Chapter 60 is a text, and he paints all the world!!!

Boundless starry sky.

The figure of the ruthless emperor is particularly small.

In front of her, there was a distant river of stars.

All the demons looked at her with anger in their eyes.

A demon emperor said angrily, “I’ve been withdrawing for so long, but you’re still holding on.” ”

Behind the demon emperor, countless demon races were all arrogant, and the monstrous demonic qi shocked the starry sky.

The ruthless emperor had anger in his eyes, and the treasure bottle on his head rolled up Xuan Qi.

The scene of the gods and demons crying appeared behind her.

The treasure bottle was even more alive, frantically devouring the surrounding breath.

“You guys…”

“Damn it!”

The ruthless emperor’s eyes were cold and powerful, and he urged the Xuan Qi around his body.

The dark light in his hand appeared.

“Immortal King?!”

A demon emperor said in shock.

As early as outside the Heavenly Gate, the demon races had already seen the willow god of the elementary immortal king realm.

Can’t resist at all!

Even if she tried her hard, she didn’t even hesitate to use dozens of demon emperors to contain her together, she didn’t last long.

Even after that bluestone appeared, Liu Shen strangled dozens of demon emperors with one blow, and at this moment, this ruthless female emperor was actually an immortal king?!

All the demon races looked at the ruthless female emperor with horror in their eyes.

“What is she crazy! We have all withdrawn from that Xuantian Continent. ”

“Why can these great emperors touch a higher level.”

“This ruthless emperor has also exhausted her means to achieve the Dao Fruit, and at this moment, when she stepped into the Immortal King Realm, she must have come with the intention of killing quickly.”

The demon emperors looked at the crazy ruthless female emperor, and for a moment, they were a little stunned.

“Retreat first!”

For a long time, an old demon emperor gritted his teeth and said.

“First return to the Dark Ancestral Land, and then destroy this female doll together, even if it is the Immortal King, when we reach the Dark Ancestral Land, we have endless opportunities to wipe him out!”

The old demon emperor had a dangerous light in his eyes, and the other demon emperors wanted to contain the ruthless female emperor who wanted to go crazy.

“You all deserve to die…”

The ruthless female emperor lowered her eyes, and her face was extremely dark.

If it’s weekdays.

At this moment of advancing to the Immortal King, she must have a good understanding of the Dao Law.

At the moment, there was only endless hatred in her heart.

I hate myself for not being able to keep my brother when I was young.

Hating the dark turmoil forced my brother to have the idea of cultivating Xuan.

A terrifying momentum erupted on her body.

The sudden dark light almost turned the demon emperors who rushed towards her into powder.

She didn’t want to think about it that much anymore.

Don’t want to think about so many consequences.


She just wants to kill all the demons outside this domain…

In the picture of reincarnation, a handsome man appears in the picture.

A rather rugged-looking man took him.

The man was stained with blood, and even had a long scar on his face.

He tried his best to control his voice and said softly.


“You didn’t toss your old man…”

The words are not finished.

The little boy just cried loudly.

“You scared him!”

In the room, a woman was sweaty and weak.

“Good, good, good!”

“I’ll whisper.”

The man smiled flusteredly, and his voice was suppressed a few points to look at the crying little boy, the man was obviously a little at a loss.

The strong body held the little child, as if holding a bomb, and he didn’t know how to hold him.

“It’s really a joy for daddy!”

An old woman with a smile on her face gently straightened the man’s hand.


With one hand protecting the child’s neck and the other holding his ass, she softly taught the man how to look at the child he loved.

Suddenly, a soldier reported outside the door in a panic.

“General, another enemy is coming!”

The man’s eyebrows instantly sank.

He had just repelled a wave of enemy troops and tried to find time to return home to see the newborn child.

The woman on the bed forced a smile and comforted.

“It’s your responsibility to refuse to be out.”

“Go quickly, if he grows up, if he knows that you are such a man, he will be proud of you.”

“By the way, what’s the child’s name?”

The woman looked expectantly at the blood-stained man.

“Ye Yongan.”

“Just call him Ye Yongan!”

With a smile on his face, the man carefully handed the infant baby to the woman next to him, and reluctantly turned away.

The infant looked around curiously, looking at the wrinkled face and the weak woman on the bed.

He knew his name.


The baby’s crisp smile.

And the woman and the woman on the bed were suddenly startled.

“Emperor Ye’s life was born in such a turbulent era.”

“As soon as he was born, his father was going to the battlefield again.”

“The family in this life is also so unstable.”

“This Ye Emperor’s life is too early to be enlightened! He was just born, and he understood his name. ”

The cultivators of the Xuantian Continent all looked at the picture in the air, and they were very surprised at the infant baby, just a gentle word.

The woman beside her and the woman on the bed turned their faces from joy to surprise.

“Madam, this child is afraid that his spiritual roots are extraordinary, and he will take good care of him.”


The woman on the bed couldn’t hide the exhaustion on her pale face, but seeing the baby’s clear eyes, her heart also melted.

“What a spiritual root is not a spiritual root. I just want him to be safe and secure in this life. ”

The woman added a smile to her face and murmured in a low voice.

Time flies quickly.

The boy’s father quickly solved the matter of the foreign invasion.

After returning home, I heard that the boy was wise and understood his name just after birth.

A pair of thick eyebrows are even more happy to fly into the sky.

Zhang Luo.

He went to Asaka to find many teachers he knew, hoping that they would teach boys early on.

The boy’s mother looked at him and couldn’t bear to say anything.

When the boy is one year old.

This family put various objects in the hall for the boy to grab the week.

Objects in one place.

The man even put his Xuan Iron Halberd on the ground.

The boy swayed and tried to stand up.

Countless people’s happy eyes were hit, and he walked straight to a big brush.

The onlookers, and even the old woman, saw this scene, and their faces changed.

Only the boy’s parents looked overjoyed.

The woman asked cautiously, “Does the general not want him to inherit your mantle?” ”

The smile on the man’s face couldn’t be stopped, and he grinned: “Go!” Why should my son go to the battlefield to kill and kill? It’s enough to have me! ”

More than a dozen people in the hall looked at the man’s bold appearance, and couldn’t help but laugh.

As the boy grows up.

He learned what he wanted to learn with the support of his parents.

Qinqi calligraphy and painting, all of them are a must in the city.

But the boy followed the most sophisticated subordinate of the dynasty, and his favorite was painting.

He studied under the old lady for less than half a year, and he painted works that even the old lady praised.

When the boy was older, his father sent him to an academy that only the powerful families of the dynasty could enter.

The academy is full of rich children.

The boy’s family is a martial artist, and many children also look down on him.

He didn’t care about other people’s opinions, Xiao Xiaoqingshou, learning etiquette and knowledge with the teachers of the academy.

Slowly, some children began to spread the news of the boy to others.

Those people said that he was born in a martial family, but he came to this academy to dance and make ink, not from home, which is unfilial piety.

A child at the head is even more ceremonial in the middle of the dynasty.

He said that the boy’s grades in the academy were all obtained by cheating.

The boy didn’t care in the slightest.

Just doing what you love day in and day out.

It’s okay, just drawing grass and mulan bamboo on the paper.

Finally, the news slowly reached the boy’s father.

That day giggling in front of the boy, without a straight father, angered for the first time.

He was furious.

The angry boy did not tell him that he had been wronged at the academy.

He was even more angry that the Yipin Dianyi of the dynasty did not teach his children well.

Against the objections of the boy’s mother, he broke into the ceremonial house himself.

He insisted that the child take the child with him to apologize to the boy.

The boy was a little stunned, he didn’t know why his father wanted this.

Obviously, he doesn’t care about these things.

The boy’s mother held him gently, her eyes full of gentleness.

“I know you don’t care what those little kids say.”

“It’s just that people’s words are like a knife.”

“Even if you don’t care about him, resist him.”

“But with each passing day, these people’s words become more vicious.”

“Don’t wait for him to hurt anyone to stop it.”

“You have to learn to protect yourself.”

The boy looked at his mother, at his angry father.

He gradually understood something.

He nodded gently.

Since the boy’s father made such a fuss.

No child in the academy dared to make up the boy’s news indiscriminately.

It was the emperors outside the gate of heaven who looked at the picture of the memory in the air, and the corners of their mouths couldn’t help but smile.

“With such a short-term father, Emperor Ye is also happy in this life.”

Even though the father himself was a general, he did not force his children to join the army. This is very unusual. ”

“After all, the heavens can’t bear it, and in this life, it was repaid to him.”

The Liu Shenxian King looked at the angry general in the picture.

Her flawless face also remembered memories of the past.

She remembered the boy in the village who was protected by the whole village.

The boy who encountered a problem, and all the elders in the village stood up for him

The two of them are so similar at this moment.

“Hahahaha! The face of the ceremonial apology was also too ugly. However, as a canon, he could not teach his children well, which was a bit excessive. ”

“In this life of Emperor Ye, having such parents is really enviable.”

“My family is also a martial artist, if I dare to say that I don’t want to inherit the martial arts in my family, I’m afraid I will be beaten to death by my father.”

The cultivators of the Xuantian Continent looked at the memory picture in the air and felt extremely warm.

The boy in this life can be said to have never encountered any big storms at all

It was all blocked by his arrogant father.

Above the canopy.

The picture of reincarnation continues to scroll.

Boys grow up quickly, fourteen or fifteen years old, just as they were adults.

He was handsome and had black hair hanging down.

His face is very quiet, and he loves painting.

Often sitting in the wild for a day.

Even a snake approached him slowly, but he didn’t notice it.

He was fascinated by the scenery between heaven and earth, and wanted to draw those pictures on paper.

When Ye Yongan’s mother visited him, she often saw him quietly staring at the rivers and mountains in the distance, losing his mind for a long time.

She didn’t know if she should disturb him, but gently placed the food she had brought by his side and left.


In the DPRK, there was even news that General Ye’s home had a painting idiot.

Although Ye Yongan’s father didn’t like to be talked about behind his back, when he saw the boy’s painting, his breath was slightly sluggish…

The painting was painted by Ye Yongan when he went to the frontier with him.

His white hand held the brush, sometimes sprinkling a light blue, sometimes meticulously tracing a few times.

With just a few strokes, the lonely cold scene of the frontier desert appeared on his paper.

Even the soldiers beside him looked at the picture a little distracted.

Ye Yongan’s face did not change, quietly looking at the rivers and mountains in the distance.

The pen is so natural when you write.

A pen stained with ink, as if dancing softly, lingered on the paper.

He immersed himself in drawing paper, not bound by ink.

With a gentle wave of the pen, the frontier scenery is about to come out.

The soldiers looked at the border plug they held day and night, and when it was engraved alive on the paper, they could not forget it for a long time.

But there was no joy on the boy’s face, just shook his head slightly, feeling that something was missing in the painting.

It didn’t take long for the boy’s painting skills to become famous.

Countless people want to go to his home to ask for a pair of calligraphy and painting, sparing no money.

There are even Xuanji who want to take the supreme secret code, the elixir.

He refused, he just kept the paintings that he gave to his parents and gave away all the remaining paintings.

He didn’t want other things to disturb him from painting.

Gradually, other artists wanted to talk to him.

Ye Yongan also readily agreed.

It’s just that although there are many painters coming, no one’s picture can compare with him.

There are even painters who disdain, knowing that his painting skills are boasted by others, but when they see Ye Yongan’s paintings, they want to start painting, but they can’t get their hands off.

The gap is too big.

Ye Yongan was a simple pair.

The sky is blue, and a few white clouds flutter lightly.

Under the sky, there is a clear lake.

The lake is sparkling, and lotus leaves greet the sun.

On the lake, there is a small boat that is light.

A young girl on the boat bent down lightly, pressed her wrist and gently lifted a pool of lake water.

The transparent lake gently swept the dust off her hands, and the lotus canopy on her lap was reflected on the surface of the lake.

A faint joy welled up between her eyebrows, and her eyes lowered on the surface of the lake. On the lotus leaf in the blue sky, a dragonfly lies low on the branch.

Countless painters were stunned when they saw Ye Yongan’s painting.

From the time they watched Ye Yongan write for the first time, it was less than two quarters of an hour! Countless studios couldn’t suppress their amazement.

Ye Yongan’s painting is just a very simple still scene.

Not even much intention.

He just lightly painted the picture he saw in front of his eyes on the paper.

In the plain painting, the superb painting skills convinced all the painters.

Even the emperors of the dynasty framed this painting with gold and jade and stored it in the warehouse.

Under the sincere submission of countless painters, few people dare to touch this ‘painting idiot’.

One day, an old painter came to admire him.

The old painter used Xuan Li into the pen and ink, and there was often a vast Xuan Li paving the painting.

Compared with the paintings of ordinary painters, the paintings of this old painter are even more refreshing.

The two met happily.

Ye Yongan also gradually understood that there was something missing in his painting.

He sensed that there was something else under the power of the old studio.

Just ask.

In the paintings of the old painter, in addition to the power of the paper, he also painted his own knowledge into the scroll.

Even after a long time, the brush and ink on the painting is still like when it was first painted, with a touch of ink, not to mention that at a glance, it also contains the endless knowledge of the old painter.

Ye Yongan shook his head, a little disappointed.

“What you painted is really good. But although the landscape in the painting has your own pictorial meaning, it does not reflect the magnificence of the landscape at all. ”

“In other words, by incorporating your own ideas into the painting, you are hiding what he should have.”

The old painter froze for a moment, but did not answer.

The boy who followed him shouted: “You are easy to say, what is what he should have, if you understand, why can’t you draw it yourself!” ”

The old studio also smiled slightly: “Since Xiaoyou feels that the old body’s paintings are not good, then ask Xiaoyou to paint a picture for the old body, so that the old body can see the essence of the landscape.” ”

Ye Yongan’s face remained unchanged and said softly.

“Then look good!”

Ye Yongan gently picked up the brush and dipped it in ink.

A thin cloud of light ink sprinkled between the peaks, adding a wisp of light yellow to the reflection on the water.

“The so-called essence is what he is.”

“What you have painted has only imposed your will on that mountain and water.”

“Although it looks good, the painting is mixed with magnificent leaves that have covered the landscape.”

The landscape stands quietly in the painting.

Nothing else.

It’s just a very simple landscape map.

Through Yip Yongan’s brush, everyone is as if they were there.

“Writing is fun!”

The old painter looked at the painting obsessively.

“Ink pen danqing, like moving clouds and flowing water.”

“Exhibit the old appearance of the vast rivers and mountains!”


The shouting boy before also looked at the completely different, like a landscape map that came to life.

This was the first time he had seen him so excited since he followed the old painter, and it was also the first time he had seen such a spirited painting.

The monks who came up to watch were all stunned to look at the landscape map.

The scenery in the picture is not owned by the dynasty.

It is a picture scroll painted by chance after the old painter Zhou Li Continent.

When everyone watched it before, they just felt that the landscape in the painting was extraordinarily magnificent, but they didn’t feel it at this moment.

The old painter looked at the painting in fascination and asked him in amazement: “You have never seen the landscape of this area, how can you paint such a feeling of being there!” ”

Tongzi: “…”

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