Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 465 Do you want to be the president of the World Media Distribution Group?

When Ronald heard about the potential market of 25 billion US dollars per year, his mind couldn't help but spin rapidly. With such a big market, Kerkorian is willing to let me play with him?

What industry in America can have such a large annual revenue? car? retail? national defense?

It's certainly not the movie industry anyway. In the past 1986, the total box office of all movies in the North American market including Canada was just over 3 billion.

"Mr. Kerkorian, I don't know what picture you are talking about? The total box office of more than 300 movies released in the United States last year was only 3 billion. I am just a movie director, and I don't know anything else..."

"No, I'm talking about the movie industry." Kerkorian stretched out his finger and shook it, then stopped Ronald from continuing, "You know the box office figures last year, but do you know how many people walked into the cinema? Want to go see it?”

"Um..." Ronald began to do mental calculations. In Los Angeles and New York, a movie ticket costs about four to five dollars in newer movie theaters. In small towns and old movie theaters, the ticket price is even lower. In this way On average...well...800 million..."

"Only 820 million viewers went to movie theaters last year. Our great country has a population of 240 million, and the average American only watches 2.4 movies a year."

Looking at Ronald's frown, Kerkorian knew that these white people of Anglo-Saxon descent, especially artists like the director, were not good at mathematics, so he reported the numbers directly.

"But I don't understand. You said there is a market potential of 25 billion in the next ten years. I can't think of any way to make moviegoers go to the cinema eight times more every year."

"Do you know how many spectators there were each year before and after World War II?"

"I don't know." Ronald shook his head. He didn't remember this kind of number.

"Before the war, 95 million people went to movie theaters every week to watch movies. At that time, the population of America was only a little over 100 million. If we can get audiences back to the frequency of going to movie theaters before World War II, then the total box office for the year would be have……"

"There are 25 billion," Ronald replied with a smile. This year's movie ticket prices have increased by 20%. If calculated based on an average of 5 US dollars per movie, the audience can return to the frequency of watching movies before the invention of television. Then the entire movie ticket price has increased by 20%. The annual box office can indeed reach that figure.

"But, Mr. Kerkorian, we all know that's impossible, unless you take the time machine from 'Back to the Future,' go back to the 1950s, and kill the inventor of television."

Ronald laughed. Is this Kerkorian old and a little out of his mind?

"Haha", Kerkorian also laughed, he didn't mind this kind of little joke, "If, I mean if, there is another America in the world, and their audience continues to watch movies more than 20 times a year. habits, and the TV penetration rate there is negligible, so do you think it is possible to reach a market potential of US$25 billion?”

"Of course it is possible, but there is no such place in the world..."

Ronald began to slow down as he spoke. As far as he knew, there was indeed such a place in the world with a population of more than one billion, the audience had good movie-watching habits, and ordinary families did not have televisions. Could it be that Kerkorian was planning to go there?

"It seems that you have thought of it. China is the next largest movie market. I have seen the statistics there. There are more than 25 billion to 30 billion moviegoers every year. Movie ticket prices are constantly rising, and there is already an impact on the movie market. Hollywood has opened its doors.”

"The number of moviegoers there is indeed exaggerated, but we can't make any money." Ronald smiled. His "Break Dance" had just been released there. The distributor "Cannon" Pictures sold copies and got It was a "big sum" - $20,000.

"What if I say that MGM and the other two largest Hollywood producers will join forces to form a joint venture to develop the Chinese market, and then put pressure on trade to allow them to open up the film market and implement a share-sharing system?"

"Can we do that?" Ronald felt that it was unlikely that the other party would open the market...

"Of course we can. We are America, Fuxk. The trade agreement signed between the Grand Commander and Japan has forced them to open up Japan's film market. Next, they will also attack the computer chip market. What do you think of China's bargaining power? , can it compare to Japan?”

"This..." The more Ronald listened, the more he felt that what Kerkorian said was not completely impossible. If we could open up the market and allow Hollywood studios to make copies according to the old Hollywood method of selling copies and charging a copy fee for each copy, I am afraid it could account for one-fifth to one-third of the entire movie's box office.

"I can see that you have a good sense for business." Kerkorian looked at Ronald with a smile, and his eyes changed from casual chatting to a hunting instinct that only a qualified businessman can have.

"Mr. Kerkorian," Ronald said, starting to get really serious about this conversation.

"Ronald," Kerkorian smiled and nodded to him, "I bought MGM because I have been a movie fan since I was a child. I really like the artists, stars, and actors who make movies appear on the screen. There are directors.”

"After I chatted with you, you gave me a deep impression. I think you are not only an artist, but also have a good sense of business. I have always been generous to young people who are capable and ambitious, and I like to do business with them. , it makes me feel young too..."

After Kerkorian successfully aroused Ronald's interest, he began to talk about his big plan.

"MGM, Paramount, and Universal, the three largest distributors in Hollywood, have been secretly discussing this matter for a long time. The three of us have decided to establish a world distribution company headquartered in New York, mainly for China. market, and the rest of the world, unifying our overseas distribution operations.”

Ronald listened very carefully, this is quite an amazing plan. The three studios with the strongest traditions among the seven major Hollywood studios and the most successful ones in the past decade are interested in a joint venture? Unify overseas distribution business and collectively attack the world's most populous market?

"The name of the company is World Media Distribution Group. Not only Hollywood movies, but also the TV networks under the three subsidiaries will also cooperate with the other side of the Pacific to export our TV series. In the next ten years, if we can open and occupy this market, we will It will be the biggest commercial venture in Hollywood history."

"Mr. Kerkorian, I feel very good about what you said, but..."

"But why are we looking for you?" Kerkorian smiled, "Because we need a young man who is familiar with both Hollywood production and the Chinese market to serve as president. Universal and Paramount have their own plans. , but I think that for this kind of pioneering work, we need to find a young person who is ambitious, active in thinking, and has certain connections there.”

Ronald straightened up and suddenly felt that Kerkorian's ugly face looked so kind.

Pioneering thinking, familiar with Hollywood and Chinese movies, isn't this who I am?

"If you are willing, we can bring your daydreams and participate in the stock together. You do not need to give up your directing work completely, but in the first year or two, you need to adjust the focus of your energy and time to this Work up.

As long as you nod, I will do the convincing work for Paramount and Universal. I guess with your relationship with Ned (Tanen) and Tom (Pollack), it wasn't a hard job. "

After hearing this, Ronald was completely unprepared and fell into deep thought.

This pie is really too big, and it’s not impossible.

If you can become essentially the president of overseas distribution for the entire Hollywood, you can use the output of the entire Hollywood to impress the Chinese Ministry of Culture. With my good relationship with them, it is possible.

On the other hand, if you can capture the entire Chinese market, plus the markets of some other countries, with this market in hand, wouldn't you be able to do whatever you want with your own production business in the future?

This is a much bigger platform than Cannon's Minahan Golan's stupid method of raising 400 million to acquire theater chains by himself.

That is, I have to temporarily give up my identity as a director and producer and become a businessman for two years. Only after the market development is successful can I have time to spare a few months to make movies.

"Why, do you still have any doubts? It's best to ask them once and for all while I'm here." Kerkorian saw Ronald's contemplation and said to him with a smile.

"I would like to ask, are your estimates of the potential of the Chinese film market too high?" Ronald thought about it and found that there was a factual error in the dream picture painted by Kerkorian that he did not agree with.

Movie tickets in China are not expensive. The best one, the Grand Guangming Cinema near the Bund, has a first-class seat downstairs and the ticket price is just over one yuan.

Even if 25 billion people go to the movies every year, the per capita ticket price is still far from one dollar. By the way, what is the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the U.S. dollar over there?

"In addition, how can you guarantee that the television industry on the other side of the Pacific will not develop rapidly and repeat the story of America?"

Another flaw in this dream story is the influence of the television industry. After World War II, it took ten years for television to quickly occupy the entertainment choices of American housewives. Since then, the movie box office has declined rapidly, and the average person no longer watches 20 or 30 movies a year.

"Do you know? You have greatly exceeded my expectations by being able to ask these two questions. Originally, I planned to form a consulting team for you, and then let you form a business development team with people with rich business development experience.

Your business intuition may be better than your film art intuition. I am now absolutely convinced that my thoughts about you were not wrong. "

"Hehehe..." Ronald smiled happily. No, I'm not bragging. There's no movie I make that doesn't make money. They all have good vision.

"We did a lot of research on these two issues in the early stage, and hired McKinsey consulting firm to conduct a detailed investigation of the market conditions there..."

Kerkorian took out a McKinsey consulting application, which included surveys and forecasts of the film and television market there.

First of all, the price of movie tickets over there is rising very fast.

In the late 1970s, the ticket price for a widescreen movie was 25 cents, and a regular screen ticket was only 10 cents.

But in 1984, movie theaters began to market-oriented reforms, and popular movies with high attendance rates could have ticket prices increased by 30 cents. The ticket price for such a popular movie with a high attendance rate has exceeded 50 cents.

By 1985, the ticket price had exceeded 80 cents, and cinemas applied for policies that allowed them to increase prices for various reasons, such as heating, air conditioning, decoration, seats, etc.

Last year, in large cities, the ticket price for popular movies in first-class cinemas exceeded one yuan. And various new cinemas are springing up in cities. These new cinemas are larger, better decorated, and can charge more.

According to the estimates of the consulting report. Within five years, the ticket price will rise to three to five yuan, and at the current exchange rate of 2.8-3.2 per dollar, the potential of a market of 25 billion US dollars a year will soon no longer be out of reach.

On the other hand, the price of TV sets there is still quite expensive. A small black and white TV costs 300-500 yuan, and a large color TV costs 1,200 yuan. As for TVs imported from Japan, only a few coastal areas can buy them freely, and they cost an astonishing 1,800 yuan or more.

You know, the monthly salary of front-line workers there is no more than 100 yuan. Even for cadres, senior engineers, doctors, university professors and other professions, after the wage reform, the salary is only 150 to 200 yuan.

Only a few senior technicians and managers of large and medium-sized enterprises have slightly higher bonuses after the reform.

In view of this price relationship, the speed of TV popularization there will not be as fast as in the 1950s in America.

You know, even the big brother of the Eastern Bloc, the Suvil Alliance, has less than 20 million TV sets, and only one-third of households have TVs.

Therefore, in the foreseeable future, ordinary people there will still use movies as their main means of entertainment. It is very likely that in the next ten years, the growth rate of the film production and distribution market will outperform the growth rate of TV stations.

"Mr. Kerkorian", Ronald became more and more excited as he listened. His movies were better than Minahan's, he was more handsome than him, and actresses were willing to cooperate with him. The reason why he was not as rich as Minahan was mainly because he missed this opportunity!

It's rare to have a good person like Kerkorian who can help you make a fortune!

No, it's not that he's a good person, but that he has a unique advantage in understanding Hollywood and the other side of the Pacific Ocean. In terms of market competitiveness, this is his greatest asset!

"I know you're very excited now, but before making a major decision, I will talk to someone I respect, think about it, and then sleep. The decision I make afterwards is well-thought-out, not impulsive."

Kerkorian saw Ronald's eagerness to try, and still told the young man not to be too anxious.

"However, you are not without competitors. Mr. Jack Valenti, the chairman of the American Film Association, has a candidate recommended. So you should choose the person you talk to carefully."

"Ah, thank you for your reminder." Ronald thought to himself, Kerkorian is quite honest, and he doesn't hide anything. I don't know why there are rumors that he is cunning. Maybe it's a misunderstanding.

"I heard that you have some connections with some people in the political circle... When you were filming Top Gun, the Navy cooperated very well, and the commander-in-chief said he liked it very much... The World Media Distribution Group always needs to deal with the government departments over there, and breaking through some policies also requires negotiation."

Kerkorian stopped there.

Ronald said goodbye and left.

"Ronald, Mr. Michael Gray is the founder and president of Gray Film Promotion Consulting."

Miss Chen, the secretary of Daydream, came to introduce Ronald to the promotion consulting company hired for "Moonlight Temptation". This was introduced by Susan Aikins herself.

"Ah...ha...hello Mr. Gray, I was a little distracted just now." Ronald was still thinking about Kerkorian's affairs.

"Nice to meet you, Director Ronald. My company has provided consulting advice on distribution for many TV series and movies of Universal."

"The person Susan recommended to me will not be wrong. Let's see what you think." Ronald crossed his hands and began to wait for Michael Gray to talk about his promotion ideas.

"I think that the current Hollywood promotion and the media package released to the media are not enough to reflect the wonderful content of the movie. So I invented the electronic media package, which changed the original plot introduced on paper and photos to videotape. That's why it is called the electronic media package."

Michael Gray came up and talked about the innovation of movie promotion. Before each movie is released, it must send a media package to major media and film critics, which contains a plot summary of the movie, photos of exciting scenes, stills, etc.

But just looking at these is not enough for reporters to intuitively understand the wonderfulness of the entire movie. Since there is a media form such as videotape, Gray plans to use short films to replace paper photos.

"In short, these are some behind-the-scenes footage, plus an extended trailer, and some thoughts of the main creators on the movie... The cost is actually not much more expensive than the traditional method, but the effect is much better.

We can also send these short films to some judges with voting rights in the Academy..."


Ronald's distribution director, Michelle Cannold, saw that he was a little distracted again, and reminded him that Michael Gray's presentation had ended.

"Ah... Mr. Gray, I was just thinking about how much your new method will change the promotion and distribution, and maybe it will become a common practice in the industry in the future." Ronald pulled his thoughts back from Kerkorian's position.

"That's what I think too. I hope I can promote this movie well for you and Daydream."

"Of course, Cannold will work with you to resolve the contract issue with MGM. I think your offer is very reasonable. I'm waiting for your preliminary proposal next time."

"Ronald, your favorite choice for the leading man, Bruce Willis, turned down the role. He didn't want to make a movie part-time while filming the TV series 'Blue Moonlight.'"

Joel Silver came to see Ronald, and his initial contact with Bruce Willis was less than successful.

"Well, part-time job, I don't want to." Ronald was distracted again. Start repeating what the other person said.

"What I'm saying is, he turned down the role in the movie." Silver wondered why Ronald seemed a little distracted.

"Ah...what? He refused? Why. Sorry, I just listened and thought he needed more flexible shooting time. Didn't you tell him that back then, Michael J. Fox was filming the Family Ties TV series while There’s nothing wrong with filming Back to the Future.”

"He said that shooting like that would kill him, and he also wanted to leave time to date his girlfriend."

"Oh, I will talk to Demi and let her persuade her." Ronald remembered that Bruce Willis's current girlfriend is Demi Moore.


"What?" Ronald saw Joel Silver's mouth moving, but didn't hear what he said. Hearing that 25 billion revenue market seemed to absorb all of Ronald's attention.

"I said, we have to have a backup plan."

"Alternate...well, alternative? Why do you need to alternate? Am I not good at it?" Ronald was a little annoyed when he heard the word "alternative". Who else is more suitable for this job than me? Do you have any of my connections in China? Do you share my familiarity with Hollywood?

"You want to be the protagonist?" Joel Silver looked at Ronald and looked him up and down, "It's not impossible, but you are a little too handsome. John McClain is someone who needs to resonate with ordinary people. Role. If you're willing to audition, that's fine, but you'll have to be paired with an executive director."

"What? I'm the protagonist. I can't be the protagonist." Ronald realized that he had heard the error, "What alternatives do you have?"

Joel Silver looked at Ronald and wondered what happened to Ronald today. It was a bit strange to hear Willis say that he wanted to date but was not willing to act in a movie. Could it be that he and Willis's girlfriend Demi...

"We're considering Schwarzenegger..."

"Yeah, yeah, he's pretty good, please come and talk to him." Ronald said casually, a little absent-mindedly, and agreed with Silver.

At night, Ronald tossed and turned in his brand new California king-sized bed, unable to sleep.

Kerkorian's kindness was so great that he suddenly had the opportunity to surpass Minahan Golan and become the most successful young producer in Hollywood.

Golan found the junk bond king Milken and used ultra-high interest rates to raise US$400 million. If you own the big markets on both sides of the Pacific, you won’t be able to call the shots in the future? 400 million is nothing, maybe even 4 billion bankers are asking for loans.

After thinking about it all night, Ronald got up in the morning and made up his mind to do his best to win this position.

"You need to talk to someone experienced in politics, and there should be no direct conflict of interest."

Ronald thought for a long time and realized that the people closest to him were the deputy commanders George and Barbara. As deputy commanders, they actually have no real power, and unlike the commander-in-chief, every move involves too much.

Moreover, George Sr. has served as a director equivalent to the ambassador level to China and has a relatively good understanding of the situation in China.

Thinking of this, Ronald dialed the number of the deputy commander-in-chief, Little George, whom he had not contacted for a long time.

"George, are you still in DC? I'm going back to New York recently, are you free? Let's get together and get some barbecue and beer."

"Hahaha, we should have had some barbecue a long time ago. The barbecue here in DC is too small and not as exciting as in Texas. You set a time, Laura and I will go there with the kids. Now I don't have any real friends in DC."

"Then it's settled. My aunt has a house on Staten Island. We can go there. Yes, yes, we can go there by ferry. There is also the house on the island that was the godfather's house when the 'Godfather' was filmed. ”

"Wow, this is my first time to visit a filming location. I loved that movie. I made him an offer that he couldn't refuse. I like this line..."

Then, Ronald called his hair boy, Douglas Hansen Jr.

"Doug, I received an invitation for a position..." Ronald told Douglas Jr. what Kerkorian said, "What do you think?"

"Shxt, this is a once-in-a-hundred-year opportunity. What are you going to do? What help do you need from me? Just say it. This kind of thing requires boldness and meticulousness."

"I'm going to invite the deputy commander's eldest son, George, the director of the Screen Fund, to come to Staten Island as a guest with my aunt to have barbecue and beer. His family will also come together. You..."

"Stop talking, I will prepare everything. I know a chef who is good at barbecue. When you get to Staten Island, we will have a detailed chat. You have to tell me all the details..." Xiao Douglas was also very interested in this huge business opportunity.

Finally, Ronald called Aunt Karen.

"Hello, aunt? I'm Ronald."

"Ronnie, this is Donna. My mom just went out. Why are you calling?"

"I should be the one asking this. Didn't you go to work for that company in Long Island? Why are you at home?"

"I'm just doing some legwork now. Mr. Simons asked me to start by getting familiar with some companies on Wall Street and New York. I haven't qualified to see his investment formula yet."

"Legwork?" Ronald asked after hearing this, "What are you going to do on Wall Street?"

"Just chatting with those bankers. Many things can't be seen from numbers. You need first-hand experience. Mr. Simons said that once I understand what numbers can tell us and what they can't tell me, I can start using formulas to invest."

"Is that so..."

Ronald felt that Donna's words touched him a little.

"You haven't told me yet, why did you go to my mother?"

"I invited the son of the deputy commander and his family to have a barbecue. He helped me a lot. I always wanted to invite him to have a family dinner."

"Oh...then I'll tell her."

Donna has met more people now. The son of a deputy commander does not hold a public office, and there is nothing special about him. The son of the commander-in-chief and his ex-wife is still collecting welfare in Los Angeles.

"Do field work, talk to people, and understand what the numbers can tell us." Ronald listened to what Donna's boss said and felt that it sounded reasonable.

Indeed, he seemed to be frightened by the number, and then all the subsequent actions were led by the super number.

I should know more about the number itself before continuing.

Ronald took out his business card book, flipped through it for a long time, and found the business card of the Chinese actor, Chao Li, who had been to China with him.

"Chao Li, I'm Ronald, Ronald Lee. I have something I want to talk to you about."

"I haven't heard of this, and I don't know much about the domestic TV market, but I can help you find someone in China to inquire about it. If this thing succeeds, it will also be a good thing for us Chinese actors in Hollywood."

Chao Li was in the cafe, listening to Ronald's words, thinking about it, and still said the above words.

"Is it okay? That's great, I just don't understand the film market there as a whole."

"But if the relevant departments know about it, they may seek your opinion. Are you willing to communicate with them frankly about the pros and cons of this matter? It sounds like this matter will involve many departments, and it won't be that simple, according to my understanding." Chao Li knows more about some domestic things than Ronald, a foreigner.

"Of course, I am willing to talk about my ideas at any time. How does the saying go, I will tell you everything I know, and I will tell you everything I know."

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