Level 5 Evolvers, especially those of the physical type, have absolutely excellent physical fitness, comparable to refined gold. Even if they are bombarded by a missile, they may not die.

However, under the bombardment of the other two Level 5 Evolvers, it was enough to kill the old Russian very quickly.

In less than ten minutes, the body of the old Russian Level 5 Evolver cracked and exploded, and he was beaten to death.

The two black guys immediately scrambled for the old Russian's body.

To be precise, it was his head.

——The essence of the evolver is in the head, and eating its brain can maximize the energy of the target.

Under the horrified eyes of the crowd, the two black guys ate the old Russian's brain clean, and there was blood and white brain flowers around their mouths, but neither of them had the intention to wipe it off, but looked at the remaining European and Russian coalition forces.

This sight scared the white people so much that their hearts were broken.

It was too scary.

If you are killed by these black ghosts, you can't even leave a whole body, but will be eaten alive!

Some people were so scared that they screamed in fear.

Run! Run! Run!

This was their only thought. Everyone hated their parents for not giving them a few more legs. They all ran away desperately.


The black guys screamed like wild animals and scattered, chasing after the deserters.

Wei Ming was very leisurely. He even had time to check on the two level 5 evolvers.

After eating the old Russians, their cells quickly began to strengthen, but the speed was not fast.

Wei Ming nodded. Eating evolvers can indeed improve, but the efficiency of this improvement is far worse than Xu Mei's devouring ability.

If Xu Mei's absorption efficiency is 100, then eating raw can only be 10, or even single digits.

However, the advantage of eating evolvers directly is that it is not limited by the evolutionary level of itself and the target.

Unlike Xu Mei, she is level 4, so she can only devour level 4 evolvers, not level 3 or level 5, which is extremely limited.

Wei Ming ignored the two black guys and chased after the old Russian in the robe.

This old Russian had a strong auxiliary ability, so Wei Ming decided to keep her.

Unfortunately, she was not a beauty, otherwise she would have been taken directly to the shelter.

Wei Ming secretly said it was a pity.

The coalition forces scattered and fled, and the black guys also scattered and chased.

The auxiliary type old Russian should be protected at ordinary times, but now everyone is only concerned about their own lives, who will pay attention to him?

So, this old Russian ran alone.

He is an auxiliary type, and his own combat power is very low. His physical fitness is comparable to that of a level 1 physical type, and at most level 2, after all, the level of level 4 is there.

But the one chasing him is a level 3 physical type!

Level 3 chasing level 4 to kill, this sounds like a joke, but the old Russian couldn't laugh at all, and was even more terrified.

He was a pure auxiliary type, without even a single offensive skill, only the power boost from evolution, which could only be used to fight against level 2 physical types at most, and of course he would be defeated if he encountered a level 3 one.

This terrified him.

But was there another ally around?


Even if there was, who would stop to save him now?

He didn't want to die, especially not to be killed and eaten - the most terrifying thing was that maybe he wasn't dead yet, and this big black guy would open his head and open his smelly mouth to eat his brain.

Then he would rather commit suicide!

What made him desperate was that Blackie had already caught up!

It was over.

Is it too late for him to commit suicide now?

At this moment, he felt a flash in front of his eyes, and there was actually another person in front of him!

It wasn't Blackie, but... Although this person had his back to him, he had black hair, a thin body, and although his skin was not black, it was not as pale as that of white people - an Asian!


A glimmer of hope rose in his heart. Could it be that China sent reinforcements?

That would be great.

His only hope now is that China takes it seriously enough and the people sent are strong enough, otherwise they will just be sent food.

Seeing Wei Ming suddenly appear, Hei Ge stopped abruptly.

Although Hei Ge's IQ is not particularly high, his fighting instinct is very strong. He is as careful and cautious as a beast, because when hunting, he may change from the role of hunter to prey at any time!

This Oriental man appeared too abruptly, he didn't even see where the other party came from!

He talked to Wei Ming in a gibberish, but Wei Ming didn't understand a word.

—— Scarlett couldn't translate it either, this is simply the dialect of the African tribe.

Wei Ming dug his ears and smiled: "I don't understand what you said, so, I will take the people away, and you will turn around and leave, and neither of us will fight each other, OK?"

Of course, Hei Ge didn't understand it either, and he still gestured with his famous hands while talking.

Wei Ming still kept smiling: "Since you don't object, then we have reached an agreement happily."

That's it, he picked up the old Russian.

——With only a level 2 physical combat power, he was like a lamb in front of him, with no resistance.

Seeing that Wei Ming was about to take people away, Hei Ge couldn't help it.

Eating Evolved Ones can improve strength, and the more primitive the social structure, the more humans worship and desire for powerful strength, so how could Hei Ge let go of the meat in his hands?

He was just wary of Wei Ming, not afraid.

——If he encountered a strong competitor while hunting, he would share the prey with his competitor in order to avoid getting hurt. But now it was not a question of sharing, but that the competitor wanted to take the prey for himself.

This was unacceptable to him.

The next moment, he rushed towards Wei Ming.

"Be careful!"

Because Wei Ming turned away, of course he had his back to Heige, but the old Maozi was pinched by Wei Ming's neck, so he could see clearly and hurriedly reminded Wei Ming, regardless of whether Wei Ming could understand Maozi's language.


But the speed of the level 3 physical training type was so fast that before the old Maozi finished speaking, Heige's fist had already hit the back of Wei Ming's head.


The old Maozi showed despair again, even a little resentful.

What's wrong with this Oriental man?

Are you stupid?

Facing the enemy, you actually exposed your back?

Just when he thought he was going to die, Wei Ming turned around, stretched out his hand, and easily grabbed Lao Hei's fist.


So fierce!

The other person's fist has already hit the back of your head, and you still have time to turn around, attack, and then grab the attacker's hand?

Hiss, how big is the difference in strength to do this?

Wei Ming sighed and said in a blaming tone: "Didn't we agree that you go your way and I go mine? How could you sneak attack me from behind when I wasn't paying attention? If I wasn't strong enough, I would have been beaten to death by you?"

Unfortunately, the coquettish eyes were made for the blind, and Brother Hei didn't understand.

Wei Ming pouted and forced himself to add some drama, but no one supported him.


He punched casually, bang, Lao Hei was knocked out by him, and the man disintegrated in mid-air.


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