Extraordinary Sailing

Chapter 797: Planet naming: Herrag!

[Baoshichuan] After breaking through the stratosphere, it has reached an altitude of more than 50 kilometers above the ground.

A large-scale 【Magnetite】that can supply an entire city with full power.

Not only did the [Shigechuan Ship] completely cancel out the planet's gravity in the already extremely thin atmosphere, but it could also "swish" like a real squid and continue to accelerate.

The eight tentacles have almost completely disappeared, leaving only a long blue light tail.


Everyone in the bridge was pressed against the back of the seat by the strong acceleration.

It's just that among the space passengers present, even the weakest one possesses a second-order transcendent level.

Physical fitness is far beyond the limits of mortals, and stronger than any well-trained astronaut. For them, local pressure is no different from the breeze.

However, just shortly after they broke through the stratosphere.


A burst of bright light suddenly appeared in the projection screen inside the bridge, and the surface of the white hull could be clearly seen, suddenly covered with violent blue electric sparks.

"Report...to the captain!"

Immediately, a weak voice of the ship spirit "Jibo Chuan" rang in his ears.

"Just now we ran into a powerful magnetic field barrier. It violently conflicted with the ‘Magnetic Field of Life’ I released, but it will not affect normal navigation."

Alvin knew that what he had just hit was the invisible and innocent atmosphere "ionosphere."

This atmospheric structure is the main cause of the aurora, and long-distance radio communication is also realized by ionospheric refraction, which is not a spectacle.

Captain Olivia’s [True Sight Demon Eye] had already seen the essence of the episode, and nodded and said:

"Keep going!"


Soon [Baoshichuan] sparks and lightning broke through the ionosphere hundreds of kilometers thick, and has been rushing into outer space a thousand kilometers above the ground.

At this point, it does not continue to rise, but begins to continue to accelerate horizontally, until it reaches the planet's first cosmic speed, and moves tangentially around the planet like a satellite.

At this time, gravity and centrifugal force cancel each other out, and after leaving the seat, everyone can't help but float up.

The ship spirit "Jewel River" also turned the four walls of the bridge into a wide-angle image at the right time, and a group of people suddenly seemed to be floating directly in space, which caused a few exclaimed guys to exclaim again.

Especially the second disciple Calvin and the fifth disciple Bach, the two youngest.


[The Jewel River] is located in the atmospheric dissipative layer, and there are only sporadic air molecules left outside.

Not only is gravity extremely weak, but because of the loss of the protection of the atmosphere, the space is full of dangerous space radiation.

Even if a great wizard directly exposes it, it will definitely not last long.

Well, maybe it would be a little better to throw out the three most tenacious "native species" on the ship.

"Is this space? The sun is not yellow but pure white, and it is much smaller than it looks from the ground!"

More people looked in the direction they came from behind:

"Look, the planet we live in, Jiucheng is sea water, just like a water ball!"

"I saw the'Wall of the World'!"

"It turns out that you can't see anything behind the'Storm Belt' at the end of the world from here, and it's so dark that even light can't penetrate it."


Just as they waited and watched, a huge vortex suddenly began to move between the clouds over the Black Sea, which meant that another huge storm was rising on the sea.

The cumulonimbus on the west coast of the Old World slowly dissipated, which means that sunny days are coming.

Many astronomical phenomena that may not be able to accurately predict using prophecy are all plainly placed in front of them at this time.

The group of people couldn't help being dazzled, as if the whole world was in their hands. The wonderful feeling was really hard to describe.

Olivia, who was holding hands with Irving next to him, suddenly turned her head and asked him:

"By the way, Irving, you said...Are we the first people to come to space?"

"Well, if you simply infer, the basic medium of ordinary [flying] is still the air in the atmosphere, but elemental organisms are very likely to be unable to pass through the ionosphere hundreds of kilometers thick, let alone escape the rich and spiritual environment of life... "

At this point, Aiwen's eyes suddenly lit up.

If no one has come here in the "great nautical tide", does it mean that a huge wave of [world favors] is waiting for them to harvest? and...

"The planet we live on, hasn't it been its own name so far?!"

As soon as Ivan talked about this, everyone in the bridge couldn't help but look over.

They couldn't take care of the scenery anymore, and each one was short of breath from top to bottom, almost trembling with excitement.

It is only natural for adventurers to have naming rights after conquering unknown territories.

But they have only seen the naming of a continent, an island, a river, and a bay. They have never seen a planet named.

And it is a life planet that contains hundreds of millions of creatures, mountains, lakes and seas, forests and deserts, and it is their home planet!

Even in the mundane world, most ordinary people don't even know whether they live on a planet.

"What name do you want?"

Everyone couldn't help but put their gaze on Aiwen.

This kind of supreme honor for adventurers can of course only be given to the chief designer and chief engineer of [Shigechuan], even if this warship was a gift to Olivia from the very beginning.


At this time, everyone who was attentively prepared to witness this historic moment did not find anyone.

In the outer space of the universe, there are three meteorite-like spherical objects, which quietly slipped in the direction of the [Stone River] under the cover of the dark cosmic background.

"It's better to call it..."

Looking at the huge sea-blue planet, when a word was about to blurt out, Aiwen was slightly startled.

Suddenly, a very familiar and vast consciousness, before he could speak, used the [real name] of the great wizard to connect to the root, and sent a word into his heart.

After a slight start, he read it along the way:

"Just call it'Hrag'!"

"Lingwen pronunciation, great?"

The wizards who also felt that great will were thoughtful, but did not wait for them to comment on the name.


[Shigechuan] The hull shuddered suddenly, and the people floating on the bridge flew out in all directions.

"Alert! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

In the rapid warning sound of the ship's spirit, the projection in the bridge was quickly filled with a few huge monsters.

After the people stabilized their bodies, they looked up and exclaimed:

"What is this? There are also creatures living in space?!"

In their field of vision, three subjects appeared dark green, like giant flagellates with four long flagella.

However, the main part of the "flagworm" with a middle radius of about ten meters, is like a rubber holster filled with nuclear waste, and there is also a light spot-like eye that is constantly moving inside Biyingying's holster.

The four flagella, which are hundreds of meters long, are more like semi-transparent tentacles of light quality, and they achieve the effect of electromagnetic propulsion similar to the [Stone River] when they dance.

Moreover, it has both offensive capabilities, and it is colliding with the [Electromagnetic Confinement Armor] on the surface of the [Shigechuan] to produce large sparks.

"It's not as simple as a mere space creature! Hersie, enter the combat form, and the others return to their positions!"

As a biological expert, Ivan sees it more thoroughly than everyone else.

These bizarre "flagworms" also carry weird tumor-like growths and shriveled and degraded limbs, some of which resemble the style of painting abandoned by the world of the ancient gods.

After giving the order, Irvin did not panic despite his face condensed slightly.

Even if there is no active magic element here and he can't jump back to the surface directly, he can still put everyone in the [Witchcraft Garden] under the worst circumstances, and have a one-thousand-kilometer downhill.


Olivia agreed, lay back and her body had been engulfed in her seat, and she immediately entered the real core of this biological warship-an independent control room with clusters of artificial gems of various colors.


"Command! The'Jewel River' turns on the mechanical mind, activates the weapon system, unlocks the power core power, and enters the air combat mode!"

Olivia has quickly switched to the colorful [Jewelry Arms·Starry Sky Dream], and her graceful body in tights is wrapped in a semi-submerged cockpit.

The nutrient solution with buffering function fills the cockpit, completely submerging the girl from head to toe.

The blue light stream came out from under the pillow and connected to the back of the neck. The [Light and Magic Circuit] on the body was activated simultaneously, and the golden geometric stripes on the surface of the skin lit up one after another, extending all the way to the cheeks.

Next second.

The pupils in Olivia's twinkling sea-blue eyes suddenly dilated, and the spirit has been completely integrated with the [Stone River].

"Launch [Legendary Battleship Skill·Artificial Life Form]!"

"Yes! Your Captain!"

A voice that was so cold that there were no emotional fluctuations sounded, and there was no longer the cautious cringe that was at the beginning.


In a flash of electric light, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com and its tentacles, which reached 300 meters in length, quickly deformed.

It turned into a monster with a total length of nearly forty meters.

The upper body has graceful female physical signs, without face, only wearing a graceful white mask, the surface of the skin is shiny with porcelain-like white luster, and the arms are meniscus-like blades.

On the lower body are eight dancing tentacles.

Effect: Monster Girl Form/Singing Snake Form

It can be transformed into a female squid lady who is between two meters and forty meters in height or a singing snake with a length of one thousand meters.

The shape comes from the original "Singing Snake", the son of the sea god, behind which is covered with scaly gemstone clusters, like a long river flowing with gems.

The most important thing is that all the cutting-edge technologies in Aiwen's hands, as well as the magical and unpredictable legendary warship skills, have been real creations.

Today's [Shigechuan] is not only a battleship, but also a race of living creatures.

This means... it can keep reproducing!

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