Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 449 Platinum Record

Two weeks after the film was officially released, the soundtrack of "Dirty Dancing" had sold over 1 million copies. The new CDs were sold for $14.99, and the old CDs were sold for $9.99, with a movie poster included.

Of all the songs, only the theme song "The Time of My Life" and "She's Like the Wind" composed and sung by Patrick Schweitzer were newly created for the film. The other ten songs were old songs from the 1950s, and the copyrights of the singers were bought out at a cheap price.

RCA Records calculated the retail data and found that the profits were very lucrative. The record factories were working overtime, and the retail shipments were still very fast. Ronald's income on the books was rising every minute.

The vice president of RCA who was responsible for the release of this record also became the most proud person in the company. When other veteran singers' new records suffered huge losses, it was unexpected that such an album of ancient dance music gave RCA the most successful album in the past two years.

They cordially invited Ronald to their headquarters in Manhattan, New York, to discuss further cooperation arrangements and celebrate the record sales reaching the standard of platinum records - 1 million copies sold across the United States.

Ronald originally wanted to have a good rest and didn't want to travel across America again. However, the other party sincerely proposed two conditions.

First, RCA would fly all the company's private planes to pick Ronald up. Second, the first phase of the profit sharing would be settled immediately.

Sitting on RCA's Gulfstream III private business jet, Ronald felt that the height of the cabin was a little insufficient. He had to bend down to get on the plane, otherwise he would hit the ceiling. But when sitting on the luxurious custom leather seat, it felt good.

The pilot was a retired navy officer. When he saw that Ronald was the passenger today, he immediately saluted him. According to him, after the release of "Top Gun", pilots, a profession that was previously unknown to the public, are now invincible in picking up girls. As long as you wear a uniform to the bar, you are the most popular group of beautiful women.

The stewardess was a beautiful woman. She came over to cover Ronald with a light blanket and asked him what he needed to drink.

"Have a glass of sweet wine." Ronald has been very busy recently. After getting on the plane, he sat in a large and soft special seat. After the plane took off, it quickly reached the stratosphere. The unique slight noise made him feel relaxed.

The flight attendant was very professional. After handing Ronald a glass of sweet wine, she did not take the opportunity to chat with Ronald, but stepped aside. After drinking the sweet wine, Ronald fell asleep in a noise much smaller than that of a civil airliner.

The black screen suddenly lit up. Ronald felt that he had flown over Manhattan, New York.

The Statue of Liberty passed by, and a yellow ferry from Staten Island could be seen on the sea, heading towards Manhattan.

The sparkling sea reflected the light of the rising sun, and the twin towers of the World Trade Center opposite shone brightly in the rising sun, as if wearing a golden coat. The small island of Manhattan, where this financial center is located, looks so full of vitality in the morning.

The perspective began to descend, gradually approaching the yellow Staten Island ferry. Although the ferry looks a bit shabby, the deck is very clean, cutting through the waves and heading towards Wall Street represented by the World Trade Center.

Ronald feels that this shot seems to represent the thousands of ambitious young people in America who are working hard in this city full of opportunities and efforts.

"I was also on this ship. Aunt Karen embezzled the money for her mortgage to pay for her medical treatment." Ronald thought that he was also on the ferry, looking at the twin towers of the World Trade Center, and his heart was full of dreams.

"Manhattan, Manhattan..." Ronald muttered to himself. This is the heart of the capital machine of America, providing blood for the industry. How many young people want to squeeze in, and how many people are squeezed out and thrown out.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Li..."

Ronald was shaken awake by the stewardess, "Hey? Have we arrived at JFK Airport?"

The stewardess laughed crisply, "We are a business jet, so we can land directly at Teterboro Airport, which is closer to Manhattan. RCA has arranged a luxury car for you, and you will be at RCA's headquarters in an hour."

Ronald rubbed his eyes. Sleeping on a business jet is still much more comfortable than on a commercial flight.

He talked to the stewardess for a while before he figured out that Teterboro Airport is a private business jet airport. Although it is in New Jersey, it is managed by the Port Authority of New York. It is closer to the center of Manhattan than three international airports such as JFK.

In addition, business jets fly at a higher altitude, have a smaller cabin space, can be pressurized more, and have a rear-mounted engine with less noise. Passengers feel much more comfortable than large commercial aircraft, and the quality of rest is much better than the first-class cabin of commercial flights.

Ronald did not feel any symptoms of long-distance flights such as bloating in the ears, congestion in the limbs, and back pain caused by poor sleeping posture. When he woke up in New York in the morning, he felt refreshed. It was much happier than the protagonist in the movie I dreamed about when I went to Cannes before, who had to move his toes to relieve discomfort.

But what movie did I dream about when I was on the business jet this time? It seemed to be a story about Wall Street.

Ronald stretched himself. It seemed that he often dreamed about movies when he was on a plane. I wonder why?

"No wonder Wall Street bankers like private jets." Ronald met his personal accountant Lawrence Wang in the luxury car that came to pick him up, and said to him while drinking coffee.

"Among the clients I serve, only you have such experience," Lawrence replied to Ronald with a smile.

"Hahaha..." Ronald smiled and put his arm around his shoulders. He started from a nobody and asked him to take care of his accounting work. Lawrence's loyalty is unquestionable, but his experience and ability are limited after all. He is considering finding a more professional accounting firm to take care of business issues, and he also needs to recruit a new accounting department in the company.

Lawrence will take care of his personal business in the future. For some matters involving privacy, it is more reassuring to let him.

The luxury car drove into the headquarters of RCA. In the large conference room, all the senior managers and the team responsible for Ronald's "Dirty Dance" project were waiting in line inside. When they saw Ronald come in, they stood up and applauded.

"Ronald, congratulations." Mr. Vice President took the champagne that had just been opened and handed it to Ronald.

"Congratulations to us." Ronald nodded slightly, pretending to be reserved, and then raised his glass to everyone, "Congratulations to everyone!"

"Hoo", everyone present began to burst into a burst of happy shouts from the bottom of their hearts.

"It takes some time to get the platinum record certification. We plan to apply to RIA at the end of the year with the results at that time. By then, it may be five platinum."

When Ronald asked when he could get the platinum record certification medal, the vice president explained it to him.

"If you are free now, come to my office." The vice president put down the wine glass and invited Ronald to his office. There were many large and small cartons being packed inside. He was about to move to a larger office because of the huge success of "Dirty Dancing".

"This is the first report of 1 million sales. Please ask your accountant to take a look."

Ronald took the document handed over by the vice president and handed it to Lawrence. He then asked the vice president, "Are there any signs of slowing down in sales data?"

"On the contrary, the speed of shipment is accelerating now." The vice president was very satisfied, "This is also the main purpose of my inviting you here this time. We can form a strategic alliance with Daydream in the future. In the future, the creation of your movie interludes and the distribution of original soundtracks can be handled by our RCA."

"Are you so confident in my movie?" Ronald replied with a smile.

"I have seen it clearly. Diana Ross and Kenny Rogers are both out of fashion quickly. Now the music tastes of young people in America are changing rapidly. New wave music is sweeping the music scene. We don't know who will be the next J.

Instead of gambling on luck, it is better to form an alliance with a film expert like you. After all, records and movies are two closely linked and mutually marketed commodities. Within RCA, I insist on this path. As long as our cooperation can continue this route, I will have more say."

"This is a good idea," Ronald thought about it. The old singers signed by RCA are out of fashion. Now is the time to rely on themselves. The vice president also hopes to take this opportunity to get promoted. It is most appropriate to negotiate conditions now.

"Where do we start?" the vice president asked.

"My other movie, 'Love Is Not For Sale', uses the Beatles' song authorized by J as the title. If you can get his copyright, you might as well start with the soundtrack of that movie." Ronald said.

"The copyright of the Beatles is not cheap, but I will buy it. This is a reflection of our sincerity in cooperation." The vice president was not optimistic about the soundtrack of this movie making money, but as for records, most of them just break even, and the money-making depends on hot records like 'Dirty Dancing'. One album is worth ten albums.

"Happy cooperation, Bob." Ronald happily extended his hand.

"Happy cooperation, Ronald." The vice president named Bob Buziak also extended his hand and shook hands with Ronald.

Everyone decided on the direction, and the details would be drafted by professionals and handed over to their respective lawyer teams to review the terms. When they meet next time, it will be time to sign the contract.

"Ronald," Lawrence over there finished reading the report and came over to tell Ronald that there was no big problem.

"Bob?" Ronald gestured to the vice president.

"Hahaha, I'll call our financial manager in."

"Oh oh..." Ronald got the check for his first platinum record and flicked it. The check from Citibank was very stiff and made a crisp sound.

After going to Wells Fargo with Lawrence and cashing the check, Ronald stayed at the Waldorf Hotel.

The Waldorf is an old hotel with a large wine cabinet in the room, which was filled with bottles of Jack Daniels whiskey.

Ronald took a bottle and added some homemade honey that Walter Murch brought with him, and celebrated alone.

After drinking two glasses, Ronald felt a little lonely and began to think about calling someone to share his happiness.

"Ring, ring, ring", the phone rang by itself.

"Hello, Ronald." After taking off the receiver and hanging it around his neck, Ronald thought, who knew he was here? It was just right to call him to drink together.

"Sir, I'm the concierge of the hotel. Do you have any special needs? I can arrange it for you."

A shrill voice came. Ronald drank a lot of wine today and felt that the voice was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

"I didn't know your hotel had this kind of service." Ronald has stayed in many high-end hotels, and few people from the concierge department would come uninvited.

"Yes, we have everything here. There is also the former mistress of the president of the United States, the former secretary of the Prime Minister of Japan..."

"Are there any ethnic minorities in America, such as black people." Ronald listened and gradually recognized the owner of the voice. This is another call to joke with him.

"Yes, yes, there are also black beauties." The other party obviously didn't expect Ronald to say that.

"Is it someone I know?"

"Yes, her name is Diana."

"Not Dirty Diana, right? J."

"Hahahaha..." Michael Jackson on the other end of the phone saw that Ronald recognized him and laughed.

"I'm at RCA today. Diana Ross is their signed singer, right?"

"Hahaha, yes." There is a song called "Dirty Diana" in J's new album. Many people think that the Diana in the title of the song refers to Diana Ross.

"Have you seen the charts today?" J continued to say to Ronald proudly.

"I haven't seen it yet. The last time I checked, the theme song of Dirty Dancing, "The Time of My Life", was still number one." Ronald vaguely knew why J called.

"Hahaha, then you are out of date. My new song "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" is already number one."

J's record promotion strategy is different. He first released the record, and then promoted each single on radio and television. The first song to hit the charts was "I Just Can't Stop Loving You (I Jtt's Loving You)" sung by him and female singer Theda Garrett. As soon as it was on the charts, it squeezed Ronald's song out.

"Oh, you're awesome. I thought 'Time of My Life' could stay for another week."

"Hahaha, to be honest, I listened to your album, which is full of classic songs, but the taste of today's audience has changed. They now like new pop songs that combine multiple styles..."

"I take your comments on music as the truth." Ronald thought J was really an interesting person, sometimes as innocent as a child. Knowing that his song had pushed Ronald's song off the top of the chart, he called to show off, just like a child showing off a fun toy in front of his friends.

"To be honest, my cousin and I are both big fans of yours. Can you give her a signed poster and signed album?" Ronald talked about music with J for a while, and remembered that Donna also liked J's music, so he asked for an autograph.

"No problem, but I'm about to start a global tour for my new album. When I'm done, I'll let Dario give it to you."

"Oh, your new album is going to go on a global tour?" Ronald heard that the other party was going to start a global promotion tour, and he knew it was very tiring.

"Hahaha, awesome, right? I'm going to Japan next month, from Tokyo to Osaka, and I'm going to have five shows there. The fans there like me very much."

"Really? I'm going to Japan next month too, my 'Dirty Dancing' is going to be shown there, and some old friends want to meet. I might be able to go to your live show then."

"Really? Then I'll give you a shot, and let Dario contact you." J learned that Ronald was his fan, and he became happier and happier as he talked, and asked his manager to help Ronald come to the show.

"That's it, I'm going to Japan to watch J's live show, and you contact my agent to arrange the time and show."

Ronald talked to J's manager Dario on the phone for a while, and then said goodbye to J.

It was time to drink alone again, and Ronald didn't want to enjoy himself like this anymore, so he changed his clothes and prepared to go to the bar.

"Ronald, I came here specifically to see you..."

As soon as he opened the door, a beautiful woman with a hot body stood at the door of his room, ready to knock.

"Who are you?" Ronald saw that she looked familiar.

"I'm Cassandra, Cassandra Peterson," the woman said eagerly. She was wearing a white shirt, suit pants, and mid-heeled shoes. She was dressed like a very decent professional woman.

"We met in Cannes, do you remember?"

"Oh..." Ronald suddenly realized that it was the actress who called Menahan Golan a liar at the Cannes Film Festival. At that time, she was wearing black revealing clothes and heavy makeup, which was completely different from the image of a woman with a bit of pure breath today. No wonder he didn't recognize her.

"Do you want to talk to me?" Ronald left the door ajar, not wanting to cause misunderstanding.

"I submitted the script to your company, do you remember? But your script assistant replied that the investment in my movie was too high and it was not considered. So I came to you. You are an artist and can see the potential of my script."

Cassandra Peterson handed over a script.

"Elvira: Istress of the Dark", Ronald didn't take it, and looked at the cover.

"Are you a producer?"

"The leading actress, but I've participated in the production of many movies." Cassandra Peterson replied that she had been preparing for this script for a long time, but she had never attracted enough investment. She could see that this script was very suitable for her, so she never gave up.

"Do you mind if we go to the bar and chat while drinking?" Ronald still didn't accept the script. He couldn't touch the script without a signed agreement.

"Of course, of course." Cassandra Peterson, who had been hitting a wall everywhere, finally met a big shot who didn't refuse immediately.

The two took the elevator to the executive lounge on the top floor, ordered drinks and sat down.

Cassandra Peterson handed over the signed copyright waiver statement, and Ronald took the script and read it after receiving it.


Ronald flipped through it hastily, thinking that it was no wonder that his script assistant David Simkins looked down on it.

This story is full of Roger Corman-style B-level movie bad taste. The protagonist Elvira is a low-cost TV horror show host in Las Vegas. Because she rejected the producer's shabby hands, she lost her job and the opportunity to open her own show in Las Vegas.

Her aunt passed away and left a mansion in a small town to Elvira as an inheritance.

There are many interesting monsters in the mansion. She wanted to bring some different experiences to young people, but conflicts arose. The adults in the town were disgusted by her clothes, tone, everything about her, especially her sexual innuendo. They thought she was the devil's spokesperson.

Finally, Elvira discovered that there was indeed black magic in the town, and her uncle deliberately led her to the town to break the seal in order to seize the black magic.

In the end, the mansion was burned down, and Elvira sat at the door, and once again had nothing. But the people in the town understood her and accepted her as an honorary citizen of the town.

Finally, the lawyer sent the materials, and her uncle's inheritance belonged to her. Elvira finally got the opportunity to open her own live show in Las Vegas.

The script is still very good, with a tight rhythm, and Ronald also believes that some audiences like to watch this type of film. But such a B-level movie that even the dream at the end is to open an adult show in Las Vegas is destined not to be liked by mainstream audiences.

If the budget is only 1 million, Ronald believes that Simkins will definitely recommend it. However, Cassandra Peterson gave a budget of 7 million US dollars for this film. Ronald felt that the risk was too great.

"I don't want to lie to you, Cassandra. If this film only needs 1 million, no, even 1.5 million, I can sign you on the spot. But a budget of 7 million US dollars is obviously beyond the production capacity of my company. You know, our Daydream is not profitable yet."

"Well, I was thinking that you could invest. Or, can you recommend me to other companies willing to invest?"

"Well... let me think about it and get back to you." Ronald thought that this idea might succeed. If he could get other people to invest together, maybe he could share the risk. It was worth a try.

"Then I'll wait for your news." Cassandra Peterson was very happy.

"Okay, I'll give you an answer next week at the latest." Ronald stood up and shook hands with her. Cassandra Peterson's dress was not as sexy as the set photo in the script, but rather went in a plain direction, and she also covered her majestic figure with a shirt.

Ronald knew that this person must be like Elvira in the script, unwilling to exchange her body for resources, otherwise, with her beauty, it would not be a big problem to get investment.

Sure enough, Cassandra Peterson was very grateful and liked Ronald's professional attitude towards her. She thanked him again and again and left.

"Well..." Ronald was not sure whether this script could make money, so he went back to his room and went to sleep.

Ronald was using yoga breathing techniques to fall asleep, and when he was half asleep and half awake, he saw a bright picture in front of his eyes. A sexy woman dressed very strangely was trying to touch the investor dressed in cowboy clothes, and stepped on his feet with a high heel.


Ronald's lower body tightened with a scream. This strange woman was Elvira played by Cassandra Peterson. Fortunately, he saw that she was a woman who liked others to treat her with a professional attitude in life.

"I quit, go home and find your cow to milk it?" Elvira screamed. The poor rancher investor was pushed to the ground. The footage of Elvira accusing him of sexual harassment and swearing was broadcast live on TV. Elvira had no choice but to go to her aunt to receive the inheritance.

The screen was intermittent, and Ronald saw a lot of Cassandra Peterson's wonderful performance. How should I put it? Her acting skills are good, but she was dragged down by some stupid routines in this B-level movie. She should be able to act in better scripts.

However, the movie itself is also entertaining. Compared with those films that Michelle Cannold had shot before that were not released and were directly supplied to videotapes, the quality is several levels higher.

"Elvira, Elvira, as long as you come back, the hotel in town will always reserve a room for you."

The last scene is that Elvira was recognized by the residents of the town, got her uncle's inheritance, and went to Las Vegas to do her own show.

Cassandra Peterson wore a revealing black hollow dress with tassels hanging on her chest, and then like a stripper, she began to dance a special dance step, exerting her waist and hips, holding her chest and head high, and letting the tassels begin to spin.

"Oh...shxt!" Ronald couldn't help laughing and crying when he saw this. How could such a self-disciplined woman like to play such a low-class and vulgar plot?

Regardless of Elvira in the play or Cassandra Peterson outside the play, they are both willing to sacrifice for the movie, but not in life.

"Hmm...hmm..." As if he had used too much energy, the yoga breathing method could not support the picture, and Ronald fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, Ronald got on the plane. When he was in the air, he took out his notebook and began to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this "Soul Master".

The market for movies is relatively small, but there is a potential videotape market. The acting and the script are online, but they are not suitable for the taste of mainstream audiences.

"Let's find some interested and experienced people to cooperate with us." Ronald thought of a countermeasure, closed his notebook, and started to sleep on the private plane again.

This Gulfstream small plane is really suitable for business travel.

Remember the domain name: .w.8.2... when watching the first release of Exploitation Hollywood in 1980. Mobile domain name:

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