The short-haired beauty looked at Wei Ming, her eyes flashing. Just when Wei Ming thought she was planning to overpower the local snake and turned against him, she smiled and said, "You should be considered a talkative person here, right?"

Wei Ming nodded: "Absolutely."

The short-haired beauty said: "Let's find a quieter place to talk."

Wei Ming smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid that I will eat you?"

"Only you?" The short-haired beauty showed a look of disdain.

Haha, I really want to eat you up and see if you can still have this arrogance.

Wei Ming took her to the fourth floor, where it was extremely quiet.

The short-haired beauty sat down carelessly, looking quite rogue, as if she was the master here.

She took out a toothpick from nowhere, bit it in her mouth and said, "My name is Ke Jiaojiao. I live in Jinghuayuan. A few days ago, our bosses made an agreement with Ouyang Long that he would take out the toothpick." Give us 50% of the shares of Dragon King Palace.”

She paused for a moment, as if to give Wei Ming a chance to digest, before continuing: "Now that Ouyang Long has been killed by you, we can only ask for 50% of our shares from you."

Wei Ming laughed.

Ouyang Long is dead, you can just say that he gave you the Dragon King Palace!

"What does Ouyang Long's promise to you have to do with me?" he said lightly.

Ke Jiaojiao was not angry, but said: "Ouyang Long is not a good person, but he even agreed to our request. Don't you want to know the reason?"

Wei Ming shrugged: "It's just that you guys are better. Ouyang Long was afraid that he wouldn't be able to beat you, or that he would lose both sides, so he let you guys get a share of the pie."

"That's pretty much it." Ke Jiaojiao nodded, "So, do you plan to become our enemy?"

Before Ke Jiaojiao could answer, she looked at Yu Chutong and said, "If you give her to me, I don't even need my share of the stock - according to the agreement, I can get 10%, which saves you money all of a sudden. So much, this gift is big enough.”

Wei Ming clicked his tongue: "You are so generous when you give me my things as gifts!"

He changed his subject and said, "I can give you another idea, and you can become my common-room girl from now on."

Although Yu Chutong's face turned red and she glared at her, Ke Jiaojiao was so angry that her chest almost exploded!

With a fierce look in her eyes, she suddenly flicked the toothpick, and wow, it shot towards Wei Ming, and as it flew out, the toothpick suddenly burned.

However, the toothpick flew less than 1 meter before it mysteriously disappeared.

Wei Ming clicked his tongue, is this woman's evolutionary direction to use flames?

Phew, he flew out and punched Ke Jiaojiao's abdomen.

Ke Jiaojiao was naturally shocked when she saw "Rocket" disappear. The most important thing was that this method was so weird that it made her scalp numb.

But she obviously had quite a lot of combat experience. She immediately let out a light scolding, and her whole body was ignited with flames, turning into a flaming beauty. What was even more strange was that her tube top and hot pants were not burned by the flames. .

Then, a look of provocation appeared on her face.

Come on!

The flames she releases can reach a temperature of a thousand degrees. If you rush up to her, you are guaranteed to be cremated on the spot!


Wei Ming smiled, the door to space opened, and a large amount of water spurted out.


The water rushed over Ke Jiaojiao's body and was immediately vaporized by the high temperature. However, with the continuous "tide" spurting out, the burning flames on Ke Jiaojiao's body were also extinguished.

This moment made Ke Jiaojiao confused. How did Wei Ming conjure so much water?

The water now is the source of life, how precious it is, and you actually use it to water me?

Should I feel honored?

The next moment, she quickly tried to reactivate her abilities, but Wei Ming had already arrived and punched her in the abdomen.

"Uh-" She doubled over in pain and almost vomited out all her entrails and lungs. People couldn't help but retreat, and then she disappeared.

Entered the door of space.

Wei Ming smiled slightly. He had already memorized Ke Jiaojiao's character template. This was actually very simple. Just place a replica in a different space. Now, he would reshape Ke Jiaojiao.

The next moment, Ke Jiaojiao appeared again. It was really just a blink of an eye. Yu Chutong even felt that his eyes were dazzled before he saw Ke Jiaojiao seemed to "flash" for a moment.

Ke Jiaojiao staggered back, clutching her lower abdomen. The punch killed half of her life.

"You, you-" She looked at him in horror, full of fear.

No wonder Wei Ming was able to seize the Dragon King Palace, no wonder he dared to turn his back on him. All of this stemmed from this man's terrifying strength.

Among the bosses of the five alliances, she is one of the best in strength, but what about in front of Wei Ming?

He was almost killed instantly.

——She didn’t know that if Wei Ming wanted her to die, she would already be a corpse now.

So it's not like he was almost killed instantly, it was completely.

Wei Ming was extremely calm, as if he had just dusted him off. He said calmly: "How many of you bosses are there in total? What are your abilities? How many people do you have under your command?"

Ke Jiaojiao covered her belly while glaring at Wei Ming, but said nothing.

"Don't think that I won't kill you because you are a woman." Wei Ming said coldly.

Anyone who has his own ideas is the enemy. There is no distinction between men and women!

Ke Jiaojiao sneered and said reluctantly: "I told you, will you let me go?"

"No." Wei Ming shook his head. He had already used his spatial ability, so he naturally couldn't let Ke Jiaojiao go.

The other party must either die or surrender!

Wei Ming still wanted to update the flame template.

"Then why should I say it?" Ke Jiaojiao spitted, "At worst, we will die together!"

Wei Ming laughed: "Why do you want to die with me?"

Ke Jiaojiao was about to speak, but was shocked.

Her ability is gone!

How is it possible?

"What did you do to me?" She asked in a trembling voice.

"Nothing." Wei Ming said nonsense, "Your ability is fire, and my ability happens to invalidate the abilities of all evolvers! So, once my ability is activated, you are just an ordinary person!"

Ke Jiaojiao trembled even more.

Originally, she was not afraid of any serious injuries. She also had a trick, which was to turn into fire - not burning her body, but turning her whole body into a fire man, with a higher temperature, and in this state she was not afraid of even bullets!

This is also the reason why she dared to go to the meeting alone.

But now... her ability has disappeared.

For the first time, she was overwhelmed by intense fear.

But she immediately woke herself up.

Wei Ming had told her about his ability, so it was obviously impossible for him to let her go. Therefore, she had to grit her teeth to have a chance of survival. If she told it out, she would be doomed.

"I will never tell you!" She gritted her teeth.

"Well, then I have no choice but to torture you." Wei Ming said, "Let me think about it. Since you like women, you must hate men."

"Hehe, it just so happens that I am a man, and an extremely strong man."

"You are blessed!"

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