As the only mobile task force currently, please leave immediately.”

The researcher who came in put his hands in his pockets and stood in front of the three angels.

He spoke in a humble tone.

Hearing this, the three angels looked at each other.

“The mission…is really here!”



Just when Yan, Zhixin, and Leng were called to the meeting room

The scene on the sky continues

Eligore and the rest of the people in the Iron Forest all stared with wide eyes.

Watching the figure reappear

Disbelief filled everyone’s face.


It’s really incomprehensible and weird!

It sent chills down the spine of everyone present!

“this this this……”Some people haven’t had time to finish their words.

Then I heard SCP-096’s shrill scream again.

Then, 096 rose up again

Rushing madly towards the member of the Iron Forest who just spoke

“Damn it! It happens again!!!”

In an instant, the rest of the Iron Forest members began to flee.

That look, I wish I had two more legs

SCP-096, however, temporarily ignored the other fleeing figures, and rushed directly to the Iron Forest member who had just made the sound with a clear goal in mind.

Without the slightest hesitation, 096 pounced on it again like a hungry tiger.

The ferocious big mouth bit his neck tightly

It also bit off the aorta, and blood spurted out like a fountain.

“Help…help me…Brother Eligore……”

The extremely weak wailing and cries for help can be heard by everyone

Eligore was also anxious.

The magic power in the body continues to surge out

As he flipped his hands, a huge blue magic circle unfolded in front of Eligore.

“Damn you monster, try this!”

“Use my strongest magic”

The winds from all around began to gather towards Eligore.

“Tear everything apart! Wind magic, emerald green speed!”

Instantly, the huge magic circle that appeared in front of Eligore began to replicate two, three, and four identical huge magic circles.

Right in front of Eligore, entangled with each other, surrounding

“Emerald Xun?!”Kageyama turned around in shock and looked at Eligore behind him.

“Brother Eligore, you can’t use that magic, otherwise, even Abin will be torn to pieces!”

“He is beyond saving!” Eligore roared

“It would be better if I could help him get rid of it.”

As soon as Eligoer finished speaking, a strong hurricane rushed out.

SCP-096 and the man called Abin were encased in it.

In fact, the scope was so large that it even covered two innocent guys.

With screams of terror, the two unlucky guys were caught alive in the storm magic that was powerful enough to tear everything apart. boom————!!!

In an instant, the entire front of the train was completely torn apart by the storm.

The aftermath of the terror even stunned the people who were fleeing in the first-class compartment.

“Damn, do you still dare to watch it?”

“This is not 096. If he is not dead, and you see him, won’t we die too?”

Someone yelled angrily

Some people don’t even dare to look at it, and want to escape from here without looking back.

Erza and Gray, who were swimming upstream, had managed to squeeze out of the crowd.

However, the fierce wind blew up a huge cloud of dust, which completely blocked their vision.

“What’s going on?”

Gray immediately placed his hands on the ground, and the magic power in his body turned into a chilling cold air.

A huge ice wall was instantly created in front of the two people.

Resisting the strong wind and the dust and debris mixed in the wind

“The strength of this magic is Eligore!”

Erza frowned.

“Damn it, I can’t see anything at all!” Gray couldn’t help but complain.

“Don’t act rashly! That SCP-096 definitely won’t die that easily.” Erza said in a deep voice

Then he looked towards the sky:

“Let’s see the situation first. If we look at it rashly, we will all become the target of that monster.”

“That’s right.” It seems that he has thought of something.

Erza looked at Gray and said,”Can you create an ice wall that blocks the view of the rear carriage and the battlefield in front of us?”

Hearing Erza’s words, Gray looked around.

This is a wild valley.

Just open up a path in the middle that is big enough for the railroad to pass through.

The current battle situation is that the first-class cabin at the front of the train where Tetsu no Mori and others are sitting has become the battlefield.

He and Erza ran from the rear of the train to the second carriage.

But the strong wind ahead blocked my view.

If you want to completely block the view of the people running away from behind,

He must use his ice shaping magic to create a huge ice wall that can connect the two sides of the valley.

And it must be an extremely blurry, opaque ice wall.

However, this did not bother Gray.

Gray’s ice is actually blue due to magic.

If you inject more magic power, you can deepen the blue color to block the line of sight.

Thinking of this, Gray nodded without any hesitation.

“Okay, then act quickly, it will be more dangerous once the dust dissipates.”



As Gray and Erza were taking action in the back

On the front of the battlefield, Eligore also saw clearly the place that was bombarded by his magic.

There seems to be no trace of SCP-096 anywhere.

Even his three companions were torn apart completely.

The scene finally quieted down.

Fatty Karaka breathed a sigh of relief and came out from behind the rock where he had been hiding from the beginning.

He said:”As expected of you, Brother Eligore. This time, there is not even a corpse left of the monster. It should be impossible for it to appear again… Ugh!!!”

Karaka’s pace stopped.

He lowered his head in disbelief and looked at his abdomen.

Where, a pale, slender hand had pierced through

Blood dripped from the wound onto the ground

He turned his head with difficulty

What comes into view is the terrifying face of SCP-096 that has been restarted again.

And that huge open mouth


The giant mouth fell without any mercy

The shrill screams resounded throughout the sky!

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