The six kidnappers looked at "Wei Ming" on the ground, and then at Wei Ming who was walking over, all of them were confused.

No, are you twins? How come there are two of you?

On the contrary, Ye Hong calmed down immediately and narrowed his eyes: "Superpower! This is your superpower!"

To be favored by Jin Xuyan, this man should not be an ordinary person. Now Wei Ming has shown his magical means, which did not surprise Ye Hong.

He is really capable.

But which of these rich second-generation, even third-generation, and fourth-generation people is not an evolver?

He is also a level 5 evolver, and he has also undergone special training. He has a high degree of development of superpowers and extremely strong combat power.

He is also a level 5 evolver. If they really fight, he can kill Jin Xuyan with one hand.

Wei Ming is about the same age as him, so he is at most a level 5 evolver, and he is confident that his combat power is absolutely top-notch at this level.

Besides, no matter how useless these six guys are, they are at least evolvers and can always help.

He looked at Wei Ming proudly: "You are so brave that you dare to touch my woman!"

"How do you think I should kill you?"

"First castrate you, and then find 100 pigs to fuck you to death?"

"Well, this idea seems good."

Ye Hong clapped his hands, and a cruel look appeared on his face.

If you dare to sleep with my future wife, I will castrate you and let you taste the taste of being exploded.

Wei Ming didn't care at all, but looked around and said lightly: "You have done a lot of bad things here, right? I can still smell a faint smell of blood."

In theory, under such high temperature, the bloodstains would have dried up long ago, and it would be impossible to smell the smell, but if there was too much blood and many people died, the smell of blood would be so much that even the high temperature could not evaporate it?

Wei Ming looked at Ye Hong again and shook his head: "You alone should not be able to do so many evil things, so this is where your Jin family did bad things?"

Guessed right.

Ye Hong was not panicked at all: "So what if you guessed it? Your fate will be bound here forever with the wronged souls here!"

Wei Ming laughed: "How come you sound like a ghost movie? Forget it, I'd better kill you first, and then go find your family."

"Heh, you are so arrogant!" Ye Hong sneered, and rushed towards Wei Ming.

Very fast!

But he is not a physical type, but a speed type!

How fast can a level 5 speed type be?

Close to the speed of sound.

But the next moment, Ye Hong's figure reappeared - his neck was pinched by Wei Ming, and Wei Ming looked very thin, but his strength was surprisingly great. He lifted Ye Hong up with one hand. Although he struggled desperately, it was completely useless.

Ye Hong was so surprised that his eyes almost popped out.

He was actually powerless in front of Wei Ming!

How could this be?

He joined a circle of top second-generation rich people, all of whom were evolvers. They often sparred with each other and would spend money to find evolvers of matching levels for training. Each of them had very strong combat power and was definitely not a flashy pillow.

But he couldn't even make a move in front of Wei Ming!

He couldn't believe it, and was even more shocked.

The gap was too big.

"Friend, let's talk it over." He immediately changed his attitude.

As a top second-generation rich person, he knew the principle of being able to bend and stretch - he could only stretch but not bend, and he would have exploded due to excessive blood congestion.

Save your life first, and talk about the rest later.

"I was blind and shouldn't have offended you! Please let me go, I will never trouble you again in the future, of course, I will also pay a large sum of money, guaranteeing that you will be satisfied!"

Ye Hong lowered his posture to the lowest level.

Wei Ming looked at Ye Hong with a smile and shook his head: "But I just want to kill you!"

Ye Hong cried: "Friend, I am still young and ignorant, please let me go!"


With a crisp sound, Ye Hong's neck was broken at an incredible angle. Unless he had a special ability in bone, he would definitely die.

His face was still filled with strong shock, as if he didn't want to believe that he was dead.

He was the third son of the Ye family, and a life of luxury was waiting for him!

If he had known earlier, he would never have thought of taking advantage of Jin Xuyan.

—— No power, no power. Anyway, he could get a large inheritance, which was definitely enough for the rest of his life, and he could live a life of luxury every day.

Wei Ming looked at the six kidnappers again. All six of them were trembling and looked extremely ugly.

They really hit a wall this time!

Who would have thought that just doing something for the Ye family as usual would actually lead to a fatal disaster!

"Sir, we are just following orders. The feud between you and the Ye family has nothing to do with us!"

"Yes, yes, please forgive us."

Wei Ming laughed: "You feel wronged, but you have no grudges against me. We are just following orders. To use an outdated foreigner's words, this is just business?"

"Yes, yes, yes." The six people nodded quickly.

Wei Ming still smiled: "You are indeed following orders, but you also earned the rewards you deserve! Moreover, if I didn't have some skills, I don't know how miserable I am now. Isn't it because you tied me here that I am like this?"

"You should have earned a lot of money against your conscience over the years. How many people have died indirectly at your hands?"

"It's not appropriate to act innocent and pitiful here."

Hearing this, the six people turned pale.

Obviously, this man was not going to let them go.

They looked at each other, and suddenly turned around and ran.

Six people, divided into six different directions.

This is because they knew that Wei Ming was only one person, and they could only chase one person at a time.

——The unlucky guy chosen by Wei Ming was definitely dead, but when Wei Ming chased this unlucky guy, he gave others a chance to escape.

As for whether I was the unlucky guy...I could only take a gamble.

The six people ran separately, and then they were all happy.

Wei Ming didn't chase me!


Seeing that they were about to run out of the factory, but taking another step, they only felt that their eyes were blurred, and the person standing in front of them was Wei Ming!

How could it be possible!

I was clearly running away from him.

The six people were horrified.

Wei Ming smiled: "Keep running."

Although the six people were terrified beyond words, it was a matter of life and death, and they had to grab even a straw to save their lives, so the six people ran again.

Use all your strength!

Get away from this scary man!

But when they were about to rush out of the factory, it was still the same. The eyes blurred, and what appeared in front of them was not the free sky, but the scary man.

It's over!

They were desperate. Wei Ming was just playing tricks on them.

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