Wei Mingzi swept over with a spatial radar.

He covered the area of ​​​​the auction house with a height of only about 2 meters. Of course, he was very economical with his powers. He could even recover them as soon as he consumed them, so there was no need to worry about them being exhausted.


Wei Ming was slightly surprised. Although this Lei Hao looked like a muscular man and seemed to be a taijutsu type, the cells in his body were arranged in a completely different way.

This is a whole new type of evolver.

Character template records.

Wei Ming smiled slightly. Since Lei Hao is the boss here, he should theoretically be the strongest person in the Guangxing Society. Then, he has obtained the template for the strongest character and has completed more than half of his mission this time.

In addition, I also got an evolution stone, tsk tsk, and the task was exceeded.

Of course, Lei Hao was the only one who introduced his identity, but several people around him were obviously evolutionaries, all of them physical skills, and their strength was slightly inferior to Zhao Guofu. This kind of thing is trivial. Wei Ming said that Zhao Guofu As a character template, you can create 10 or 100 temporary evolvers, and all of them will be stronger than them.

"I've kept everyone waiting." Lei Hao said with a smile, "Yesterday, we took over a rich area, a truly rich area. Every resident in it has assets worth billions, and these bastards actually still... There is food and water, what the heck, why can they still have such enjoyment when we are starving and dying of thirst?”

"Of course I won't be polite to them. I killed a bunch of them first and then brought all the young and beautiful people over."

"Hehe, there are not only beauties, but also handsome guys. Even if a guy has any special hobbies, we can satisfy them!"

"No more nonsense."


A group of people were pushed up.

Why is it called "string"?

Because everyone's hands were tied and strung together, like a centipede.

However, this group of people are all women, ranging in age from 18 to over 30, but they have obviously not washed for a long time, their hair is inevitably greasy, their faces are dirty, and they have a bad smell.

On the contrary, Lei Hao and other evolvers have kept their faces clean enough to lose the title of stinky man.

Wei Ming was surprised. He was so virtuous, who could do it?

No, it would be difficult to tell what it originally looked like. After all, not everyone has a space radar.

"Haha, are you thinking, how can you tell what they look like?" Lei Hao laughed and said, "Don't worry, our Guangxing Association will not deceive others. Here, this is a daily life photo taken from their mobile phone. I You can guarantee that beauty will never be turned on.”

After that, 17 photos appeared on the big screen behind him, marked with numbers, corresponding to each woman being auctioned.

Wei Ming sighed secretly in his heart.

Human society is really about to collapse. More than a month ago it was civilized and peaceful, but what about now?

Everyone can be sold!

If you don't have the strength, you can only let the mermaid be your prey!

There are several women here who are really good-looking, with a score of 85 or above, and they are naked, allowing buyers to clearly see every detail of their bodies.

Lei Hao said with a smile: "The starting price for each woman is 100 star coins, and each time the price increases, it will not be less than 5 star coins. If you are interested in any one, just report the number and amount directly. We have people here to keep statistics."

He pointed at a group of young men, each holding paper and pen. As soon as the auction started, they would record the bidding status of the corresponding "auction item".

"Now, let's get started."

100 star coins can be equivalent to 100 days of food and drink. This is a lot of wealth. And as time goes by, the supplies become less and less used. Of course, they will only become more and more rare. Therefore, you have to spend 100 star coins to buy them. A woman, no matter how good-looking she is, still makes people hesitate.

Seeing that everyone was hesitating and observing, Lei Hao smiled and said, "Don't think it's expensive. After you buy these women and get tired of playing with them, you can throw them away and sell them. You can still make some money, even if you can't sell them anymore, then The whole body of meat can still be used for eating.”

Hearing this, the 17 women trembled with indescribable fear.

"100!" Someone bid, "I want No. 3."

"100, No. 8." Someone else bid.

Wei Ming did not make a bid, but just watched indifferently.

In the apocalypse, people have indeed become commodities.

"105, No. 8."

"110, No. 8."

"115, No. 8."


Hey, is this number 8 so popular?

Wei Ming looked at woman No. 8. She was a tall young girl. Even if she was dirty, she could not hide her sexy charm. She had a round waist and round buttocks and white skin. She was really good. And from the photo, her The appearance is also good enough to score 88 points, which is almost reaching the top standard.

However, Wei Ming immediately showed a strange expression.

Because judging from the feedback from the space radar, this beauty is "dirty", not visually, but because she is sick.

No one knows how to use a condom these days. Under unprotected contact, whoever plays with it will get tricked.

Will an evolved person suffer from a disease that starts with A?

Wei Ming didn't know, after all, how long had it been since the Evolvers came out?

It's fun.

This No. 8 was finally sold for 205 star coins and was taken by an evolver called "Lu Ge". He was very aggressive. After paying the money, he directly pushed No. 8 to the ground and said with a smile: "I'll try and see if it's worth the money!"

Wei Ming was bored.

The most beautiful of these women was only No. 8. She didn't meet the top standard and was sick. Of course, he was completely uninterested. He decided to go upstairs to take a look, at least to take a look.

Since he was here.

Wei Ming got up and left the auction room and Guangxing Club, but after walking a distance, he came back, but he didn't go to the main entrance, but to a corner, teleported, and whoosh, he entered Guangxing Club, and it was still the second floor.


He went up a few floors, and then kept using the space radar. Whenever an evolver appeared, he would record his character template.

When he came to the 9th floor, he used the space radar again and mastered the situation of the remaining 9 floors.


Wei Ming found a new evolver on the top floor, a completely new type, but this evolver was just a little girl, five years old at most, sleeping.

Such a young evolver!

Wei Ming was a little surprised. The evolvers he had met before were all adults. Now he was surprised to see such a young evolver.

Okay, we have the information, let's retreat.

Wei Ming left quietly again, leaving quietly under the cover of night.


An hour after he left, a group of 12 people entered Guangxinghui. If Wei Ming was still here, he would find that they were all evolvers after scanning with the space radar!

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