"No, what are you going to do!" Jin Shanying screamed in horror.

She was used to being high and mighty, and she didn't treat ordinary people as human beings at all. This was the case before the end of the world, and it was the same after she gained super powers after the end of the world.

It seemed that God had always favored her.

She was beautiful and had a hot body. When she went to nightclubs before, men's eyes would fall on her. Didn't she know what they were planning?

It's just that she was born in a noble family, so others can only think about it and can't do anything at all!

You know, she was always followed by bodyguards when she went in and out.

But what about now?

Is her noble status still useful?

Are there still bodyguards to protect her?

Wei Ming laughed: "This is the first time I heard someone compare himself to 'something'."

He was obviously using a stalk, and Jin Shanying only knew how to speak Chinese, so naturally she needed to go around to understand.

She was angry and afraid.

Wei Ming actually called herself something like an object, which naturally made her furious, but the problem was that the focus was on the word "do".

"No, you can't treat women like this!" she screamed.

"You don't have such power!"


She even blurted out an English sentence at the end.

Wei Ming's English level is not high, but he is still very familiar with the catchphrase of the environmental protection girl. He couldn't help laughing. He ignored her and carried Jin Shanying and Natasha on his shoulders and strode towards a room.

Of course, it was the top. This is a VIP suite with a large room and a large bed.

Where is Cheng Xiu'e?

She was ignored.

She couldn't help but clench her fists, full of anger.

I am not good-looking, but I didn't even get a chance to do this?

Indeed, she is not good-looking, Wei Ming will not attack her at all. In addition, she didn't attack him, so Wei Ming was too lazy to be a righteous warrior.

To put it another way, if this woman died, the people on the ship would definitely be finished.

So, after he leaves, how you guys are going to get along is your own business, I don't bother to care.

On his shoulders, Jin Shanying and Natasha kept kicking their legs and hitting Wei Ming with their fists, but Wei Ming just treated it as a massage and didn't bother to pay attention.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, he carried the two women away.

After entering the room, he kicked the door and closed it, and then took out a lot of ice from the alien space.

This was certainly not prepared for Jin Shanying and the two women, but for himself.

After all, the amount of exercise was large, and it must be tiring and hot. How could he not do a good job of cooling down?

Seeing this scene, Jin Shanying and Natasha were speechless because of the strong shock.

Where did these ice cubes come from?

It was as if they appeared out of thin air!

Hiss, what's wrong with this man?

"Where did the ice cubes come from?" Natasha breathed in the cold air greedily. Because she was only wearing a bikini, her exposed skin even had goose bumps because of the cold, but she couldn't hide her excitement.

"Do you have a space warehouse?" Jin Shanying said, also with excitement, "If you share the materials in the warehouse with us, I can consider letting you be my lover."

"Me too!" Natasha also said.

Although Cheng Xiu'e's ability is to make food, and there is a certain amount of water in the food, which can meet their survival needs, it can only survive, and there is no enjoyment at all. Moreover, eating jelly-like things every day has long made them tired.

Even if they can drink some fresh water every day, it is a great satisfaction for them.

What's more, this is not only fresh water, but also ice!

In such a high temperature, what is more luxurious than ice?

Wei Ming looked at them indifferently: "You are only worthy of me playing with you, and you want to be my woman-no, you actually want me to be your lover, haha, what, I really let you follow me, you still want to hook up with other men?"

"Of course, we have the freedom to pursue sex!" Jin Shanying said immediately.

This is not called freedom, it's fucking promiscuity.

Which good girl will have countless lovers?

Seeing that Wei Ming was not moved at all, and even had a bit of disgust on his face, Natasha finally realized that something was wrong and said, "We are wrong. If you want to leave, go ahead. We will not stop you anymore!"

She admitted her fear, but Jin Shanying did not. She still said with a stiff neck, "Do you know who I am? I am the princess of the Korean Jin family, with a net worth of hundreds of billions. People like you used to be my dog ​​and depend on my mood. Now I let you be my lover, and you are still not satisfied?"

Is this woman an idiot?

It is now the fourth month of the apocalypse!

That's right, she quickly acquired supernatural powers after the apocalypse, and has always been a superior person. She has not been beaten by cruel facts, otherwise she would not use her former wealth as capital.

Forget it, why waste time talking to them?

Seeing Wei Ming eager to try, Natasha was frightened and said quickly: "I can tell you a secret! We once passed an island, but before we got close, a huge rock hit us and smashed our boat."

"I have good eyesight and saw from a distance that it was a huge gorilla that threw the rock at us."

"If you let us go, I will tell you the location of the island."

Hey, no wonder he saw a hole in the cruise ship.

Wei Ming smiled: "Just this piece of news can offset your evil deeds against me? You want to kill me, haha, is my life only worth this piece of news?"

"Perform well. If I am satisfied, you can live."

"Otherwise, hum!"


Two hours later, Wei Ming walked out of the room with ease. He left without saying hello to anyone.

Where are Jin Shanying and the other girl?

Since he was very satisfied, of course he didn't kill them.

"The island is nearby. Do you want to take a look?"

"Forget it. The target this time is the island country. I have recorded the coordinates here. I can come here anytime in the future."

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, he continued to teleport and headed towards the direction of the island country.

I said I would appear on the land of the island country today. How could I break my promise?

After half an hour, he stopped to rest again.

But after this rest, he walked for more than ten minutes and went ashore.

He took out the satellite phone, got the longitude and latitude, and checked the map. It turned out that he had arrived in Changqi.

Changqi, finally arrived at the island country!

Hehe, little devils, your biggest nightmare is coming!

Wei Ming still had an impression of Changqi. After all, it was a city that had been baptized by mushroom bombs. He walked casually and unknowingly came to a port.

Is this a... military base?

Wei Ming immediately realized that this was Lao Mei's.

I wonder if all these Lao Mei soldiers have died.

He couldn't help but walk towards the base out of curiosity.

The entire base was surrounded by barbed wire. It must have high voltage electricity at ordinary times. It should be out of power now. However, the electricity was gone, but the barbed wire was hung with shriveled human heads, which could be vaguely identified as Japanese people.

Lao Mei and the Japanese devils still looked very different.

Is this a deterrent?

Scare the Japanese devils and prevent them from entering?

Bang bang bang!

Gunshots were heard in the base.

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