Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 430: The Cannon Brothers Who Are Disagreeing with Each Other

The chairman of the jury has a great influence on the Cannes awards. This year, the chairman of the Cannes Golden Palm Award jury is an old handsome man - Yves Montand.

He is a famous singer and star with dual nationality of Italy and Britain. In a jury composed of a group of Souville directors, British producers, Polish directors, and Americans, he stands out.

"Why let a singer, a poor actor, be the chairman of the jury?" Ronald sat with his agent Richard and Daydream's distribution manager Michel Cannold for dinner. Holding the conference brochure, he was very puzzled by the taste of the organizing committee.

"Ha, Ronald. You should understand. The film festival itself, like a movie, needs a publicity gimmick. In Hollywood, the marketing cost of a movie without a star is more than twice that of a movie with a star."

Richard has been here for a few days and has seen too much of the promotional materials of the film festival. From the old face of Yves Montand, he knows that Cannes chose a star as the chairman for its own popularity.

This handsome old man is also well-known in America. Like Alain Delon, he is one of the most famous handsome stars in Western Europe.

Americans are most familiar with his affair with Marilyn Monroe. He starred in one of Monroe's last few films, "Let's Make Love".

"Being a judge is a very serious matter and very difficult. Cannes will have 300 films submitted for selection every year, and only 20 will be selected for the Grand Jury Prize and the Palme d'Or. We judges are like lumberjacks. We can only chop, chop, chop for movies... This makes me sad. All choices must be judged according to artistic standards."

Yves Montand was being interviewed on TV. Cannold's assistant knew French and translated it for the audience on the spot.

Ronald saw Yves Montand on TV, with swollen eye bags and dull eyes. It was obvious that his face was swollen due to excessive indulgence. He thought, how can this person have the nerve to talk about art?

"Behind all these movies are the directors' great efforts. We can't blame the director for the problems of the finished film because of other people's mistakes. Maybe the actors were not in good condition today, or the lighting person was distracted, or the editor cut the body into three parts and then put the head and tail together..."

"Puff..." Ronald laughed so hard that the water in his mouth sprayed out, and he quickly wiped it with a napkin. Everything is expensive in Cannes during the film festival, and the price of mineral water is as high as that of Bordeaux red wine.

I don't know why this Yves Montand started to praise the director. The author-director theory that the Chinese people adhere to believes that the director controls all aspects of the film and is responsible for the final effect of the film. When it comes to Yves Montand, mistakes can be pushed to others, and the honor goes to the director.

"If I were to make a movie in China, I would be praised like this."

"Uh... I'm afraid Cannes doesn't like our movie very much, and it's impossible for us to enter even the secondary competition unit. We just premiered at the film festival." Michel Cannold thought Ronald wanted to participate, and quickly said his observations.

First of all, Cannes doesn't like blockbuster movies, nor does it like classic narrative methods that please the audience. Finally, they also hate Hollywood and think that commercial movies have gone astray.

"Don't worry, I'm just kidding." Ronald certainly knows that he has no chance in Cannes. Moreover, he has also made movies like "Top Gun" that praise the military strength of the United States. If American directors are not anti-war, they are not welcome in Cannes.

"But it's enough that we are welcomed by the audience."

Cannold took out the poster he had prepared, which showed Jennifer Grey's flying skirt and Patrick Schweitzer's strong body.

"Very good, how are our audience reservations?" Ronald put down his knife and fork and asked about the attendance of the premiere.

"Very good, the audience here still remembers your 'break dance', and they are very enthusiastic to see you bring another dance movie. Our premiere is hard to get tickets, and we are trying to find a way to add one more show."

"Very good, I'll go find Minahan and see if he has any ideas. Cannon is now the largest film producer and sponsor of the Cannes Film Festival. The roadside from the airport is full of their advertisements."

That night, Ronald slept in a small hotel in Cannes to adjust to the jet lag. Every award season here, the hotel is fully booked, and the price of this kind of small hotel is also very outrageous.

Take off your shoes and socks, and let your toes curl up on the carpet like a fist.

Ronald remembered the little trick he dreamed of on the plane, and did it a few times, and felt that it worked. The congestion of the extremities caused by flying has improved a lot.

Since practicing yoga breathing methods, Ronald seems to be more likely to dream about movies. However, this triggered dream is not as long and clear as before, often only a small clip, and I don't know which movie it is.

The beginning was so slow, it took only one minute to shoot after getting off the plane. Was it a slow-paced drama?

Ronald found a notebook to record the scenes, took a hot bath, and fell asleep.

Ronald slept very deeply, and didn't dream of anything. The morning sun shone through the window onto the bed, and the warm feeling woke Ronald up.

"Let's go find Minahan," Ronald finished breakfast and walked to the big hotel where the Cannon's people were staying with his agent Richard.

"The current Cannes(es) Film Festival is really going to be renamed Cannon() Film Festival."

Cannon Pictures movie posters are also everywhere on the roadside billboards. There are two at most, one is "Superman IV" and the other is Masters of the Universe.

The muscular figures of Christopher Reeve and Dolph Lundgren above attracted many girls from China to stop and watch.

"Why are there no posters from other movies? There are also many Cannon Company logos?"

Ronald didn't quite understand the layout of the cannon. These advertising spaces must have cost a lot of money. Why didn't they put movie posters, but instead used them for company logos?

"I heard that many Cannon movies have been postponed this year, and the main focus will be on these two movies." Richard attended many events in Cannes and told Ronald some of the news he heard.

"Oh," Ronald nodded. These two movies have a lot of special effects. Minahan also said that the two movies are still in post-production. They must be a blockbuster and bring Superman back into the eyes of American audiences.

"Minahan, where is Minahan?" Arriving at the hotel where the Cannon people were staying, Ronald saw a group of people surrounding their president, Yoram.

He was wearing a white long-sleeved T-shirt, beige pants, and a pair of large sunglasses on his face. The people around him were surrounding him like a king.

"Where's your money? Why haven't you paid it yet? When I do business, I always pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand. Everyone competes fairly."

Most of the people around me are movie buyers from all over the world. Many of them don't speak English, and they can't understand the outline of the story on the poster. They only know that it's Superman and the one who almost beat Rocky. Lundgren.

But even this made them wave their checks to buy copies of Yoram's Cannon and put them back. Who doesn’t love watching Hollywood stars? Anyway, it’s Superman, or He-Man who is similar to Superman, so it doesn’t prevent the audience from understanding the plot if they can’t understand what he says.

"Ronald", Yoram saw Ronald walking in, and immediately separated from everyone and came to hug him.

"I'm so happy to see you again in Cannes. I remember the past of killing everyone here. How about this time, will the dance film be distributed overseas and handed over to our cannons? You know my credibility. Yes, there have never been any problems with payment.”

"Okay, you've made an agreement with my subordinate, Michelle Cannold, and I'll leave all the distribution matters to him."

Ronald didn't know much about overseas distribution, so he gave Cannold carte blanche to handle it. Anyway, the price is high.

"Everyone, do you know him? This is Ronald Lee, the director of our previous Cannon Dance blockbuster, Break Dance. He made another dance movie this year. If you are interested, please talk to him, and also to me. Okay, we are all good friends.”

When buyers from various countries heard that Ronald was the director of "Break Dance", they immediately swarmed around him, speaking English with various accents, and wanted to buy his movie.

"Break dancing" has become very popular in European and Asian countries in recent years. The closing ceremony of the 1984 Olympic Games was broadcast around the world, sparking the break dancing trend around the world. Just scraped through these backward countries.

Their fashion trends are always one or two years behind America's.

"Okay, you go and talk to my manager Cannold about this. We are going to have the premiere in a few days. Anyone who likes can go and see it."

Ronald was a little overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of these people, but fortunately Richard helped him block some people.

"How about it? Our cooperation is a perfect match. Your film is popular with third-world audiences, and we have complete global distribution channels."

"I still say what I said, go to Cannold. Under the same conditions, I will definitely come to you Cannon. By the way, where is Minahan? Why didn't you see him." Ronald didn't want to be taken advantage of, so he casually declined the appointment. Ram asks him to relent now.

"He is talking about production with a few star actors in the room. You... you take Ronald up to find my cousin." Yoram ordered an assistant to take Ronald upstairs.

"Relax, relax, we will praise you as Stallone's successor, it just takes a little time. Duff, do you think you are worse than Stallone? But becoming famous takes time. If your Masters of the Battle Zone Universe), you become a star, right?”

When Ronald walked in, he saw Minahan chatting with the muscular Dolph Lundgren.

"Minahan!" Ronald called him.

"Ronald, let me introduce you. This is Lundgren, another action star of our Cannon." Minahan was very happy to see Ronald coming.

"I've seen your performance, it's impressive." Ronald shook hands with Longgren politely. In the Rocky series of movies, he played the Seville League boxer, who beat Rocky's opponent, friend, and coach, the black boxing champion Apollo, to death in the first two movies.

Of course, Ronald was being completely polite. In that movie, Lundgren could only flex his muscles and had no acting skills at all.

But with such explosive muscles, you actually don’t need any acting skills to play a villain. The block is even bigger than Stallone, and the audience will know it is the Russian Hercules at a glance.

"Minahan, I don't care what you say, I will accept the media interview myself. Sorry, Ronald, we meet under these conditions."

Lunger was angry and flexed his biceps at Minahan. He made a threatening gesture. Then he nodded to Ronald and went out.

"Ronald, I'm sorry to make you laugh. Dove wants to be famous. Now his movie is still in post-production and has not been released in Cannes. He didn't have the opportunity to hold a press conference after he came, and he was a little unhappy."

"Oh, is it okay?" Ronald thought to himself, if he was also fooled by Minahan, he could only help to sell copies as a model at the trade show, and he didn't have the opportunity to enjoy the star treatment and accept media interviews, he would probably be dissatisfied.

"It's okay", I'm fine to go down with you for a walk.

The two went downstairs, and Minahan did not mention the "Dirty Dancing" matter. "Now Yoram is responsible for most of the distribution and pre-sale business, and I am mainly responsible for production. So I will let Yoram talk to your people about your film distribution. Let's talk about movies. In essence, I am an artist."

"Of course..." Ronald felt the power rise and fall trend of the two brothers within Cannon. He really liked to talk to Minahan who wanted to make a movie.

The two walked out of the hotel, put on sunglasses, and walked in the sunshine of Cannes.

"Minahan, you liar, where is the film investment you promised me?"

The two walked a distance, and an actress with heavy eye shadow, high hair, black leather clothes and high heels suddenly rushed in front of the two and started to curse.

"Ah..." Ronald was frightened and jumped aside.

The woman was dressed like a medieval witch, and what was particularly important was that her leather clothes were very low-cut, and her white and tall figure appeared in front of Ronald.

"Cassandra, Cassandra, the box office failure of The Lost City of Gold is not our fault. Who let that actor named Stone mess up all the performances? I will definitely film the script I promised you.

But you have to be patient, patient. The most important thing to make a movie is patience."

"Humph, you have been telling me to be patient for months, but I have no patience anymore. Can't I make "The Ecstasy" without you? I dressed like this just to find a few big sponsors in Cannes and make it myself."

"Cassandra, don't be like this, didn't we agree? This will be your masterpiece. Right, you don't believe me, but you don't believe Ronald?"

Minahan said, pushing Ronald out.

"Hello, Cassandra." Ronald remembered this actress who played the female villain in the follow-up movie of Indiana Jones, "The Lost City of Gold".

"I remember giving you my business card. If you have any good scripts, just go talk to my Daydream script assistant."

"Really? I'll find one when I get to Los Angeles..."

"Is this how you dress in the script?" Ronald asked her, looking at the strange outfit.

"Yes, yes, I dressed like this on purpose, hoping to find a rich man willing to invest."

"Good luck then." Ronald shook hands with her. The outfit was indeed impressive.

"They always want too much and too fast. We at Cannon have long-term plans to cultivate stars." Minahan lost face in front of Ronald and quickly tried to make up for it.

"Of course, Stallone is still here, and the audience won't go to see Lundgren's muscles." Ronald echoed.

The two walked to the beach, where the spring breeze was blowing and the sun was very comfortable.

"We haven't taken photos for a long time, right?" Ronald thought the blue sky and white clouds and the beach and coast were very beautiful, so he wanted to take a photo with his old friend Minahan.

"I have a camera here." Minahan took out a small Rollei camera.

"Excuse me, can you take a photo for us?" Ronald found a young man and woman with their backs to him and politely asked for help.

"Ronald, why are you here?"

"Yes, why are you here? Isabella, who is this?"

Ronald realized that the woman wearing a plain T-shirt, trousers and sandals, without makeup, and looking like a tourist rather than a film practitioner, was actually Isabella Rossellini.

Since her divorce from Martin Scorsese, Ronald and her have rarely seen each other. He only knew that she was a model for Lancome and had filmed "Blue Velvet" with her boyfriend David Lynch, and her hot performance caused quite a stir.

But this time, the man next to her was not Lynch, but another European-looking man, about the same age as Isabella.

"My mother likes the country of hair and used to live here for a while every year. I also want to enjoy a quiet life. Not many people recognize me here."

Isabella Rossellini was not wearing makeup and was dressed very ordinary. At first glance, she was not recognizable.

"Oh, it's impossible. Anyone who has seen Ms. Bergman's movies will recognize you." Minahan stepped forward, held Isabella's hand, and shook it vigorously. He was a loyal fan of the Golden Age of Hollywood, and was overjoyed to see Bergman's daughter.

"This is Mr. Minahan Golan, he is the boss of Cannon Pictures."

Ronald introduced them to each other, "Who is this?"

Now he had to introduce them, so Ronald had to step forward and ask if Isabella was secretly traveling with her lover.

"Hahaha..." Isabella saw the expression on Ronald's face and guessed what he was thinking, "This is Roberto, my brother."

"Oh, I've heard a lot about you," Ronald thought to himself. Isn't this the pregnant child that caused Bergman to leave her husband and elope with Italian director Rossellini?

"Hello, let me take pictures for you." Roberto took the Rollei camera and asked Ronald and Minahan to stand together and take a few pictures. Then Isabella took a picture with the two of them.

"This year is the 40th anniversary of Cannes. The organizer will hold a birthday party. Will you go, Ronald?"

Isabella is a supermodel. She posed for a few poses and took a picture with Minahan, which made him laugh happily.

"I'm not a director participating in the competition. The organizing committee should not have given me an invitation."

"How can that be? I'll ask someone to give you one." Because of her parents, Isabella has many senior acquaintances in the film industry in the United States and Italy. If she hadn't developed in America, it would have been easy for her to enter the European film industry.

"You must come." Isabella asked Ronald about his hotel, waved to him, and left with her brother.

"She really looks like Bergman." Minahan was still sighing.

Ronald shook his head. This guy was too obsessed with the past Hollywood. The audience and market today are completely different from the past. Television has attracted most of the adult audiences. Only the stars or plots they are interested in can attract them back to the cinema.

Repeating the classic movie plots of the past will definitely not make a hit movie.

"Hey," Ronald didn't know what to say, and patted Minahan on the shoulder. This old friend is actually a movie fan who wants to restore the glory of Hollywood in the past, and also wants to restore the era of big studios, when stars and studios are tied together and four or five movies are made a year.

Is it said that he has a deep love for classic Hollywood movies, or is he just trying to find a sword in the boat?

In any case, the glory of Hollywood movies in the past has long gone with the advent of television. Now, we still need to use some new thinking to make movies.

"I said, it seems that you don't have many films to screen in Cannes this year." Ronald asked Minahan on the way back.

"The special effects of the two big productions that were originally scheduled to be released in Cannes are still being produced, so we can't do anything. Fortunately, Cannon is well-known, and those movie buyers from all over the world still trust us."

"Do you have any extra screenings here that can be allocated to my "Dirty Dancing"? "

"Of course, your overseas distribution... Forget it, let Yoram talk to you. I can't wait to see your second dance movie."

Minahan regained his enthusiasm and pulled Ronald to talk about "Dirty Dancing".

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