After a long period of spying on intelligence, Lu Ning also had a general understanding of the strength in the Juli Musk Ox Territory.

Before the other party used the third-order ferocious beasts, the situation was already chaotic, and the battle line they formed would be torn open a small gap from time to time, and then there were many ferocious beasts pouring in from the gap and starting to destroy from the inside.

Every time the front is torn open, it will lead to the death of more than a dozen or even dozens of people.

Nowadays, the time for the revival of Aura is not long, and there are not many soldiers who have experienced the battle with the beasts.

Many young soldiers with little experience overflowed with unconscious fear in their hearts when faced with fierce beasts that were completely unafraid of firepower.

After all, a huge ferocious beast rushing towards you with a hail of bullets is a normal person who will be afraid.

But if over time, these protectors of ordinary people will eventually grow in blood and fire, and even if the battle line is briefly torn apart, it will not cause too many casualties.

In the first attack, both sides tacitly chose a tentative attack, so the number of troops invested was not very large.

The beast herd wants to adapt the largest number of ordinary ferocious beasts to the cannon fire of the battlefield, which is a fear of fire inherent in their genes during the thousands of years of their rule, which needs to be slowly tempered to stimulate their ferocity.

The same is true on the human side, accustomed to thousands of years of contempt for animals, and now it takes time to adjust to the bloody fear of ferocious beasts.

When the fierce battle was raging, there was a sudden roar of elk on the west side of the battle line.

Zhao Gu, a third-order ferocious beast,

slowly changed from solemn to relaxed.

The east and west sides of the front were not his people, and with Lu Li's cooperation, Zhao Gu's army was in the center of the battle line and was used as the strongest breakthrough force.

Despite the danger, with the cooperation of the team of alchemists, his casualties were the smallest among all the families, and the credit was also the greatest.

Those alchemists were carefully cultivated by the Lu family, and they had long been adapted to fighting fierce beasts, and with the cooperation of infantry fighting vehicles, they were not only brave, but they didn't even have to worry too much about their own danger, after all, there were those ordinary soldiers as bait.

On the west side of the front.

An elk with a shoulder height of nearly four meters suddenly appeared in the beasts, and the huge antlers resisted an infantry fighting vehicle, instantly penetrating several weak defenses, and after a roar, the chariot was flown out of place for more than ten meters.

The elk was still unhappy, roared like a peerless ferocious beast, and continued to rush towards the infantry fighting vehicle!"

"Is this really an herbivore, how can it be more ferocious than those carnivores?" "

It's good when you come, can't you go back?" Shock

, panic, and doubt spread across the surrounding soldiers, and this suddenly appeared elk like a peerless beast in their eyes.

Several solid shells hit it only sparked, and even the body did not retreat too much.

Several soldiers have died at the feet of this elk, and the infantry fighting vehicle that was flown by the top has all been shocked to death.

For a time, the battle line was instantly broken through by this third-order ferocious beast.

A large number of low-level ferocious beasts and fierce animals began to pour in from the gap.

Zhao Gu had a slight smile on his face, but his mouth broke through in the channel and cursed: "What are you doing on the western front, even if thousands of your own people are soft-footed shrimp, do you want all of us to die with you?" Although

the situation seems to be extremely critical, it seems that the battle line will begin to collapse from the inside in the next second, and then everyone will die in the mouth of the ferocious beast.

But Zhao Gu saw very clearly that this level of rout could be made up for with a little more human life.

The more such accidents, the more conducive it will be to the distribution of future benefits

! The soldiers are some fierce beasts who are not adapted to fighting and are not afraid of bullets, but this does not mean that they are soft persimmons!

Yuan Jun's face was livid, and he walked directly out of the command vehicle, directly to an infantry fighting vehicle, pulled away an infantry fighting vehicle driver, and sat up himself.

"All his horse's to Lao Tzu together, if Lao Tzu's golden life hangs here, you all have to give Lao Tzu a burial, his Lailai's ......"

Yuan Jun roared in the channel, casually smashing the walkie-talkie in the infantry fighting vehicle.

As the eldest son of the Yuan family, Yuan Jun naturally had the confidence to say this.

The thousands of soldiers brought this time are now half involved in this western front, but there are constant small chaos, which makes other families see a lot of jokes.

If Yuan Jun died here, those soldiers would undoubtedly be held accountable, and it was impossible to directly execute everyone, but except for those big-headed soldiers, all the other grassroots commanders could not escape death.

Nearly half of the grassroots commanders on the west side of the battle line changed their faces and drove their command vehicles in the rear to rush forward.

After a while, the infantry fighting vehicles of the three inner and outer layers launched a charge towards the third-order elk.

The outermost is the combat vehicle of ordinary soldiers, and in the middle there are comically various command vehicles, and even the large vehicle-mounted radar on many command vehicles is constantly rotating, and the infantry fighting vehicle driven by Yuan Jun is surrounded in the middle.

What kind of joke, this Yuan Jun wants to die, these people don't want to die yet!

This convoy was like a torrent of steel, and after just a few minutes, it filled the gap that had been opened by the battle line and repelled the murderer.

The brazenness of this convoy also immediately attracted the attention of the elk.

According to the original plan, in order to make the human side take it lightly on the first day, he would not use a powerful third-order ferocious beast.

But this long-haired elk is an exception, its long-haired defense is extremely strong, coupled with the physical fitness of a third-order ferocious beast, it is not too afraid of the "small-caliber" solid bullet of this infantry fighting vehicle.

Because the death of a large number of similar people on this front aroused its ferocity, coupled with its disdain for human attacks, it took the initiative to stand up.


After a loud deer chirp, the long-haired elk lowered its head, put its sharp horns in front of it, and suddenly launched an attack on the convoy




the face of the infantry fighting vehicle group, its target pointed directly at the center where Yuan Jun was located

! The solid bullet hit the long-haired elk and sparked dazzling sparks from time to time, and although it consumed a lot of physical strength of the long-haired elk, it did not stop its offensive in the slightest!

More than a dozen infantry fighting vehicles weighing nearly two tons were twisted crooked by the antlers, and the soldiers in the vehicles were also dizzy, and lost their combat effectiveness for a while.

Yuan Jun looked at the long-haired elk that came straight towards him, his face pale.

On the front lines of the battlefield, no one can stop this beast.

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